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Which among the following issues of the students wherein they experience a range of
emotional, physical, and behavioral problems and often feel angry, anxious, lonely, and
A. Bullying
B. Class Size
C. Completion Rate
D. Poverty
2. Which of the following refers to the percentage of first grade/year entrants in a level of
education who complete/finish the level in accordance with the required number of
years of study?
A. Completion Rate
B. Enrollment Rate
C. Graduation rate
D. None of the above
3. As presented, the following are the issues in education about the development of
faculty, except;
A. Teachers’ salary
B. Teaching Aides
C. Lack of funds
D. Emerging technologies
4. Which specific issues of the curriculum greatly effects the instruction due to varied
implementation of the curriculum among schools and teachers and perennial complaint
about books and other instructional materials?
A. Lack of monitoring and evaluation
B. Poor academic performance of learners
C. Innovations are not communicated at all
D. Curricular innovations lack the sense of ownership from stakeholders
5. Which among the following health conditions that greatly affect mood, thinking and
behavior of the student and most likely results to anxiety, depression, or worst self-
A. Emotional health
B. Mental Health
C. Physical Health
D. Spiritual Health
6. The following are the issues in education about the development of students, except;
A. Bullying
B. Changing Technology
C. Completion Rates
D. Poverty
13. In order to reduce the issues in education about the development of faculty focusing on
quality education, which of the following is most applicable?
A. Teachers must only focus on teaching and hire more non-teaching aides for
paper works
B. Hire more teaching personnel
C. Giving cash allowance to most dedicated teachers
D. Extend the validity of the teacher’s professional license
14. As a teacher, in order to keep abreast with the emerging technologies in education, I
A. Attend more seminars and training regarding emerging technologies
B. Be willing to learn the new technologies
C. Research and read more to be updated with the new trends in technology
D. All of the above
15. In order to reduce the issues in education about the development of the students
focusing on poor completion rates due to poverty, which of the following is most
A. Continuously encourage students to finish their studies
B. Providing more scholarships especially to low-income families
C. Let the students decide on their own degree or path to take
D. Giving allowance to top performing students
19. Which of the following best describes the importance on the awareness of educational
A. To make a good impression at your teaching
B. To be fully prepared for interviews
C. To keep abreast with the current issues in the field and examine the possible
D. To be more knowledgeable with the educational trends and issues

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