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Visualization without Vision – How Blind and Visually

Impaired Students and Researchers Engage with

Molecular Structures

Croix J. Laconsay Henry B. Wedler

Department of Chemistry Department of Chemistry
University of California-Davis University of California-Davis

Dean J. Tantillo*
Department of Chemistry
University of California-Davis

Abstract: This article examines the tools and techniques currently available that enable blind and
visually impaired (BVI) individuals to visualize three-dimensional objects used in learning chemistry
concepts. How BVI individuals engage with and visualize molecular structure is discussed and recent
tactile (or haptic) and auditory methods for visualization of various chemistry concepts are
summarized. Remaining challenges for chemistry education researchers are described with the aim
of highlighting the potential value of educational research in further enabling BVI students to pursue
careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.

Keywords: chemistry, blind/low vision, accessibility, 3D printing, molecular structure

*Corresponding Author, Dean J. Tantillo (

Submitted March 1, 2020
Accepted April14, 2020
Published online July 23, 2020

Vol. 24, No. 1 - 2021; Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities

INTRODUCTION symbolic representation as opposed to

structural representation. Teke and Sozbilir
Chemistry is, inherently, a visual science.
recently addressed problems of symbolic
Chemists play in both the micro- and
representation that blind students experience
macroscopic worlds of molecules, and
when learning chemistry (Teke & Sozbilir,
communication of connections between
2019). There is substantial literature aimed at
concepts in both realms is facilitated by visual
enabling BVI individuals to participate in other
representations (Grosholz and Hoffmann, 2000;
aspects of chemistry not explicitly related to
Hoffmann, 2007; Hoffmann and Laszlo, 1991).
chemical (molecular) structure and other
Students of this science rely heavily on 2-
science, technology, engineering, and
dimensional (2D) and 3-dimensional (3D)
mathematics (STEM) fields; curious readers
visualizations of molecular structures when
are directed to the following recent references
learning chemical concepts and solving
for examples: (a) exploring chemistry topics in
chemical problems (Mathewson, 1999).
the formal classroom (Smith, 1981; Stender et
Readers of this article are referred to Wu and
al., 2016; Tombaugh, 1981) and laboratory
Shah’s review for a comprehensive account on
settings (Andersen, 1982; Bromfield-Lee &
visuospatial thinking in chemistry learning
Oliver-Hoyo, 2007; Flair & Setzer, 1990; JCE
(Wu & Shah, 2004). Visualization, however,
staff, 2000; Neppel, Oliver-Hoyo, Queen, &
should not be equated with having vision.
Reed, 2005; Supalo, Mallouk, Rankel,
“There is much more to the visualization than
Amorosi, & Graybill, 2008; J. T. Wood & Eddy,
the sense of vision, and impaired vision does
1996), (b) exploring chemistry topics in
not necessarily preclude our faculties to
informal teaching settings (Kumar et al., 2018),
visualize.” (Figueiras and Arcavi, 2015).
(c) solving puzzles (Cady, 2012) and using
interlocking toy building blocks, like Legos, to
The visual aspects of chemistry can deter blind
learn chemistry (Campbell, Miller, Bannon, &
and visually impaired (BVI) students from
Obermaier, 2011; Cloonan, Nichol, &
entering the field. Moreover, literature on
Hutchinson, 2011; Geyer, 2017; Melaku,
enabling BVI students in chemistry is
Schreck, Griffin, & Dabke, 2016; Ruddick &
generally lacking. Several recent efforts to
Parrill, 2012; Witzel, 2002), (d) three-
make chemistry more accessible to BVI
dimensionally printed puzzle pieces for
students have been described in the chemistry
representing elements, ions, compounds, or
education literature: in particular,
chemical equations (Singhal & Balaji, 2019),
methodologies for facilitating engagement of
(e) a musical electrochemical cell (Cady, 2014),
BVI students with molecular structures — the
(f) development of a BVI-accessible
basis of this perspective article.
thermometer (Vitoriano et al., 2016), (g)
science enrichment activities at National
A note on what this article is and is not. This
Federation of the Blind Youth Slams (Supalo et
perspective is not an exhaustive review on
al., 2014) and science camps (Supalo, et al.,
tools that enable BVI students in all of
2014; Wedler et al., 2014), (h) approaches
chemistry, as there are many aspects of the
aimed at secondary school education (Supalo
subject that are beyond the scope of this article.
et al., 2016). For an excellent case study of a
For instance, much of chemistry involves
student with blindness successfully completing

Visualization without Vision…

a chemistry laboratory course, see the recent,

report in this very Journal (Michael & Wohlers, accessed 2 November 2018), we expect that
2019). BVI individuals are underrepresented in
According to the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act of 2004 (IDEA) definition, a Students with blindness or low vision
visual impairment is, “an impairment in vision experience and engage the world differently
that, even with correction, adversely affects a than their sighted peers, but this does not imply
child’s educational performance. The term that BVI individuals cannot succeed in STEM
includes both partial sight and blindness” careers. There are many examples of
(Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, successful scientists with limited to no vision.
2004). Individuals with visual impairments are These include: Mona Minkara at Northeastern
not necessarily legally or congenitally blind. University (chemist), Geerat J. Vermey at UC
Many individuals with visual impairments still Davis (evolutionary biologist and
have some sight, which affects how they paleontologist), Amy Bower at Woods Hole
engage with different forms of representation. Oceanographic Institution (oceanographer),
The United States BVI population faces a David Mehringer at the National Radio
significant unemployment rate, estimated to be Astronomy Observatory (software developer
as high as 72% as of 2015 (National Federation and astronomer), Wanda Díaz-Merced at the
of the Blind Statistical Facts about Blindness South African Astronomical Observatory
in the United States, (astronomer), Judith Summers-Gates of the, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (chemist),
accessed 2 November 2018). Of the employed David Wohlers of Truman State University
population of individuals with any disability, (chemist), and Peter Torpey of the “Eyes On
less than 4.5% work in STEM disciplines Success” podcast (previously at Xerox, now
(Table 3. Employed persons by disability status, podcast host).
occupation, and sex, 2018 annual averages;
sum of "computer and mathematical," How do blind and visually impaired students
"architecture and engineering" and "life, engage with molecular structure?
physical, and social science" occupations and, What is it we mean by molecular or chemical
therefore, likely an overestimate, since structure? By molecular or chemical structure,
architecture and social science are generally we mean collections of atoms connected by
not considered part of STEM), a percentage bonds to form a molecule. Chemical or
that has recently decreased (Statistics, Survey, molecular structures have defined spatial and
States, & Policy, 2018; Wedler et al., 2014). To symmetry properties that can be used to
our knowledge, statistics on the fraction of this explain said structures to BVI chemists, e.g.,
group working in chemistry are not available, distances between nuclei, angles defined by the
but given that the percentage of the total US positions of three nuclei, molecular point
population estimated to have a visual group symmetry. The geometric properties of a
impairment is approximately 2% (National molecule have many implications for
Federation of the Blind Statistical Facts about chemistry research and education, e.g.,
Blindness in the United States, predicting sites of chemical reactivity in a

Vol. 24, No. 1 - 2021; Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities

molecule, predicting how a small molecule Jones et al. supports this notion: visually
(such as a drug) binds to a protein, predicting impaired students were more accurate with
spectral properties. These types of predictions measurements at very large (e.g., distance from
rely on practitioners being comfortable with earth to mars) and very small (e.g., bond length
patterns that are defined by similarities in of C–H bond) scales compared to their normal
molecular structures. sighted peers (G. Jones, Taylor, & Broadwell,
2009). Hoby continues by explaining that,
There is compelling evidence that BVI and I often have an easier time with reaction
non-BVI individuals have equal ability to mechanisms than some sighted peers
process spatial information (Zimler & Keenan, because I can place structures in my mind
1983). Moreover, like their sighted peers, BVI and understand actual distances between
individuals possess similar, and arguably atoms. Two atoms that look extremely far
superior, cognitive and perceptual abilities apart from each other may be very close
regarding analyzing and exploring tactile together in space and my 3D understanding
pictures (D’Angiulli, Kennedy, & Heller, of molecular structure helps me here.
1998). For a perspective on how students with Ultimately, thinking about how to get
blindness or low vision process and learn around a college campus or familiar town
science concepts, readers are referred to the is not very different than thinking about
work of Jones and Broadwell (Jones and solving a complicated reaction mechanism.
Broadwell, 2008). Thinking about the steps that I need to take
on a route I am traveling is analogous to
A co-author of this review, HBW, completely solving an organic synthesis problem.
blind since birth, received his Ph.D. in organic Often when figuring out how to travel a
chemistry in 2016. Henry, or “Hoby”, explains multi-city, multi-step route, I look at the
that, route holistically and break it up
I use the same skills to visualize molecular “retrosynthetically” much the same way
structures as I have used since day 1 for my that I begin to solve synthesis problems.
survival as a blind traveler. I cannot see
maps, streets, etc., so I must visualize For another perspective from a blind chemist
everything. When I ponder the route from on learning chemistry, see the work of Supalo
the chemistry building to the nearest bus (Supalo, 2005). We also note an excellent
stop in my mind, for instance, it feels the article by Mona Minkara, a blind
same as pondering a complex molecular computational chemist, wherein she describes
structure and determining where atoms are how she implemented methods that enabled
relative to one another. The distance her to complete graduate work at the
between points doesn’t matter when I University of Florida (Minkara, Weaver,
visualize a physical space or chemical Gorske, Bowers, & Merz, 2015). In addition to
structure. If I’m visualizing a space, I think more articles like the ones mentioned above,
in meters and kilometers. When I think we hope to see future basic neuroscience
about chemical structures, I think precisely research that elucidates whether the brain
the same way but in angstroms and processes information about macroscopic and

Visualization without Vision…

microscopic navigation in a manner similar to Aires-De-Sousa, Bonifácio, Mata, & Lobo,

that described by Hoby. 2011) provides a one-stop-shop for BVI-
accessible open-source software resources
Current methods for engaging with (, accessed 3 March
molecular structures 2020) like NavMol and BrailChem. We discuss
In this section, we summarize some of the non- alternative and more recent methods below.
vision-based methods that enable BVI students For teaching tools in the organic chemistry
and researchers to engage with molecular classroom, Fernández et al. described some of
structure. We describe developments in tactile the hands-on activities available to for teaching
(or touch-based) methods, which have organic Lewis structures, Newman and Fischer
advanced significantly with the incorporation Projections, and resonance (Fernández,
of 3D printing technology. Then we introduce Ocampo, Costantino, & Dop, 2019).
recent advances in utilizing audio (or sound-
based) methods for engaging with molecular Much of chemistry for sighted students is
structures. communication and representation of chemical
structure by pen and paper. For BVI
individuals, the pen and paper method
Raising the bar with tactile graphics and
approach to representing chemical structure is
three-dimensional (3D) printed models
more challenging without a sighted assistant.
For more rapid tactile access to visual
The use of tactile graphics—in the form of information, we developed a workflow in
braille, raised lines and surfaces—is one which a sighted assistant draws an image and
approach for conveying structural information then raises the lines of the figure (Wedler et al.,
to BVI individuals. Horton et al. summarize 2012). First, the sighted assistant views the
tactile technology in general available for BVI figure; the subsequent process works best if the
individuals in a recent review (Horton et al., assistant is familiar with the chemistry
2017) – we focus our perspective on involved in the image. Then, he/she draws the
approaches that have found use in chemistry. image on thick, smooth paper, ideally at least
The Independent Laboratory Access for the three times as large as the image would
Blind (ILAB), a project by multiple normally appear in print. Then, the assistant
universities and funded by the National flips the smooth paper over and places it on a
Science Foundation, soft pad, such as a notebook or rubber mat. The
( assistant then traces the inverse of the drawn
b/) is a good start, accessed 20 February 2020) figure with a ballpoint pen, while applying
for readers looking for tactile classroom and significant pressure with the pen tip. This
laboratory tools that enable BVI students. The pressure creates a crease in the paper using the
ILAB, for example, provides laboratory tools soft pad beneath, embossing the image so that
and techniques for BVI students to perform the BVI student can feel the image (not its
laboratory experiments without sighted mirror image) when the paper is flipped over.
assistance. In addition, and in a similar way It is helpful if BVI chemistry students can
that ILAB provides BVI-accessible tools for recognize common upper-case letters tactilely
laboratory settings, MOLinsight (Pereira, so that braille versions of element symbols are

Vol. 24, No. 1 - 2021; Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities

not necessary, but the paper can be brailled Three-dimensional (3D) printing has recently
using a standard Perkins Brailler (e.g., see become a commonplace and affordable, accessed 2 technology. In chemistry classrooms, 3D
November 2018). This method is inexpensive printing can change how molecular structure is
and fast with a trained student-assistant pair taught (e.g.,,
(Wedler et al., 2012). Creative adaptive tools accessed 7 November 2018); (Anderson, 2017;
to represent molecular structures—like the use Brauner, 2018; Pinger, Geiger, & Spence,
of magnetic letters and numbers on a magnetic 2019). In recent years, 3D-printed models
board or tactile model kit (Boyd-Kimball, related to chemistry have been reported: for
2012), crayons and mesh, “thermopens”, or example, small molecules (Wieren et al., 2017),
standard inkjet on thermal paper raised by a extended molecular structure representations
tactile graphic maker to create raised digital (Figure 1) (Rossi et al., 2015), electron density
images (Harshman, Bretz, & Yezierski, isosurface models (Grumman & Carroll, 2019),
2013)—have been implemented in chemistry solid state crystal structures (Kitson et al., 2014;
classrooms as well. Stone-Sundberg, Kaminsky, Snyder, & Moeck,
2015; P. A. Wood et al., 2017) potential energy
Specifically applicable to organic chemistry, surfaces (Blauch & Carroll, 2014; Kaliakin,
Supalo and Kennedy have summarized Zaari, & Varganov, 2015; Teplukhin &
commercially available equipment available to Babikov, 2015), orbitals (Lolur and Dawes,
turn organic structures into accessible 2014; Griffith et al., 2016; Smiar and Mendez,
structures (Supalo and Kennedy, 2014). 2016; Carroll and Blauch, 2018; De Cataldo et
ChemDraw’s text-to-speech output, picture in al., 2018; Robertson and Jorgensen, 2015) , 3D
a flash technology, and the Draftsman tactile models for teaching symmetry (Casas & Estop,
drawing board 2015; Scalfani & Vaid, 2014), block copolymer
( nanostructures (Scalfani et al., 2015) and
tactile-drawing-board/, accessed 17 February, models for teaching VSEPR theory (Dean et al.,
2020) are all tools that can make organic 2016). While many structures can be
structures more accessible. represented using off-the-shelf molecular
model kits, these papers highlight structure

Figure 1. Reproduced with permission from Figure 1 of J. Chem. Educ. 2015, 92, 1398-1401. Copyright 2015
American Chemical Society.

Visualization without Vision…

representations and applications that are compounds to 3D structures—called AsteriX-

enabled by 3D printing. BVI. By incorporating textures and braille
annotations onto tactile models, different types
An example of 3D printing increasing of atoms and bonds could be distinguished
accessibility to a traditionally inaccessible (to using touch (Lounnas et al., 2014); see
blind students) area of chemistry is its
application to applied computational chemistry.
Applied computational chemistry is the use of
quantum chemistry calculations to investigate
problems in other sub-disciplines of chemistry,
e.g., organic chemistry (i.e. applied
computational organic chemistry). This
approach was used by HBW to allow him to
carry out research independently (Wedler et al.,
2012). SMILES (Simplified Molecular Input
Line Entry Specification) strings (Weininger et
al., 1989) and Open Babel software (Guha et
al., 2006) were used to generate 3D
coordinates of complex molecules, since
standard molecule-building graphical user
interfaces (GUIs) are not accessible to blind
individuals. SMILES strings consist of text
that encodes connectivity and stereochemical
information for organic molecules, and as such
can be written by hand. The Open Babel
software translates such connectivity and
stereochemical information into reasonable
atomic coordinates that can then be subjected
to quantum chemical calculations. The data
from these can be analyzed using simple Bash Figure 2. Example of a haptic (tactile) model
calculated by AsteriX- BVI
and Perl scripts that extract relevant data from
long output files. Readers are referred to
Wedler et al., 2012 for further details. Figure 2.
Subsequent studies (Wedler et al., 2015;
Wedler, Newman, and Tantillo, 2016) Tools All Out on the Table, The Periodic Table
showcase two research projects that were of the Elements (PTE)
carried out utilizing this methodology.
Other researchers have also tackled aspects of
To increase the information content of 3D- chemistry that are related to molecular
printed molecules, Lounnas et al. developed a structure, such as the periodic table of the
modified version of AsteriX—web-based elements (PTE). The PTE is a central—
software that converts 2D representations of visual—tool for understanding and predicting

Vol. 24, No. 1 - 2021; Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities

the behavior of chemical elements. As one element symbol and atomic number in braille.
navigates from element to element, patterns Since braille takes up much more space than
emerge, patterns that chemists use in teaching print, it would be impossible to include all
general chemistry to undergraduates and to standard information from a PTE in braille, but
inform their research (Scerri, 2007). Melaku et users can tap each element of the PTE using a
al. developed modules involving interlocking Smart Pen and access relevant information
toy building blocks like Legos to teach BVI such as atomic mass, melting point, boiling
individuals PTE trends—such as atomic radii, point, electron configuration, etc. in audio
ionization energies, electronegativities—and format. Roy Alexander also has a tactile PTE
molecular orbitals in homonuclear diatomic called the Element Book
molecules (Figure 3) (Melaku et al., 2016). (, accessed 17
February, 2020). Further developed PTE’s
include a 3D-printed PTE with braille lettering
(LeSuer, 2019). Classroom activities that
engage students with the PTE such as The
People Periodic Table activity are also
potential tools for enabling BVI students in
discussions about PTE trends (Hoffman &
Hennessy, 2018). Mobile tools have been
introduced as a way for BVI students to learn
about the PTE audibly with their smart phones,
such as a QR-coded audio PTE called QR-
APTE (Bonifácio, 2012), the Royal Society of
Chemistry’s “Elements articles”
ject, accessed 2 November 2018), and the
Elementor Periodic Table App
Figure 3. Building block modules representing ble-science/activities/elementor-periodic-
relative atomic and cationic radii of a few elements table-app, accessed 19 February 2020)—
of Groups 1A, 2A, and 3A. Reproduced with auditory tools in chemistry will be discussed
permission from Figure 1 of J. Chem. Educ. 2016,
93, 1049-1055. Copyright 2015 American
more below. For a discussion on current
Chemical Society. challenges faced by the chemistry community
in fostering learning of the PTE for BVI
individuals, including discussions of other
Another tactile and audio-enhanced PTE accessible PTEs, see the work by Fantin et al.
(Fantin et al., 2016) was developed by Touch (Fantin et al., 2016).
Graphics Inc., which utilizes bar code labels on
each element square that can be recognized by Sonified chemistry
a Smart Pen. This PTE folds out from four
brailled pages containing all elements laid out In addition to haptic/tactile methods,
in standard fashion. Each tactile square lists the auditory/aural methods provide another
opportunity for conveying information to BVI

Visualization without Vision…

individuals. When coupled together, haptic and musical notes further advances the concept that
auditory methods have been shown to amplify chemical spectra can be pushed beyond
one’s ability to visualize representations visual representation (Garrido et al., 2020).
(Grabowski & Barner, 1998). Early studies Other examples of sonified chemistry include
aimed at making chemistry more accessible Bandyopadhyay and Rathod’s application
through auditory feedback focused on the called “Titration ColorCam (TCC)” — a
teaching laboratory environment, e.g., smartphone aid for assisting color-blind and
conductivity and titration experiments BVI students in titration experiments
(Hiemenz and Pfeiffer, 1972; Ratliff, 1997). (Bandyopadhyay and Rathod, 2017). This
We focus here on audio tools for listening to application exploits a smartphone’s built-in
chemical spectra and for reading the chemical camera function to quantify changes in color
literature. during a titration experiment and convert that
into audio (beep sounds) and haptic (vibrations)
Traditionally, chemical spectra, used routinely output, thereby allowing a student to determine
to identify and quantify molecular composition, the end-point of a titration experiment.
are also generally presented in visual formats.
The inherent complexities of most spectra Text-to-speech software enables simple text to
make “reading” the spectra through touch be read aloud to BVI individuals but conveying
impractical. Of course, visual spectra are, in information in figures in chemistry textbooks
fact, just created from numbers, numbers that and research papers in a non-visual format
could be presented in nonvisual formats. For remains a major challenge. In many (most)
example, Pereira and co-workers have cases, figure captions do not provide enough
developed a methodology for converting information for BVI individuals to absorb the
infrared (IR) spectroscopy data into nonspeech information conveyed graphically. Some
audio sound called “sonified infrared spectra progress in this area has been made. For
(SIRS)” (Pereira et al., 2013). All that is example, Kamijo and co-workers have
needed to use SIRS is experimental IR data and developed the Chemical Literature Extraction
open-source software (JDXview v0.2 and CSV and Aloud-Reading System (CLEARS)
to MIDI converter). Through SIRS, raw IR (Kamijo et al., 2016), which reads aloud both
data (e.g., obtained from spectra from the printed text and the names of chemical
National Institute of Standards and Technology structures (conforming to IUPAC rules
database) in the form of transmittance is (IUPAC, 2014)) using a screen reader.
converted to a range of musical instrument However, additional work is required to
frequencies, which correspond to specific increase the frequency with which images are
absorption peaks. The researcher, who first converted to correct IUPAC names.
requires specialized audio training to be able to
recognize characteristic functional groups, can Examples of other methods that utilize (or have
then listen to the sound file and analyze the the potential to utilize) audio include NavMol
SIRS spectrum. A more recent high-school 2.0 (Fartaria et al., 2013), a software program
project based on sonification of IR that utilizes voice synthesizers and time clock
absorbances to make key chemical vibrations polar coordinates to assist BVI individuals
(key wavenumbers on an IR spectrum) into interpret and edit molecular structures, and

Vol. 24, No. 1 - 2021; Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities

polyfill solutions (Sorge, 2016) that take of its unambiguity, to someone lacking
inaccessible bitmap images of molecules and vision was made clear.
convert them to scalable vector graphics,
which are navigable via audio. Costa and (3) The occasional conflict between
Fernandes developed a simple device that can aesthetically pleasing and useful as goals
assist BVI individuals associate specific when choosing representations of
frequencies of sound with pH values (Costa & molecular structures was made clear. For
Fernandes, 2019). Despite these advances, example, while images of polycyclic
many other challenges remain in creating structures in which bonds appear to cross
technologies that rival tactile methods (Renier may be useful in depicting 3-dimensional
et al., 2010). structures and highlighting their aesthetic
appeal, this form of representation can
Impact of Teaching BVI Students obscure connectivity.
There is no research of which we are aware that
(4) Including elaborate structures in
addresses the impact of teaching BVI students
problems was discouraged. For example, it
on instructors of chemistry courses. However,
can be argued that including all the
one of us, DJT, has taught a class taken by
“spinach” (that is, in the vernacular of
HBW. From DJT’s perspective, teaching a
organic chemists, parts of the molecule not
lecture-style course (here physical organic
immediately relevant to the question at
chemistry) to a BVI student had the following
hand) on a structure present in actual
laboratory experiments (e.g., a total
synthesis) when asking an arrow-pushing
(1) Having to describe organic structures
question reflects “real life,” but that should
(and other graphical objects and concepts)
be weighed against the ease with which one
with precise language resulted in reduced
wants students to focus on the key skills a
mistakes (verbal and blackboard) and a
problem is meant to assess (one of which
somewhat slower pace than usual, i.e.,
may be the ability to deal with “spinach”)
when comments such as, “that group over
(Flynn, 2014; Kraft, Strickland, &
there,” were acceptable. It seems fair to
Bhattacharyya, 2010). That math should
assume that these modifications to lecture
always be considered when writing
style were helpful to non-BVI students as
problems, but it is especially important to
well (Hasper et al., 2015; Naples, 2017;
consider the biases against BVI students
Spagna Jr., 1991).
inherent in specific forms of representation.
(2) Although DJT generally rails against
teaching IUPAC nomenclature in lecture Remaining Challenges and Final Thoughts
(he does not feel that he can provide added Significant challenges remain for chemical
value beyond a textbook for this educators and education researchers (not
algorithmic skill) and assigning mutually exclusive groups!) who wish to make
complicated nomenclature problems, the chemistry (and other STEM fields) more
value of IUPAC nomenclature, as a result accessible to the blind and visually impaired.
Our wish list includes the following:

Visualization without Vision…

(1) A BVI-accessible tool for every tool used answered in the negative (a ‘no’): they found
by a sighted chemist, ideally a single tool in their study that newly sighted subjects did
useful by both groups. We are aware this not immediately connect tactile knowledge to
formidable task may take significant time and the visual observation of the object—the
effort, but we suggest first narrowing the focus authors find, however, “this ability can
to representing molecular structure, which apparently be acquired after short real-world
pervades all aspects of chemistry. experiences” (Held et al., 2011). Whatever was
not immediately clear upon sight was quick to
(2) Improved access to scientific data, such learn. According to HBW, who is congenitally
as that generated by BVI research chemists blind, he would prefer to remain totally blind
and that contained in figures, graphs, tables, for life. The art of using eyesight to observe the
etc. in research papers. world is one that is learned, just as touch and
other senses can be trained to provide data on
(3) Finally, wider access to laboratory and the world. Hoby believes that he would not be
classroom environments for BVI students able to immediately identify the difference
(Nepomuceno et al., 2016). This issue between a cube and sphere, for instance. He
involves both practical, political, social and would have to re-learn the world around him
attitudinal barriers (Maguvhe, 2015; through eyesight which, to him, is unnecessary
Riendl & Haworth, 1995; Simui, Kasonde- and would take away from his current, rich
Ngandu, Cheyeka, Simwinga, & Ndhlovu, understanding of the world.
2018), some of which could be eliminated
through increased basic neurological With the advent of modern neuroscience, much
research on how vision works (Mandavilli, is yet to be discovered about vision on a basic
2006; Merabet & Pascual-Leone, 2010; level. Fortunately for aspiring BVI chemists,
Ricciardi et al., 2009; Ricciardi & Pietrini, when it comes to ‘seeing’ molecules, it is a
2011; Schinazi, Thrash, & Chebat, 2016). level playing field—no one can see molecules
Additional work is especially needed to anyway. We look forward to the day when
elucidate the neurological mechanisms basic research on vision and STEM education
through which auditory and tactile inputs research address such questions and better
assist visualization for BVI individuals enable, and welcome, blind and visually
(Renier et al., 2010). impaired scientists to enter the field. Perhaps
what Richard Held et al. said about newly
We conclude with one final thought in the form sighted objects for blind individuals also
of a philosophical question that was posed in applies to newly acquired skills in STEM
1688 to John Locke by William Molyneux, education, that these skills can be quickly
known in philosophy as Molyneux’s Question acquired with real-world experiences. It is our
(Degenaar & Lokhorst, 2017; Locke, 1689; job, as science education researchers, to
Morgan, 1977). Would a congenitally blind provide those opportunities.
individual, upon gaining sight, be able to
visually identify a sphere object accurately CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
versus a cube object that he or she previously
There are no conflicts to declare.
observed only by touch? Richard Held et al.

Vol. 24, No. 1 - 2021; Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Boyd-Kimball, D. (2012). Adaptive

instructional aids for teaching a blind
Support from the National Science Foundation
student in a nonmajors college chemistry
(CHE-1856416) is gratefully acknowledged.
course. Journal of Chemical Education,
89(11), 1395–1399.
Andersen, J. L. (1982). Chemical
Brauner, D. (2018). 3D Printer Resources.
instrumentation for the visually
Retrieved November 7, 2018, from
handicapped. Journal of Chemical
Education, 59(10), 871–872.
Bromfield-Lee, D. C., & Oliver-Hoyo, M. T.
Anderson, K. (2017). With 3D Technology,
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