Imrad Malunggay1

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In this age, many attempts have been done to make engineerings that can be

utilized in any human enterprise. Production of electricity in biological means is one of

these attempts of innovations and inventions. In the Philippines, some people in local

places still live in the dark because of having no access to electricity. These places are

deprived from development and still lives in a place where the advancement of

technology has not taken over yet. This gives them the inability to access easier way of

living. In response to this, the researchers came up with the idea of producing electricty

by biological means with the use of malungay bark with the help of saltwater.

Malunggay (moringa oleifera) is a tree that grows in states with tropical clime

such as the Philippines. This tree can be easy propagated since malunggay can be grown

from seeds or mature root film editings. In the state, this tree is normally found in family

backyard, aligned with margin fencings, since the comestible and alimentary flowers,

fruits, and foliages of malunggay are portion of the diet of Filipinos. Aside from the

nutritionary value of some parts of malunggay, all parts of this tree are used in herbal

medical specialty to bring around some diseases. Given that this tree can function several

intents, malunggay becomes in demand.

The study aspired to produce an alternative source of electricity that is not

harmful yet cheap.

The study addressed the following specific question: How does Malunggay

Barks-Saltwater Infusion will be efficient in terms of AC (alternating current) supply?

This study assumed that the Malunggay Barks-Saltwater Infusion can produce enough


This study helps people who cannot access electricity to produce their own and use it

effectively to increase their productivity. An energy supply that is very convenient and

can help people work efficiently. This should help us with the increasing demand of

electricity. The scarcity of electric energy can be solved as this study progresses.

Peoples are now cognizant of the harmful effects of conventional electricity coevals

to human wellness and environment. Consequently, attempts and clip are spent in order

to detect alternate green – clean, natural, biological – beginnings of electricity, an action

that would minimise presence of harmful chemicals and gases in the environment. In

connexion to this impression, research workers have considered different workss,

different parts of works, and organisms as possible beginning of green electricity. ( U.S

Environmental Protection Agency, 2012 )

Basic illustration of green energy is electricity from fruits and veggies. Many people,

during childhood, have done schoolroom experiments to deduce electricity from lemon

and murphy. Consequences of these experiments proved that these stuffs can bring forth

electricity because juices of fruits and veggies act as electrolytes which initiate reaction

to liberate and travel negatrons. (Renico, 2012)

Malunggay (moringa oleifera) tree, which normally grows in tropical states such as

Philippines, is characterized by long, directly, white short pants; little, green, compound

leaves ; and seasonal white flowers that outputs long cods. This tree propagates easy and

does non- necessitate much attending. In fact, malunggay seeds or matured stem film

editing can be planted in any sort of dirt and does non-necessitate regular care. (Asia

Green Group, 2012)



The materials we gathered are: Malunggay Bark, Beaker, Stirring Rod, Blender,
Funnel, Filter Paper, Weighing Scale, Water, Salt, Ammeter, Voltmeter and Multi-meter.


A. Gathering of Materials

Figure 1: Collecting of Materials

The researchers gathered the materials in school science laboratory and Brgy.
Singalat, Palayan City in which laboratory apparatuses and malunggay barks were

B. Extraction of Malunggay Barks’

Figure 2: Peeling the Malunggay Figure 3: Extracting the

Bark Malunggay Bark

The researchers extracted the malunggay barks’ extract.

C. Crude Extraction

Figure 4: Filtering the extracted Figure 5: Weighing the filtered

malunggay barks extracted Malunggay barks’

The researchers filtered extracted Malunggay Barks’ extract using filter paper with
a measure of 20 mL and weighed 100 g.

D. Applying Saltwater with Malunggay Barks’ Extract

Figure 7: Applying and Mixing

Figure 6: Preparing Saltwater
Malunggay barks’ extract with saltwater

The researchers mixed 100 mL of extracted malunggay barks with saltwater.

E. Attaching the Materials to the Base

Figure 8: Attached receptacle Figure 9: Attached switch and

and bulb wires

The researchers attached receptacle, bulb, switch and wires to perform the testing.

F. Testing

Figure 10: Testing the voltage Figure 11: Testing the voltage
from the saltwater from the Malunggay Barks’ extract

Figure 12: Testing the voltage from Figure 13: Testing the LED
malunggay bark-saltwater infusion bulb to the solution

The researchers measured voltage that the saltwater and Malunggay barks

extract contains. They also measured the voltage of Malunggay Bark-altwater Infusion

and tested it on with 6V LED bulb.









The researchers conduct several experiments and come up with the following


Table 1: Measuring the voltage output of Saltwater solution

Voltage Output
Time T1 T2 T3 Sum Average

5 mins 39.8 V 39.9 V 39.3 V 119 V 39.67 V

10 mins 59.5 V 60.1 V 58.6 V 178.2 V 59.4 V

15 mins 73.9 V 72.1 V 74.3 V 220.3 V 73.43 V

The researchers measured the voltage that can produce in different time by the

saltwater solution. The average voltage that can produce within 5 mins is 39.67 V, in 10

mins id 59.4 V and in 15 mins 73.43 V.

Table 2: Measuring the voltage output of Malunggay Barks extract

Voltage Output
Time T1 T2 T3 Sum Average

5 mins 24.0 V 23.8 V 22.7 V 70.5 V 23.5 V

10 mins 30.1 V 35.3 V 32.3 V 97.7 V 32.57 V

15 mins 48.3 V 41.9 V 45.6 V 135.8 V 45.27 V

The researchers measured the voltage that can produce in different time by the

Malunggay Barks extract. The average voltage that can produce within 5 mins is 23.5 V,

in 10 mins is 32.57 V and in 15 mins 45.27 V.

Table 3: Measuring the voltage output of Malunggay Barks-

Saltwater Infusion

Voltage Output
Time T1 T2 T3 Sum Average

5 mins 37.7 V 39.5 V 39.9 V 117.1 V 39.03 V

10 mins 46.8 V 47.7 V 51.5 V 146 V 48.67 V

15 mins 54.0 V 60.7 V 45.6 V 160.3 V 53.43 V

The researchers measured the voltage that can produce in different time by the

Malunggay Barks-Saltwater Infusion. The average voltage that can produce within 5

mins is 39.03 V, in 10 mins is 48.67 V and in 15 mins 53.43 V.


Based on the consequences of statistical analysis and observations, the research

workers conclude that malunggay bark extract-saltwater infusion could be a potential

alternative source of electricity.

Also the following conclusions were obtained:

1. 300 mL of malunggay bark extract-saltwater infusion was enough to produce

electricity that could light up a bulb.

2. The larger the amount of solutions, the longer life span of malunggay bark-

saltwater infusion can happen.

3. As the time increases voltage is also increases.

4. The solution can last long within 6 days.


The researchers recommend the following recommendation for better results:

1. Use large amount of Malunggay Barks’ Extract for longer life span of producing


2. Use greater amount of ethyl alcohol and saltwater for greater voltage that can


3. Use G-Mag, a device that can be used in emergency situations and store

electricity just by adding malunggay bark-saltwater infusion.


( U.S Environmental Protection Agency, 2012 )

( Renico, 2012)

( Stanford University, 2010

( Arizona State University, 2008 )

( Asia Green Group, 2012 )

( Fahey, 2005 )


Appendices A

Cost Analysis

Materials Price (PhP)

Malunggay Barks 00.00

Wires 25.00

LED Bulb 50.00

Receptacle 10.00

Switch 25.00

Salt 5.00

TOTAL 115.00

Appendices B

Data Analysis

Anova: Single Factor

Coun Averag Varianc
Groups t Sum e e
Column 1 3 3 1 1
Column 2 3 6 2 1
Column 3 3 9 3 4

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
0.29629 5.14325
Between Groups 6 2 3 1.5 6 3
Within Groups 12 6 2

Total 18 8

Anova: Single Factor

Coun Su Averag Varianc
Groups t m e e
Column 1 3 0.6 0.2 0.04
Column 2 3 1.2 0.4 0.04
Column 3 3 1.8 0.6 0.16

Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between 0.29629 5.14325
Groups 0.24 2 0.12 1.5 6 3
Within Groups 0.48 6 0.08

Total 0.72 8


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