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10/22/22, 7:50 PM Seven Star Tanglang Boxing: Basic Introduction, Origin of Martial Arts, Boxing Characteristics, Boxing System,

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Seven Star Mantis Fist

Qixing Tanglang Boxing, also known as Luohan Tanglang Boxing, is one of the traditional boxing techniques and belongs
to the Northern School Tanglang Boxing. Its basic stance is based on "seven star steps". Its strength is just brittle,
wrapping horizontally, and hitting straight. The practice is divided into three parts: The first is the basic skills. It

includes waist, leg, shoulder skills, stance stance, slapping skills, etc. The second is routine skills. It includes small
combinations and routines. Its routines include punching , overturning, jumping, intercepting, removing helmets,
double flower arrangement, eighteen shuttles, filing steel, soft spirit, abstract, mantis nine turns and eighteen falls,
white ape out of the hole, stealing peach, offering fruit, entering Hole, dismantling, clap, etc.; the third is dismantling
practice. Including bumping piles, kicking and punching sandbags, rehearsing twelve hammers all over the body, sanda

and so on.

The founder of Qixing Tanglang Boxing was Wang Yongchun , the last Kewu Examination during the Guangxu period of
the Qing Dynasty. Seven Star Mantis Boxing focuses on its meaning, not its shape. It is rigid and soft. The general rule
is to kick, hit, throw, take, and point.

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basic introduction
Chinese name : Seven Star Mantis Fist
Nature : One of the traditional boxing
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10/22/22, 7:50 PM Seven Star Tanglang Boxing: Basic Introduction, Origin of Martial Arts, Boxing Characteristics, Boxing System, Kungfu, Boxing, Equipment, …

Aliases : Arhat Mantis Fist

Genre : Northern Mantis Boxing

basic introduction

Qixing Tanglangquan was created on the basis of Tanglangquan, and it is a branch of Tanglangquan in the process of sp
reading .

Tanglang Quan is a kind of boxing in ancient China . It was founded by Wang Lang during the reign of Emperor Wu of Li
ang . After Wang Lang created boxing, he defeated the monks of the Shaolin Temple, and later entered the Shaolin Tem
ple to spread the boxing skills . Mantis boxing is only passed down to a few people in Shaolin Temple, and it is a boxing
method that cannot be ignored.

Tanglangquan was passed on to the people in the late Qianlong years. Shengxiao of Lugo Yunhuaguan in the northwest
of Chaxian, Shandong had a good relationship with the monks of Shaolin Temple, and learned Tanglangquan. After She
ng Xiao learned it, he re-collected the secret key of Shaolin Bunting, and added some supplements.

In the twelfth year of Daoguang, the governor of Yangxin County , Shandong Province, captured Li Zhijian, a native of
Pingdu , Shandong , and introduced him to Xiang Sizhun.

In the 14th year of Guangxu, Li Zhijian went to Yantai to teach Tanglang Boxing to Wang Yunsheng and Hao Shunchan

In the eighteenth year of Guangxu, Wang Yunsheng used Li Zhijian's direct transmission of mantis hands, abstracts, eig
ht elbows and other fists, as well as the small fists exchanged with his younger brother Hao Shunchang, and Shaolin's t
rue scriptures. And founded the Seven Star Mantis Fist.

The techniques of Qixing Tanglang Boxing are empty and real, right and strange; it can be soft and strong, can attack a
nd defend, and can be horizontal; it can be divided into eight cubits as the mother, which is all-encompassing. After att
acking, or hitting the left and breaking the right, in the potential, within the attack, the footwork is ready, the attack is i
n the middle; the hand is reflected and suddenly, the hand is like thunder and lightning, within the potential, the attack
is In the middle, the overlapping is like hammering a mountain; when it moves, it is like lightning, and when it does not
move, it is like Mount Tai ; this is called oneness.

The general principles of Qixing Tanglang Boxing are kicking , hitting, throwing, holding and tapping. Kicking has twent
y-four fatal mandarin duck legs and thirty-six dark legs. There were three falls and six falls, for a total of thirty-six falls.
There are 108-character styles and 24-character general styles. There are eighteen gripping methods, thirty-six slipper
y, thirty-six sticky, and a total of seventy-two grips. There are twelve major acupoints, twenty-four small acupoints, et

Origin of martial arts

The founder of Qixing Tanglang Boxing was Wang Yongchun , the last Kewu Examination during the Guangxu period of t
he Qing Dynasty .

Wang Yunsheng's " Mantis Boxing Test" description:

Tanglang Quan was founded by Wang Lang during the reign of Emperor Wu of Liang . In the early years of the emperor,
famous masters gathered in Shaolin to compete in boxing and kicks. In Taiyuan County , Shanxi Province, there was W

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ang Lang 's character Faming, and he entered Maoshan with Tao Hongjing 's character Tongming to learn alchemy and

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Buddhism. Tao and fists and feet, Tao Yinju passed on raccoon boxing to Lang. After Lang got this Now he compared
with Shaolin monks, but he did not win several battles. The monk laughed and said, "It's so shocking to move mountai七星螳螂拳 2/16
10/22/22, 7:50 PM Seven Star Tanglang Boxing: Basic Introduction, Origin of Martial Arts, Boxing Characteristics, Boxing System, Kungfu, Boxing, Equipment, …

ns down to the sea. Taoist monks in Maoshan have long lost their names. Some people have learned Buddhism and dar
e to fight against millions of soldiers. Lang Wenzhi was ashamed and angry, and his anger was so mad. One day I was s
itting under a tree, and suddenly I heard cicadas chirping on the tree. I raised my eyes and saw a cicada competing wit
h a mantis. The cicada could not overcome the mantis' arms with its four legs. The cicada fell to the ground, and the m
antis chased after him. Lang Xin had an epiphany, took it back, played it with a straw pole, took its method, practiced h
ard day and night, and realized the power of catching mantises into boxing principles. For several days, he competed wi
th the monks in the temple, and Lang used the mantis's double-knife technique. When the monks were defeated, the a
bbot invited Lang into the temple, taught him the method, and created the first method, the double praying mantis. Th
e first set of fists, called jump catch, its technique has thirty-six strokes, because Lang Yuan practiced raccoon boxing,
so there are still raccoon boxing techniques in the boxing. He created the mantis catching cicada boxing, and finally pic
ked up another set of boxing randomly. After three years of teaching at the temple, Lang could not practice in seclusion
in Maoshan Mountain. His teacher Tao Gong said: In the past few decades, there have been few people who can defeat
Shaolin. The teacher also remembered the words for Lang Yinju: How honorable is the crown, although it is not a treas
ure, I seek truth with all manners, and hold it tightly. On the 14th day of the first lunar month in the second year of Dat
ong, Emperor Wu ascended to immortality, published the Taixiao Sutra, and had a boxing sword record waiting for him.
Mantis boxing is only passed down to a few people in Shaolin Temple, and it is a boxing method that cannot be ignored.

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At the end of the Song Dynasty, Zen Master Fu Ju deleted the collection of boxing swords and swords, and added eighte
en styles of boxing . People can learn this punch.

Tanglangquan was passed down to the people in the late Qianlong period of the Chinese Dynasty. Shengxiao of Lugo Yu
nhuaguan in the northwest of Shandong Chaxian had a good relationship with the monks of Shaolin Temple, and learne
d Tanglangquan. After Sheng Xiao learned it, he re-collected the secret key of Shaolin Bunting, and added some supple

Yan Yuqing also liked martial arts at the Baiyun Temple outside Xizhimen in Kyoto City. He traveled north and south of t
he Yangtze River to seek teachers and visit friends. Di Cangzhou White Rabbit Village Yang Jun score.

In the twelfth year of Daoguang, Wang Kechenju, the governor of Yangxin County , Shandong Province, has captured Li
Zhijian, a native of Pingdu , Shandong . As a teacher, learn mantis boxing.

Li Zhijian worked successively in Minhou Jinan as a prisoner, as a guard, and as an escort. After retiring from old age a
nd returning home, he traveled all over the world. In the 14th year of Guangxu, he went to Fushan and Yantai to teach
Tanglang Quan to Wang Yunsheng and Hao Shunchang. During the day, he passed on the boxing to Wang Yunsheng, an
d in the evening, he stayed at Hao's house and passed on the boxing to Hao.

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Wang Yunsheng mainly studied and comprehended various boxing methods in Mantis Boxing. He was named "Seven St

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ar Tanglang Boxing" after the Kui Xing of his own hall named "Kui De Tang" and the Beidou with Shop
his junior brother Hao Shunchang also created "Mandarin Duck Tanglang Boxing " .
the Seven
Now Stars. Then七星螳螂拳 3/16
10/22/22, 7:50 PM Seven Star Tanglang Boxing: Basic Introduction, Origin of Martial Arts, Boxing Characteristics, Boxing System, Kungfu, Boxing, Equipment, …

Boxing characteristics

1. Harmony of the circle and body

2. The fist is tight and the body is relaxed and light at the same time

Three, through the compact and lively rhythm

4. Rigid and soft complement each other's strengths and weaknesses

5. Phase change of opening, closing and releasing

6. Move and dodge with flexibility

7. Hooking and wrapping are endlessly changing

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Boxing system

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Gongfa is the foundation of Qixing Tanglang Boxing, and the research and practice of Gongfa is the cultivation and impr
ovement of inner qi, inner strength and inner strength . The ancients said: "If you don't practice qigong, you will becom
e old and useless." Hold the dantian to practice internal skills, strengthen the internal and help the external. The Eighte
en Arhats and the Three-Circle Nine-Turn Pai Da Gong are the internal skills for practicing internal qi and internal energ
y to cultivate overall strength.

1. Three rounds of nine-turn platoons

The three rounds of the nine-turn Pai Da Gonggong is a method of practicing inner qi, inner strength, and muscles, bon
es and skin. This function allows people to pass through the whole body of qi and blood, and where the qi can be discha
rged, this function can strengthen the resistance, increase the strength of the arms and legs, and make the body firm a
nd strong. This exercise neither damages the flesh nor the muscles and bones , and is the best exercise for strengtheni
ng the muscles and bones.

2. Eighteen Arhats

"Exercise both inside and outside, give priority to the inside, combine movement and stillness, and give priority to stilln
ess". The Eighteen Arhats are eighteen poses. In terms of training methods, it is advocated that training the mind with
out training the qi, training the qi without training the strength, the strength is easy to break, the qi is easy to stagnat
e, and the mind is connected. This work focuses on taking qi, convincing qi, guiding qi, activating qi, and luck. On the b
asis of the growth of inner qi, it accumulates the power of true essence, uses the mind to activate qi, presses the orifice
to luck, adopts natural breathing, makes the five internal organs smooth and harmonious, and the joints open automati
cally. , The dantian gas is sufficient, the essence gas is complacent, and the spirit is always clear . The most important t
hing in practice is essence, qi, spirit, full of spirit, sufficient internal energy and strong internal power. Only then can th
e power of boxing be fully exerted and the realm of mantis boxing can be achieved. This depends on the foundation of i
nternal power.

Seven Star Mantis Fist


Boxing is the core of the Qixing Tanglang Boxing system, based on the secrets of Arhat bunts. Qixing Tanglangquan em
phasizes "eight hits, eight no hits, eight rigidity, and twelve softness". Depend on. In terms of style characteristics, adv
ance and retreat are empty and real, the length rises and falls, flashes and moves, jumps in and out, combines rigidity
and softness, and opens, closes and closes. In the combat, the virtual and the real, adapt to the situation, take up and
down, down and take up, from the inner door to the outer door, the outer door to the inner door, the attack is the attac
k, the attack is the attack, the attack and the attack, the attack and the attack , the sound of the east and the attack of

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the west, the sudden rise and fall, the long has the wonderful of seven long, the short has the strength of eight short, e
ighty-eighty-sixty-four doors, nine-nine-eighty-one. The strength of his boxing is fast,2

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Now (overall
strength). Its boxing styles include punching , breaking steps, intercepting, breaking rigid, soft spirit, eighteen shuttles,七星螳螂拳 5/16
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small rollovers, big rollovers, abstract six strokes, four sections and eight elbows , split punches, and interception punc
hes. The white ape is for guiding the way, stealing peaches, man caves, offering peaches, going out of holes, offering b
ooks, etc.

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Seven Star Mantis Fist


Equipment is the auxiliary practice of Qixing Tanglang Boxing. In a sense, equipment is the extension of boxing. To prac
tice equipment well, you must have the foundation of gong and boxing. Its main weapons are: Seven Star Sword , Whit
e Ape Chasing Wind Sword, Yanqing Sword , Plum Blossom Sword , Liuhe Stick, Wuhu Flock Sheep Stick , Plum Blosso
m Spear , Spring and Autumn Sword , etc.

1. Seven Star Sword

The Seven Star Sword is one of the main weapons of the Seven Star Mantis Gate. The swordsmanship is point, smash,
pierce, split, stab, pick, stick, wrap, belt, hang, slide, and cut. The first six characters are attacking, and the last six cha
racters are attacking. Dissolving is the main focus, the whole set of swordsmanship is stretched and generous, simple a
nd unpretentious, the virtual and the real are uncertain, the inside and outside are integrated , the tricks are combined,
and the use is flexible.

2. White Ape Chasing the Wind Sword

The White Cloud Chasing Wind Sword of the Seven Star Mantis Gate is different from other swords. It is used to hold th
e sword with both hands. Few people know about this sword in the Seven Star Mantis Gate, and it is not secret. This sw
ord is no more than four feet four inches (1.46 meters) long. The handle should be a quarter of the length of the swor
d, so that it can be used easily. The sword techniques include: point, stab, wash, grid, collapse, split, swipe, wipe, pierc
e, hold, sweep, intercept, block, cloud, twist, hang, hook, wrap, rub, cut, roll, leak, etc. . The movements are simple, li
ght and heavy, the inside and the outside are integrated, the hardness and softness complement each other, the truth i
s empty, the empty is the truth, flexible and changeable, free to send and receive, it is the superior swordsmanship. Th
ere are twenty-four sword tactics .

Twenty-four Swords

Roller defends left and right in series, one rise and one fall to hide.

Pulling the grass to find the snake to find the outer arm, Phoenix nodded and took the center.

The sword is excellent for changing left and right hands, and it is the first step to take the middle door.

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The body of the Dharma body is like a swallow, and the enemy advances and we take2

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Throwing the legs down and intercepting them upside down, and chaining them to the bottom of the ankles.七星螳螂拳 6/16
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The autumn wind swept the leaves back, and the lightning sword covered the top.

The overlord takes off his helmet and stabs the sun, and the white ape goes into the hole to dig his heart.

The wind wheel swordsmanship is really wonderful, sweeping thousands of troops left and right.

Climb up and smash down, and the Zhongping sword will be rolled into hands.

The sword criticizes all the laws in the cloud, and the cross criticizes the sword with rigidity and softness.

The thorns , twists and cuts are used by the king , and the swordsmanship is fine.

3. Liuhe stick

Liuhe stick, the first stick in the world, was later spread in the Nantu Mountain area of ​Fushan District, Yantai City, Shan
dong Province, and absorbed the essence of Shaolin stick method and other family stick methods. The content of Liuhe
stick is very rich, such as point, touch, roll, stir, lift, pick, hang, lift, split, pierce, pierce, press, pump, bring, wrap, bloc
k, seal, close, circle, hold, cloud, sweep , insertion, pinch, swing, drag, frame, pierce, collapse, tie, slap, pound, poke, p
ush, compare, roll, leak and other techniques of combat. Influenced by Tanglang Boxing’s fierce, fast and changeable st
yles, and through continuous study and improvement by Wang Yongchun, Liuhe stick is a practical stick method with ri
gorous structure, simple movements, combination of rigidity and softness, follow-up from top to bottom, fast and chan
geable. The style characteristics of strong fighting ability further highlight the characteristics of the Liuhe cudgel metho
d with sticks and guns.

Seven Star Mantis Fist

pair training

Pair training can improve the ability to know oneself and the enemy, attack and defense, and can test the skills, footwor
k , and strength through mutual practice. It can avoid unintentional injury in direct Sanshou , so it is used as a training
method for transitioning to Sanshou. The practice routines include patting the table, peach blossoms, removing the hel
met, breaking the step and folding in half, summarizing the sparring, relying on the big, and making the equality. Over
the years, Qixing Tanglangquan has been famous at home and abroad for its complete system, systematic theory, disti
nctive features, unique style, remarkable performance and Chinese national cultural characteristics. This treasure of tra

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ditional Chinese culture is being widely spread around the world. .

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10/22/22, 7:50 PM Seven Star Tanglang Boxing: Basic Introduction, Origin of Martial Arts, Boxing Characteristics, Boxing System, Kungfu, Boxing, Equipment, …


Wang Lang

Ascension Taoist

first ancestor

Li Zhijian Li Yichun


Wang Yunsheng

Second-generation ancestor

Wang Shilu (son of Wang Yunsheng) Fan Xudong Chi Shuluo

The third ancestor

Guo Jialu, Yang Weixin , Lin Jingshan , Luo Guangyu, Wang Chuanyi (grandson of Wang Yunsheng)

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Zhao Liangfu, Zhang Youde , Xiao Shubin, Liu Yongchang

Note: Why are Li Zhijian and Li Yichun designated as the first ancestors? According to the records of the ancestors of th
e seven-star Tanglangquan of Kuidetang Wanggong Yunsheng, "Before the creation of Qixingtanglangquan, Yunsheng le
arned from Li Gongyichun's Huashan School Changquan and Li Gongzhi. Scissor Tanglang Boxing, I mainly focus on Tan
glang Boxing. I combined several boxing techniques to create Qixing Tanglang Boxing. The original boxing was not calle
d Qixing Tanglang Boxing, and these masters were the masters I learned boxing at the beginning. He founded his own
school and forgot his ancestors, so he respected several masters as the ancestors of Qixing Tanglangquan, Wang Lang
and Shengxiao as the originators..."

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10/22/22, 7:50 PM Seven Star Tanglang Boxing: Basic Introduction, Origin of Martial Arts, Boxing Characteristics, Boxing System, Kungfu, Boxing, Equipment, …

Promote development

After the inheritance and development of the old boxers of the old generation, the disciples of Qixing Tanglangquan hav
e spread all over the country and even all over the world.

historical part

Li Zhijian passed on Tanglang Boxing to Wang Yongchun (word Yunsheng) and Hao Shunchang in his later years. Wang
initially learned Huashan Boxing from Daoist Li Yichun, and then learned Diwaquan and Luohan Boxing . After learning
Tanglangquan techniques, he and his younger brother Hao Shunchang exchanged boxing routines, mainly based on Tan
glangquan, synthesizing what he has learned, concentrating on research, and creating Qixing Tanglangquan in the eight
eenth year of Guangxu.

Wang Yunsheng recorded in "The Biochemical Principles of Qixing Tanglang Boxing, Various Fighting Techniques,
and Preparations for Kui Detang ": " Seven Star Tanglang Boxing originated from Yu Shao's time when he was
a young man, and he learned martial arts in the morning and evening. Five years under the tutelage of Fuyi Zhifu, Yant

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ai, Yuhuangding, Huashan School, Li Gongyi, the 17th generation of the Dharma heir, and Li Gongyi, who studied under
years, and
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the Changmen of Changmen, and studied Huashan Boxing, Foot and Mind, Tongzhi, 11 went
Shop Nowto Wendeng wh
ere he studied in Longjing, Guangxu, 14th year, and taught at the Yanshe Society . Du Li Gongzhi's direct line of cutting七星螳螂拳 9/16
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Tanglang hand summed up nearly 20 sets of eight elbows and other boxing methods, and exchanged more than ten set
s of small boxing with his junior brother Hao Shunchang, and studied and learned from Shaolin's true scriptures several
times. The seven - star Tanglang Quan, the re-established gatekeeper, has been around for a long time, and I am afraid
that it will be lost for a long time, and I will forget its ancestral history . "Wang Yunsheng, the master of the West Kwai
De hall, speaks to the inside of the hall (Wang Yunsheng's seal)"

Wang Yongchun passed on the Seven Star Mantis Boxing to Fan Xudong .

Fan Xudong had nine major disciples, namely: Luo Guangyu, Zhao Liangfu, Lin Jingshan , Xiao Shubin, Wang Chuanyi,
Guo Jialu, Zhang Youde , Liu Yongchang , and Yang Weixin.

formulas heart method

Eighteen Ways

Taizu's Changquan is the first, and Han Tong's Tongbei is the mother.

Zheng En 's entanglement is especially wonderful, and Wen Yuan's short punches are even more amazing.

Ma Ji's bunts are the strangest, and Sun Heng 's monkey fists are prosperous.

Huang Hu's body was too close, and Mian Shi's face and palms flew fast.

Jin Xiang's kowtows and fists, and Huaide 's smashes and smashes.

Liu Xing 's?] He hugged his hands, and Tan Fang 's rolling leaks pierced his ears.

Yan Qing 's method of taking and falling, Lin Chong 's mandarin duck legs are strong.

Meng Su's seven-stance Lianquan, Cui Lian's nest split the bell.

Yang Gun's cudgel went straight in, and Wang Lang 's mantis was the total enemy.

(Note: Except for Wang Lang, the other seventeen are all Song Dynasty characters or Song Dynasty novels)

Twelve Characters

Hook, hug, pick, hang, pull in, hit, stick, stick

Master Huang Hanxun once changed "Diao Da" to "Beng Da", but in his later years the name "Diao Da" was rectified.

Eight Gang

Mount Tai presses the top, faces straight and straight, walks with both palms, folds the elbows and arches hard, leans a
gainst the door against the wall, collapses to the bottom, double sticks left and right, and throws two points.

The song says: If there is a door, you will ascend to the hall by the path; if there is no door, you will break through the
wall and enter the room.

The flying pestle weighs a thousand jins, and it hits a single shot without being damaged. Jingke's dagger is difficult to

The line of blue silk is more than enough to strike a tiger's arm, and it is easily obtained by fighting a tiger and capturin
g a dragon.

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twelve soft
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When you see it, you turn back, you start and steal your hand, cut your hand and roll your hand, stick your hand and le
ave your hand,

Straight line and hook, pick hand and start, hug and hand, kowtow and start,

Throw your hands and enter your hands, pick your hands and start your hands, open your hands and stack your hands,
stick your hands and break your hands.

eight dozen

One dozen brows, two eyes, two hits on the lips

Three dozen pierced through the ear and four dozen behind the back bone

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Five beats of the inner lungs and six beats raise the yin and high bones

Seven dozen crane knees, tiger heads, eight broken bones, thousands of pounds

Every part is secondary. Although it is not fatal, it will be seriously injured. In case of a strong hand, it is not enough to

Victory, of course, should not be used lightly, in order to damage the virtue of good life, be cautious.

eight do not fight

One is not to hit the sun, the other is not to hit the middle of the throat

Three do not hit the center, two walls, four do not hit the two ribs Tai Chi

Five do not hit the bottom of the sea to tease Yin and six do not hit the two kidneys against the heart

Seven do not hit the tail wind, eight do not hit the two ears fan

The place where they are all fatal is not to fight with their lives, but luck is not used. If they don't think about human lif
e as the most important thing, they can only recruit them.

(“Eight dozen” means, one for the brows and eyes (brow arch and eyes), two for Renzhong (Renzhong acupoint) on the
lips, three for the opening of the cheeks and ears (cheek and ear door), and four for the back bone ( inside and outside
the scapula ) Fate), five hits the chest (two ribs), six hits the yin and high bones ( pubic bone ), seven hits the crane kn
ee and tiger head (skeleton), eight hits the backbone Jin (Zheng bone); and "eight not hit" is, one Do not hit the head
of the sun (temple ), do not hit the right lock (the xiphoid process of the chest), do not hit the inner wall of the center

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(the junction of the hard and soft ribs), do not hit the Tai Chi on both ribs (two armpits), and do not hit the bottom of t
do notShop
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he sea Yin (the lower yin), six do not hit the two kidneys to the heart ( waist eye ), seven hit the
Nowtail wind (the s
acrococcygeal bone ), eight do not hit the two ears fan wind (ear socket).) There are forty sets of gloves. There are five七星螳螂拳 11/16
10/22/22, 7:50 PM Seven Star Tanglang Boxing: Basic Introduction, Origin of Martial Arts, Boxing Characteristics, Boxing System, Kungfu, Boxing, Equipment, …

sets of basic boxing techniques, namely Bengbu Boxing, Fourteen Ways to Bounce the Legs , Eighteen Old People, Dodg
e Gang, and Insert Punch . Others are Five Flower Hands ( Plum Blossom Palm , Plum Blossom Boxing , Plum Blossom L
egs (2 routes in total), Plum Blossom Hand, Plum Blossom Falling (route), White Ape Peeping Banquet, White Ape Out o
f the Cave, White Ape Stealing Peach , Mantis Out of the Cave, Mantis Steal Peach, double flower arrangement, small ti
ger geese , eight elbows, soft spirit, drunk Arhat, serial buckles, serial brocade sets, big frame, small frame, big rollove
r, small rollover and other gloves; equipment dismantling and so on.

Boxing content

Different tribes have different content. There are 18 horse gait, such as Qixing gait and monkey gait.

There are fifteen kinds of boxing methods, such as hooking, mining, stabbing, seven-star supplementary hammering, s
erial circle hammering, and black tiger stealing heart.

There are fifteen kinds of leg methods such as sweeping legs and piercing legs.

There are also eight types of palms, including plum blossom palm , sky-shattering stamp palm, and grinding pan palm.

There are four sets of boxing sparring: Peach Blossom Umbrella sparring, Daza sparring, etc. Routine pair.

The weapon routines are: Plum Blossom Meridian Single Sword, Rolling Hall Double Sword, Yanqing Single Sword, Five
Elements Single Sword, Military Sword, Liuhe Single Sword, Liuhe Double Sword, Spring and Autumn Sword, Meridian S
word, Wenwu Baxian Sword , Plum Blossom Gun, Qixing Double Mace, Qin Family Twenty-six sets of double mace, Liuh
e stick, Wulang stick, tiger tail three -section stick, tiger head double hook, and ground whip

Weapon sparring includes: two knives against guns, three-section guns against guns, a total of twelve sets.

A set of 18 Arhat Qigong for fitness and iron sand palm .

Penang Jingwu, the popular formulas in Malaysia are:


Four-way punching, fourteen-way bouncing legs , 18-year-old man, black tiger crossing, collapsing step, hiding, punchi
ng , soft spirit, white monkey out of the hole, white monkey stealing peach, serial brocade set, one-way summary, two-
way Abstract, three-way abstract, large frame, small frame, flying wild goose palm, eight elbows, four-way beating , fo
ur-way sub-doing, swallows throwing forest, serial buckle, serial brocade, mantis catching cicadas, mantis hand all the
way , Mantis Hand 2nd Road, Mantis Out of the Hole, Mantis Stealing Peach, Plum Blossom Hand, Plum Blossom Boxin
g, Plum Blossom Fall, Big Rollover, Small Rollover, Falling Eagle Palm, Interception, etc.

Gloves for practice:

Leading the collapse, leading the hiding, the peach blossoms, stealing, leading the white ape out of the hole, tapping a
nd so on.

Weapon routine:

Yanqing single-knife, five-element single-knife, military broadsword, Meridian sword, Eight Immortals sword , three -se
ction stick , plum blossom gun , Liuhe gun , Liuhe stick, Wulang stick, Qimei stick , Huwei three-section stick and so on.

Weapon training:

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knives with bare hands.
Goro vs. sticks, three-section sticks vs. spears, double-dagger vs. knives vs. knives vs.
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Seven Star Mantis Fist

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n School Tanglang Boxing. Its basic stance is based on "seven star steps". Its strength is just brittle, wrapping horizontally, and hitting

straight. The practice is divided into three parts: the first is the basic skills. It includes waist...

Wang Botao ( the fifth generation descendant of Seven Star Mantis Boxing)
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g this period, he successively learned martial arts such as Shaolin Boxing and Tongji Boxing, which laid a solid foundation for him to le

arn Qixing Tanglang Boxing in the future. ...

Seven Star Mantis Boxing White Ape Filial Mother

" Seven Star Mantis Boxing White Ape Filial Mother" is a book published by People's Sports Publishing House on March 1, 2006, the au

thor is Geng Jun. ...... Following the worship of Master Suxi, the contemporary abbot of Shaolin Temple, and Master Li Zhanyuan, the f
irst-generation master of the Seven Star Tanglang Boxing

Eight-step mantis fist

Eight-step Tanglang Quan is a traditional Chinese boxing technique that evolved from imitating the action of a mantis . At the beginnin
g of the Republic of China, it was researched by Jiang Hualong, who was proficient in Tanglang Boxing, Wang Zongqing, who was profi

cient in Bagua Boxing, and Chen Deshan, who was proficient in Xingyi and Back.

Seven Star Mantis Fist Punch

Qixing Tanglangquan is a pictographic boxing method created by boxer Wang Lang in the early Qing Dynasty when he studied the two-

armed chopping, knife, and flashing skills used by mantises to catch cicadas . ...

Tanglang Quan (one of the traditional Chinese martial arts)

Tanglang Quan is one of the famous traditional Chinese martial arts schools in China, a kind of pictographic boxing. It is one of the fou
r famous martial arts in Shandong, and it is also one of the first nine schools of traditional martial arts to be systematically researched

and sorted out by the Wushu Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sport of China. ...

Laiyang Taiji Mantis Boxing

Taiji Tanglang Boxing is an ancient boxing technique, and its boxing skills are derived from the Taiji Yin-Yang theory in "Book of Chang

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Seven Star Mantis Boxing Plum Blossom Road

" Seven Star Mantis Boxing Plum Blossom Road" is a book published by People's Sports Publishing House in 2006, the author is Geng J

un. ...... " Seven Star Mantis Boxing Plum Blossom Road" is a book published by People's Sports Publishing House in 2006, the author
is Geng Jun. Title: Seven Star Mantis Fist...

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Seven Star Mantis Boxing Plum Blossom Road Book

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10/22/22, 7:50 PM Seven Star Tanglang Boxing: Basic Introduction, Origin of Martial Arts, Boxing Characteristics, Boxing System, Kungfu, Boxing, Equipment, …

    Qixing Tanglangquan is a pictographic boxing method created by boxer Wang Lang in the early Qing Dynasty when he studied the t
wo-armed chopping, knife, and flashing skills used by mantises to catch cicadas. This book is the plum blossom road of Qixing Tanglan

gquan . ...

Wang Lang ( the ancestor of mantis boxing )

Wang Lang, a native of Jimo, Shandong in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, was the founder of Tanglang Boxing . He loved mart

ial arts since he was a child. According to legend, he saw a mantis fighting a cicada, and he suddenly got a clue .

Hard Mantis Fist

Tanglang Quan is a well-known Han martial arts style, a kind of pictographic boxing. It is one of the four famous martial arts in Shand
ong, and it is also one of the first nine schools of traditional martial arts to be systematically researched and sorted out by the Wushu

Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sport of China. The formation of Hard Mantis Boxing ...

Mantis Fist
Tanglang Quan is a well-known traditional martial arts school in China, a kind of pictographic boxing. It is one of the first nine schools

of traditional martial arts to be systematically researched and sorted out by the Wushu Sports Management Center of the General Adm
inistration of Sport of China .

Plum Blossom Mantis Fist

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mall Frame" is a book published by the People's Sports Publishing House in 2006... Following the worship of the contemporary abbot o
f Shaolin Temple, Master Su Xi and the generation of Seven Star Tanglang Boxing...

Tai Chi Mantis Boxing

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Liuhe Tanglang Boxing

Liuhe Tanglang Boxing is a Shandong boxing technique in the late Qing Dynasty . One Mantis Fist , started by Wei San. Wei San was p

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and strong fighting skills. On the basis of Liuhequan , it combines Tanglangquan ...

Honglian Mantis Fist

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Offering Fruit" is a book, bound paperback, 32 folio. Book Title Seven Star Mantis Boxing White Ape Offering Fruit Binding Paperback...

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10/22/22, 7:50 PM Seven Star Tanglang Boxing: Basic Introduction, Origin of Martial Arts, Boxing Characteristics, Boxing System, Kungfu, Boxing, Equipment, …

Lin Jingshan (1885--1971), a native of Jiangtuan Village, Laiyang County, Shandong Province, a Han nationality, a famous martial arts
master, and a famous contemporary mantis boxing master, known as "The Strange Man of the Central Plains". The fourth-generation d

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Liu Chongxi
Liu Chongxi is the first-generation member of the Chinese National Wushu Team and the ninth-generation master of Qixing Tanglang Q

uan . He pointed out that the current national team has too much pressure for gold medals, excessive pursuit of skills, high difficulty a
nd good-looking movements, and many performance moves. It's flower fist embroidered legs...

Yu Hai (Chinese martial arts master, film and television actor)

Yu Hai, born on July 18, 1942 in Yantai, Shandong Province, is a Chinese martial artist and actor. In 1954, Yu Hai worshipped Mr. Lin Ji

ngshan, a master of seven-star mantis boxing , and learned authentic Tanglang boxing. In 1982, starred in the film "Shaolin Temple" d

irected by Zhang Xinyan...

Zhong Lianbao
Master Zhong Lianbao, a native of Yantai, Shandong, has been fond of martial arts since childhood. Since July 1953, he has learned Qi
xing Tanglang Boxing from Mr. Lin Jingshan . ...

Chi Xueyuan
Chi Xueyuan is also the only person who has mastered the most and most complete sets of Qixing Tanglang boxing routines and the m
ost comprehensive theoretical knowledge of Qixing Tanglangquan. He has mastered more than 50 kinds of boxing routines and more t

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Li Zonggui
Li Zonggui, male, Han nationality, from Rizhao, Shandong. Born in 1949, when he was 7 years old, he learned martial arts from the ol

d boxer Xu Chengbao. Later, he practiced Plum Blossom Tanglang Boxing and Shaolin Basic Skills under the tutelage of Jiang Lianjin, a
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