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I am ............................................


Part 1 Choose from A,B,C or D the most suitable answer for each question. (24pts)

1 Patients may fear becoming ...................... pain medication.

A familiar with B sensitive to
C addicted to D curious about

2 More than half of respondents had also ...................... their pictures to public web-galleries.
A searched B took
C downloaded D uploaded

3 Her father set up a new all-in-one ................. in her bedroom.

A desktop B engine
C display D system

4 Annie thought that this team was more likely to gain a(an) ................. than the other teams .
A battle B prize
C victory D medal

5 Let's watch the film first, and everyone will have an opportunity to ................. at the end.
A subscribe B set up
C log on D comment

6 Nothing could ................. the children when our dog died.

A confide B consent
C console D conceal

7 Mary was very ................. her maths exam results.

A grateful to B successful to
C pleased with D successful in

8 There's something deeply ................. about eating vegetables that you have grown
A obsessional B obsessed
C satisfying D satisfied

9 She had me ................. yesterday. I thought that she decided to leave for Paris.
A worried B unhappy
C unhappiness D curiosity

10 Nelly was the first person to ................. the right answer ................. this difficult question.
A come up / for B come up / to
C come up with / for D come up with / to

11 Start by typing the name of the company into your ................. and see what results come
A search engine B password
C code D message

12 ................. is the teaching of a particular religion and its varied aspects: its beliefs,
doctrines, rituals, customs, rites, and personal roles.
A P.E B Science

Part 2 Complete the sentences with the correct quantifiers. (20pts)

13 There isn’t ................. ink-pot on the table.

14 Are there ................. tomatoes in the fridge?
15 Up to now, I've only read ................. of the book.
16 I don't know much Spanish – only ................. words.
17 I have got ................. T-shirts in my wardrobe.
18 ‘Which do you like?’ ‘................. . I think they're both ugly.’
19 The postman doesn’t often come here. We receive ................. letters.
20 The magazine was ................. advertisements.
21 There are thousands of verbs in English and ................. (of them) are regular.
22 Ann is very busy these days. She has ................. free time.

Part 3 Complete this phone conversation between two friends with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets. (16pts)

Jennie: Hi, I’m at the station but I can’t see Anna. She (23) ................. (miss) the 9.15 train.
Rhianne: Are yoy sure? It (24) ................. (get in) early, and she (25) ................. (leave) the station
before you got there.
Jennie: No, she (26) ................. (do). I think I saw the 9.15 pulling out just as I arrived, and all
the passengers getting off (27) ................. (have to/walk) past where I was standing,
so I would’ve seen her.
Rhianne: Have you tried phoning her?
Jennie: Yes, but there’s no reply. She (28) ................. (switch off) her phone, or she (29)
................. (even/forget) to take it with her.
Rhianne: Hang on, I’ve just had a text from her, saying she’s sorry but she fell asleep on the
Jennie: She (30) ................. (have) a very late night last night!

Part 4 Read a text about home design and answer the questions. For questions 1 to
7, choose the correct answer. (14pts)

Welcome to the home of the future

The 2009 British Homes Awards challenged the industry to design a house that can adapt
to different life stages.
The participants were asked to rethink the construction and design of individual homes, so
that they were easily adaptable to less mobile inhabitants, and also to create
communities in which ageing occupants could continue to enjoy shared amenities.
The top design also had to be attractive to its potential buyers, because the competition
was put to the public vote.
The winner, gaining 12,000 votes from Mail on Sunday readers, was the strikingly modern
SunnySideUp, designed by Kosi Architects. Here are its three main features:

1. Upside Down House

The architects took as a starting point the accepted norm for a house – rows of houses
facing onto streets crammed with cars, with living rooms on the ground floor and
bedrooms above. Then they scrapped it.
They ended up with the living room, dining room and kitchen on the top floor where they
can benefit from the light and views, and maximise energy efficiency. And they put the
bedrooms on the ground floor where the garden aspect gives inhabitants increased
privacy, and a cool temperature is maintained throughout the day. The two floors are
linked by wide, gentle gradient stairs, which are designed to allow for a stair lift to be
fitted if necessary as owners age.

2. Concealed Parking Spaces

But the feature that, according to Warren Rosing, one of the Kosi architects responsible
for the design, was particularly popular with the public, is actually the parking.
In a SunnySideUp development no one has to look out onto a street full of cars, or worry
about their kids being run over, because the terrace zone at the first floor level link all the
homes and is a car-free zone.
Vehicles are tucked away on the lower floor, leaving safe and pleasant spaces outside the
houses for people to meet, and kids to play.
A lift takes people directly from garage to living area, so that all residents, including the
elderly and those with heavy shopping, can move comfortably between the floors. The
natural feel of the front area is enhanced by the planters that are placed outside the
kitchens at the front to encourage residents to grow vegetables and flowers where they
can be seen.
The idea is that not only would they look pretty, but they would be a talking point,
encouraging interaction between residents on the terrace area outside.

3. Flexible Spaces
But it’s the fact that the space is designed to adapt to the changing needs, including the
fluctuating income of its owners, that makes it a thought-provoking, as well as a winning,
The lower-floor bedrooms have separate outdoor access so they can be easily let. The
idea is that owners can get some extra money to pay for their mortgages during the first
years. And later in the future, those bedrooms can be used as a granny flat, or an office,
and can easily be converted into a separate one-bed flat if your kids won’t leave home.
And if more space is required, as well as the usual loft that can be converted, there is
potential for a gallery floor to be inserted in the living room.

4. Where can you get one?

At the moment the SunnySideUp house is still just a set of drawings. But Warren Rosing
says, “We are hoping to have it built.”
The organisers are in talks with builders, but due to the economic climate it may take
longer than we would like.”Weʼre sure it will be worth the wait” they say.
31 According to the article, The British Homes Awards challenged architects to design a
house ..............
A for disabled people.
B for ageing inhabitants.
C that could adapt to all ages.
D for young families with children.

32 In the winning property, bedrooms are downstairs to ..............

A benefit from the view.
B have easier access to the house.
C have more privacy in the living room.
D keep the same pleasant atmosphere the whole day.

33 The parking spaces in this house design are ..............

A on the first floor.
B on the ground floor.
C in a separate building.
D in the street.

34 In the SunnySideUp house the ground floor ..............

A can be rented.
B can be sold separately.
C is only used to store cars.
D has a room for grandparents.

35 In the SunnySideUp house the ground floor ..............

A children can play safely outside the house.
B the houses overlook a street crammed with cars.
C the back garden is the main talking point for the inhabitants.

36 According to the article, the house has been designed ...............

A to be rented.
B to be shared if necessary.
C for families with a small income.

37 The SunnySideUp development..............

A is being built.
B will never be built.
C will hopefully be built.
D has been recently built.
Part 5 Listen to the radio interview talking about sports. Choose the best anwers.

38 People are talking about these sports because ..............

A they are becoming more and more popular.
B they might be included in the 2020 Olympics.
C lot of people are getting injured doing them.

39 In wakeboarding the rider is attached to ..............

A the board.
B difficult.
C a speed-boat.

40 In wakeboarding 1260 degree spins are ..............

A impossible.
B another rider.
C surprisingly easy.

41 Wakestock festival in Wales ..............

A has a similar feel to California.
B is a good place to see the best riders.
C is really cool but not many people know about it yet.

42 Wakeboarding tricks ..............

A are unique to the sport.
B have different names to skateboarding and surfing moves.
C are often the same as skateboarding and surfing ones.

43 Roller derby ..............

A has had a revival in popularity in the last fifteen years.
B has always had a small group of dedicated fans.
C has continually grown in popularity since it started.

44 In roller derby you score points by ..............

A going past other players.
B arriving at a goal.
C making people fall over.

45 Roller derby teams are currently ..............

A mostly non-professional.
B mostly professional.
C about half professional and half amateur.

Part 6 Compare and contrast the photos (A and B) which show types of party in the
world. Use words/phrases that you have learnt. (10pts)
Photo A

Photo B

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