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EXPERIMENT <4 Ge) Seiting up witeless Merwork A witeless Network allows YoU to connect {apiops «smartphones Gnd_ Other Mobile devices +O Your Nome internet sevice without on ethemet Coble WF You aeady have high-speed Cbioadbana) inttnet sevice at _gour house - !t 1s Pretty casy to Ceate your own home aviteless network . Commonly known os wi-fi - Confiecr the cables. AON On QNTERNET J 5 By °F 1 once You have Acauired G wireless tour? — Jou will all need to connect t+ to yout existing \ntcine+ modem, (© scanned with oken Scanner ganikapattl copie fromm your modem to ames af eneet_coie SO eee shone — “pig in power come for tne wireless _roure_—§ 3, plug In power 30.10 60 seconds and make sure [a at least router are Workin 7 convectly _ the lignts On your 4. wort | Confrquie Your Vout. SEE Pere eee a mpurer FO Wed you will Need te use Your con figure qour fourrs default, gertings - this Ineudes setting a uniave Rome and password For your wireless _merworke - your web browser enter the your's default ysing ep addiess Into the addiess bar, then press €nter - yout \uters Msmuctions should thctude tis. incommorion. but some of) ‘the mast Tourrs Us comman addiesses include 197,167,014 197,169.41 ond, 142 tert. The tour's sign-in page will Appear. Again. ine exacr gign-in details should be Mciaded With Your touter's Istuciiens -bur most (ours Use Jo standard Uset-name and password ambinaricn , guch oS. admin and password | _ Your tates settiNgs page hill Gppeod. locate ond setter the Network Name setting .ihen enter 0 Unique network Nome. 0 fi core And select Network, Password Setting «and Choos a € an eMaypnan option .Thele are Several PES OF _eNCYPHION- you-con use.bud We (© scanned with oken Scanner GoodLuck | Page No. $O sanikapath Date yt Tecommend WPA2 .which is generay considered to be the most Seture . ent your desired password -Mmake sure fo Use + Strong password to help ensure no he else con access Your Networ | locate. and Selecr the save buston to ( Gave Your _seitings . Connect ! Thai's i) Now youre teady ro connect your Wik, Any Systm will tequire these basic Steps: - \ocore yous COMpurr's NeTwaT Seitings ana Search For Neaiby Wir Fi_ networks J / Serect your NetWork , and entre our password . \s ‘the connectON 15 SuCcceSSful_« open Your Web browser and my Navigating te Fa webpage like Www. google -com . Tf the page toads. Means out i-h connection 1s Working —Conectly . J a —= & Tis nda on the bal Peis “Ganga (fine DEL ber? peor Th peer chee SCANT EH cachet chm) “Chaser wd Scanned with Oken Scanner

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