Is 3370 1 2009

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IS 3370-1 (2009): Code of practice Concrete structures for

the storage of liquids, Part 1: General requirements [CED
2: Cement and Concrete]

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IS 3370 (Part 1) : 2009

Indian Standard

( First Revision )

ICS 23.020 .0 I; 19.0l\OAO

© BIS 2009


NEW DELHI I t 00 02

J,tI/ (' 2009 Price Group 7

Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, CED 2

This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
This standard was first published in 1965. The-present revision has been taken up with a view to keeping abreast
with the rapid development in the field of construction technology and concrete design and also to bring further
modifications in the light of experience gained while applying the earlier version of this standard and the amendment
The design and construction methods in reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures for the storage of
liquids are influenced by the prevailing construction practices, the physical properties of the materials and the
climatic condition. To lay down uniform requirements of structures for the storage of liquids giving due
consideration to the above mentioned factors, this standard has been published in four parts, the other parts in the
series are:
(Part 2) : 2009 Reinforced concrete structures
(Part 3) : 1967 Prestressed concrete structures
(Part 4) : 1967 Design table

While the common methods of design and construction have been covered in this standard, for design of structures
of special forms or in unusual circumstances, special literature may be referred to or in such cases special systems
of design and construction may be permitted on production of satisfactory evidence regarding their adequacy
and safety by analysis or test or by both.

In this standard it has been assumed that the design of liquid retaining structures, whether of plain, reinforced or
prestressed concrete is entrusted to a qualified engineer and that the execution of the work is carried out under the
direction of a qualified and experienced supervisor.

The concrete csed in liquid retaining structures should have low permeability, This is important not only for its
direct effect on leakage but also hecause it is one of the main factors influencing durability; resistance to leaching,
chemical attack, erosion, abrasion and frost damage; and the protection from corrosion of emhedded steel. The
standard, therefore, incorporates provisions in design and construction to take care of this aspect.

The requirements of IS 456 : 2000 'Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (fourth revision)' and
IS 1343 : 1980 'Code of practice for prestressed concrete (first revision)', in so far as they apply, shall be deemed
to form part of this standard except where otherwise laid down in this standard. For a good design and construction
of structure, use of dense concrete, adequate concrete cover, good detailing practices, control of cracking, good
quality assurance measures in line with IS 456 and good construction practices particularly in relation to
construction joints should be ensured.

This revision incorporates a number of important modifications and changes, the most important of them being:

a) Scope has been clarified further by mentioning exclusion of dams, pipes, pipelines, lined structures and
damp-proofing of basements,
b) A clause on exposure condition has been added.
c) Provisions for concrete have been modified in .Iine with IS 456: 2000 with minimum grade o('concrete
as M20 for plain cement concrete, M30 for reinforced concrete and M40 for prestressed concrete (see
also Note 2 under Table I),
d) The maximum cement content has been modified from the earlier requirement of 530 kg/rn" to 400 kg/m',
e) A dau~e on d.urability been added giving due reference to IS 456 in place of earlier clause on
protection against corrosion,
f) Provisions on control of cracking have been modified,

(Continued on third cover)

IS 3370 (Part I) : J089 .

Indian Standard

( First Revision)
1 SCOPE 3.1.1 Porous Aggregates
1.1 This standard (Part 1) lays down general Under no circumstances shall the use of porous
requirements for the design and construction of plain, aggregates, such as slag. crushed over burnt brick or
reinforced or prestressed concrete structures. intended tile, bloated clay aggregates and sintered f1yasb
for storage of liquids, mainly water. aggregates, be allowed for parts of structure either in
contact with the liquids on any face or enclosing the
The requirements applicable specifically to reinforced
space above the liquid.
concrete and prestressed concrete liquid retaining
structures are covered in IS 3370 (Part 2), and IS 3370 3.2 Jointing Materials
(Part 3) respectively.
Joint tillers, joint sealing compounds, and water bars
1.2 This standard does not cover the requirements for shall conform to the requirements of relevant Indian
concrete structures for storage ofhot liquids and liquids Standards. Other jointing materials such as
oflow viscosity and high penetrating power like petrol, polyurethane and silicone based sealants may also be
diesel, oil, etc. This standard also does not cover dams, used provided there are satisfactory data on their .
pipes, pipelines, lined structures and damp-proofing suitability. The jointing materials used shall not have
of basements. Special problems of shrinkage arising
any adverse effect on the quality ofliquid to be stored.
in the storage of non-aqueous liquids and the measures
necessary where chemical attack is possible are also 4 EXPOSURE CONDmON
not dealt with. The recommendations, however, may
generally be applicable to the storage at normal For the purpose of this standard, parts of the structure
temperatures of aqueous liquids and solutions which retaining the liquid or enclosing the space above the
have no detrimental action on concrete and steel or liquid shall be considered as subject to 'severe'
where sufficient precautions are taken to ensure condition as per IS 456. In case of members exposed
protection of concrete and steel from damage due to to 'very severe' or 'extreme' conditions, the relevant
action of such liquids as in the case of sewage. provisions of IS 456 shall apply.

1.3 The criteria for design of RCC staging for overhead 5 CONCRETE
water tanks are given in IS 11682.
Provisions given in IS 456 and IS 1343 for concrete
2 REFERENCES shall apply for reinforced concrete and prestressed
members respectively subject to the following further
The standards listed in Annex A contain provisions, requirements:
which through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, a) The concrete shall conform to Table 1.
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are b) The cement content not including f1yash and
subject to revision and parties to agreements based on ground granulated blast furnace slag in excess
this standard are encouraged to investigate the of400 kglm) should not beused unless special
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the consideration has been given in design to the
standards as given in Annex A. increased risk. of cracking due to drying
shrinkage in thin sections, or to early thermal
3 MATERIAI.S cracking and to increased risk ofdamage due
3.1 The requirements for materials shall be governed to alkali silica reactions.
by IS 456 and IS 1343 for reinforced concrete and
prestressed concrete members respectively. with the
following additional requirements. 6.1 The provisions for durability shall generally be
IS 3370 (Part 1) : 2009

Table 1 Minimum Cement Content, Maximum walls. according to the compaction and/or
Water-Cement Ratio and Minimum Grade surcharge of the soil and the condition of the
or Concrete structure during construction and in service.
[Foreword. and Clause 5(a)] No relief should be given for beneficial soil
pressure effects on the walls of containment
SI Concrete Minimum Mulmum M1DImwn structure in the container full condition.
No. Cement FrecW.ter Gndeol
Content Cemmt Concrete b) Floatation - If in the siting of a liquid
kglmJ Ratio retaining structure. water-logged ground
(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) cannot be avoided, the danger of the external
i) Plainconcrete 250 0.50 M20 water pressure shall be carefully guarded
ii) Reinforced 320 0.45 M30 against by the following:
iii) Prestressed 360 0.40 M40 I)Designing the structure to resist such
concrete pressure under empty or partially-empty
cond itions and taking precautions to
prevent floating and ensuring stable
1 Cementcement pn:scribed in this table is irrespective of the
padcs of amellt and it is inclusive of addilions menlionedin equilibrium under all conditions of
5.2 of IS456. The 8dditionssuch as ftyashor groundgranulated internal and external loads. The stability
blast fwnacc slag may be taken into IIC':OUDI in !he concrete of thestructureshould be checkedagainst
composition with RlSJlCCt to the cement cODlent and waler uplift using a factor of safety of 1.2. The
c:emcnt ratio if the suitability is established andas long as the
llI8llimum 8IDOWIlS Iaken into aa:ount do not exceed the limit individualmembers shall be designed for
ofpozzoJanaand sill specified in IS 1489 (Part I) andIS 455 stresses due to uplift forces.
respedively. 2) Providingeffectivedrainage toreduce the
1 Forslllll1 C8p1Cily tanks up to 50 m' at Icx:ations wbeR: there
level of external water as far as local
is difficulty in providing M30 padc eoeerere, the minimum
grade of eOIlC~te lD8y be taken as M25. However. this conditions permit.
excepcioa sb8I1 DOl 8ppIy in coalaJ areas. 3) Providing relief valves discharging into
the liquid retaining structure when the
followed as specifiedin IS 456 for plain and reinforced external pressure exceeds the internal
concrete structures.and as per IS 1343 for prestressed pressure; this arrangement is feasible
concrete structures unless specified otherwise in this only in cases when the liquid retaining
standard. structure is not required for the storage
of liquids which should not be
6.2 Nomiaal Cover to Reinforcemeat
UI The minimumnominalcover to all reinforcement 4) Designingbothinternalandexternalfaces
shallbe as per IS 456 for relevantexposureconditions. of the walls and floor as water retaining
faces, where the walls and floors of the
7 SITE CONDmONS liquid retaining structure are submerged
7.1 The following conditions of the site in relation to in water or water bearing soils.
the functional and structuralrequirementsof the liquid 5) Considering in the design. the possibility
retaining (storage) structure material1y influence the of sudden change in ground water table
methodsof design and the cost of the structure: or sudden accumulation of wateraround.
a) Physical characteristics of soil in which the c) ' Stability - The equilibrium and safety of
liquid retaining structure may be partly or structure and parts of it against sliding and
wholly enclosed and also the physical and overturning. especially when the structure is
geological features of the supporting founded on a side of long or sloping ground.
foundations, shall also be checked.
b) Chemical properties of the soil and of the d) Settlement and Subsidence - Geological
ground water. and faults, mining. earthquakes. existence of
c) Extent of floatation at the site. subsoilsof varyingbearingcapacitiesmaygive
rise to movementor subsidence of supporting
7.1. In makingthe choiceof the siteandin the preparation
strata which may result in serious cracking of
of the design. the factors mentioned in 7.1 should be
taken into account generally as indicated below: structure. Special considerations should be
given in the preparation of the design. to the
a) Earth Pressure -Allowance shouldbe made possible effect of subsidence or movement of
for the effects of any adverse soil pressureon the foundation strata for example. subdivision

IS 3370 (Part I) : 2009

ofthe structure into smaller compartments and 8.2.2 The most important factor affecting drying
provision of joints to outlet pipes and other shrinkage is the amount of water per unit of concrete.
fittings. Joints in structures in mining Water can be reduced by use of both plasticizing
subsidence areas will need special admixtures and by using minimum amount of cement
consideration to provide for extra movemen t. consistent with quality. The concrete mix should have .
e) Injurious Soils - Chemical analysis of the the largest practical coarse aggregates as this will
soil and ground water is essential in cases reduce the cement content.
where inj urious soils are expected to ex ist, as 8.2.3 In cases where structures under construction are
concrete structure may suffer severe damage exposed to high wind. high temperature and low
in contact with such soils. Where concrete is humidity, adequate measures during the initial stages
likely to be exposed to sulphate attack. of construction shall be taken for protection from
requirements specified in IS 456 shall be surface drying, such as covering the concrete surface
followed . An isolating coat of bituminous or by polyethylene or tarpaul in sheets.
other suitable materials may improve the
protective measure. 8.2.4 Cracking may be controlled by avoiding or reducing
thegradient of steepchanges in temperature and moisture
8 CAUSES AND CONTROL OF CRACKING of especially the early age concrete. 'JYpe of shuttering.
deshuttering procedure and curing method may affect
8.1 Causes the changes in temperature and moisture. Curing shall
8.1.1 Effects ofApplied Loads be done for a period of not less than 14 days.

Direct or flexural tension in concrete arising from 8.2.5 The risk of cracking due to overall temperature
applied extern al service loads, from temperature and shrinkage effects may be minimized by limiting
gradients due. to solar radiation. or from the the changes in moisture content in concrete and
containment of liquids at temperatures above ambient, temperature to which the structure as a whole is
may cause cracking in the concrete. subjected. Tanks can remain wet. It will be
advantageous if, during construction of such reservoirs.
8.1.2 Temperature and Moisture Effects thin sections below final water level are kept damp.
Changes in the temperature of the concrete and 8.2.6 The risk of cracking can also be minimized by
reinforcement and in the moisture content of the reducing the restraints on the free expansion or
concrete cause dimensional changes which . if resisted contraction of the structure. With long walls or slabs
internally or externally may crack the concrete. The founded at or below ground level. restraints can be
distribution and width of such cracks may be controlled minimized by the provision of a sliding layer. .
by reinforcement, together with the provision of the
8.2.7 Structures may be provided with movement joints
movement joints. Heat is evolved as cement hydrates,
if effective and economic means cannot otherwise be
and the temperature will rise for a day or more after
taken to avoid unacceptable cracking.
casting and then fall towards ambient Cracking usually
occurs at this time , while the concrete is still weak. 8.2.8 Whenever development of cracks or oversttessing
Subsequent lower ambient temperature and loss of of the concrete in tension cannot be avoided, theconcrete
moisture when the concrete is mature will open these section should be suitably strengthened. In making the
cracks although the loss of moisture at the surface under calculations either for ascertaining the expected
external drying conditions is usually low. A structure expansion or contraction or for strengthening the concrde
built in the summer but not filled or an external structure section, thecoefficient ofexpansion ofconcrete shall be
standing empty will usually be subjected to greater in accordance with the provisions given in IS 456.
drops in temperature than the same structure filled.
8.2.9 Cracking of concrete can be to some extent
8.2 Methods of Control controlled by slow filling of the tank first time. The
rate of filling shall not be more than I m per 24 h.
8.2.1 Plain concrete liquid retaining structures or
members may be designed by allowing direct tension 8.2.10 Correct placing of reinforcement bars, use of
in plain concrete, the permissible tensile stress for M20 deformed bars, bars closely spaced and use of small
and M25 concrete being 1.2 N/mm1 and 1.3 Nlmm1 size bars lead to diffused distribution of cracks, and
for direct tension and 1.7 N/mm1 and 1.8 N/mm1 for hence are preferred practices.
flexural tension respectively. However, nominal
reinforcement in accordance with the requirements
given in IS 456 shall be provided for plain concrete Stability of the structure against overturning and sliding
structural members. shall be as given in IS 456.

IS 3370 (Part 1) : 2009

A structure subjected to underground water pressure reinforcing steel are interrupted and in
shallbe designedto resist floatationas given in 7.2(b). partial contraction joints only the
concrete is interrupted, the reinforcing
10JOINTS steel running through. A water bar shall
10.1 Joints shall be categorized as follows: be providedeither centrally in a wall (see
Fig. )A) or on the soffit of a floor. To
a) Movement Joints - A movement joint is cater for shear across the face a shear key
intendedto accommodate relative movement may be provided. In a partial contraction
betweenadjoining pans of a structure,special joint, a water bar may be provided, if
provisionsbeing madeto maintainthe water-2 necessary, preferably centrally inla wall
tightness of the joint. In elevated structures or on the soffit of a floor. These figures
whererestraint issmall, movementjoints may show some of the typical joints and other
not be required. There are three categories of available joint details may also be used.
movementjoints: 2) Expansion joint - A movement joint
I) Contraction joint - A movementjoint whichhas no restraintto movement and is
with a deliberate discontinuity but no intended toaccommodateeitherexpansion
initialgap between the concreteon either or contraction of the concrete. This has
side of the joint, thejoint being intended complete discontinuity in both reinforce-
to accommodate contraction of the ment and concrete (see Fig. 2). An
concrete (see Fig. I). expansion type water barshallbeprovided
A distinction should be made between a either centrally in a wall (see Fig. 2A) or
complete contraction joint (see Fig. IA) on the soffitof a floor. A centre-bulb water
and a partial contraction joint (see Fig. bar may be used in walls.
IB). While the complete contraction In general, such a joint requires the
. joints are not restrainedto movementand provision of an initial gap between the
are intended to accommodate only adjoining parts of a structure which by
contraction of the concrete, the partial closing or opening accommodates the
contractionjoints provide some restraint expansion or contraction of the structure.
but are intended to accommodate some Design of the joint so as to incorporate
contraction of concrete. In complete slidingsurface,is not, however, precluded
contraction joints both concrete and and may some times be advantageous.


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1A Complete Contraction Joint 1B Partial Contraction Joint


IS 3370 (Part 1) : 2009




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2A 28


3) Sliding joint - A movement joint which The position of construction joints should be
allows two structural members to slide specified by the designer. Full structural
relative to one another with minimal continuity is assumed in design at the
restraint. This has complete discontinuity construction joint and should be realized in
in both reinforcement and concrete at practice. If necessary, construction joints
which special provision is made to should be grouted.
facilitate relative movement in the place The concrete at joints should be bonded
of the joint. properly. The surface of the earlier pour
A typical application is between wall and should be roughened to increase the bond
floor in some cylindrical tank designs strength and to provide aggregate interlock.
(see Fig. 3). This may be best carried out by applying a
b) Construction Joints - A joint in the concrete surface retarder immediately after concreting
introduced for convenience in construction at the earlier pour. For vertical surfaces, the
which special measures are taken to achieve surface retarder should be applied to the
subsequent continuity without provision for form work. The laitance is removed by
further relative movement, is called a applying a jet of water, If the joint surface is
construction joint. not roughened before the concrete is
hardened; in that case, the laitance should be
removed by sand blasting or by a scrabbler.
- The joint surface should be cleaned and
, . JOINT SEALING dampened for at least six hours prior to
". ",
.. . .
COMPOUND placing new concrete. It is not desirable to
apply layer of mortar over the old surface.
c) Temporary OpenJoints-A gap temporarily

: :. .•...
~ .
left between the concrete of adjoining parts
of a structure which after a suitable interval
and before the structure is put into use, is filled
with concrete either completely (see Fig. 4A)
or as provided below, with the inclusion of
PREPARED SLIDING suitable jointing materials (see' Fig. 4B). In
SURFACE OR RUBBER PAD the former case the width of the gap should
be sufficient to allow the sides 10 be prepared
FIG. 3 TYPICAL SUDING JOINTS before filling.

IS 3370 (Part I): 2009



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. ...



4A 48

Where measures are takenforexample. by theinclusion diameter and grade of steel carefully and bundling of
of suitable jointing materials to maintain the water reinforcement, if required. are available.
lightness of the concrete subsequent to the filling of
joint. this type of joints may be regarded as being 10.3 SpaciDg of Movement Joints
cquivaJeut to a contraction (partial or complete) as The provision of movement joints and their spacing
defiaed above. are dependent on the design philosophy adopted. that
is, whether to allow for or restrain shrinkage and
10.2 DaIp IlDd DetaiIiDI or Joints
thermalcontractionin wallsand slabs. At oneextreme,
Desip of a movemeut joint should aim at following the designer may exercise control by providing a
desirable properties for its efficientfunctioning: substantial amount of reinforcement in the form of
a) The joint should accommodate repeated smalldiameterbars at closespacing with no movement
movement of the structure without loss of joints. At the other extreme, the designer may provide
watertightness. closely spaced movementjoints in conjunction with a
moderateproportionof reinforcement.Betweenthese
b) The design should provide for exclusion of
extremes, control may be exercised by varying the
grit and debris which would prevent the
reinforcement andjoint increasein spacing
closing of thejoint.
beingcompensated for byan increasein the proportion
c) The material used in the construction of of reinforcementrequired.
movement joints should have the following
properties: The threemainoptionsfor thedesignerare summarized
in Table 2 as follows:
I) Itshould DOC sufferpennanentdistortion
or exlrUsion and should not be displaced a) In Option 1(Design/or FullRestraint) - No
by fluid pressure. contraction joints are provided withinthe area
2) Itshould not slumpundulyin hotweather designedfor continuity; and crack widthsand
or becomebriule in cold weather. spacing are controlled by reinforcement.
Constructionjoints become put of the crack
3) It should be insoluble and durable and
patternand have similar crack widths.
Ibould DOC be affected by exposure to
light or by evaporation of solvent or b) In Option 2 (Design/or Partial Restraimt>«
plasticizers. Cracking is controlled by the reinforcement,
but thejoint spacing is such that some of the
4) 1ft SJ*ial cases, the materialsshould be
non-toxic. taintless or resistant to daily and seasonal movements in the mature
chemical and biologicaJ actionas may be slab or structural member are accommodated
specified. at the joints, so reducing the amount of
movement to be accommodated at the cracks
Con~c:stion of ~inforeementshould beavoided during betweenthe joints.
det.l1lDg. Vanous methods such as choosing the c) InOption 3 (Design/orFreedom a/Movement)

IS 3370 (Part 1) : 2009

Tabl~ 2 Design Option for Control of Tbennal Contraction aad Restrabaed SlariDkqc
(ClmIs~ 10.3)

0ptI0a Ty~ of Coastncdon IUId Stell . . . . C II

Mdltocl of CoDtrol lift Nett 2)
(I, (2) (4) (5)

Cootineous: for full restraint No joillls. but expMSion joinu ac wide ~np 1M)' be Miai_ u......u ria Mrs.
desil'llble in walls and roofs thai are not proteclCd from of P- dole ...... 10 avoid
solar huI pin or where the conuincd liquid is bip .-l rMioI wdI ill
subjected to a substantialtnnperature ranee eaocaofA.
2 Semi-continuous : for
partial restraint
a) Complete JOInts: $ I ~ m
bl Altemale panial and complete
of p-
lea -'
"Ie ....
jomu (by intapolacion) : !l 11 .25 m 0pU0n I
c) Panial joints: $ 7.5m

3 CIole movement joilll a) Complete joints. in ~ ~ die fCM*

spacina: for freedom of w If*=iIIc ror Optioes 3
move_ $4.8 + - (b).-I3(c)
b) AItcmaIe putiaI and c:ompIelc joinu, ill _ :
SO.5,_ + 2.4 +
c) Plrtial jcilU:
1 Refcmlca should be nlIlde to Annex A and ~x B of IS 3370 (PIrt 2) for the deIcripliclIl01 die IpItJo1IlIIDd ilIll1iJ1Ibk.-l for
calcu1alinC Pa. ,_ and e,
lIn Options 1 and 2. the i1eel ralio Mil ceneral1y exceed "- to restrict the cBdt widths 10 acxeptabIc v..... III0pU0n 3. the Sled nIio
of 213 Pr.. will be adequace .

- Cracking is controlled by proximity of the The choice of design imposes a discipline on

joints, with a moderate amount of construction . It is desirableto achieve minimum restraint
reinforcement provided. sufficient to transmit to early thermal contJw:tion of the immature concrete
movement at any cracked section to the in walls and slabs eYerl though the fini~ structure
adjacent movement joints . Significant cracking may be designed for full continuity. er.cks arising from
between the adjacent movement joints should thennal contraction in a roof supponed on columns may
not occur. be minimized or even prevented if the roof slab is not
The options given in Table 2 are considered tied rigidly to the walls during constructions.
in terms of horizontal movement, but vertical
10.4 Maid. . of Joints
movement in walls should also be considered.
Two cases are as follows: Joints shall generally be made according to the broad
I) It is possible for horizontal cracks to occur at principles discussed in 18.4.1 to 1......l.
any free-standing vertical end because of the 10.4.1 Construction Joints
change in horizontal restraint with respect to
height. For bays of any height the vertical Joints area common source ofwellkness and, therefore,
strain arising from this warping effect may it is deiirable to avoid them. If this is not possible.
be taken as approximately half the horizontal their number shall be minimized. Concreting shall be
strain. and the vertical steel ratio should not carried out continuously up to construction joints, the
be less than the critical ratio, P.... position and arrangement of which shall be indicated
hy the designer.
2) The vertical restraint exerted on a newly east
bay at a vertical construction joint may be Construction joints shall be placed at accessible
assumed to develop at the depth of 2.4 m from locations to permit cleanin& out of laitance, cement
the free top surface. Thus design for freedom slurry and unsound concrete. in order to create rough!
of movement (Option 3} may be used for ~en surface. It is recommended to clean out laitarlCe
vertical reinforcement in the lop 2.4 m of a lift and cement slurry by using wire brush on the $Ufface
The design for partial restraint (Option 2) is of joint immediately after initial setting of concrete
appropriate for vertical steel below this depth. and to clean out the same immediately thereafter. The

IS 3370 (P.rt I) : 2009

prepared surface should be In a clean saturated surface Movement join IS. particularly those in floor and roof,
dry condition when fresh concrete i ~ placed . again st it. also require protection against the entry of debris which
may interfere with the closing of the joints.
In the case: of construction joints at locat ions where
the previous pour has been cast against shuttering the Contraction joints
recommended method of obtaining a rough surface for The joints face of the first -cast concrete should be
the previously poured concrete is to expose the finished against a stopping-off board, or vertical end
aggregate with a high pressure water jet or any other
shuner, which. in the case of a partial contraction joint.
appropriate means. should be notched to pass the reinforcement.
Fresh concrete should be thoroughly vibrated near
Steps should be taken to prevent any appreciable
construction joints so that mortar from the new concrete
adhesion between the new and the old concrete.
flows between large aggregates aad develop proper
bond with old concrete. The joint should be suitably treated with water stops
and joint sealing compounds so as to maintain water
Where high shear resistance is required at the
tightness during movement of the joint and prevention
construction joints, shear keys may be provided.
of debris entering the joints (see Fig. 5 and 10.5).
Sprayed curing membranes and release agents should Expansion joints
be thoroughly removed from joint surfaces.
These require the provision of an initial gap between
11A.1 M(WelMnl Joints
the concrete faces on the two sides of the joints and
These require the incorporation of special materials in this can be conveniently done by the use of materials
order to maintain water tightness whilst accommo- discussed in tooS. The init ial width of this gap should
datiaa relative movement between thesides of the joint be specified by the engineer and should be sufficient
(see 11.5). to accommodate freely the maximum expansion of the


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5C 50


IS 3370 Chrt 1) : 1009

structure. In determining jointing materials due JO.S.J Joint Filius

consideration should be given to the requirements of
Joint fillers are usually compressible sheet or strip
the initial width. These will normally require the
materials used as spacen. They are fixed to the (ace of
maintenance of a certain minimum width ofgap during
the first placed concrete and against which the second
maximum expansion of the structure. The joint should
placed concrete is cast.
be suitably treated so as to maintain water-tightness
during movement of the joint (su Fig. 6). Joint fillers, may themselve5 function as watcr-tiaht
expansion joints. These may be used as support for an Sliding joints
effective joint sealing compound in floor and roof
The two concrete faces of a sliding joint should be joints. But they can only be relied upon as spacen to
plane and smooth. provide the gap in an expansion joint, the gap being
bridged by a water bar (see Fig. 6).
Care should be taken by the use of a rigid screening
board or other suitable means to make the top of the 10.5.2 Watl" Bars
lower concrete as flat as possible. This surface can
Water bars are preformed strips of impermeable
usefully be improved by finishing with a steel float
material which are wholly or panially embedded in
and rubbing down with carborundum.
the concrete during construction so as to span Kross
Bond between the concrete of the two components the joint and provide a permanent water-tight seal
should be prevented by painting or by inserting building during the whole ranae of joint movement. For
paper or other suitable material. example. water bars may be strips with • central
longitudinal corruption (see F'IJ. SA and Fig. 6A),
The joint should be suitably treated so as to maintain Z·shaped strips (see FiJ. 68) and a central Ionsitudinal
water-tightness during movement of the joint, hollow tube (see Fig. S8 and Fig. 6C) with thin walls
10.4.3 Temporary Open Joints with stiff wings of about JSOmm width. The material
used for the watet . . . are metal sheet. natural or
The concrete on both sides of the joints should be synthetic rubben and plastics Iuc:h as polyvinyl
finished against stopping off boards. chloride (PVC). Galvanized iron Iheeu rnay aIJo be
In order to minimize the extent of subsequent used with the specif~ pennisaioR o( the CR,ineer-in-
movements due to shrinkage the joint should be left charge provided the liquidl 5kftd Of the atmosphere
open until shortly before the reservoir is put into service around the liquid retainin, structure is not exCCllively
and then filled in with concrete or mortar of specified corrosive, for example, JeW• • While selectillJ the
properties. Where possible. the joint should be filled materials for water bars. the possible cotTOSion aspects
when the temperature is low. may be kept in mind.

Immediately before filling the gap. the joint faces Natural and synthetic rubbers and plastics have very
considerable advantage in handlin,. splicin, and in
should be thoroughly cleaned and prepared in the same
making intersections. Wherever use of water bar is
way as for construction joints (see 10.4.1).
stipulated. suffICient thickness of concn::te members
Where it is intended to treat this type of joint as should be provided 50 U to ensure proper p1acina and
equivalent to a contraction joint for the purpose of this compaction of concrete adjacent to watet bar in order
standard. the joint should be suitably sealed so as to to achieve adequate structural strencth.
maintain water tightness during subsequent nKMmICnt
With an water bars. it is impor1ant to ensure proper
of the joint,
compalCtioa of the coaaete. The balr 5hou1d have such
N<JrE - Figure I to Fig. 6 given in Ibis standard are only shape and width that the water path through the
diagrammatic and are intended merely 10 iIIuUrale the concrete round tbe bar should not be unduly short.
definitions and principles Jiven in rbe standard and need flO(
be treated IS preferred designs. The holes. sometimes provided on the wings of water
10.5 Jointing Materials bars to increase bond. shorten the water path and may
be disadvantageous. The water bar should either be
Jointing materials normally used are classified as placed centrally in the thickness of the wall or its
follows: distance from either face of the wall should not be less
a) Joint fillers, than half the width of the bar. The full concrete cover
to all reinforcement should be maintained.
b) Water bars. and
c) Joint sealing compounds (including primers The strip water bars at present available in the newer
where l'eG.lired). materials need to be passed through the end shutter of

IS 3370 (Part 1) : 2009



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6A 6B



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IS 3370 (Pan 1) : 2009

the first -placed concrete . 11 can be appreciated . 11 CONSTRUCTION

however. that the usc of newer materials makes possible
11.1 Unless otherwise specified in thi~ standard. the
a variety of shapes or sections, Some of these designs.
provisions or IS 456 and IS 134~ shall apply to the
for example. those with several projections (set' Fig.
construction of reinforced concrete and prestressed
5D). would not need to be passed through the end
concrete liquid retaining structures, respectively.
shutter and by occupying a bigger proportion of the
thickness of the joint would also lengthen the shortest 11.2 Joints
alternative water path through the concrete.
Joints shall be constructed in accordance with
10.5.3 Joint Sealing Compounds
requirements of 10 .
Joint sealing compounds are impermeable ductile
materials which are required to provide a water- tight 11.3 Construction 01 Floon
seal by adhesion 10 the concrete throughout the range 1J.3.1 Floors Founded on rh, Ground
of joint movements. The commonly used material s are
based on asphalt. bitumen. or coal tar pitch with or Where walls or floors are founded on the
without fillers. such as limestone or slate dust. asbestos ground. a layer of lean concrete not less than 75 mm
fibre. chopped hemp . rubber or other suitable material. thick shall be placed over the ground. In normal
These are usually applied after construction or just circumstances lhis nat layer of concrete may be weaker
before the reservoir is put into service by pouring in than lhat used in other parts of the structure. but not
the hot or cold state. by trowelling or gunning or as weaker than MIS as specified in IS 456. Where.
performed strips ironed into position. These may also however injurious soils or q,p-euive ,round water are
be applied during construction such as by packing expected. the concrete should not be wcalter than M 20
round the corrugation of a water bar. A primer is often as specified in IS 456, and if necessary sulphate
used to assist adhesion and some local drying of the resisting or other special cement should be used .
concrete surface with the help of a blow lamp is 11.3.l.2 Following a layer of lean concrete. the floor
advisable. The length of the shortest water path through shall be cast in a single layer. A separating layer of
the concrete should be extended by suitably painting polyethylene sheet of mass I kgIm1 should be provided
the surface at the concrete on either side of the joint. in between the floor slab and the layer of lean concrete.
The main difficulties experienced with this class of
11.4 CoDStnldioD of W....
material are in obtaining permanent adhesion to the
concrete during movement of the joint whilst at the 11.4.1 The height of any lift should be as laTie as
same time ensuring that the material docs not slump possible. It is desirable to place the concrete to full
or is not extruded from the joint. height of the member in one go. Thorough compaction
by vihration shall be ensured.
In floor jo ints. the scaling compound is usually applied
in a chase formed in the surface of the concrete along 11.4.2 All vertical joints should extend the full height
the line of the joint (set' Fig .6A) . The actual minimum or the wall in unbroken alignment.
width will depend on the known characteristics of the
11.5 Surface FiDish to Prcstreucd CODcrtle
material. In the case of an expansion joint. the lower
Cylindrical Tub
part of the joint is occupied by a joint filler (su
Fig. 6D).This type of joint is generally quite successful The circumferential prestressing wires or a cylindrical
since retention of the material is assisted by gravity lank should be covered with a protective coat. which
and. in many cases. sealing can be delayed until just may be pneumatic mortar. having a thickness that will
before the reservoir is put into service so that the provide a minimum cover of 40 mm over the wires.
amount of joint opening subsequently to be
accommodated is quite small. The chase should not be 11.6 Formwork
too narrow too deep to hinder complete filling and the 11.6.1 RemoYai 01 Formwork
length of the shortest water path through the concrete
on e ither side of the joint. Here. aga in a wider joint The requirements shall conform to IS 456.
demands a smaller percentage distortion in the material. 11.6.2 Bolts passing completely throllgh liquid
An arrangement incorporating a cover slab. similar to retaining slabs for the purpose of securing and aligning
that shown in Fig. 6E.may be ad vantageous in reducing the form work should not be used unless effective
dependence on the adhesion of the scaling compound precautions are talten to ensure water-tightness after
in direct tension. removal.

IS 3370 (Put I) : 2009

11.7 I.iaIJII oI'1aaks In case of tanks whoseexternal faces are exposedsuch

as elevatedtanks. the requirementsof the testsshall be
The type of liquid CO be stored should be consideredin deemed to be satisfied if the external faces show no
relation CO the possibility of COI'I'OIion of the steel or signs of leakage and remain apparently dry over the
auaek on the eeeereee. Provision of an impermeable period of observation of seven days after allowing a
protective linin, should be considered for resistance
seven day period for absorption after filling.
10 the effects of corrosive liquids. Certainnatural wa&ers
exbibitcorrosivecharacteristicsand in such cases it is 12.1.2 If the structure does not satisfy the conditions
important to obtain a dense impermeable concreteand of test, and the daily drop in water level is decreasing.
with a higher cement content. An increased cover to the period of test may be extended for further seven
the steel is also desirable. Use of sulphate resisting days and ifspecifiedlimit is then reached,thestructure
Portland cement. Portland pozzolaaa cement, or may be considered as satisfactory.
Portland slag cement may in certain cases be
aivantageous. 12.1.3 The roofs of liquid-retaining structures should
be water-tight and should be tested on completion by
12 TEST or STRUC11JJlE nooding the roof with water to a minimum depth of
12.1 III 8dditioa CO the structural test of structures 25 mm for 24 h or longer. if so specified. Where it is
u Jiven in IS 4~, tanks shaJi also be tested for impracticable,because of roof slopes or otherwise, to
watet-ti,btDesl at full supply level as described contain a 25 mm depth of water, the roof should have
in 12.1.1 aad U.U III additiOll, the roofs of tanks continuouswaterapplied by a hose or sprinklersystem
sbouJd be raaed in accordance with 12.1.3. CO providea sheet flow of water over the entirearea of
the roof for not less than 6 h. In either case the roof
12.1.1 The taDb sbaJJ be filled.with water and after should be considered satisfactory if no leaks or damp
the expiry 0( seven days after the filling, the level of
patches show on the soffit. Should the structure not
the surfaceof the water shall be recorded.The levelof
satisfy either of these tests then after the completion
the W*Er m.u be recorded againat subsequent intervals
of theremedial workit should be retested in accordance
0(24 hours0Wlf a period of sevendays.The total drop
with this clause. The roof insulation and covering if
in surface IeveJ 0'VCl' a period of seven days shall be
any. should be completed as soon as possible after
rUm. aD indication of the water-tightness of thelank.
satisfactory testing.
The actual permissible natureof thisdrop in the surface
level shall be decided by taking into account whether 13LIGHTNING PROTECTION
the tanb are opea or closed and the corresponding
effect it has on CVIpORIion loaes and/or on account The liquid retaining structures shall be protected
of rainfall. However. underpound tanks whose lOp is against lightning in accordance with IS 2309.
covered may be deemed CO be water-tight if the total
drop in the surface level overa period of seven days 14 VENTILATION
docs DOt exceed 20 mm. The minimum required ventilation shall be ensured.

(Clause 2)

IS No. Tille IS No. Till/!

US: 1989 Specification for Portland slag 2309 : 1989 Code of practice for the protection
cement (forutIt mrisitHl) of buildings and allied structures
4~:2000 Code of practice for plain and against lightning
reiDfon:ed concrete (fo1Uth rmsion) 3370 (Part 2) : Code of practice for concrete
1343 : 1980 Code of practice of prestressed 2009 structures for storage of liquids:
concrete (Jint nvision) Pan 2 Reinforced concrete structures
1489 (Part I) : Specificalion forPortlandpozzolana (first revisiam
1991 cement: Part I Ay 1WI based (third 11682: 1985 Criteria for design of RCC staging
lTVisiOfl) for overhead water tanks

IS 3310 (Part l) : . ,


Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, CEO 2
Organizution R,p"'Ulllati~1 J

Delhi Tourism and Transportation Development Corporation SMaJ J05I: KLJIlIAN (~)
Ltd. New Delhi
ACC Lid. Mumbai S_ NAVliJlN CHAUHA
SHaJ P. SluMv~ (AWt1lllll')
Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai 0. ......... C. BASU
SHaJ L. R. 8ISIlNOI (A1Ie.-,,)
Building Materials and Technology Prolll()(ion Council. SHat J. K. Pa.ww
New Delhi SHat C. N. JM'" (AllrfllGlt)
Cement Corporation of India Limited, New Delhi S_ R. R. Ilt:sMr.uc>E
S- M. K. AOAIIWAL (AllrIWal#)
Cement Manufactun:rs' Association. Naida S... E. N. MUll11IY
0. S. P. 0H0sH (A",,.....,,,)
Cenlral Board of Irrigalion and Power. New Delhi M _ SooltTAll'Y
OwJ£TO& (OVll.) W-t1IlIIl')
Central Building Resean:h Institu1e (CSIR), Roorbe 0. B. K. RAO
0. S.1t ~ (Allr_)
Central Public: WorIts Depal1ment. New Delhi e- ENe:-. (1ltisIoIl)
~~(S"S)(A _ _)
Central Road Researc:h Institute (CSIR), New Delhi 0. RAM K........
S- SAT_. . ItllM.... W-_)
Central Soil and Materials Researc:h Station. New Delhi S- Mu..... IlATIWiI
Star N. av.--- ("'~fIIGIt)

Central Waler Commission, New Delhi DIucToa (CMOO)(N"W)

0EPvrv DltarR-. (CMOO) (NW a S) (AlIt~)
Conmat Technololies Pvt Lid. KoIkata 0. A. K. CHATTHlJEI
Construction Industry ~Iopment Council, New Delhi S- PRo 5..".
Delhi ~Iopment Authority. New Delhi SHat A. P. 51_
S- B. 8. AIrr (AlklWGk)
Din:c:tOrallC 0eneraJ of Supplies It Disposals, New Delhi S... P. K. L.waJ
S- A. K. M. ItuHvAP (AlIf>lWGk)
Encineers India Limited, New Delhi SHaJ AIlVINO KUMA.
S- A. K. M _ W,,_)
Fly Ash Unit. Department of Sc:ieDce " TedllIOloI>', 0. ICuMA&
Ministry of ScieDoe " Tcc:bnoIoO. New Delhi S- MUIIBH MAntua (AlIf>fIIGIt)
Oammoa India LimilOd.! S- S. A. RElu
S . V. N. Hso:IAnI! W-t1IlIIl')
SralA.K. J_
SHaJ M. C. AaltAwAL W-_)
Guj... Ambuja Cemenrs Limited. Ahmedabad SNat C. M. DIlCJI
SraI 8. It. JAGlmA WImIaft')
Housiaa IIIId Utbaa Devclopment Corponboa Limited, CH.ullMAN AND M...--J DIRJrma
New DeIIIi s.. V. Aau. It........ (Altt>1WaI#)
Indian S - of Mines, Nqpur s. 5.S. 0....
s.. M~ HAW! w.rr-,)
S- LN. Am!

IIIIUn IllSlilU1e of Technology. Roor1lee Pln'V.K.OImA

0. 8HuPIIu!a Saont (All".,,)

IS 3J78 (Part 1) : 1G09

Dwrroa (Allema")
lnIlilUle for Rcscan:b. Dnelopmcnt Ii: Trainina of ConstnIction OIl N. RNiHAVEHURA

Tnde. Banplorc
lnIlilUle for Solid Wate: Rcscan:h Ii: fA:oIoaical BaJlIlCC, OIl N. BHANUM,maDl\S
Madras Cements Lid. CheMai S_ V. J "GAHAl1IAN
Military EnJincer Services. Enaincer·in-ehiefs Branch, SHIll J. B. SHARMA
Army Headquarters, New Delhi SHRI YOGESH SINGHAL (Allemale)
Ministry of Road Transpon Ii: High_ys. New Delhi SHRI A. N. DHooAPKAR
SIIIlI S. K. PuRl (Allemale)
National Council for Cemell/ and Buildina Mall:rials. BaJlabgarh SHRI R. C. W...soN
OIl M. M. Au (Alle17liJ1t)
Natioul Test Hoae. KoJUta SIIRJ B. R. MEENA
SHmw1 S. A. K.wsR1. (Alte17liJ1e)

OCL hIdia Limitrd. New Delhi Da S. C. AHl.UWAIJA

PlIbIic Worts Depertment. CioYa'DmeDt of Maharuhtra. Mumbai REPUSIlHTAT1VE

PlIbIic Worts Depart_. CioWllllllClll of Tamil Nadu, CheMai SUI'lJIT EHaINEal (OF.sJGN)
ExF.cI1nvE EIoNID (Alltmale)
Raarda. Daip Ii: Standards 0rpniuIi0a (Ministry of bil~s). SIIRJ R. M. SHAIlMA
~ SIIRJ V.K. YADI\VA (Alltmate)
Sanpi Indusuies Limited. s..pi Nap. Ranp Reddy District SHR' D. B. N. RAo
OIl H. K. PATNAIK (Alternale)
s.nIar Sarovu NannlIda Nipm Limited. District Narmada CHiEf ENt~NEEJl (N...VGAM D... Io4)
SUPUINTf.NIJlNG ENo!Nf£R (Allemale)
S/nIC;lUral EnJinecrina Rl:SCIfCh Ceacre (CSIR). Cbennai SHRI A. CHF.U....PP...N
SHIll R. AIluNAotAUM (Alltmale)
Stw S. 1. SIlAH (Allemote)
SII1lI BAUIIR SlNoll (Alle17liJ1e)
SIlRI CHO'frotfUllY
SIlRI BISWAlrT DHAR (Altemale)
\bIlIIlIaI'y OIJ_iZlltioa in Interat of e-mcr Edacatioo, SHill HBeANT KUtoCAR
New Ddhi
BIS Directonl/l: General SIau A. K. SAil'll. Scienlist 'F Ii: Head (Civ Enll)
[Repn:sentina Director GeneraJ (Ex-ojJicio)j
MeMbe, S#cnt"rits
Scientist :E' .t. Director (Civ Eng). BIS
Scientist 'B' (Civ Enll). BIS

Concrete Subcommittee. CED 2 : 2

Delhi Tourism .t. T~llft Dewdopmau Corporation SHm Jag; K\IIIIAN (C_ _tr)
LId. New Delbl
s.. P. BANUOl'AIJlfYAY (Altemale)

IS J370 (Plan I) : 2009


Atom", Energ) Regulatory Board. Mumhal Ill< I'K.... C I"",

SHot! L R 1l.......01 (MluJltllrj
Building Materials and Tl"Chnolog) P"'llIoli,'n COUncil. SH.I J K. P1L.uAo
New Delhi SIIIU P..."..", Our .. (AII.. """d
Central Building Research Institute (CSIR). Roorkee De 8 K. RAU
0. S. K. Ac.......... (A//una,,)
Central Public Works Department. New Delhi SurtiAl" I1:NUIl<Cl ENorNUill (Dt:sKlN)
Exr.. vllVJ. E!«;U<IU (D!,SI(".N) (A/I...-Ir)

Central Road Research Institute (CSIR), New Delhi 0. R~.Hl' MAJ1<l..

SH.. SAT_ KlIWAJI (Ah",""Ir)

Ccnlral Soil &; Materials Research Station. New Delhi SHltI Ml'ItARl RA~"
SH.. N. CHANI....._ ..AN (AI""",,,)

Central Water Commission. New Delhi D1I1K,... (C'" MOO)

1.>t:I\!JY Duunoa (C ol MOO) (A/lm.,,,,,)
Engineers India Limited. New Delhi SKIll AIlVINl> KUMAII
S_ T. 8 ... JI.AJ ( ....'''mau)
Ay Ash Unit. Departmenl of Science and TedlnolosY. 0. VIMAI . KUMAII
Ministry of Science &; Technology. New Delhi S_ Ml11tWl MA111U1l (A1k_1
Gammon India Limited, Mumbai SHill S. A . RUII~
0. N . K. NAYU (141",-,,,)
Grasim Industries Ltd. Mumbai SHill A. K. JAIN
SHill M. C. ~;a,.WAl. (Ab,.,.tlllr)
Gujaral Ambuja Cement Limited. Ahrnedab-el SHill C. M . IllIlllJl
SHIll B. K. JAtit71lA (AI1.._ )
Indian Concrete Institule. Chenoai "-II' M . S. Slerl'TY
Stau L. N. AnT. (AI1.._ )
Indian Institute of Technology. New Delhi 0. 8 . BHAnAUlAlllU';

Indian Institute of TechnololY. Kanpur 0. Suuttlll MISJl&A

Indian Institute of Technology. Roorkee Da "SIll... KUMAII JiliN

Larsen and Toubro Limited, Chenoai 0. B. S'YAIlAMA SAIIMA

SHaI KlIOUT J. D. EMm' (AII,,_)
Mililary F.ngincer Services, Engincer-in-Chiefs Branc:h. BIlw. R. K. OIJ",A
Army Headquartes, New Delhi era. V. K . BAI... ,A (Ab.. mnl")

Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. New Delhi Stau T. B. 8AN1_J:

SItIU 1V.M1.r.stl Kl'MAll (AllrfJIQ,,)

National Buildings Consll'UC1ion Corporation Limited. New Delhi SMaI L. P. Soul

SHIll DAItIIlAN SrNl1M (A11..t'llQtt')
National Council for Cement '" Building Mllmais. Ballabgartl SltlIl R. C. W...V1IO
S..I H. K. Jl~ .J(A (AII"f1tlJIt')

National Institute of TechnoloiIY. Warangal 0. C. B. KAMaWAIlA RAt)

0. D. RAMA SEsml (AII,."no,,)
Nuclear Powu Corporation of India LimilCd. Mumbai SHIl' U. S. P. VI_A
Stau AIl\IINll SHlIIVA1AYA (AI".-ft)
PidiJire Industries Limited, Mumbai SHIllP. L PATIll'
SHIll K. PAI*AIAIl lA/,..mnu)
Ready Mixed Concrete Manufacturen' Association. Banplore SKIll VUAYItUMAIl R. KlUA_

Rcscarth, Design <l SQIIdards Orpnil.lllion (Ministry of Railways). JcJCHT DlIlI'l"JT. STANIlo'lIllS (Bol.S)IC8·1
l.uc:tnow J...".,. Dno!rroa STAHlloUIDI (8AS~-1I (Ahr_1

StnK:lIIraI Engineering Research Centre (CSIR). Olennai SHIll T. S. K _• .-my

SHaJ K. B~ (AI,,~..)

Tandon Consultants Private Limited, New Delhi Stal MII1I£sH TIUClJON

SHIll V......Y GuPTA (Allrmn,,)
TCE Consulting £ngincen LimilCd. Mumbai SHIll J. P HARAN
SNa1 S. M. PAUll... (Allrnta,,)

IS 3370 (Part 1): 2009

OTglJl\iZQrit/ll Representativeis}

Torsteel Research Foundation in India, New Delhi DR P. C . CHOWIlfIUJlY

DR C. S. VISHWANA11IA (AI/~mar~)

In personal capacity (35. Parl: Av~IIU~. Annumma. Naidu DR C. RAJKUIoCAR

Srrur. KruJiallW/hur, Coimbaro~)
In personal capacity (36, Old Sn~h Nagar, Wanfha Road. SHRJ LALIT KUMAR JAIN

Panel for Revision of IS 3370 (Parts 1 and 2). CED 2: 2/Pl

National Council for Cement and Building Material. Ballabgarh Dlt ANI! . KUMAR (Catr'len~r b~f(/n 18 October 2006)
In personal capacity (36. Old Sneh Nugur. Wanfhu Road. SHRI LAllT KUMAR JAIN (Conv~ner since III October 2(06)
NaKPu r )
Cenlral Road Research Institute (CSIR). New Delhi DIREcmR

Delhi Tourism and Transportation Development Corporation SHRI JlISl; KUlUAN

Lid, New Delhi
Gammon India Lid, Mumbai SHRI S . A . Rrollt
Indian Institute of Technology. New Delhi DR S. N. SINHA

Indian Institute of Technology. Roorkee DR AsHOK K. JAIN

MililaJy Engineer Services. Engineer·in-Cbiefs Branch. SHRI J. B. SIlAKMA
Army Headquarters, New Delhi SHRI YOGr:SII K. SIN{JHAI. (AII~male)

National CoIIncil for Cement and Building Material. Ballabgarh SHRI H. K . JUI.KA
SHRl R. C. WASON (Altemal~)

School of Planning and Architecture. New Delhi DR V. THIRUVENGAIlAM

Structural Engineering Research Centre (CSIR). Cbennni SHRI T. S. KRISHNAMOORTHY

TCE Consulling Engineers Limited. Mumbai SHRI S . M, PAI.L"XAR

SHRJ S . KRISHNA (Altemale)
In personal capacity (K·U2. KU\'j Nagar. Ghaziabad) DR A. K. MrnAI.
(Continuedfrom second covers

g) The clause on thick sect io n has been del eted.

h) The pro vision for joints including spa cing ofjoints and making of j oints hils been modi fied .
j) Prov isions on con struction of liqu id retainin g structures have been modified in line with the latest practices.
an d
k) A new clause on test ing o f roof of liquid retai ning structure has been added apart from mod ificat ions in
oth er ex isting provision s in testing .

The composition of the Ccornm iuce responsibl e for formulati on of this standard is g iven in Annex B.
For the purpos e o f deciding whether a particular requirement of (his standard is co mpl ied with . the final value,
obse rved or ca lculated. express ing the results of a test or analys is. shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 1960 'Rules for round ing off num erical values (revised)' . 111e number of s ig nificant place s retained in the
rounded off value should be the sa me as that o f the spec ified value in this standard.
ltureau lIf Indian Standa rds

Ill'i " .\ ' 1 ~IIUlPr\ mstitu n on c,t;lhli,hed unde r the U : tll ' , U I "1 lndiau Si .uul. ud» .-It I . 19X(, I II j1h HIHlI,
11 .11 III< In1011>0 J ': h ; illI'IIICn l ,,( inc .rcuv iuc-, u l ' 1'llId <Jrd ll;lil lln . n l.lI J..ln.c: a nd '1U.a1I1 > ce ruti c .u io n " I ;!lh1 d,
.11111 ;lllc nJ IIl!! III connected matter- in the co untry.

ill S has the copy ng bt of all i l~ publications. 1'0 part of Ihc'c puhlicatin n, may he reproduced in a ny Iorm
'" uh o ut the pr ior permission In writin g of BIS. Thi s docs not pr ec lu de the tre e lIS C. in the co u rse of
uuplemennng the standar d. of neces sar y de ra ils. suc h as sym bo lv and sil.cs, ty pe or grade dc sign ario us.
Enqu iries relating to copyrrght he add ressed to the Director ( Pu blicatio ns) . BIS.

Rrvkw of Indian Standards

Amendments arc issued 10 standards as the need arises un the basis of comments. Standards arc also re viewed
I ~r h"li c a ll ) : a S la n J ~n J
along with amendments 1'; reaffirmed when suc h review indicate s that no changes arc
needed : if the review indica tes that changes arc needed, it is taken up for revision. Users o f Indian Standards
should asccr uun that they are III possession of the latest amendments or ed ition by referr ing 10 the latest issue of
'RIS Catalogue ' and ' Standards : Monthl y Additions' .

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CED 2 (7329) .

Amendments Issued Siner Publication

Amend Nil. Dale of Issue Text Affected


Manak Ahavan, IJ Bahad ur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002
TcI.-r hrmn ~32 3 0 131. 2323 337 5. 2323 940 2 ij('h sif e:

Rc~ional Offices: Teleph ones

Central Manak Bhavan. IJ Bahadur Shah l.a far Marg 2323 76 17
NEW DEl.HI 110002 { 2323 3841
"I ·J C.I T Scheme VII M. V. 1. P. Road. Kankurgachi 2337 8499, 233 7 8561
KOLK AfA 700 054 { 23378626, 23379 120
Northern sro 335-336. Sector 34-A. CIIAN DIGARH 160022 60 3843
{ 60 92 85
Sou thern C I.T. Campus, IV Cross Road, CHENNAI 600 113 2254 1216,2254 1442
{ 2254 2519. 2254 23 I5
Western Manakalaya, E9 MIDe. MaIO!. Arulheri (East) 2832 9295.. 2832 7858
\1UMBAI4 00011J { 28327891. 2832 789 2


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