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Disease of Kidney

What more important kidney function ?

‫ماكو شي مو مفيد لكن القصد منو المهم ومنو االهم‬
Regulate electrolytes (K, Na, etc)
Regulate pH in blood
Regulate blood pressure
Regulate blood volume (removes excess fluid)
Removing metabolic wastes Urea, uric acid, and creatinine

SO/ Thelast one is least important of the kidney's functions Cuz You can survive for a few
weeks without excreting waste products in the urine, but hour by hour, the other functions
are more important .

Anatomy of the kidney for surgical importance

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Its location is intra abdominal , intra thoracic , retroperitoneal .

Intra abdominal and retroperitoneal

any problem in Intraperitonial will be excluded from kidney injury that mean ...
for example When stomach will perforated it will leakage from peritoneal cavity while
kidney leakage , urine will leakage out not from pertoneal cavity.

A dialysis using the abdomen to remove

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Intra -thoracic located anteriorlly to the posterior abdominal wall and cover by thoracic
cage -------⟶ any injury to thoracic cavity will transmittted by bone to the kidney
bone fractures ( Especially lower 3 ribs ) will penetrated the kidney .

Kidney layers

The RENAL CAPSULE surrounds the kidney, made of dense fibrous connective
its function to limit the dilatation of the kidney during maybe
1. infection
2. injury
3. Renal stone ---⟶ this layer not allow the kidney to distension of the kidney and that
cause sever pain
A layer of adipose tissue surrounds the capsule, called PARARENAL FAT (ADIPOSE).
It cushions ( mild trauma will absorbed ) and protects.
Around that is a connective tissue layer called the RENAL FASCIA, made of looss
connective tissue. It anchors the kidney to the surrounding peritoneum and
abdominal wall.
the bad thing/ It is not very strong; jumping up and down can cause tearing.

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kidney is mobile not fix.
when you examin the patient you do not except to find a palpable left kidney.

Kidney parts
cortex -----⟶ the functional part -----⟶ when loss of cortical thickness lead to loss of
kidney functions .
Kidney have End arteries , that mean the artery will end within the kidney with no
anastomosis , so where there is an area be avascularized that will cause loss the function
of this area .
The good thing
there is line (an aera ) have low vascularization, you can open the kidney without
damage it .

The development of the Urinary tract

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Congenital Renal anomalies Ureters anomalies others

Reenal dysplasia Ectopic ureters polycystic kidney disease

Renal hypoplasia ureteroceles Horseshoe kidney

Renal aplasia pelvic kidney

ureteropelvic juction aberrant vessels


vesicoureteral reflux

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