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New Testament writings generally.

Acts, from its very scope,

more queens were allowed to reign successively. In


ALBERT, FREDERICK AUGUSTUS, king of Saxony (18281902), was

consisting finally of three layers, the outer of which is

of Nicopolis (q.v.), into which the remaining inhabitants

differs widely from that of India. When, somewhere at the

Massawa taken over by them from Egypt in the following month.

is practically identical with the British service .303

ADJUTANT (from Lat. adjutare, to aid), a helper or junior in

of The Earlier Prophecies of Isaiah (1846), The Later

Itamaraca. Near its mouth, the Xingu expands into an


his mature life abroad and wrote numerous works on diverse

affairs, and having acquitted himself with credit with regard

exploit, and taught men to be eager to conquer their foe.''

is produced by small farmers, and by the time the product

quoted that which derives it from the Semitic radical resh

river having come to an end, the fleet was in the gravest

aside for the moment any discussion of the exact degree of

value'' which claims for the rose aesthetic rank as an object

of the duke's father, Prince Charles of Hesse, on the 20th

plants have a large rosette of thick fleshy leaves generally

crystals. Other names, now obsolete, are oisanite and

parts, grapes, figs, citrons, pomegranates and other fruits are

ALBA FUCENS (mod. Albe), an ancient Italian town occupying

is a monument of erudition and critical skill. He was the

Branca to Evora and Elvas. For administrative purposes the

is usual, for example, to speak of the Age of Pericles, the

succumbed on the 16th. On the 7th of December the princess

which is solely Alfred's and highly characteristic of his

only, but are capable of enduring and flourishing under

or breach of the contract, but against the Crown itself by

ALEXANDRIA, a city of Madison county, Indiana, U.S.A., about 46

It should be noted that this ``recovered sulphur,'' which is equal

and another, nitrous oxide, which had been lost sight of since

supplied with the article. A common law notice may also be

connected. It is exceedingly difficult, however, to form

kingdom; for partial albinism at least is known to occur in

population of 11,660 in 1902. The other chief town is

the Prinsen Gracht respectively, and these three celebrated

On one occasion peace was restored by his receiving Tavavich,

it up by practically destroying Buford's Virginia regiment

with a right ascension nearly equal to that of g Draconis,

inconsequents are very apt to occur. Of Niebuhr it is told

with the higher spiritual life, but, before the close of

numerous members did not extend to the common tenantry, who

which distinguishes their rude mythology is the worship

of historical, philosophical and philological studies.'' The

Alphonso VI. of Castile by a typical piece of flighty oriental

Wales . . . . . 207,929 29,435

For many personal anecdotes see de Slane's transl. of

An ancient aqueduct is built into the eastern side of the

Salamanca. He followed classical models so closely that he was

associates. The death of Colbert, who was succeeded by

being strengthened at the instigation of Arabi Pasha, the

The preceding summary shows the specialized nature which algebra

The Kingdom of God in Yourselves; My Faith; Confession; &c.

of Alencon sprang from Charles, second son of the count of

he took part in the war against the Hussites, and afterwards

The Etruscan alphabet, like the Latin, was of Chalcidian

prepared his Medulla Theologiae, a manual of Calvinistic

D.G. (Dei gratia), By the grace of God.

pretext of leading an expedition to the relief of Emin Pasha,

are wanting; but in their place, as might almost have been

frequently in connexion with the history of India in the

and requires only from 27 to 48 hours in the cool season; it

than the ingot, the latter being surrounded by a mass of

with Murtzuphlos (Alexius V.) to recover the throne. The

of the Frankish dominions. The Alamannic and Swabian dialects

The literature of agriculture, in abeyance since the treatise

Strogonov and Adam Czartoryski--to draw up a scheme of internal

Africa. He collected and described, in greater or less detail,

objects recognized as Aegean from tombs near Cadiz and from

(9) The bill of lading sometimes contains a clause as to

water), a river of south-west France, rising in the department

Assuming, however, that the original form of the ``Western''

conducted in this direction in Utah produced promising results.

showing that variations of every conceivable kind occur

These public treasures were deposited in the temple of

In the great battle between the Ancients and the Moderns

privileges. In 1290 the same Hamo obtained a grant of

raised in Britain from seed gathered at different altitudes.

Unpublished experiments by the writer give dE/dT. 106 =

only a short time there seems to be a certain risk due to

Augustus by his followers, preferred that high military command

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