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Water-Energy Nexus 4 (2021) 10–24

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Prioritization of potential soil erosion susceptibility region using fuzzy

logic and analytical hierarchy process, upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
Berhanu G. Sinshaw a,c,⇑, Abreham M. Belete a, Agumase K. Tefera a,c, Abebe Birara Dessie b,
Belay B. Bizuneh e, Habtamu T. Alem a, Simir B. Atanaw a, Daniel G. Eshete a, Tsegaye G. Wubetu a,
Haimanot B. Atinkut b,f, Mamaru A. Moges c,d
School of Civil and Water Resource Engineering, University of Gondar, Gondar 196, Ethiopia
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, University of Gondar, Gondar 196, Ethiopia
Faculty of Civil and Water Resources Engineering, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology (BiT), Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar 26, Ethiopia
Water, Irrigation, and Energy Bureau, Amhara Regional State, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
Department of Hydraulic and Water Resource Engineering, Debre Markos University, Debre Markos 269, Ethiopia
College of Economics and Management, Huazhong Agricultural University, Hubei Wuhan 430070, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Soil erosion poses a global threat to soil loss, agricultural land deterioration, and crop yield decreases.
Received 24 September 2020 This paper accounts for the establishment of sustainable land planning, and methods for evaluating soil
Revised 14 November 2020 erosion rates. The study was conducted based on the system complex analysis to prioritize soil erosion in
Accepted 25 January 2021
Ribb watershed to improve soil and water conservation planning. Several geographical-environmental
Available online 10 February 2021
factors affecting soil erosion (land use, soil, slope, SPI, TWI, river Proximity, curvature, aspect) were con-
sidered to assess potential soil erosion risk. The information levels were focused on expert experience,
and the dynamic decision-making process built in a network framework. The weights for each layer were
AHP, Blue Nile Basin
computed by R Studio fuzzy AHP package. The map of soil erosion susceptibility was developed by com-
Fuzzy bining layers in a platform based on their weights and means of erosion-related incidents in regional sur-
MCDE veys. Hence, the soil erosion map’s overall results showed very high, high, moderate, low, and very low
Prioritization vulnerability to erosion with areal coverage of 13.4 %, 27.93 %, 32.74 %, 17.42 %, and 8.5 %, respectively.
Soil erosion The susceptibility map demonstrates that high soil erosion sensitive areas with Fuzzy and AHP respec-
tively cover 11.05 % and 15.75 %. The study indicates that priority should be given to high and very high
erosion-prone areas in Rib watershed to adapt to climate change and control sedimentation problems in
the Rib reservoir and Lake Tana.
Ó 2021 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction stressed sub-watershed recognition method for priority soil con-

servation steps. Different scientific criteria have been individually
Soil erosion is a global problem leading to soil loss, agricultural applied in the past to classify ecologically stressed sub-water
land loss, and a decline in crop yield (Assefa and Hans-Rudolf, sheds/areas based on soil loss, sediment yield, topography, or mor-
2016; Kebede et al., 2020 Scherr and Yadav, 1996; Tilahun et al., phological factors. To create the geomorphic and geological reac-
2014). Watershed prioritization can be defined as an ecologically tions of a drainage basin for soil and water conservation, and
river basin evolution, morphometric analysis is critical
(Arabameri et al., 2018). Land use is another natural environment
Abbreviations: AHP, Analytical Hierarchy Process; CI, Consistency Index; DEM, factor, including rocks, biodiversity, soils, and structures built by
Digital Elevation Model; GIS, Geographical Information Systems; LS factor, Slope
people such as infrastructure (Gaikwad and Bhagat, 2017). The
Length and Steepness factor; SPI, Stream Power Index; MCDE, Multi criteria
Decision Evaluation; TWI, Topographic Wetness Index.
shift in land use land cover (LULC) is a significant problem in soil
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Hydraulic and water Resource erosion (Desalegn et al., 2014). Soil erosion and soil loss depend
Engineering, University of Gondar, P.O. Box 196 Gondar, Ethiopia. on several geo-environmental factors; thus, it’s possible to detect
E-mail addresses: (B.G. Sinshaw), aguma- erosion-prone areas using a set of geo-environmental parameters, (A.K. Tefera), (H.B. Atinkut).
2588-9125/Ó 2021 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
B.G. Sinshaw, A.M. Belete, A.K. Tefera et al. Water-Energy Nexus 4 (2021) 10–24

Fig. 1. Location of the study area.

Fig. 2. Flow chart of the proposed approach of soil erosion susceptibility assessment.

B.G. Sinshaw, A.M. Belete, A.K. Tefera et al. Water-Energy Nexus 4 (2021) 10–24

Table 1 et al. (2019), bivariate statistical models (Rahmati et al., 2016),

Scale of preference between two parameters in AHP (Saaty and Vargas, 2001). and support vector machine algorithm (SVM) (Pourghasemi et al.,
Scales Degree of Explanation 2020). This study evaluates soil erosion efficiency produced by
performance Fuzzy logic and AHP knowledge-based models for a Rib watershed
1 Equally Two activities contribute equally to the agricultural catchment in the lake’s Tana Basin.
objective Drawing the concept of fuzzy logic in environmental science
3 Moderately Experience and judgment slightly to has become an important and advanced statistical method
moderately favor one activity over another
5 Strongly Experience and judgment firmly or essentially
(Demicco and Klir, 2003). In this research, new ways discuss crucial
favor one activity over anther disadvantages to existing risk assessment and vulnerability. This
7 Very Activity is strongly favoring one action over study aimed to evaluate soil erosion hot spot area Fuzzy AHP
strongly another, and its dominance is shown in practice approach combined with knowledge of spatial representation in
9 Extremely The evidence of favoring one activity over
the application of R and GIS software. The creation of weight crite-
another is of the highest degree possible of an
affirmation ria undertaken with foreign experts and stakeholders with various
2,4,6,8 Intimidate Used to represent compromises between the stakeholders is the method’s innovation—points of view on soil
Values preferences in weights 1,3,5,7, and 9 vulnerability preparation. Thus, in our study, two possibilities were
Reciprocals Opposites Used for inverse comparison analyzed. The first was about the choice of five criteria, excluding
drainage density for arid and semi-arid climate zone. Hence, the
five criteria are rainfall, land cover, slope, soil classification, and
Table 2 land use, all relevant to our study site. The second scenario
Linguistic variable AHP scale Fuzzy number Fuzzy triangular scale.
included drainage density for tropical and temperate climate
Linguistic variable AHP scale Fuzzy triangular scale zones, where generally, the extent of the fluvial network is typi-
Equal Important 1 1,1,1 cally large.
Moderate important 3 2.3.4 The paper investigates the usefulness of fuzzy and AHP applica-
Strongly important 5 4,5,6 tions for the prediction of soil erosion susceptibility prioritization.
Very strong important 7 6,7,8
Therefore, fuzzy logic and a GIS-based approach for soil erosion are
Extreme important 9 8,9,9
needed to support short-term land resource management deci-
sions and long-term strategic land-use planning. The fuzzy theory
describes how similarity between a local soil and the typical case
study in the world will not change the attribution of weight results.
in conjunction with a multidisciplinary decision on the Multi- Hence, these criteria weights could be used in world-wide soil ero-
Criteria Decision Evaluation (MCDE) (Chen et al., 2017; Jaiswal sion case studies and to identify regional sub-watersheds vulnera-
et al., 2015; Elewa et al., 2013). ble to soil erosion.
Recent studies reported that accelerated sediment transport
from deforested and hilly basins, primarily agriculture, has a detri-
2. Methods and materials
mental effect on water supplies’ water body and structure (Loucks
and Van Beek, 2017). The uncontrolled application of pesticides
2.1. Study area
and fertilizers contributes to the significant lake and reservoir
eutrophication. There are sedimentation issues in the dams, reser-
The study was conducted in the North-West part of Ethiopia
voirs, and irrigation canals. As a result, existing hydropower will
highland, stretching from Mountain Guna to the East portion of
decrease efficiency, pressure on the planned systems, water levels
the Blue Nile River portion of Rib watershed in the Lake Tana Basin
will decrease for irrigation, and the surrounding flood frequency
(Fig. 1). It covers a total area of 1668 Km2 in Southern Gondar Dis-
increase (Young et al., 2004; Minale and Belete, 2017; Goshu and
trict, Amhara Regional State and is situated between 11 ° 400 N–12 °
Aynalem, 2017). Ribb watershed is one of the Lake Tana sub water-
200 N latitude and 37 ° 300 E – 38 ° 200 E longitude. The elevation is
shed, most affected in recent decades by excessive soil erosions,
between 1758 m (around Lake Tana, outlet) and 4104 m (top, Guna
transport of sediments, and land degradation (Setegn et al., 2008).
Mountain). Lake Tana sub-watersheds were the most massive
In the context of GIS-based decision making, Multi-Criteria
water supply that contributes more than 90% of the water flow
Decision Evaluation (MCDE) earned better attention (Nyerges,
and Gumara, Megech, and Gilgel Abay (Setegn et al., 2010).
2004; Moratalla et al., 2011). scholars have used the MCDE
approach for natural resource management (Halefom and
Teshome, 2019). A variety of parameters have been used to define 2.2. Spatial modeling of soil erosion susceptibility
the hotspot regions in the Rib watershed. The ground, soil, pit, SPI,
TWI, bend, precipitation, and aspect are all involved near the river. Nine prominent factors evaluate susceptibility to soil erosion in
A particular map is used for each criterion by the Geographic Infor- Ribb watershed according to the procedure (Fig. 2) used by previ-
mation System (GIS). The effluent rate depends on topography and ous works (Garosi et al., 2018; Zabihi et al., 2018; Azareh et al.,
pathway, one of the parameters for the erosive potential calcula- 2019), knowledge of the field of study, and evaluation of available
tion. Satellite images were used to identify areas with inadequate data in this area. The variables concerned were land use, field,
and robust area coverage for GIS Land Use Classification. Soil erodi- slope, SPI, TWI, proximity to the sea, curvature, precipitation, and
bility is also a factor in MCE, which influences soil erosion. Differ- appearance.
ent researchers have categorized maps of land use, soil, soil,
elevation, TWI, SPI, and slope (Aher et al., 2013, Pradeep et al., 2.2.1. Analytical hierarchy process (AHP)
2015) for evaluation criteria; weight is assigned based on relative The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) persists among the
importance to the other standards. most common analytical methods for complex decision-making
The large growing body of literature has investigated the quan- issues commonly used because of its simplicity and ease of use.
titative links between soil erosion and spatial distribution mea- It is capable of making Multiple levels to describe a decision state.
sured in GIS using fuzzy logic (Saha et al., 2019). For example, a The selected factors governing the suitability of the site are
very recent study on artificial neural networks by Samantaray weighted using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), which is
B.G. Sinshaw, A.M. Belete, A.K. Tefera et al. Water-Energy Nexus 4 (2021) 10–24

Fig. 3. Sensitivity value of parameters to soil erosion.

Table 3
Table sensitivity rank of soil erosion risk parameters.

Parameters Land use Soil slope SPI TWI River Proximity Rainfall Curvature Aspect Result value Sensitivity Rank
Land use 1.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 3.31 1.00
Soil 0.33 1.00 3.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 2.56 4.00
Slope 0.25 0.33 3.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 7.00 7.00 1.57 7.00
SPI 8.00 0.20 0.20 0.33 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 7.00 3.10 3.00
TWI 9.00 0.20 0.17 0.20 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 3.21 2.00
River Proximity 7.00 0.17 0.14 0.20 0.33 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 2.46 5.00
Rainfall 5.00 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.20 0.33 0.50 1.00 3.00 1.76 6.00
Curvature 4.00 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.20 0.33 0.33 1.00 1.38 8.00
Aspect 3.00 0.11 0.11 0.13 0.11 0.14 0.20 0.25 0.33 1.04 9.00

Table 4
pairwise matrix evaluation of the nine erosion parameters using the AHP priority.

Class Name Land use Soil Slope SPI TWI River Proximity Rainfall Curvature Aspect
Land use 1 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9
Soil 1/3 1 3 5 6 7 7 8 9
slope 1/4 1/3 1 3 5 5 7 5 8
SPI 1/5 1/5 1/3 1 2 3 5 7 9
TWI 1/5 1/6 1/5 1/2 1 2 3 5 7
River Proximity 1/6 1/7 1/5 1/3 1/2 1 2 3 5
Rainfall 1/7 1/7 1/7 1/5 1/3 1/2 1 3 4
Curvature 1/8 1/8 1/5 1/7 1/5 1/3 1/3 1 3
Aspect 1/9 1/9 1/8 1/9 1/7 1/5 1/4 1/3 1

Consistency ratio(CR) = 0.08, For calculations the pair matrix of comparison shall be consistent

aided by a pairwise comparison matrix that uses a scale of relative The AHP model requires several steps: define un-structured issues,
importance (Al Raisi et al., 2014; Kindie, 2018) and research goals Identify the variables that affect the problem
The AHP method is a semi-target method, multi-target, and and rearrange them into a hierarchical sequence; rank values
multicriteria first proposed (Wind and Saaty, 1980). This method according to their subjective significance, to assess the relative
is a multicriteria approach to decision making that selects prefer- importance of each factor (Saaty and Vargas, 2001).
ences from various alternatives at unique scales (Wind and Saaty, The horizontal axis variables are less important than the
1980). This is a popular model for the study, decision-making, vertical axis variables valued between 1 and 9. The relevance of
and regional planning of susceptibility (Kayastha et al., 2013). any aspect to soil erosion sensitivity is mutually relevant and

B.G. Sinshaw, A.M. Belete, A.K. Tefera et al. Water-Energy Nexus 4 (2021) 10–24

Table 5
Weight consequence of the erosion of gulls by the AHP model.

Class Name Land use Soil Slope SPI TWI River Proximity Rainfall Curvature Aspect
weight (%) 31.5 24.8 15.7 9.8 6.6 4.5 3.2 2.16 1.34

Table 6
Comparison matrix of Fuzzy matrix.

Class Name Land use Soil Slope SPI TWI River Proximity Curvature altitude Aspect
Land use (1;1;1) (2;3;4) (3;4;5) (4;5;6) (4;5;6) (5;6;7) (6;7;8) (7;8;9) (8;9;9)
Soil (1/4;1/3;1/2) (1;1;1) (2;3;4) (4;5;6) (5;6;7) (6;7;8) (6;7;8) (7;8;9) (8;9;9)
slope (1/5;1/4;1/3) (1/4;1/3;1/2) (1;1;1) (2;3;4) (4;5;6) (4;5;6) (6;7;8) (6;7;8) (7;8;9)
SPI (1/6;1/5;1/4) (1/6;1/5;1/4) (1/4;1/3;1/2) (1;1;1) (1;2;3) (2;3;4) (4;5;6) (6;7;8) (8;9;9)
TWI (1/6;1/5;1/4) (1/7;1/6;1/5) (1/6;1/5;1/4) (1/3;1/2;1) (1;1;1) (1;2;3) (2;3;4) (4;5;6) (6;7;8)
River Proximity (1/7;1/6;1/5) (1/8;1/7;1/6) (1/6;1/5;1/4) (1/4;1/3;1/2) (1/3;1/2;1) (1;1;1) (1;2;3) (2;3;4) (4;5;6)
Curvature (1/8;1/7;1/6) (1/8;1/7;1/6) (1/8;1/7;1/6) (1/6;1/5;1/4) (1/4;1/3;1/2) (1/3;1/2;1) (1;1;1) (2;3;4) (3;4;5)
Atitude (1/9;1/8;1/7) (1/9;1/8;1/7) (1/8;1/7;1/6) (1/8;1/7;1/6) (1/6;1/5;1/4) (1/4;1/3;1/2) (1/4;1/3;1/2) (1;1;1) (2;3;4)
Aspect (1/9;1/9;1/8) (1/9;1/9;1/8) (1/9;1/8;1/7) (1/9;1/9;1/8) (1/8;1/7;1/6) (1/6;1/5;1/4) (1/5;1/4;1/3) (1/4;1/3;1/2) (1;1;1)

Fig. 4. Soil type in Ribb watershed.

observable through double growth, expressed in pairs’ compara- 2.3. Fuzzy logic
tive relevance. The statistics differ based on policymakers’ deci-
sions, depending on the value of each site’s variables. Further, for Decision – making is undeniably one of the (Table 2) human
testing the potential for random matrix choices, the consistency activities most significant. One of the most common MCDM
ratio is used (Budescu et al., 1986) (see Table 1). methods is the fuzzy method. In the field of decision-making,

B.G. Sinshaw, A.M. Belete, A.K. Tefera et al. Water-Energy Nexus 4 (2021) 10–24

Fig. 5. Slope class of Ribb watershed.

implementations of fuzzy sets consist primarily of the fluttering of sists of the pairwise comparisons of all criteria influencing the
classical theories. The Fuzzy Logic tool was introduced in 1965 by a decision. It is a tool to estimate the associated absolute numbers
mathematical tool dealing with uncertainty (Zadeh, 1965). Fuzzy from 1 to 9 on a relative scale of importance and rank a set of
logic is often referred to as a fuzzy expert network. Since then, decision-making criteria (Table 1). The third and fourth steps con-
the approach has applied to various fields, including meteorology, sist of calculating the consistency of experts’ opinions.
engineering, medicine, management, computer science, expert sys- Finally, the eigenvector of the matrix is obtained to extract the
tems, and systems science. Due to vagueness and uncertainty on weights of the corresponding criteria. The criteria used are intro-
decision-makers’ judgments, crisp pairwise comparison in the con- duced below—step 1: Development of Fuzzy pairwise matrix. A
ventional AHP seems insufficient and too imprecise to correctly group of experts determines the data of the hierarchical decision
capture the decision-makers judgments (Taha and Rostam, 2012). model. The judgments are evaluated to find suitable alternatives
This is why the Fuzzy AHP was chosen as it is one of the most out- based on the decision-maker’s values and preferences to estimate
standing and popular MCDM approaches. This method is a robust the associated absolute numbers from 1 to 9, the fundamental
and flexible decision-making tool used to find solutions for com- scales of the AHP. Step 2: Defuzzification of the fuzzy pairwise
plex multicriteria problems such as soil erosion risk assessment comparison matrix. Defuzzification generates a quantifiable result,
(Jaiswal et al., 2014). Applying the Fuzzy AHP model consists of given fuzzy sets and corresponding membership degrees, in Crisp
several steps. It starts with setting the goal followed by selecting logic. It is the mechanism that assigns a fuzzy set to a crisp back-
alternatives, then collecting experts’ judgments to build a matrix ground. Usually, it is necessary for fuzzy control systems.
and integrating it into R software to run the program. It uses Step 3: Calculating the Consistency Ratio (CR)
min–max and if-then rules to improve classification and account- The Consistency Ratio (CR) is used to determine the likelihood
ability. This system is usually comprised of four stages; fuzzifica- of random matrix decisions. (Saaty and Vargas, 2001).
tion, rule evaluation, inference of fuzzy products, and
defuzzification (Bui et al., 2012). This fuzzy logic method was CR = CI/RI (1)
accomplished by ArcGIS (v.10.4) with the unclear inference func-
tion. The Fuzzy Membership system and the Fuzzy Overlay system where RI refers to the mean of an Index of Consistency, the matrix
were used for two realistic devices. All data in all locations are con- order and CI refers to the Index of Consistency as expressed (Saaty
verted into fluffy sets, and the expert tests them in five categories. and Vargas, 2001).

CI = (kmax —n)(n  1) (2)

2.3.1. Fuzzy AHP set theory If k max is the most massive value of the matrix of its own, the
To apply Fuzzy AHP, in the case of decisions made by more than matrix can be determined easily; ’n’ is the matrix sequences. The
one person, four steps shall be followed, consecutively. The first CR is a ratio of the random index to the matrix consistency index,
step contains the erosion risk goal, whereas the second step con- the value of which is from 0 to 1. a CR of 0.1 or less is considered a
B.G. Sinshaw, A.M. Belete, A.K. Tefera et al. Water-Energy Nexus 4 (2021) 10–24

Fig. 6. TWI map of Ribb watershed.

respectable level, and over 0.1 implies a revision required because (DEMs). The topographic wetness index (TWI) quantifies the grid
the individual factor ratings not being handled uniformly cell trend to accept and collect water, one of the most commonly
((Malczewski, 1999) used secondary metrics. (Chambers et al., 2014). The TWI can be
Step 4: Verifying the conformity of CR < 0.1 As a rule of thumb, defined as follows:
if CR is equal to or < 0.10, the pairwise comparison results are  
acceptable; otherwise, they should be rejected and revised—Step A
TWI ¼ ln ð4Þ
5: Calculating corresponding criteria weights. The weight (W) tanðbÞ
obtained from the eigenvector of the matrix using the R software.
where A is the upslope contributing area, and b is the local slope Stream Power index (SPI) factor map. Soil erosion by water is angle. The higher TWI of a cell tends to accumulate water, thus
directly linked to slope morphology in the areas (Danielson, 2013). the higher likelihood of wetland presence. Traditionally, coarse-
SPI determines the erosive water flowing capacity, assuming the resolution DEMs have been used to derive TWI.
flow is proportional to the catchment area and the pitch. The
potential energy for sediment is also an indicator (Kakembo
et al., 2009). The highest focus on soil erosion has been the higher Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). The index of
range of SPIs based on researchers’ and experts’ expertise. The vegetation is the most widely used. NDVI map can be made using
empirical equations of SPI can be defined as: this formula:

SPI = (AS * tan b) (3) NDVI = (NIR - R) / (NIR + R) (5)

where AS = specific catchment area (m2/m), b = slope gradient in Where the values of NIR and R are reflective. This vegetation index
deg. compares the spectral response to the coverage of vegetation. This
approach indicates that healthy vegetation exhibits low reflectance Topographic wetness index (TWI). Apart from the three lead- in the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) (due to
ing wetland indicators, the topographic location is used as an addi- the presence of chlorophyll and other pigments). In contrast, it
tional wetland forecast (hydrology, hydrophytic vegetation, hydric shows high reflectance by the middle part of the leaf (spongy mes-
soil). The primary topography and the secondary topographic met- ophyll tissue). The values differ between 1 and + 1, whereas the
rics (pitch, aspect, and curvature), computable from 2 or more pri- NDVI values of vegetation vary from 0.1 to 1. Higher NDVI values
mary metrics, are widely used for digitally elevated models have good foliage (Sinshaw et al., 2019).
B.G. Sinshaw, A.M. Belete, A.K. Tefera et al. Water-Energy Nexus 4 (2021) 10–24

Fig. 7. SPI class of Ribb watershed. Slope. The slope is the variation of the lifting of a specific the study region and the respective groups. Further, to decide
area that affects soil / green water storage. It is a factor that influ- whether and how soil erosion precision was enhanced, the selected
ences the flow rate of the soil. The 30 m SRTM DEM for the mea- soil erosion variables were qualitatively compared and evaluated.
surement of the water bath tide is used in this analysis. The Sub-watershed priority was performed utilizing AHP and Fuzzy
percentage map provided by STRM DEM with a resolution of in six steps: rate determination, pair comparison matrix, standard
30 m varies from 0 to 68 % based on natural ruptures. The highest pair set-up, weight/effect measurements, standardization in effect,
gradient in the upper part of the study area is located while the and prioritization of watersheds.
lowest gradient in the lower part of the study area. Soil. Soil is an important element in the conservation of soil

watershed moisture. The soil characteristics also control surface 3.2. Sensitivity analysis
water penetration in an aquifer system and are directly linked to
absorption, percolation, and permeability levels. In watershed Ribb Land use exerts a considerable influence on the drainage net-
watersheds of Haplic Nitisols, Haplic Luvisols, Eutry Vertisols, work patterns and significantly affects the erosion susceptibility
Eutric Leptosoles, and Chronic Luvisols, soil classification defined of the sub-watersheds indicated in (Fig. 3). Also, TWI, SPI, and soil
according to the Ministry of Water, Irrigation, and Electricity strongly involve soil erosion risk of the watershed. Aspect and cur-
(MoWIE). The Eutric Leptosols group located on the top of the vature of the land are not severely aggravating soil erosion risk
catchment, covered most of the area. (Table 3). Curvature factor map. The 30 m by 30 m digital elevation

model (DEM) was used in ArcGIS to identify the slope’s gradient, 3.2.1. Land use
aspect, and curvature. The curvature of the profile was the most land-use change was considered as a significant factor in soil
of the gully erosion forecast has significant variables. Morphology erosion in the study region. Land use cover change factor was
of catching and drainage the curvature of hillslope processes is one of the critical factors influencing surface flux, and decay is a
positively affected. land use in a study area. It enables the surface defense to decide
the resistance of the soil unit to erosion. High decline and quick
3. Results and discussion response to rainfall result from insufficient surface cover. The
demand for land to be cultivated was increased due to the high
3.1. AHP and Fuzzy parametrization growth in population density. In this regard, eleven types of land
use/land cover were recognized in the study area. Land use/land
R studio V4.2 was used to analyze each factor’s weight for AHP cover classes were investigated and computed as presented in
and fuzzy logic GIS mapping. The probabilities of each unit area of Table 6
B.G. Sinshaw, A.M. Belete, A.K. Tefera et al. Water-Energy Nexus 4 (2021) 10–24

Fig. 8. Curvature map of Ribb watershed.

3.2.2. Soil low susceptible and 388 km2 (23.29 %) very low susceptible to soil
Form of soil is one of the key factors influencing the physical erosion.
erosion process and the properties of chemicals. It regulates the
detachment of soil, transportation of soil particles, and water to 3.2.5. Impact of stream Power index (SPI)
the soil. The soil texture is an important factor in the degradation The quality of natural flowing water is calculated. The flow of
of the ground. Eutric Leptosols dominate the study watershed with water absorbed on the bed, and banks of the channel is the energy
an area of 620 km2 (37%), followed by Chromic Luvisols 558 km2 volume. Due to the area discharge relation, and it, calculated from
(33.5 %), which are generally influenced by some form of water DEM data. The reclassified SPI map (Figs. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9) below
control and mainly by their topographic/physiographic location and (Table 3-9) indicated that 0.01 km2 (0.01%) of the land use is
(see Table 5). Very high susceptible; 0.06 km2 (0.04%) Highly susceptible;
0.18 km2 (0.011%) medium susceptible; 0.45 km2 (0.027%) low sus-
3.2.3. Slope ceptible 1667.29 km2 (99.95%) Very low susceptible to soil erosion
It is one of the most vital parameters factors that erosion. The (Figs. 10-11).
re-classified Slope map shows that 213 km2 (12.81%) of the land
use is Very high susceptible; 154.79 km2 (9.28%) Highly suscepti- 3.2.6. Curvature impact on erosion
ble; 256.38 km2 (15%) Medium susceptible; 439 km2 (26.34 %) Curvature is a complex derived field to measure that depends
Low susceptible and 604 km2 (36%) very low susceptible to soil on the equation (Table 10) used Input data resolution. The tool Cur-
erosion. vature calculates the cell-by-cell second derivative value of the
input surface. The output of each cell should be used to explain
3.2.4. Topographic wetness index (TWI) the physical characteristics of the drainage basin from the applied
The topographic wetness index (TWI) is a constant state wet- point of view to understand erosion and the ruining processes. The
ness index called a Compound Topographic Index (CTI). It includes results can be used for every cell. The pitch influences the overall
the upslope, the slope raster, and a few geometric functions. The pitch rate. In contrast to the aspect, the direction of flow is defined.
re-classified TWI map (Fig. 5) indicated that 2.8 km2 (0.16%) of The curvature of the profile affects the acceleration and decelera-
the land use is very high susceptible; 5.9.5 km2 (3.5 %) , Highly sus- tion of flow and, thus, erosion and deposition. The plan is curved
ceptible; 18.95 km2 (1.13 %) medium susceptible; 1198 km2 (71 %) Displaying contours over a raster may help with understanding
B.G. Sinshaw, A.M. Belete, A.K. Tefera et al. Water-Energy Nexus 4 (2021) 10–24

Fig. 9. River proximity class in Ribb watershed.

Table 7 (Sajedi-Hosseini et al., 2018). These considerations are not taken

Fuzz Logic Weighting vector. into account by experimental approaches like USLE and RUSLE.
Class Name Lower Weight Middle Weight Upper weight The proximity of rivers and rivers, especially riverbank erosion,
Land use 0.2555 0.3143 0.3699
has been used as a factor for this study. We classified the water-
Soil 0.1985 0.2475 0.3023 shed into areas 0–50 m and 50–4,500 m from rivers and streams.
slope 0.1268 0.1629 0.2093 Erosion is more affected, and flooding is the product of surfaces
SPI 0.0717 0.098 0.1297 between 0–50 m.
TWI 0.0471 0.0658 0.0924
River Proximity 0.032 0.0452 0.0652
Curvature 0.0242 0.0323 0.0456 3.2.8. Aspect
Altitude 0.016 0.0207 0.028 Aspect can be regarded as the direction of the slope. The raster
Aspect 0.0112 0.0133 0.0174 output values are the direction of the appearance of the compass.
The Input Raster is the input for this function. The Role Aspect is
also used in a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The reclassified cur-
and interpreting the data resulting from the execution of the Cur- vature map (Fig. 12) indicated that 343 km2 (20.5 %) of the land use
vature tool. Table 11 and Fig. 7 below presented the value of the of the study area is very high susceptible and 331 km2 (18.6 %) low
curvature profile. The reclassified curvature map indicated that sensitive, and 564 km2 (33.8 %) very low susceptible to soil erosion.
439 km2 (26 %) of the land use of study area is Very high suscepti-
ble; 278 km2 (16 %) Highly susceptible; 158 km2 (9.5 %) medium 3.3. Soil erosion estimation
susceptible and 227 km2 (13.6 %) low susceptible and 564 km2
(33.8 %) very low susceptible to soil erosion (Tables 12-16). The goals were subsequently divided into the five classes of ero-
sion, as per Singh et al. (1992) guideline, based on integrated GIS
3.2.7. Proximity to streams and rivers and Remote Sensing research with Fuzzy and AHP. These findings
The areas near the river or the stream would be more vulnera- show that 8.5 % of the watershed area was of low erosion rates
ble to erosion, as particles are isolated from the normal water flow. with a very high risk of erosion of around 13.4 %. This region, with

Table 8
Land use Class of Ribb watershed.

No slope interval Susceptibility to erosion Area(Km2) Area Percentage (%)

1 Pasture,Plantations,hrubland very low 209.72 12.57
2 Afro-alpine Low 23.45 1.41
3 Dominantly cultivated, Moderately cultivated Urban Very High 1434.83 86.02
Total 1668 100

B.G. Sinshaw, A.M. Belete, A.K. Tefera et al. Water-Energy Nexus 4 (2021) 10–24

Table 9
Soil susceptibility of Ribb watershed.

No Soil Interval Susceptibility to erosion Area (Km2) AreaPercentage (%)

1 Urban very low 1.24 0.07
2 Haplic Nitisols Low 5.21 0.31
3 Eutric Leptosols Moderate 620.94 37.23
4 Chromic Luvisols High 558.81 33.50
5 Haplic Luvisols Very High 467.04 28.00
6 Eutric Vertisols Very High 14.75 0.88

Fig. 10. River proximity class in Ribb watershed.

a high to very modest erosion risk, needs to be protected immedi- essential to the efficient conservation of soil and water. In the man-
ately. The site was extremely vulnerable to soil erosion, according agement of natural resources, the MCDE method has been widely
to high susceptibility rates. According to the overall suitability used. To weigh all soil erosion factors (land use, slope, SPI, TWI,
score listed, the following areas are very high, high, medium and the proximity of the river, curvature, plumage, aspect), analytical
low, and very low prone to soil erosion: 13.4 %, 27.9%, 32.7 hierarchies (AHP), and Fuzzy logic. Around 27% and 13% of the
%,17.4 %, and 8.5 %, respectively. region were classified as very high and high-sensitive it soils ero-
sion areas, respectively.
This finding has shown that the northern, southeastern, and
4. Conclusion and implications ultra-high erosion regions are mainly due to steep slopes on soil
erosion spatial distribution map. This study’s results enable plan-
The severe issue of the Lake Tana basin is soil erosion, including ners and policymakers to implement practical steps to reduce the
the Ribb watershed. This study shows the hotspot areas for soil risk of soil loss and degradation in the catchment area, in soil con-
erosion with Fuzzy and AHP approaches. The decline in agricultural servation and water management. Based on the weighted AHP and
production in Ethiopia’s highlands is due to the depletion of farm- Fuzzy soil erosion risk evaluation approaches, the map showed
ing regions’ soil. The identification of erosion hotspot areas is high, moderate, low, and very low vulnerability to erosion with

B.G. Sinshaw, A.M. Belete, A.K. Tefera et al. Water-Energy Nexus 4 (2021) 10–24

Fig. 11. Soil erosion susceptibility map using Fuzzy and AHP.

B.G. Sinshaw, A.M. Belete, A.K. Tefera et al. Water-Energy Nexus 4 (2021) 10–24

Table 10
FAO slope categories and related susceptibility to soil erosion.

No slope interval Susceptibility to erosion Area (Km2) Area Percentage (%)

1 0–5 very low 603.75 36.20
2 5–10 Low 439.40 26.34
3 10–15 Moderate 256.38 15.37
4 15–20 High 154.79 9.28
5 >20 Very High 213.68 12.81
Total 1668.00 100.00

Table 11
Topographic wetness index susceptibility class.

No TWI interval Susceptibility to erosion Area (Km2) Area Percentage (%)

1 2.67–5.87 very low 388.56 23.295
2 2.86–10.4 Low 1198.13 71.830
3 10.5–10.8 Moderate 18.95 1.136
4 10.9–14.3 High 59.56 3.571
5 14.4–18.6 Very High 2.80 0.168

Table 12
SPI range in Ribb catchment.

No SPI interval Susceptibility to erosion Area (Km2) Area Percentage (%)

1 0–1843120 very low 1667.29 99.95
2 1843120–3686240 Low 0.45 0.027
3 3686240–5529360 Moderate 0.18 0.011
4 5529360–7372480 High 0.06 0.004
5 7372480–9215600 Very High 0.01 0.001

Table 13
Curvature of Ribb watershed.

No Curvature interval Susceptibility to erosion Area(Km2) Area Percentage (%)

1 48–1.4 very low 564.21 33.825
2 1.3–0.39 Low 226.90 13.603
3 0.38–0.11 Moderate 158.95 9.529
4 0.12–0.78 High 278.29 16.684
5 0.78–49 Very High 439.66 26.358

Table 14
River proximity in Ribb watershed.

No River proximity (m) Susceptibility to erosion Area (Km2) Area Percentage (%)
1 0–50 Very High 18.22 1.093
2 50–45000 High 22.61 1.355
3 >4500 Moderate 0.37 0.022

Table 15
Aspect in Ribb watershed.

No Aspect interval Susceptibility to erosion Area (Km2) Area Percentage (%)

1 (-1–71) very low 311.48 18.674
2 72–140 Low 280.59 16.822
3 141–220 Moderate 351.48 21.072
4 221–290 High 381.28 22.859
5 291–360 Very High 343.16 20.573

Table 16
AHP and Fuzzy Susceptibility to erosion.

No Erosivity level Area (Km2) Area Percentage (%)

AHP Fuzzy AHP Fuzzy Mean
1 very low 100.28 183.29 6.01 10.99 8.5
2 Low 142.17 439.19 8.52 26.33 17.42
3 Moderate 606.04 486.29 36.33 29.15 32.74
4 High 556.84 374.89 33.38 22.48 27.93
5 Very High 262.67 184.34 15.75 11.05 13.4

B.G. Sinshaw, A.M. Belete, A.K. Tefera et al. Water-Energy Nexus 4 (2021) 10–24

Fig. 12. Area coverage of relative soil erosion vulnerability in watershed Ribb.

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