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¿What is cancer?
Cancer is a disease in which some cells in the body multiply
out of control and spread to other parts of the body. Cancer
can start anywhere in the human body, made up of trillions
of cells.

¿ The 3 types of cancer are?

1. Lung Cancer is:
It is cancer that forms in the tissues of the lung, usually in
the cells that line the air passages. It is the leading cause of
cancer death in both men and women.
The Symptom are:
 Persistent or worsening cough.
 Chest pain.
 Difficulty breathing.
 wheezing
 Cough up blood.
 Feeling tired all the time
 Weight loss with no known cause.
2. Stomach cancer is:
Risk factors include smoking and a diet of processed or
high-salt foods.There may be no symptoms of stomach
cancer in the early stages. Later symptoms include bloating
after eating, feeling full after eating small portions of food,
nausea, heartburn, or indigestion.
The Symptom are:
 Little appetite.
 Weight loss (without trying to lose weight)
 Abdominal pain.
 Vague discomfort in the abdomen, usually just above
the navel.
 Feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen after eating a
light meal.
 Acidity (heartburn) or indigestion
3. Colon cancer are:

Early cases may begin as noncancerous polyps. They do not

usually have symptoms, but can be detected through check-
ups. For this reason, doctors recommend them for high-risk
groups and for patients over 50 years of age.
The Symptom are:
 Un cambio persistente en tus hábitos intestinales,
incluidos diarrea o estreñimiento, o un cambio en la
consistencia de tus heces.
 Sangrado rectal o sangre en las heces.
 Molestia abdominal persistente, como calambres,
gases o dolor.

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