PW 1 Module 1 Compare Contrast Assignments June 2020

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Coursework Assignments

Module 1 B1+

Compare & Contrast Research Assignments

In this type of essay, you focus on the ways in which certain things or ideas—usually two of them—are similar to
(this is the comparison) and/or different from (this is the contrast) one another.

By assigning such essays, your instructors are encouraging you

 to make connections between texts or ideas
 to engage in critical thinking
 to go beyond description or summary to generate interesting analysis

When you reflect on similarities and differences, you gain a deeper understanding of the items you are
comparing, their relationship to each other, and what is most important about them.

Select one of the topics below from units 5 and 9 to compare and contrast and research supporting evidence to
support your claims.
1. The role of traditional media and social media in the developed world pg. 66
2. Class and status in the past and present day pg. 69
3. Social attitudes and economic conditions on consumer behavior in the developed world pg. 130
4. The way media proprietors view their audiences in the past and present pg. 126
5. Happiness from a political perspective, with a specific geological focus pg. 122
6. The marketing strategies used by two companies selling similar products pg. 120
You may design own topic from units 1 (Knowledge), 5 (Power) or 9 (Energy) of your textbook and have it
Topic: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Below are the objectives that must be included in from pages 128-131 of your textbook.
 Your thesis statement will identify the main topic, limitation and essay instruction.
 Show similarities and differences between 2 items
 Explain how one is better than the other
 Establish criteria to be compared and contrasted
 Organize ideas logically into coherent paragraphs (block by-block or point-by-point)
 Include all 3 required sections (introduction, body and conclusion)
 Use appropriate compare/contrast and evaluative language

Tip: You must meet coursework requirements in two sections: section 1 essay + section 2 presentation to progress to
the next level: Pathway 2.
PATHWAY ILAC Class Coursework Requirement
Pathway 1.1/1.2 65% or higher
See the next page for Pathway 1 Coursework Assignment Guidelines.

OXFORD B1+ | PATHWAY 1 | © ILAC |Last Modified June 12, 2020

Coursework Assignments

Pathway 1 Assignment Guidelines

Section 1
Long Research Essay (30%)
 330 – 375 words (2 pages) not including reference list
 Include word count on the last page
 Typed in APA citation format

Speaking Assessments x 2 (10%)

 Formal or Informal Assessments
 Possible speaking tasks can include: Spot Presentations, Oral Summaries, Partner or Group Discussions, Interviews,
Debates, Seminars or Panel Discussions

Vocabulary Quiz (5%)

 assesses academic-level vocabulary and language use

Participation (5%)
 complete assignments
 participate in class tasks (online + offline) and discussions

Section 2
PowerPoint Presentation (20%)
 Topic may be the same as the long research essay
 All topics must be approved in advance
 4 – 5 minutes – students can use PowerPoint, if they would like
 Maximum 4 – 8 slides including citations
 Must include visuals, no videos and all visuals must be cited in APA format
 Must include a bibliography as the last slide

Writing Task (15%)

 200 – 300 words
 Include word count on the last page
 Can be written as an offline assignment
 Writing structure based on course textbook

Speaking Assessments x 1 (5%)

o Formal or Informal Assessments
o Possible speaking tasks can include: Spot Presentations, Oral Summaries, Partner or Group Discussions,
Interviews, Debates, Seminars or Panel Discussions

Vocabulary Quiz (5%)

o assesses academic-level vocabulary and language use

Participation (5%)
o complete assignments
o participate in class tasks (online + offline) and discussions

OXFORD B1+ | PATHWAY 1 | © ILAC |Last Modified June 12, 2020

Coursework Assignments


 NO Wikipedia,, or anthology type websites permitted
 NO translated material; sources must be in English
 Multiple source formats required (books, journals, articles, etc.)
o print sources must be available for review, if requested by the teacher
o maximum 3 non-news or non-government websites

MARKING (see ILAC Pathway Rubrics for more details):

Your essay will be marked according to the following:
 Format (APA format, in-text citations, Bibliography)
 Content (logical arguments, critical thinking, support of claims)
 Structure (style, sentences, paragraphs, essay)
 Coherence/Cohesion (logical division of ideas, discourse markers, transitions)
 Task Achievement

Your presentation will be marked according to the following:

 Delivery (voice, body language, professionalism)
 Research and Citation (APA format, style, citations)
 Content (logical arguments, critical thinking)
 Design (image use, colour, font, etc.)
 Participation and Preparation (attendance, cell phone use, questioning, etc.)

 Files must be typed and saved with your name, and types of essay as the file name (ex. Henry Sanders
Compare and Contrast Essay)
 Files must be .doc format only
 Email only one file as an attachment to the teacher

 For a complete list of guidelines, see the course policies document or
 Late submissions are penalized 10% every 24 hours they are late
 Plagiarism will be reported to the academic department, and may result in a score of zero (0)
 If the essay is under or over the specified word count, deductions may be applied
 Deadlines are strictly enforced as to provide sufficient grading time

OXFORD B1+ | PATHWAY 1 | © ILAC |Last Modified June 12, 2020

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