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17th Sept 2022

Mid-Term 9. What will be the returned by the given query ? Select round (153.669,2);
Class – 12 Informatics Practices
10. To connect network of similar protocols ___________ are used.
Time: 3 hrs. Marks: 70
11. All pandas data structure are _________ mutable but not always ________ mutable.
General Instruction i) size, value ii) semantic, size
• Paper contains 2 parts: Part- A (2 sections) and Part – B (3 sections) iii) value , size iv) none
• Part – A : Q 1 to 21 attempt any 15 carry 1 mark each.
12. _________ keyword used for barplot.
• Part –A : Q 22 & 23 carry 4 mark each.
• Part –B : Q 24 to Q 33 carry 2 mark each 13. _______ is a standard naming convention used for assessing resources over the internet.
• Part –B : Q 33 to 37 carry 3 mark each
• Part –B : Q38 to Q40 carry 5 marks each 14. Software which are freely available and anyone can modify it are known as ______.

15. Name the most common technique for electronic fraud.

Part- A
Section – I (Attempt any 15) (15) 16. Identify the Domain name and URL from the following :
1. Downloading files or documents from the web for which we do not have the right
to use from creator or inventor is known as ____________________
2. Write the full form of : FTP , SMTP , IMAP , HTTPS. 17. VIRUS stands for ______________________________ (full-form)
3. What is purpose of matplotlib library?
18. What will be the returned by the given query ?
4. Pandas is used for:
Select left(“Rachna Sharma”,6)
i) to create a GUI programming ii) to create a database
iii) to create a high level array iv) all of the above 19. In DataFrame, axis=1 represents the ___________ elements.
5. Which operator is used to match column value against a list of values?
20. To display the 3rd , 4th and 5th columns from the 6th to 9th rows of datafram DF, you can
i) between ii) IN
iii) Like iv) Is Null write _____________

6. What id full form of : IPR , FOSS i) DF.loc[6:9,3:5] ii) DF.loc[6:10,3:6]

7. Pandas series can have ________________ data types .
iii) DF.iloc[6:10,3:6] iv) DF.iloc[6:9,3:5]
i) float ii) integer iii) string iv) all of these
21. What will be the returned by the given query ?
8. Which of the following attribute of data frame display the dimension of data frame
i) shape ii) size iii) dimension iv) values Select substr(“”Informatics Pratices”,-3,7);

17th Sept 2022
Section – II (Case Study – attempt any 4) (8) 4. The programmer wants to calculate how many students’ details are stored in the
22. Consider the dataframe, namely Sdf, given below and answer any four questions dataframe. Which of the following commands will yield the number of records in each
out of five.
column of the dataframe?
| StudentID Homework Midterm Project Final | a) Sdf.count(axis=1) b) pandas.count(Sdf.columns)
| 0 4560 100 97 100 95 | c) Sdf.count() d) pandas.count(Sdf)
| 1 5540 85 90 88 90 |
5. What will the following statement yield?
| 2 6889 92 85 88 87 |
| 3 6817 65 85 87 89 |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sdf.Midterm›90
1. Display only the first three columns of the dataframe.
i) Sdf.loc[:,:2] ii) Sdf.loc[:,:-2]
iii) Sdf.iloc[:,:-2] iv) Sdf.iloc[:,:2]
2. Which of the following commands will give the output as shown below ?
StudentID Homework
0 4560 100
1 5540 85 23. Consider the following table worker write SQL queries for the following statements
2 6889 92
3 6817 65
Ecode Name Desig Plevel DOJ DOB
i) Sdf.loc[1:,:2] ii) Sdf.loc[0:,:2]
11 Radhe Sham Supervisor P001 13-Sep-2004 24-Aug-1981
iii) Sdf.iloc[0:,:2] iv) Sdf.iloc[1:,:2]
12 Chander Nath Operator P003 22-Feb-2010 12-Jul-1987
3. The Principal wants to know the details of students who have scored at least 30% in
13 Fizza Operator P003 14-Jun-2009 14-Oct-1983
the Final Marks percentage. Which of the following set of commands will yield the 15 Ammen Ahmed Mechanic P002 21-Aug-2006 13-Mar-1984
desired result? 18 Sanya Clerk P002 19-Dec-2005 09-Jun-1983
a) print (Sdf['Final' ›= 90 ]) i) To display the details of all workers in descending order of date of birth.

b) b) print(Sdf [Sdf ['Final'] ›= 90]) ii) To display name and deig of those workers who Plevel is either P001 or P002

c) tmp = Sdf [Sdf [ 'Final' ] ›= 90] iii) To display the content of all the workers table, whose DOB is in between
print (tmp) 19 Jan 1984 and 18 Jan 1987
d) print (Sdf['Final' ] ›= 90) iv) To add a new row with the following:
19, Diya Kishore, operator, P003 19 Jan 2008 ,11 July 1984.
17th Sept 2022
Part- B 27. Explain optical fiber cable.
Section – I (20) 28. Write the output, use this table. Sports.csv
24. The adjacent code is reading from ‘employee.csv’ as shown below and intend to import pandas as pd Prizes
use column em_no’s value as index label. Find out the error and connect it rewrite the Sport Competitions won
correct code . sdf=pd.read_csv(“Sport.csv”)
Tennis 14 9
print(sdf) Football 22 16
Chess 25 15

29. Write the output

import pandas as pd
import pandas as pd ser=pd. Series([“Kavi”,”Shyam”,”Ravi”])
25. Give the output for the following SQL queries as per given table: 30. Write the output.
Relation: Teacher import pandas as pd
No. Name Age Dept DOJ Salary Sex import numpy as np
1 Jugal 34 Computer 10-Jan-1997 12000 M
a=pd. Series(data=[31,54,34,89,12,23] ,
2 Sharmila 31 History 24-Mar-1998 20000 F
3 Sandeep 32 Maths 12-Dec-1996 30000 M print(a>50)
4 Sangeeta 35 History 01-Jul-1999 40000 F 31. Write a python program to draw the line chart for the following:
5 Rakesh 42 Maths 05-Sep-1997 25000 M
6 Shyam 50 History 27-Jun-1998 30000 M x_data = [2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2013]
7 Shiv Om 44 Computer 25-Feb-1997 21000 M
8 Shalakha 33 Maths 31-Jul-1997 20000 F y_data= [18,21,18,21,16,14,13,18,17,16,19,23]
a) select count distinct department from teacher ;
32. Write the health issue related to technology.
b) select Max (age) from teacher where sex='F';
c) select avg(salary) from teacher where DOJ<{12-7-1996}; 33. Name the few tools and research for students with disabilities which can help

d) select sum(salary) from teacher where DOJ<{12-7-1996}; student to learn the things easily.
26. What do you understand by plagiarism ?

17th Sept 2022
Section – II (12) Section – III (15)
34. Write a program to create horizontal bar chart from two data sequence as given 38. Create the following data frames sales containing year wise sales figure for five
below: Make sure to show legends. sales person in INR. Use year as column labels and salesperson named as row labels.
means = [20, 35, 30, 35, 27] i) Display the row Labesl of sales
stds = [2, 3, 4, 1, 2] ii) Display the dimension, shape, size and value of sales
35. Given a Series of that store the area of some states in km . Write the code to find iii) Display the column Label of sales.
out the biggest and the smallest three areas from the given series. Given series has iv) Display the first two column of sales.
been created like this: 2014 2015 2016 2017
ser1=pd.Series([34567, 890, 67892, 34677, 78902, 256711, 678291, 637632, 25723, Madhu 100.5 12000 20000 50000
2367, 11789, 345, 256517]) Kusum 150.8 18000 50000 60000
Kinshuk 200.9 22000 70000 70000
36. Explain router and repeater.
Ankit 30000 30000 100000 80000
37. Write a program of this graph.
Shruti 40000 45000 125000 90000

39. Intelligent hub India is a knowledge community aimed to uplift the standard of
skills and knowledge in the society. It is planning to set up it training centre in multiple
towns and villages pan India with its head office in nearest cities. They have created
a model of their network with the city or town and 3 villages as follow.
As a network consultant, you have to suggest the best network related solutions for
their issues / problem rise in (a) to (d) keeping in mind the distance between the various
locations and other given parameters.
• In village there are the community centres in which one room has been
given as training centre to this organization to install computer
• The organization has got financial support from the government and top
IT companies.

17th Sept 2022
a. Suggest the most appropriate location of the server in the Y_Hub (out of 4 40. Create the following table named “Charity” and write SQL queries for the task:
location), to get the best and effective connectivity. Justify your answer. Table: Charity
b. Suggest the best wired medium and draw the cable layout (location to P_ID LastName FirstName Address City Contribution
location) to efficiently connect various locations within the Y_Hub. 1 Bindra Jaspreet 5B, Gomti Nagar Lucknow 3500.5
c. Which hardware device will you suggest to connect all the computers within 2 Rana Monica 21 A, Bandra Mumbai 2768
each location of Y_Hub? 3 Singh Jatinder 8, Punjabhi Bagh Delhi 2000.5
K/1, Shere Punjab
d. Which service / protocol will be the most helpful to connect a live interaction 4 Arora Satinder Colony Mumbai 1900
of experts from the head office and the people at Y_Hub location? 5 Lkrishna Vineeta A-75, Adarsh Nagar

a. Display the first name in lowercase

b. Display all the last name of people of Mumbai city in uppercase
c. Display PersonID along with first 3 character of his/her name.
d. Display the first name concatenated with last name for all the employees
e. Display length of address along with PersonID
f. Display last two character of city and PersonID.
g. Display last name and first name of people who have at it in the second or
third position in their first name
h. Display person ID , last name and contributions rounded to the nearest
rupees of all the person.
i. Display person ID last name and contribution with decimal digits catered
at of all the persons.
j. Display last name contribution and a third column which has contributed
divided by 10. Round it two decimal points

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