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Setting: Private practice

 You are working with a client who wants a job. The individual is about 40, has work
experience, few barriers, and a high school education. The client says she is not interested
in doing some of the type of work she has done previously. She is open to learning about
other possibilities and even training to gain entry to new kinds of work. How would you use
formal and/or informal assessments to help this client identify occupations to consider?

For reference purpose, let me assume the client’s name to be ““the client””.

Now, some of the known facts about “the client” are-

a/ Age- 40 years

b/ Gender-Female

c/ Work Experience- Yes

d/ Academic History – High School Graduate

e/ Query-

 Wants Job
 Doesn’t want to continue her existing Line of work
 Open to new field of work and training

Making “the client” comfortable and forming a baseline for myself to know “the client” better I
initiated the conversation by asking her some general questions about her on topics like
Extracurricular Activities, her family background & details, Hobbies, etc.

The details about “the client” after the conversation are as follows-

 Extracurricular Activities- Painting and cooking.

 Like to watch movies such as Chef (family drama), Burnt (life story of a Michelin winning

 Hobbies- Playing Volleyball, Travelling

 Family Background-

a/ Married, Husband working as a Senior Technician/Mechanic in a Renowned automobile

b/ 2 kids – Meera - 12-year daughter & Raj – 5 months old infant.
I switched our conversation to a coaching session. After 30 mins of Coaching session “the
client” realises the following-

1/ She needs to find work which is meaningful to her as she cannot afford to change
another line of work after her 50’s.

2/ She is also worried as a lot have changed after the birth of her son.

3/ She always wanted to open a restaurant of her own as her love for cooking continues but
is not sure how to go about it.

4/ She says that she ‘s not sure if she would be confident enough to face and meet so many
people but definitely wants to do something interesting and which sounds purposeful to her.

As a Career Coach I feel that inducing the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator would be apt and fit
to use in this case. The reason for me choosing the MBTI are as follows-

a/ “the client” is already in her 40’s and with a lot of responsibilities. She now cannot
afford to play trial and error with her career anymore. And because of this she needs to be
sure about her personality type and how she could use this to work upon her interest

b/ She also needs to find her true strengths according to her personality type so that she
could harness her strengths and bring them to work at her full potential.

Before we move further and apply the MBTI assessment in “the client”’s Life, let us first
understand the MBTI in brief.

The MBTI is widely used personality inventory or test, employed in vocational, educational
and psychotherapy settings to evaluate personality type in adolescents and adults age 14
and older. The Myers-Briggs evaluates personality type and preference based on the four
psychological types-

a/ Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I)

b/ Sensing (S) or Intuition (N)
c/ Thinking(T) or Feeling(F)
d/ Judging (J) or Perceiving (P)

There are total of 16 possible combinations of personality types on the MBTI

Now, let us know each of the four psychological types in detail-

a/ (E) or (I) – Extraverts focus more on people and things while introverts on ideas.
b/ (S) or (N) – Sensing dominant personalities prefer to perceive through sight, sound, taste,
touch and smell, while intuition -dominant types look to past experience and are more
abstract in their thinking.
c/ (T) or (F) – is a measure of how people use judgement. Thinking types use logic to judge
the world, while feeling types tend to view things on the basis of what emotions they invoke
d/ (J) or (P) – Judging dominant are said to be more methodical and results- oriented, while
perceiving -dominant types are good at multi-tasking and are flexible.
Now, after Inducing MBTI on “the client”, her results came out with code – ISFP.

People with this personality type tend to be peaceful, easy going, and down to earth
individuals. They have a strong need for personal space and value time alone to recharge

So, after sharing the test results with “the client” and explaining her the personality type and having
considering that she wants to pursue something meaningful in her life, I as her Career Coach would
suggest her the following –

i/ PLAN A- Going by his first and Foremost interest in Physics and math and also keeping his hobbies
of Outdoor Activities and travel I suggested him to pursue his career in the Merchant Navy by
applying for a bachelor’s degree in Nautical Science.
His Dominant Styles of being Administrative, Defence, Motivation, Prosocial Behaviour, and
Understanding of Abstract made me suggest Merchant Navy to him.
ii / PLAN B- Pursue B.SC (Physics) and then after Passing out of college he can Apply and prepare for
the UPSC exam and state-regulated Govt Service Examinations.
Going by his love for the Physics Subject and his dominant styles in Administration, Govt. & Admin,
Team Work, Organisation skills, and a practical and most importantly intense pursuit made me
suggest this option to him.
iii / PLAN C- Pursue Graduation in (Supply Chain Management & Logistics), and then pursue MBA
(Operations or Supply Chain Management) and then work in the field of Distribution & Logistics as a
Logistic Analyst, Logistic Manager, Warehouse Manager, Supply chain Analyst, etc.) for big MNC, s
like DHL, Fed EX, etc. 
Going by his love for maths, Dominant styles in Administrative and creative, Emotional Regulation,
Pro Social Behaviour, Emotional Self-Efficacy, Teamwork, Intense Pursuit, Organisational Skills, and
his dominant interest in logistics and distribution made I suggest this option to him.

Road Map-

Copy paste from iccc advance (if needed) or write ur own

To pusue plan a ,he need to ,plan b he neds to and so on

Neeraj Was very happy and pleased with his Psychometric Assessment report. He informed me that
he shared all the information with his parents and that it would take them some time to come up
with a bold decision based on my Suggestions. He also informed me that he would definitely choose
either Plan A or B as these connects to him more on an emotional level and his interest pursuit. 
He thanked me with all his heart as I wished Him all the luck for his future endeavours! I also
suggested him to call or reach me if he occurs with any kind of problem while implementing these

As a Career Coach I feel that inducing the VIA (Values in Action) Personality Assessment
would be apt and fit to use this case. The reason for me choosing the VIA Assessment are as

a/ “the client” is already in her 40’s and with a lot of responsibilities. She now cannot
afford to play trial and error with her career anymore. And because of this she needs to be
sure about her values and how she could use this to work upon her interest areas.

b/ She also needs to find her true strengths according to her values so that she could
harness her strengths and bring them to work at her full potential.

Before we move further and apply the VIA assessment in “the client”’s Life, let us first
understand the VIA assessment in brief.

Highlights of VIA (Values in Action) Assessment

a/ Revelation of signature strengths

b/ Revelation of middle strengths
c/ Revelation of Lesser Strengths


VIA Survey of character strengths is a 240-item face valid self-report questionnaire intended
for me with adults. This measure uses 5-point Likert style items to measure the degree to
which respondents endorses items reflecting the 24 strengths of character that compromise
the VIA classification. The survey takes about 25 minutes to complete, although there is no
time limit.

Now, after Inducing VIA Assessment on “the client”, her results came out to be the

Signature strengths

Humour, Spirituality, Perspective, Social intelligence, Kindness

Middle strengths
Fairness, Curiosity, Love, Love of Learning, Hope

Lesser strengths

Bravery, Leadership, zest, self-regulation, prudence.

As I shared the test results with “the client”, she was very fascinated and surprised to know and
learn that some the values were never on her list and she never thought those would be applicable
with her personality.
So, after sharing the test results with “the client” and explaining her the values type and having
considering that she wants to pursue something meaningful in her life, I as her Career Coach would
suggest her the following –


As a Career Coach I feel that inducing the Mindler Assessment would be apt and fit to use
this case. The reason for me choosing the Mindler Assessment are as follows-

a/ “the client” is already in her 40’s and with a lot of responsibilities. She now cannot
afford to play trial and error with her career anymore. And because of this she needs to be
sure about her dominant personality type, her orientation style, and most importantly her
socio-emotional intelligence and how she could use this to work upon her interest areas.

b/ She also needs to find her true strengths according to her values so that she could
harness her strengths and bring them to work at her full potential.

Before we move further and apply the Mindler assessment in “the client”’s Life, let us first
understand the Mindler assessment in brief.

The Mindler Assessment can be used in schools, universities, and career counselling centres to help
students identify their career choices. It could help students in grades 8 and 9 to determine which
academic paths and subjects to pursue. Through the Mindler report, students in grade 10 to 12 can
learn about courses and colleges to target, while college students can gain better understanding
about their potential.

The Assessment usually takes 90 – 110 minutes to complete and provides a detailed report of each
parameter in well-defined categories((a) orientation style, (b) interest, (c) personality, (d) aptitude,
and (e) socio-emotional intelligence.)

A student who scores average or below average in a particular parameter is provided with a
developmental plan within the report for each career in the library. Once students are aware of their
potential career choices, strengths, and development plans, they experience less career anxiety and
become more certain of their career paths.

The Assessment is a well-developed career decision-making instrument that integrates various

success elements to help students make informed career choices. This will be a useful tool for
academicians, researchers, and school counsellors who are interested in career development. The
Mindler Assessment is also a useful tool to employ with students who need deeper self-
understanding to enable their successful and self-directed career management.

Now, after Inducing the Mindler Assessment on “the client”, her results came out to be the

A Brief Description of her Assessment

a/ Orientation Style- Administrative (8/9) and Creative (5/9) are his dominant Oriental Styles
b/ Interest- Social Science & humanities, Distribution & Logistics, Government & admin, Defence,
and Engineering are his dominant Interest fields
c/ Personality- Resilience (9/9), Agreeableness (7/9), and Teamwork (7/9) are his dominant
personality Types where he scored very high points
The personality Traits where he scored in the medium range are Intense pursuit, Organizational
Skills, Practical, and enthusiasm. 
d/ Emotional Quotient- Motivation (7/9) and Emotional Regulation 6/9) are his dominant EQs.
The EQs where he scored in the medium range are Pro Social Behaviour and Emotional Self-Efficacy.
 e/ Aptitude- Mechanical (6/9), Language usage (6/9), and Abstract (5/9) are his dominant Aptitude

So, after sharing the test results with “the client” and explaining her the different parameters in each
category and having considering that she wants to pursue something meaningful in her life, I as her
Career Coach would suggest her the following –

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