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TRƯỜNG ĐH KINH TẾ TP.HCM Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc


(Higher education program)





Contact details
Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Huyền Trang, Ph.D

1. Tên học phần (tên tiếng Việt và tên tiếng Anh – Course name in Vietnamese and
Quản trị Nguồn Nhân Lực Quốc tế_International Human Resources Management
2. Mã học phần (Course code): ……………………………………………………….
3. Bộ môn phụ trách giảng dạy (Teaching Department):
International Business
4. Trình độ (Level of competency): (apply for … for students at the …. academic
Apply for International Business students at the 3rd academic year
5. Số tín chỉ (Credits): 03
6. Phân bổ thời gian (Time allocation): (giờ tín chỉ đối với các hoạt động)
+ Theories: 30 hours

+ Group works, practice, discussion: 10 hours
+ Self-study: 5 hours
7. Điều kiện tiên quyết (prequisite courses): trình bày từ 2 đến 3 môn học bắt buộc
phải hoàn thành trước học phần này
8. Mô tả vắn tắt nội dung học phần (Course description): trình bày ngắn gọn vai trò,
vị trí học phần/môn học, kiến thức sẽ trang bị cho sinh viên, quan hệ với các học
phần/môn học khác trong chương trình đào tạo
Human Resource Management (HRM) is among one of the most important functions
in corporate governance. This subject provides the knowledge and basic skills of HRM
in companies in general and global corporations particularly. Its main content covers
many important activities in the HRM cycle including HRM planning and strategy,
recruitment and selection, resources planning & management, performance
management and assessment, learning and development, compensation planning and
management, employee benefits and HR services management, employees’ relations,
and so on. The content is combined with real-world situations in the management of
global corporations in Vietnam.
9. Chuẩn đầu ra của học phần – Chuẩn đầu ra cấp 3 (Course Learning Outcomes -
CLOs): Upon completion of the course International Human Resources Management,
students are able to meet the following learning outcomes:
9.1 Chuẩn đầu ra Kiến thức (Knowledge)
- CLO1.1: Understand the fundamental theories of HRM, including: the role,
functions, characteristics of HRM, HRM cycle, the development stages of
HRM, the main trends (HR transforming) in HRM, the pillars of HRM strategy
in global companies.
- CLO1.2: Understand the Vietnamese labor market and its movement, helping
students to identify and grasp the needs of the market to prepare for their career.
- CLO1.3: Understand the recruitment strategy, determine the source of labor
(inside and outside of the organization); Understand the employers; Understand
the recruitment process, methods, interviewing techniques and candidate
- CLO1.4: Understand the approach, performance management process, PIP
(Performance Improvement Plan) and PDP (Personal Development Plan),
develop employee’s capability.
- CLO1.5: Learn job evaluation methods, job analysis and evaluation processes
to determine job value.

- CLO1.6: Understand Pay philosophy and choose the philosophy of paying
business; identify the objective of rewards system; pay model; Understand the
steps in compensation planning.
- CLO1.7: Understand how to link pay to performance appraisal and approaches
to pay management.
- CLO1.8: Understand employee engagement, employee enablement and
effectiveness model; approaches aimed at improving employee engagement,
quality of work/life, especially what businesses need to do to retain high
performers (HIPER), key talents, and high potential employees (HIPO).
- CLO1.9: Learn about the model of human resources learning and development,
and identify training analysis needs (TNA), personal planning and development
(PDP) or career development.
- CLO1.10: Undersdand assignment of personnel; model and expatriates policy.
- CLO1.11: Undersdand organizational type and designing approriate
organization structure.

9.2 Chuẩn đầu ra Kỹ năng (Skills)

- CLO2.1: Be able to attract, identify and recruit employees for businesses.
- CLO2.2: Be able to plan performance management systems and appraise
employee performance.
- CLO2.3: Plan and manage a rewards system.
- CLO2.4: Understand the process of talent identification and development.
- CLO2.5: Plan and develop career.
9.3. Chuẩn đầu ra Mức độ tự chủ và trách nhiệm (Autonomy and Resposibility)
- CLO3.1: Evaluate and identify the needs of the market, thereby orienting the
career path and career development plan (CDP).
- CLO3.2: Understand self (abilities, personal characteristics, EQ ...), orienting
career development in which industry, jobfamily and subjobfamily & Jobs.
- CLO3.3: Understand and apply basic knowledge and skills in the field of HRM.
10. Tài liệu học tập (Learning materials):
10.1 Tài liệu bắt buộc (Text books): (từ 1 đến 3 tài liệu)
Textbook 1: Gary Dessler, Fundamentals of Human Resources Management,
Fourth Edition Pearson (2016)
Textbook 2: Noe Hollenbeck, Gerhart Wright, Fundamentals of Human
Resources Management, Seventh Edition (2016)

Textbook 3: Leslie W. Rue, Nabil A. Ibrahim/Lloyd L. Byars, Human Resource
Management, Eleventh Edition Mc Graw Hill (2016).
Textbook 4: H. John Bernardin, Human Resource Management- an experiential
approach, Sixth Edition Mc Graw Hill (2013).
10.2 Tài liệu tham khảo (Referrences):
References 2: Havard University Competency Dictionary, DDI Competency
Dictionary, Job fit facets, Organization fit facets
References 3. Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing and Allen D. Engle,Sr., International
Human Resources Management, Sixth Edition, Cengage Learning (2013)
References 4. Philippe Lasserre, Global Strategic Management, Fourth Edition,
Palgrave (2018)
10.3 Khác (Others):
11. Tiêu chuẩn đánh giá sinh viên (Student assessment system):

Assignment Type Weight

#1 Attendance and Participation Individual 5%
#2 Case study Group 20%
#3 Final presentation Group 25%
#4 Final exam Individual 50%

12. Kế hoạch giảng dạy học phần (Course teaching plan):
Buổi Nội dung giảng dạy (Content) Phương pháp Tài liệu học tập Chuẩn bị của sinh viên Đáp ứng
(số tiết) (tên chương, phần) giảng dạy (Learning (Student works in detail) CĐR
Day (chapter, section) (Teaching materials) (bài tập, thuyết trình, giải quyết tình huống…) học phần
(hour no.) method) (chương, phần) (Correspon
(chapter, ding CLO)
Day 1 Lesson 1: Overview of HRM Theoretical Fundamentals of - Group discussion: Students’ expectations in this CLO1.1
guidance Human subject
(5 hours) - Concept, role, and function of HRM;
combined with Resources - Group forming and case studies delegation
- Development process of HRM;
practical Management (1)
- Main functions of HRM;
research of Chapter 1
- Modern HRM trend;
HRM in Fundamentals of
Vietnam; Human
Individual and Resources
group activities/ Management (2)
discussions Chapter 1

Day 2 Lesson 2: Resource Planning, Recruitment and Theoretical Fundamentals of Read and prepare a group discussion for the case study: CLO1.2
Selection guidance Human IT SERVICE FIRM
(5 hours) CLO1.3
combined with Resources
- Role, function, and significance of
practical Management (1) CLO3.1
resource planning
research of Chapter 5
- Factors affecting HR planning;
HRM in VN.
- Process of HR Planning Fundamentals of
Participate in
- Determine Labor Surplus or Shortage Human
class activities
- Options for Reducing a Surplus Resources
and group
- Options for Avoiding Shortage Management (2)

Chapter 5

Lesson 3: Analyzing work and Designing jobs Fundamentals of Students’ perusal CLO1.5
- Elements of work-flow analysis and how Human
work flow is related to an organization’s Resources
structure. Management (2)
- How to obtain information for a job Chapter 4
- Elements and trends in job analysis and
their significance in HRM.
- Methods for designing a job so that it can
be done efficiently and motivating.
How organizations apply ergonomics to design
safe jobs and plan for mental demands of a job.
Day 3 Lesson 4: Talent recruitment and selection Theoretical Fundamentals of Read and prepare a group discussion for the case study: CLO3.2
guidance Human
(5 hours) - Aspects of recruitment process. CHINA INTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISE
combined with Resources
- Elements of selection process. group Management (1)
- Criteria for selection Methods discussion, Chapter 5,6
- Major types of employment tests. Fundamentals of
(EQ, IQ, Personality…) Human
exercises, quiz,
Management (2)
Chapter 5,6

Day 4 Lesson 4: Talent recruitment and selection Fundamentals of Read and prepare a group discussion for the case study: CLO1.3
(5 hours) (con’t) Resources DISNEY CLO2.1
Management (1)
- Interview methods: behavior, situations,
Chapter 5,6
stress, ...;
- Find out the interview process and talent Fundamentals of
selection; Human
- Interview skills (questioning, writing, Resources
listening ...); Management (2)
- Lessons learned from talent selection. Chapter 5,6

Day 5 Lesson 5: Training and Developing Employees Theoretical Fundamentals of Read and prepare a group discussion for the case study: CLO1.9
guidance Human XIAMEN AIRLINES
(5 hours) - Describe the basic training process. CLO2.5
combined with Resource
- Discuss at least two techniques used for
group Management
assessing training needs.
discussion, (1), Chapter 7
- Explain the pros and cons of at least five
training techniques.
- Explain what management development is
and why it is important.
- Describe the main development techniques.
Lesson 6: Performance Management and Theoretical Fundamentals of CLO1.4
Appraisal guidance Human
combined with Resource
- Explain the purpose of performance
group Management
discussion, (1), Chapter 8
- Answer the question, “Who should do the
- Discuss the pros and cons of at least eight
performance appraisal methods.
- Give examples of five potential appraisal

- Explain how to conduct an appraisal
feedback interview.
- Explain how to install a performance
management program.
- Illustrate the effects of segmenting and
actively managing a company’s talent.
Day 6 Lesson 7: Developing Compensation Plans Theoretical Fundamentals of Read and prepare a group discussion for the case study: CLO1.6
guidance Human
(5 hours) - Discuss four basic factors determining pay AGNICO EAGLE MINES CLO2.3
combined with Resource
group Management
- Explain each of the five basic steps in
discussion, (1), Chapter 10
establishing pay rates.
- Compare and contrast piecework and team
or group incentive plans.
- List and describe each of the basic benefits
most employers might be expected to offer.

Day 7 Lesson 8. Developing Compensation Plans Theoretical Fundamentals of CLO1.7

(CONT) guidance Human
(5 hours) CLO2.3
combined with Resource
- Compare and contrast piecework and team
group Management
or group incentive plans.
discussion, (1), Chapter 10
- List and describe each of the basic benefits
most employers might be expected to offer.

- Final presentation (group 1,2)

Final presentation (group 3,4,5)
Day 8 CLO1.8
(5 hours) CLO 2.4


This assignment is designed to make you aware of the big wide world around you and its
influence on international business at a firm-level. You need to focus on a real international
company, and do a report on how the company deals with the dynamic international business
environment which affects the company’s success and failure in the international context. In
particular, you need to identify what practices regarding the activities of human resource
management causes their success or failure in the foreign country. Based on the issue(s) in
their operations, you will make recommendations to improve their performance.

The project PPT consists of following parts:

1. Company profile
Which industry is the company in?
Brief description of the company’s history and background
Brief description of the focal Product(s)/Service(s)
The markets the firm served (share of international sales/profits in the key market areas)
Who is the company’s major domestic/international competitor(s)?
2. Entry modes
Analysing entry modes used by the firm
3. Situation Analysis. Identify the key issues influence company practices and describe them
in details (You can start with the PESTLE framework)
4. Global strategy in HRM functions/activities
- Analysing the firm standardization and adaptation practices related to human resource
management activities in response to the changes in the international context.
5. Recommendations
6. References

TP.HCM, ngày tháng năm


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