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Ministry OF Higher Education

And Scientific Research

University Of Zakho
Faculty Of Science
Department Of physics

Teqniquies of Integration

Prepared by: Supervised by:

Isam Najmaden
Silav Idrees Ghazi
Fkriya Xhdir
mona muhsen

Contents :
Abstract……………………………………………………………. 3
Introduction………………………………………………………… 4
Methods Of Integration ……………………………………………5
Integration By Parts ……………………………………………….6
Derivation of the formula for integration by parts………………..7
Order for integration by parts …………………………………… 9
Examples …………………………………………………………..9
Integration By Partial Fraction ………………………………….15
Case 1 ………………………………………………………………16
Case 2 ……………………………………………………………….17
Case 3………………………………………………………………...18
Reference …………………………………………………………….20


In this article we are going to be looking at various integration
techniques. There are a fair number of them and some will be easier than
others. The point of the chapter is to teach you these new techniques and
so this chapter assumes that you’ve got a fairly good working
knowledge of basic integration as well as substitutions with integrals by.
In fact, most integrals involving “simple” substitutions will not have any
of the substitution work shown. It is going to be assumed that you can
verify the substitution portion of the integration yourself.

Also, most of the integrals done in this chapter will be indefinite

integrals. It is also assumed that once you can do the indefinite integrals
you can also do the definite integrals and so to conserve space we
concentrate mostly on indefinite integrals.


The standard formulae for integration are only useful when the integrand
is given in the ‘standard’ form. For most physical applications or
analysis purposes, advanced techniques of integration are required,
which reduce the integrand analytically to a suitable solvable form. Two
such methods – Integration by Parts, and Reduction to Partial Fractions
are discussed here. Both have limited applicability, but are of immense
use in solving integrands which may seem unsolvable otherwise.

What are Methods of Integration?

Before proceeding with the methods of integration, let us first

recall the concept of integration. Integration is the process of
combining very small strips of a figure to get the area of the whole
figure. It gives the area under the curve of a function. We use
different methods of integration to find the integral of complex
functions. To simplify the integral problems, we need to identify

the type of function to be integrated and then apply the integration
method which makes it easier to solve. We also use trigonometric
formulas and identities as a method of integration to simplify the
trigonometric functions under integration.

List of Methods of Integration:

We can solve the integrals of functions using the inspection method. But
sometimes, this does not work and we need to simplify the function first
before evaluating its integral. To simplify these complex functions, we
use integration methods in calculus. Given below is the list of the
different methods of integration that are useful in simplifying
integration problems:
 Integration by Parts
 Method of Integration Using Partial Fractions
 Integration by Substitution Method
 Integration by Decomposition
 Reverse Chain Rule
 Integration Using Trigonometric Identities
Let us explore some of these methods of integration and see their
formulas which will help in identifying the correct integration method to


 Integration by Part :

Functions often arise as products of other functions, and we may be

required to integrate these products. For example, we may be asked to

∫ x cos x dx

Here, the integrand is the product of the functions x and cos x. A rule
exists for integrating products of functions and in the following section
we will derive it.

Derivation of the formula for integration by parts :

We already know how to differentiate a product: if


dy d (uv) dv du
= =u + v
dx dx dx dx

Rearranging this rule:

dv d (uv ) du
u = −v
dx dx dx

Now integrate both sides:

dv d ( uv ) du
∫ u dx dx=∫ dx
dx−∫ v

The first term on the right simplifies since we are simply integrating
what has been differentiated.

dv du
∫ u dx dx=uv−∫ v dx dx

This is the formula known as integration by parts.

The formula replaces one integral (that on the left) with another (that on
the right). the intention is that the one on the right is a simpler integral to
evaluate, as we shall see in the following examples.
Order for integration by parts :

1. If present , Choose ln ()term ,

2. If there is no ln () term then choose the power of X term
3. If there is no power of X then choose the Exponential .

Using the formula for integration by parts

Example 1

Find ∫ x cos x dx

Here, we are trying to integrate the product of the functions x and cos x.
To use the integration by parts formula we let one of the terms (dv/dx)
and the other be u. Notice from the formula that whichever term we let
equal u we need to differentiate it in order to find (du/dx) .So in this
case, if we let u equal x, when we differentiate it we will find
(du/ dx) = 1, simply a constant. Notice that the formula replaces one
integral, the one on the left, by another, the one on the right. Careful
choice of u will produce an integral which is less complicated than the
original. Choose

u= =cos x

With this choice , by differentiating we obtain


Also from dx
=cos x , by integrating we find

v=∫ cos x dx=sin x

(At this stage do not concern yourself with the constant of integration).
Then use the formula

dv du
∫ u dx dx=uv−∫ v dx dx

∫ x cos x dx=x sin x−∫ ( sinx ) ∙ 1 dx

¿ x sin x+ cosx+C

where c is the constant of integration.

In the next Example we will see that it is sometimes necessary to apply
the formula for integration by parts more than once

Example 2

Find ∫ x
2 3x
e dx

We have to make a choice and let one of the functions in the product
equal u and one equal(dv /dx ) . As a general rule we let u be the function
which will become simpler when we differentiate it. In this case it makes
sense to let
x 2∧dv
u= =e3 x

du 1 3x
=2 x∧v =∫ e dx = e
dx 3

Then, using the formula for integration by parts,

1 1
∫ x 2 e3 x dx= 3 e3 x . x 2−∫ 3 e 3 x .(¿ 2 x )dx . ¿

1 2
¿ e 3 x . x 2−∫ x e3 x dx
3 3

The resulting integral is still a product. It is a product of the functions

(2/3) x and e 3 x . We can use the formula again. This time we choose

2 x∧dv 3 x
u= =e
3 dx


du 2 1 3x
= ∧v =∫ e dx = e
dx 3 3


1 2
∫ x 2 e3 x dx= 3 e3 x . x 2−∫ 3 x e 3 x dx

( 2 1
3 3
¿ e 3 x . x 2− x ∙ e3 x −∫ e 3 x ∙ dx
3 3 )

1 3x 2 2 3x 2 3x
¿ e . x − x e + e +C
3 9 27

Example 3
Find ∫ ln x dx

We can use the formula for integration by parts to find this integral if we
note that we can write ln |x| as 1 · ln |x|, a product. We choose

=1∧u=ln x

So That
x∧du 1
v=∫ 1 dx= =
dx x

∫ ln x .1 dx=¿ x ln x−∫ x . x dx ¿

¿ x ln x−∫ 1 dx

¿ x ln x−x +C

Integration by partial fractions:

Partial fraction is a method by which a complicated fraction can be split
into 2 or more simpler fractions.


Occasionally, however, the reverse procedure is necessary. The problem

is to take a fraction whose denominator is a product of factors, and split
it into a sum of simpler fractions. There is more than one way to do this.
For the types of expressions we are dealing with the method illustrated
here is probably the easiest to apply and understand (no system of
equations to solve).

The denominator is a product of distinct linear factors.
For each distinct factor ax +b the sum of partial fractions includes ( ax +b )

Example 1. Rewrite ( ( x−4x +5) ( x −1) )as a sum of simpler fractions.

First write the fraction as ( ( x−4X )+5( x −1) )= x−4A + x−1

Multiply both sides by the common denominator to get x + 5 = A (x −1)

+ B(x − 4) . In this linear equation we can substitute any x-values to
solve for A and B. However, the process is simple if we choose those
values which make a factor zero (i.e. x−1=0 or x−4=0).
Substitute x=1 in the linear equation. 1+5 = A(1−1)+ B(1−4) → 6 = −3B
→ B = −2 Substitute x=4 in the linear equation. 4+5 = A(4−1)+ B(4−4)
→ 9 = 3A → A = 3
Therefore, the partial fraction decomposition is

( ( x−4X )+5( x −1) )= x−43 − x −12 .

Example 2.

2 x−2
Rewrite (
( x +5)(x+ 2)( x−3) as
) a sum of simpler fractions.

First write the fraction as ( 2 x−2

) =
( x+5 )( x +2 ) ( x −3 ) x−5 x +2 x −3

Multiply both sides by the common denominator to get the linear

equation. 2x−2 = A(x+2)(x−3)+ B(x+5)(x−3)+ C(x+5)(x+2) .
Substitute x=−2. −4−2=0+B(3)(−5)+0 → −6=−15B → B=2/5
Substitute x=3. 6−2=0+0+C(8)(5) → 4=40C → C= 1/10
Substitute x=−5. −12=A(−3)(−8)+0+0 → −12=24A → A=−1/2
The partial fraction decommissioning is

( ( x+5 )(2xx−2
+2 ) ( x −3 ) )=
−1 1
2 1
+ .
+ .
2 x−5 5 x+ 2 10 x −3

The denominator is a product of linear factors, some of which are
repeated For each repeated linear factor(ax +b)n , the sum of partial

fractions includes n terms of the for

Example 3 Rewrite ( ( x−2 )2 )as a sum of simpler fractions.

First write the fraction as (( 4x

x−2 ))2
x−2 ( x−2 )2

Multiply both sides by ( x−2 )2 to get. 4 x=A ( x−2)+ B.

Substitute x=2. 8=0+B → B=8

There is no other factor to make zero, so we choose an easy x-value to work with.
Substitute x=0(and B=8). 0=A(−2)+8 → A=4

The partial fraction decomposition is ( 4x

( x−2 ))2
x−2 ( x−2 )2

The denominator has one or more distinct, irreducible quadratic factors.
For each distinct factor ax 2 +bx +c the sum of partial fractions includes a
Ax+ b
term ( a x 2+ bx+ c )

Example 4

( ) as a sum of simpler fractions.

X + 4 x +12
Rewrite 2
( x−2)( x +4)

First write the fraction as ( 2
( x−2)(x +4) )( )
X 2+ 4 x +12
Bx +c
+( 2
x +4

Multiply by( x−2)( x 2+ 4)to get 2

x + 4 x +12 = A( x 2 +4 )+(Bx+C)(x −2). Substitute
x=2. 24=A(8)+0 → A=3
Substitute x=0. 12=3(4)+(C)(−2) → C=0
Substitute x=1. 17=3(5)+(B)(−1) → B=−2

The partial fraction decomposition is ( 2)( )

X 2+ 4 x +12
(x−2)( x +4)
X −2
−( 2 )
x +4

Reference :





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