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(An Autonomous Institution Established in 1994, Accredited with Grade ‘A++’ NAAC
(UGC) ISO 9001: 2008
Certified Institute, AICTE / UGC Approved Programs affiliated to DAVV, Indore)

Personal Growth Laboratory

PG Lab
MBA Batch 2022 – 2024

Nandini Tiwari
MBA Semester I – Section - F
Group No. B Team No. 14

Dr. Anukool Hyde Dr. Gunjan Anand Dr. Pallavi Joshi

I, Nandini Tiwari hereby declare that the present Project Report of Personal

Growth Laboratory PG Lab is uniquely prepared by me after the completion

of 3 day workshop held on 6, 7 and 8 October, 2022

I also confirm that the report is prepared only for my academic requirement

and not for any other purpose.

I also hereby declare that I have read and understood the evaluation method

(rubric) of PG Lab Project Project

…Nandini Tiwari………………………….
(Name of Student)
(MBA Semester I – Section F)

Scholar No. 1121214717


S. No. Particulars Page No.

1. Chapter 1

About PG Lab 1

2. Chapter 2:Exercises conducted in the PG LAB

2.1 : Setting up Personal Agenda 2

2.2 : Ice Breaking Activity 3

2.3 : Word Making Activity 4

2.4 : Caterpillar Walk 5

2.5 : Psychometric Assessment – MBTI 6

2.6 : Story Chain Activity 7

2.7 : Hoola Loop Activity 8

2.8 : Johari Window 9

2.9 : Balloon Pyramid Activity 10

2.10 : Learn by Fun (Group Performance) 11

3. Chapter 3:

Suggestions and Conclusion 12

Chapter 1: About PG LAB
The personal growth laboratory PG Lab is a unique concept designed to deepen
self-understanding and improve intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships. The
objectives of the PG Lab are achieved through a 3-day workshop at the beginning
of Semester I. The pedagogy was carefully focused on creating self-awareness
through setting a personal agenda, conducting MBTI psychometric assessment
and a practical session on Johari window analysis for all participants. The
workshop enables team building and team effectiveness through experiential
learning by engaging participants through extrinsic learning.
Chapter 2: Exercises conducted in the PG LAB

2.1 Setting up Personal Agenda

 Purpose

The first day of our PG lab was started on 6 th of October in which our faculty coordinator was

Dr. Pallavi Joshi kapooria mam, the activity was started around 9:30 AM in which we have to fill
a google form which was MCQ based in which we have to tell our motive, expectations ,future
prospects etc. through which we as well as they got to know our strengths & weaknesses towards
achievement of our future goals & how much desirous we are to achieve them.

 Outcome/Learning

Through which we and they got to know our strengths & weaknesses towards achievement of our
future goals & how much desirous we are to achieve them.

 Challenges
In this activity it was challenging for us to face our weakness & to openly accept them as
they are a part of us in some way or the other as they make a great impact on our future.
2.2 Ice Breaking Activity

 Purpose

In this activity firstly we have to stand in a line then we were given a group number
chronologically and we have to stand in allotted group of 9 students in the corridor. After
which we were provided with some currency notes & were told to introduce ourselves in
front of our group members & who so ever speaks better than the others would be given a
currency note of the other the main purpose of the activity is to increase our confidence to
speak in front of unknown people & to add value to our personality.

 Outcome/Learning

Through this activity we inculcated a feeling of elf confidence, team work, trust etc. As in
the beginning of the activity we all were new & unknown to each other but till the end of
the activity through effective communication we have inculcated a feeling of mutual

 Challenges
There were some hindrances at the beginning such as hesitation to work with random
students but at the end of the activity we get to know each other well & work together as
a team.
2.3 Word Making Activity

 Purpose

This activity started with a piece of paper provided to each one of us in which we have to
make words from alphabets of a word provided to each group .This activity was divided
into two sections in which firstly we have to form words individually & then discuss
those words with our group & write them in a paper & hand them over to the faculty.

 Outcome/Learning

Through this activity we got to learn the importance of group work & how to overcome
the mistakes of our group members which enhances team spirit & confidence to achieve
group goals.

 Challenges

At the beginning of the activity there was so much confusion as to how we have to make
words alone as this was a group activity & we were not allowed to discuss anything from
our group mates but as we completed the first phase to other that is from individual to
group work we were clear as how we have to complete this group activity in thed limited
time frame.
2.4 Caterpillar Walk

 Purpose

In this activity the feet of the group members were tied to each other & we have to move
from one side of the atrium to the other & them come back to the starting point before
other teams to win this race .The main purpose of this activity is to build coordination &
team spirit among the group members.

 Outcome/Learning

Also, through this task we have learned that strategy planning & effective communication
plays a vital role in a group task .As to win this game we have to make a strategy from
tying the rope to deciding the sequence in which we will stand so that the person to
whom our feet were tied can pull us & can took care if the other person lose one’s

 Challenges

Some of the hurdles we faced while performing this task is that at one instance, the rope
of my fellow member was opened due to which some of us fell down but then also we
were so thrilled to perform this task & complete it that we stood up & accomplished the
task with great zeal through which at the end we won this task.
2.5 Psychometric Assessment – MBIT

 Purpose
This activity was performed on the second day of our PG Lab & it was conducted
by Dr. Gunjan Anand mam .This was a theoretical activity in which certain
questions were asked through Google forms to determine our personality type
such as our preferences ,behavior etc.

 Outcome/Learning
Through this personality test we got to know our point of view pertaining to
different situations & how we react to them. This activity let us know about the
areas we have to work upon to be a better person as well as a better management

 Challenges
There were some hurdles that we faced while performing this activity as we have
to fill the Google form in the limited time frame as well as we have to be true to
ourselves while answering those personality related questions as it was taking a lot of
time to think & make judgement as to how we react to different situations with different
2.6 Story Chain Activity

 Purpose

This activity was started with calling random groups on the stage to continue a
starting line of the story which was given us by lottery method .The first person in
line has to read the line aloud as each one of us has to add a line to the story to
make it worth for the next person to complete it.

 Outcome/Learning

Through this activity we have learned that sometimes we have to cover up for the
mistakes of our group members as it is important to work in team rather than
individually & to motive others to be confident enough to stand for their group as
we have to make proper coordination & understand the emotions the other person
trying to convey through their story line.

 Challenges

Some of the challenges that we faced during this activity were that at first we were
hesitated to speak in front of everyone as we didn’t even know the first line on which we
have to create a story of our own then we faced pressure of what the other member will
speak which we have to continue further through our own perspective & thought process
but till the end it was great as our group has created a funny & motivating story.
2.7 Hoola Loop Activity

 Purpose
The main motive or purpose of this activity is to make us learn the importance of
timing as in this activity we have to stand in a line by holding hands of our group
members & then we have to pass a ring from one person to another without
holding the ring in one’s hand as it could lead to disqualification of the team so
we have to pass the ring from one corner of the team to another & then pass it
back to the first person. The team which completes the task first will win the

 Outcome/Learning
By the help of this activity we learned that we have to suffer for the mistakes
made by our team members as one of our team member has took a lot of time to
pass the ring which ultimately lead to lack of efficiency for winning the task.

 Challenges
In this activity the main challenge we came across was to pass the ring in a fast
pace without breaking the ring & holding it for too long as it may lead to
disqualification of our team from the task.
2.8 Johari Window

 Purpose
This activity was conducted by Dr. Anukool Hyde in which they have given us
Personal assessment checklist in which there were three section namely A, B & C.
In A section we have to provide points to ourselves on the basis of how we have
felt while performing all PG lab activities such as excitable, worrying, warm,
organized etc. Then in section B we have to exchange the checklist with our
group member & they will provide points to us & in section C the checklist
should be exchanged with any student in the seminar hall to grade us & at last
through the total we have to make quadrant calculations.

 Outcome/Learning
Through this activity we understand that people could have different perspectives
of seeing things as we can think we were good enough in a task but people will
think about it through their level of understanding towards us as in this activity we
have given us points on the basis of zeal but others have given points to us as they
see us.

 Challenges
Some of the hurdles we came across were to give points to unknown people as we
don’t know them & how they have performed in all the activities such as their level of
excitement to win the tasks, confidence, initiative taking spirit, engagement in group
work etc.
2.9 Balloon Pyramid Activity

 Purpose
In this activity they have provided us with two balloon packets & tape. First we
have to fill air in those balloons & then we have to attach them through tape in a
pyramid shape. The group whose pyramid was biggest will win the task through
proper coordination & efficiency.

 Outcome/Learning
As in this activity we have divided the work of filling the air balloon & attaching
them between our group members as everyone is not efficient in performing every
task so we have to divide it according to the efficiency of the group members to
achieve success in group work.

 Challenges
As there was a time limit to make the pyramid before the other teams & there
were limited balloons provided to us it was difficult to make a proper pyramid
from balloon bigger than the other teams but we tried our best & completed the
task in the limited time frame.
2.10 Learn by Fun (Group Performance)

 Purpose
This activity was assigned to our group the very first day of the PG lab in which
we have to pick a chit in which topics were written on which we have to give a
group performance of 5 minutes it could be a dance, skit, song etc. The main
purpose is to build confidence in presenting ourselves in front of everyone.

 Outcome/Learning
In this activity every group member has their own set of ideas as we have got the
topic of European renaissance it was not possible for us to present a dance or song
kind of so ultimately we have agreed on performing a skit of a museum presenting
the art, culture, architecture etc. at the time of European renaissance.

 Challenges
As some of the group members were not confident to perform on stage we have
decided to assign them small dialogues which they can easily memorize & speak
in front of the students & faculty coordinators.
Chapter 3: Suggestions & Conclusion

We may suggest that they could have given clear & written instructions so that there
would be no ground for confusion between group members related to each activity & in
my opinion the groups must be formed of each section individually so that we would be
able to know our classmates well & be confident enough to interact with them.

In a nutshell, I would like to conclude that it was very fun and interesting to be a part of
PG Lab. I personally feel that these 3 days of PG Lab has helped me to improve myself
and be a better version of myself. All the activities that were performed had a motive
which was to overcome our insecurities, fears and weaknesses and I personally believe
that they are successful in doing so. I am so glad that I was a part of this PG Lab. It
helped me not only in interacting with new people but also in my all round personality
development .This PG lab has helped not only me but many students who have certain
insecurities ,hesitation in meeting new people and performing in front of everyone to
overcome our fear.

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