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For more than 40 years, Mitsubisi vehicles have been present in Indonesia.

restructured its business on April 1, 2017 and transferred the Mitsubisi brand passenger and
light commercial vehicle distribution business in Indonesia to PT MMKSI.

This reorganization aims to focus more on each market segment, as well as respond to and
contribute to each market segment's requests in a timely and flexible manner. Mitsubisi hopes
to continue developing and expanding high-quality products and services because of this
organizational restructuring.

The human resources manager is formulating a strategic plan; he is convinced that worker
skill and customer satisfaction are linked. Furthermore, happier customers pay their bills
more quickly. It was assumed that as employees became more involved and productive, their
morale would improve. As a result, the strategy included key goals aimed at increasing
productivity and participation.

a. If workers' skills are improved and the manufacturing process is redesigned, manufacturing
cycle time will be reduced.
b. Rework will be reduced; and
c. Employee suggestions will be implemented more frequently.
d. As cycle time decreases, delivery reliability improves, and process costs decrease.
e. As delivery reliability improves, so will consumer retention.
f. As customer retention rises, so will market share.
g. As market share increases, so will sales.
h. As sales rise and costs falls, profits rise as well.
i. As profits rise, so will shareholder value.
j. Increase sales of new products.


1. What exactly is a balance scorecard? How does the balance scorecard help MMKSI
Company perform better?
2. Arrange the objectives by perspective and propose a measurement for each one
3. Create a strategy map that portrays the likely causal relationship between the strategic


1. Balance Scorecard adalah sebuah metode untuk menyusun strategi dan juga menakar
nilai-nilai dan performa dari suatu bisnis. Metode ini menggunakan berbagai
komponen seperti keuangan, pelanggan, operasi internal, dan inovasi sebagai pilar-
pilar yang menjadi indikator bagi sebuah perusahaan dalam perkembangannya.

Balance Scorecard dapat membantu MMKSI dalam

- Mengarahkan strategi dan tujuan utama dari perusahaan.
- Sarana evaluasi secara berkala untuk melihat kemajuan dari perusahaan.
- Sarana evaluasi performa bagi perusahaan

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