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“There is no technology today that doesn’t pose some type of risk to individual health or to the

environment” to what extent do you agree with this statement?

People have often debated whether technology is good or bad. Many people
think that technology will cause them some type of harm no matter what, while many
others strongly defend the forms of technology which have made their lives much easier
and enriching than it could have been with the absence of technology. Since at a young
age, we are taught to use as many resources as we can to find information, prove a
statement or even to entertain ourselves for some time. The evolution of technology has
made it possible for us to be able to find an answer to any question by pressing a few
buttons, which obviously is a big help when it comes to research, but not always a good
feature when it falls into the wrong hands. In my opinion, both of these views are correct
to an extent, but I also believe that what should be considered and examined is not
whether technology in itself is good or bad, but rather how we decide to use it.

When it comes to household appliances, I think technology has been the biggest
game changer. Refrigerators, gas and electric ovens, microwaves, vacuums,
dishwashers….the list goes on and on. All these things have made housework much
easier than it would have been about 100 years ago. This has both positive and
negative results and effects. It has made it easier for us to get jobs done, leaving more
time for other things, but the bad part of this is what most of us chose to do with this free
time. In many cases, this extra time is spent by resting and chilling on our own, which
might make us feel comfortable and happy for some time, but in the long run, can cause
serious negative effects on our health and wellbeing. Everyday we become more and
more aware of the dangers of heart disease and the health benefits of exercise. We
would have gotten most of this necessary exercise 100 years ago just from doing our
daily chores but now aren't getting enough because we don't have to work as hard to do
those same chores. This can be blamed on technology, but again, in fact it is our own
fault because we chose to use the technology and spend the extra time laying around,
when instead we could be doing something productive, generally speaking.
Something that really bothers me about the way in which we humans use
technology is when nothing is made out of it. I often question why people spend so
much time and money trying to come up with so many useless ideas when we have
other serious problems such as global warming and starving children working in shoe
factories. For example, scientists spent years making a clone of a sheep. Now let me
ask you, is there any practical and efficient use in knowing how to clone a sheep? Many
people argue that eventually this scientific advancement will lead into bigger things like
the cloning of humans, but again, what is the point? I strongly feel that nothing good can
come from that. We have already seen many movies showing us the dangers of robots,
clones or any other human copy, that always end up trying to destroy humanity and take
over earth themselves. Instead, I think scientists should be using technology to come up
with things that can greatly help the majority of the world's population and make the
world a better place, not to create something that will most likely destroy us in the end,
once again proving my point that we do not know how to use technology to benefit us
instead of overdoing it and putting us all to risk.

Even I misuse or overuse technology myself. There have been times where I would
rather take some time to just lay off and rest than to do something productive like read a
book, and there is nothing wrong with that, unless it happens too often. In fact, by
scrolling through social media, we might find something interesting, like a cooking
recipe or a DIY craft, especially in quarantine where there is nothing much to do in the
house all day.

It seems technology has brought both useful and pointless things into our lives. Things
that have contributed to making our lives better as well as causing some negative
effects. As we live in this world where new products and discoveries are introduced to
us everyday, we must remember to use our best judgment to decide what technologies
are good and which could be harmful. We must also remember that whatever
technology does to our lives, technology in itself is not to blame, but rather how we used

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