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ALGEBRA Most of the topics covered in JEE Maths syllabus are from algebra only. It would be really helpful for a JEE aspirant to revise and learn Algebraic Identities, Factorizations and Theorems. L MUUFACHORATION § Q-b=0-V GG) A br] J =a-Frab-ab 1. a’—b* =(a+b)(a—b), a’ — b° =(a-b)(a° + ab+B’) = = a*-ab+4b—b And in general al—b = Gs MY(arb) = @Qr>) (as) b oe. a —— a=W =(a-d)(a™ 404 + ab" HO) (-1) Ae Oe B= (Q-b) Pr aerays abi 3) ODD ee Be (at 8)(a! 0204 a9? — a1 4 BH) @) et +2ax+ a? =(x4 a)? X—2axt a? =(x+a)) ¥ +(atb)xrabe(xta)( xt) wm (p-2) €7. : ares” = (a+b) -3ab(a+5) P43ax' +3ate a'=(x4a)) = (a+0)(aray+s') Sax’ +3ax— a =(x-a)) Pata (xta)(e—arta’) M7 ban + bx Ad f-ta(saj(Peara)— = ECA) + b (t+) xt att =(x"— a") (z+ 2°) = (X44) (X+h) 3. (abreast eee + Habe bet cs) > (av bro) = ats B44 Hav 6)(b4 Jer a) A % (at bt) =a +b +0 +5(a+b)(b+0)(c+a)( a’ +b +c + ab+be+ca) 4. 4B +0 —Sabc=(a+ b+ 0)(a? +b? +. — ab—be-ca) 5, a! + 4b‘ =(a° + 20° + 2ab)( a + 26° - 2ab) Cat Factoy Hoven’ of {wm eal pt voriak Gade g {Qe=o > Qa) laa facte 4g fo aera ar a eS eee iE ¢ be fost a" a Se cayal fn a2— " = b= h" =O 2 i 2 ee aed (ciel etal 59) Nal mY Se cle) nar es fr tae f are" Se eee = Cath) —@ab Carp) +> —Babe = @x»)* Peele (Clee) ee eee (Gere) (Gk xe re) = Ban Gerre) = (arbre) [Cathy — Carne rc) a —3ar Gt bto) eke eee ete Hab + b¥ —ac— be cia — = Bab] = Cat bre) forty ech ~ab—be—ca| 4 a+ bec =O => [ore p+ CP=3ae © a +4h' =@ 74+ er)” a. (at 2 5 )*— 2(ad28) |e G24 be Caoyy i Gath | =Carpe2ah Qt 26P— Cap) = wh it (02 +2}+ 20h) Catt 2 6*-20b) ) cay fa ee . Be (yas eect ty a ace eee \ (Gin eae Getay = 3t® Cake pi) Cy XH) {i j{) ICE7 1. Prove that if_n>1 then(n! +s composite. nen ee (10% +324)(22' + 324)(34" + 324)(46' +324)(58" +324) ue a dae (4¢+ 324)(16" + 324)(28" + 324)( 40° + 324)(52" +324) © Ce Find the largest prime divisor of 5°+4-6* 2014'+4x2013' 2012+ 4x 2013" 4, Calculate the value of ~~ —___. ae 2013? + 4027 2013’ + 4025 @) Factor (3) 45-2)’ +(z-4). tBad 6. Given that a + b + c = 0, prove that pe eens 3 i ee G92 C 9-2 4 C2-X) wot ia) ee (ea ae eS fe OT aI) *) ott pret = Babe Ce +Q-2)* 4eCz =a)? = SOI reer ——- Q (09+ tr Com papi peN, n>) Com-) rane teen (Me aed ae =l6C ) = even =Com fos k Care-L: i nom Poel a een n" 4 Ae se Orth Pn yas ne Pe D ao ae a a pp Poe pt a @) eal (nee oy men I = Grea" — @Ftn) 26") = Cnte2”- 2" n) (r+ 2") 4.12% SS 5 =e ~ (a= a = ad Ea al COM (Sadie cl > aie } —_ 2. EXPONENTIATION PROPERTIES Listed below are some important properties of exponents: Bo 4 a a 3 a =2 1b b=” On 28 2 2 bak 4 a3 1 22] 3. 2? yo 4, 43 (3 eh Coe A 5. (ab)*=a*b’ 6 B=1 (if b+ Q0° is undefined.) SURDS 1. To rationalize (a? ~6'"): Let n be the LCM of p and q. Suppose a= x and B= y. Clearly x’ & y’ are both rational. We need to rationalize (x -y) which can be done by multiplying it with [ x”'y? + x"*y'+....+x°y""] (as mentioned in p1 above) 2 To rationalize (a? +5"); Let n be the LCM of p and q. Suppose a!”= x, 6! = y. If nis odd then to rationalize use p2 as mentioned above. Zu x,x20 8 VFR (reo e.g. The square root of 5V6 +12 is: (a) +6*( 3+ V2) (b) +6'°(V3+ v2) () +6"*(¥3+v2) (a) 26""(J3-V2) Oo aa) AAO Tee) oO LH LO) a 9 8 x () =e s

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