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1. Renewable and non-renewable resources

Renewable Resources Non-renewable Resources


Renewable resources cannot be depleted over time Non-renewable resources deplete over time


Renewable resources include sunlight, water, wind

Non-renewable energy includes fossil fuels such as
and also geothermal sources such as hot springs
coal and petroleum.
and fumaroles

Environmental Impact

Most renewable resources have low carbon emissions Non-renewable energy has a comparatively higher
and low carbon footprint carbon footprint and carbon emissions.


The upfront cost of renewable energy is high. – For

instance, Generating electricity using technologies Non-renewable energy has a comparatively lower
running on renewable energy is costlier than upfront cost.
generating it with fossil fuels

Infrastructure Requirements

Infrastructure for harvesting renewable energy is Cost-effective and accessible infrastructure is

prohibitively expensive and not easily accessible in available for non-renewable energy across most
most countries. countries

Area Requirements

Requires a large land/ offshore area, especially for

Comparatively lower area requirements
wind farms and solar farms

2. Birth rate and death rate

The difference between the birth rate and death rate are given below.
Birth rate Death rate

Birth rate is a term used to describe the number  Death Rate is the name used to describe the number 
of babies born per 1000 people of deaths per 1000 individuals in a population annually.
annually in a population.

For a given population the birth rate is called For a given population the death rate is called Mortality.

3. MSY and bubble pattern of depletion

Bubble pattern of depletion: Unsustainable use of many resources exhibits a BUBBLE PATTERN OFDEPLETION.
Exponential exploitation occurs as long as the supply of a resource exceeds the demand. Exponential decline
occurs when demand exceeds supply. This concept was introduced by King Hubbert 1960.
Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY): MSY holds that the optimum way to exploit a renewable resource is to
harvest as much as possible up to the point at which the harvest rate equals the renewable rate.
Rate of use of resources mut be equal to the rate of recharge of resources. MSY= ½ CC

4. Demography and doubling time

Demography is the study of human population. Scientifically is the study of the size growth density,
distribution and other characteristics of human population.
Doubling time is the amount of time it takes for a value to double itself at a consistent rate of growth. It can be
applied to any value that increases at a consistent rate, but we very often use it to study human population
growth. We can find the doubling time for a population undergoing exponential growth by using the Rule of
70. To do this, we divide 70 by the growth rate (r).

5. Transition and sustainability

Environmental Sustainability: Ecological integrity is maintained, all of earth’s environmental systems are kept
in balance while natural resources within them are consumed by humans at a rate where they are able to
replenish themselves.
Transition is referred to as a period or phase in which a big change or shift is happening

6. Pollutant & contaminant

What is Pollution?
Pollution is particularly dealing with waste materials which harm our air, water, soil, and space.  It occurs
when the contaminants reach an alarming number.

What is Contamination?
Contamination happens when an external material gets mixed with the original matter or area. For example,
the mixture of ink with drinking water may already be termed as contamination. Contaminants may be
chemical, biological, or radiological in nature. Hence, they may be harmful or not.

Difference Between Pollutant and Contaminant

Pollutant is a harmful or poisonous substance that pollutes something.
Contaminant is a foreign substance or impurity that contaminates something.

Adverse effects
Pollutants always create harmful effects.
Contaminants do not always create harmful effects.

Foreign Substance
Pollutants can be either foreign substances or a component of the original substance that has exceeded the
harmless level.
Contaminants usually refer to foreign matter that are introduced from the outside.

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