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Balotabot, Kamela Kim G.



• Identify the use the plural form of regular nouns used in the sentences.
• Discuss the rules the of using the plural form of regular nouns in the sentence.
• Give different nouns in one’s environment in its plural form.


1. Identifying of how the plural form of regular nouns used in a given sentences.
2. Writing paragraphs and sentences using the plural form of regular nouns

B. TOPIC: Use the Plural Form of Regular Nouns

K to 12 Curriculum Guide, p. 99

D. MATERIALS: Powerpoint presentation; Video clips

E. VALUES INFUSION: Feeling of contentment; Teamwork


A. Routine Activities
1. Prayer
a. The pupils will stand and pray.
2. Energizer
a. The class will play “Group Yourselves Into”
b. Pupils will participate in the play, they will group themselves as what they are told
3. Greetings
a. The teacher will greet the pupils.
b. The pupils will greet the teachers and their classmates.
4. Checking of Attendance
a. The teacher will check the attendance of the pupils.
5. Classroom Management
a. The teacher will check the orderliness of the classroom
6. Passing of Assignment
a. The teacher will ask pupils to pass their assignment.
b. Pupils will pass their assignments.

7. Review
 Recall on previous lesson—NOUN
 Teacher will ask the students on the meaning of noun/concrete noun.
 Pupils will answer:
Noun are words that name a person, a place or a thing.
Concrete nouns are nouns that can be seen and touched.

8. Motivation
Video clip of the "2 Hats, 2 Cats and 1 Dog"
a. The teacher will flash pictures of different nouns with singular and plural form.
b. The pupils will identify the form of nouns (singular or plural)

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation of the Lesson
The teacher will play video – “The Greedy Woman”

a. The pupils will analyze the video presented

b. The teacher will ask the following questions:

• What do you notice woman?
• Which words mean only one?
• Which words mean many?
• How do you make words mean many?
• Are there other ways we can make words mean many?

The learners will answer.

The woman wants more than what she needs.
Singular means only.
Plural means more than one.
Some words add s to become many.
Yes, other words form their plural by changing another letter and add s.

2. Discussion
The teacher will present a powerpoint presentation on Plural Form Rules with
a. Rule 1: The plural of nouns is usually form by adding “s” to a singular noun.
Example: Cake / Cakes
Claw / Claws
Feather / feathers
Stamp / stamps
b. Rule 2: Nouns ending in s, sh, ch, x, or z form the plural by adding es.
Example: Class / Classes
Dish / Dishes
Church / Churches
Tax / Taxes Box / Boxes
Buzz / Buzzes
c. Rule 3: Nouns ending in an ‘o’ that is preceded by a vowel, form the plural by
adding “s”.
Example: Patio / Patios
Rodeo / Rodeos
d. Rule 4: Some nouns ending in “o” that is preceded by a consonant, form the
plular by adding “s” while others add “es”. Some form the plural either way.
Example: Kimono / Kimonos
Tomato / Tomatoes
Mango / Magoes
Zero / Zeroes
Example of words where you might add either “s” or “es”.
Cargo / Cargoes / Cargos
Motto / Mottoes / Mottos
e. Rule 5: Nouns ending in y and preceded by a consonant can be changed into its
plural form by changing the y to i and adding es. Those preceded by a vowel,
form plural by adding s as in rule number14.
Example: Baby / Babies
Body / Bodies
City / Cities
Lobby / Lobbies
Spy / Spies

Each of the following end in y and form plural by adding s.

Example: Boy / boys
Medley / medleys
Valley / valleys

f. Rule 6: Most nouns ending in f or fe form plural by changing f or fe into v and

adding es.
Example: Leaf / leaves
Thief / thieves
Wife / wives
Wolf / Wolves

Of course as in may other rules, there are exemptions. The word hoof can be
written in its plural form as either hoofs or hooves.

g. Rules 7: Some nouns form the plural by change in the vowel, and, sometimes
the consonants
Example: Foot / Feet
Goose / Geese
Louse / Lice
Mouse / Mice
Woman / Women

h. Rule 8: Some nouns have the same for both singular and plural.
Example: Aircraft / Aircraft
Headquarters / Headquarters
Series / Series
Deer / Deer

3. Practice Exercises

a. Game “Forming Plurals”

The teacher will explain the game. One pupil will say the word in singular
form and his chosen partner will say it in plural.

The teacher will show sentences on the screen with the bold letter of
noun to be changed into plural form.

The pupils choose their partner and will play the game “Forming Plural”
1. The company fired some employee.
2. The last bencher are always disturbing the entire class.
3. Student from the Open category are not allowed to write an exam.
4. There are so many village near my hometown.
5. The customer are bargaining with the shopkeeper.
6. Player are not performing well due to humidity.
7. The candidate knows many language.
8. Thought swing the mood of a person.
9. Some employee are very talented in our department.
10. Most of the leaf fell from the tree.
11. Tree are cutting rapidly for some project work.
12. People came asking for permission.
13. Grandmothers always tell story to kids.
14. He won many trophy in childhood.
15. The computer lab has a lot of computer.
16. Elephant are enjoying themselves in the pond.
17. Potato are rich in starch.
18. Some lady are gossiping about each other.
19. My friend ordered some storybook online.
20. The dignitary are arriving shortly.

Answers should be:

Singular Plural Singular Plural

1. Employee Employees 11. Tree Trees
2. Bencher benchers 12. People People
3. Student Students 13. Story Stories
4. Village Villages 14. Trophy Trophies
5. Costumer Costumers 15. Computer Computers
6. Player Players 16. Elephant Elephants
7. Language Languages 17. Potato Potatoes
8. Thought Thoughts 18. Lady Ladies
9. Employee Employees 19. Storybook Storybooks
10. Leaf Leaves 20. Dignitary Dignitaries

4. Independent Exercises
 Pupils will give five nouns related to their day-to-day life, write its plural form.

C. Generalization
 The teacher will ask:
 What is a noun?
 How to form a plural form a nouns?
 Give the rules in forming a plural nouns?
1. Application
The class will form 6 groups of 5 members
Each group will be assigned one Rule in forming Plural Form of a Regular Noun
Each group create a jingle out of the assigned Rule and perform in on the class.

a. The teacher will present rubrics for each activity:

Exemplary Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Score
CONTENT: 50% Assigned rule was Assigned rule was Assigned rule was
clearly presented presented and memorized. not clearly
and memorized presented and
QUALITY OF The presentation The presentation was The presentation
PRESENTATION: 30% was easy to understandable. The rules was hard to
understand. The are grammatically correct. understand. The
rules are rules are
grammatically grammatically
correct. incorrect.
EFFECTIVENESS OF The start up to the The start was creative but No creativity at all.
PRESENTATION: 20% end was very not up to the end.


10-Item Quiz – Form the plural form of the following nouns:

1. Edge
2. Refugee
3. Fox
4. Truss
5. Currency
6. Firefly
7. Variety
8. Wolf
9. Man
10. Sheep
1. What are compounds nouns?
2. Search for the Rule in forming a Plural of Compound Nouns. Give examples of each Rule.

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