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Liu et al.

EURASIP Journal onWireless Communications and

Networking (2015) 2015:18
DOI 10.1186/s13638-015-0249-x

RESEARCH Open Access

Evaluation of nonlinear filtering for radar data

Yanan Liu1 , Sese Wang2* , Zhuo Sun2 and Jihong Shen3

Radar tracking plays an important role in the area of early warning and detection system, whose precision is closely
connected with filtering algorithm. With the development of noise jamming technology in radar echo signal, linear
filtering becomes more and more difficult to satisfy the demands of radar tracking, while nonlinear filtering can solve
problems such as non-Gaussian noises. There exist a lot of nonlinear filtering algorithms at present, owning their
particular characteristics. With this in mind, we provide a comprehensive overview of different nonlinear filtering
algorithms in radar tracking, including basic ideas and concrete steps of them. For a more clear presentation, we also
make comparisons of them from all sides. Through the analyses of different nonlinear data filters, we find that the
unscented Kalman data filter (UKF) can achieve better performance than others. Therefore, we will simulate and show
the performance of UKF, and performance of the extended Kalman data filter (EKF) under the same condition will be
taken as comparison, whose accuracy was not ideal for radar tracking data filtering.
Keywords: Radar tracking; Kalman filter (KF); Nonlinear filter; Unscented Kalman filter

1 Introduction Following 1960s, when Rudolph E. Kalman invented

Gaussian applied generalized least squares method to and named Kalman filter [5,6], there emerged many mod-
radar data processing in the early nineteenth century. He ern filtering technologies, and most of them are created
created a mathematical approach to deal with observa- based on Kalman filter. Kalman filter plays an irreplace-
tions, which then became the basis of the modern filter able role in the development of filter which has been
theory [1]. Tracking filter is an important part of radar applied to many fields such as radar and computer vision.
data processing technology. Its main goal is to estimate At the beginning, most of Kalman filters are linear fil-
target location, speed, and other parameters in real time ters, which are the minimum variance state estimation
base on the metrical information [2]. And at the same of linear dynamic systems [5]. However, as technology
time, tracking filter should extrapolate the location infor- develops, linear filtering technique was hard to meet the
mation of the target in the next antenna scan period. The demands and nonlinear filter got more use. Gaussian fil-
location information will then be used to examine the ters and particle filters are mainly applied to nonlinear
rationality of the measurement in the next time and can be filtering estimation, and general Gaussian approximation
used for track-related processing in searching radars [3,4]. methods include linearization and sampling approxima-
Target tracking with combined multi-sensor is widely tion with applicants of extended Kalman filter (EKF) and
used in practical applications. The problem of nonlinear unscented Kalman filter (UKF) separately.
filtering is to estimate the optimal state of the common In the following paper, we first present the process of
nonlinear stochastic dynamic systems. It is essential to target tracking based on multiple radar and the system
find out an effective filtering method to estimate and model. Then, we make an introduction of nonlinear filters
predict the dynamic system status and the statistics of as well as algorithm procedures of them. In the simulation,
error from the sequential measurements in real time. we do filtering by UKF and compare the data image with
that of EKF algorithm. The experimental results show that
*Correspondence: it is more accurate when using unscented Kalman filter on
2 Key Laboratory of Universal Wireless Communication, Ministry of Education,
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, No.10 Xitucheng Road, radar tracking data filtering problem.
Haidian District, 100876 Beijing, China
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2015 Liu et al.; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited.
Liu et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2015) 2015:18 Page 2 of 9

2 Radar tracking and system model • Target track processing: The tracking filter should
Modern radar usually processes data with digital com- estimate the target’s motion parameters like speed
puters. Using parameter estimation techniques, we can and position in real time using radar measurements
estimate a lot of motion parameters such as the specific and calculate the position and orientation of the
location of the target, velocity, and acceleration basing on target in the next time using the iteration formula.
the radar measurements and generate a variety of infor-
mation about the target such as the expected position and State equation and observation equation of nonlinear
the current and the next state of the target [5]. There systems [7,8] are as follows:
are five steps when processing TT&C radar data, and the
procedure is as shown in Figure 1. xk+1 = fk (xk ) + uk
• Data formatting: Store the measurements by unified zk = hk (xk ) + vk
format. where xk is the state vector of the target, zk is the obser-
• Data correction: Do unbiased estimation and
vation vector, fk and hk are the state transition and the
defection compensation according to data theory. observation of the system, and uk and vk are the unrelated
• Coordinate transformation: Most of the data
status noise and measurement noise of system.
measured by radar is based on the spherical
coordinate system, which needs to be converted to 3 Nonlinear filtering in radar tracking
the Cartesian coordinate system in order to simplify 3.1 Introduction of nonlinear filtering
the calculation. The result of Kalman filter is the optimal closed solution
• Tracking filter processing: Tracking filter is the core
for linear systems, while for nonlinear systems, it is very
device of a radar data processing system. It can difficult or even impossible to get an accurate optimal
estimate the state of the dynamic system using a solution. So a lot of methods on suboptimal approximate
series of measurements containing noise and other filtering are proposed [9].
inaccuracies and predict the coordinate position and Nonlinear filtering methods can be classified into five
velocity of the object according to the observation types [10,11]: 1) extended Kalman filtering (EKF), 2) inter-
sequence of the noise. polation filtering, 3) unscented Kalman filtering (UKF),
4) particle filtering, and 5) neural network filtering.
The most widely used method for nonlinear filtering is
EKF, which transforms nonlinear issues into linear issues,
and then, linear filtering theory can be applied in it. This
method is usually regarded as a suboptimal method.
The key point of nonlinear filtering is to seek an effective
linear approximation. Interpolation filtering utilizes inter-
polation polynomial to operate a linear approximation
based on Stirling interpolation formula.
UKF needs no linearization. It makes an approximation
of the probability density function of state vector with a
series of chosen sampling points.
Particle filtering is a filtering algorithm based on Monte
Carlo and recursive Bayesian estimation. It assumes get-
ting a series of estimated values according to samples
acquired by posterior probability distribution. When there
is enough particles, the statistical properties of particles
can be regarded as statistical properties of the posterior
probability distribution.
Sigmoidal multi-layer feedforward neural networks can
realize arbitrary continuous nonlinear function at arbi-
trary precision, which is applied to neural network

3.2 Filtering algorithms of nonlinear systems

Figure 1 Procedure of radar data processing. The five steps when
processing TT&C radar data. 3.2.1 EKF filtering
The first-order EKF equations [12] are shown as follows:
Liu et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2015) 2015:18 Page 3 of 9

With knowledge of the present state and covariance of As pointed in [8], EKF is easy to implement and has
the present state, we can get the prediction of the next been widely used but with a lot of limitations.
state as well as covariance of the next state:
  3.2.2 Interpolation filtering
∧ ∧
X (k + 1|k) = f k, X (k|k) (2) • Interpolation expansion of one-dimensional Stirling
P (k + 1|k) = fx (k)P (k|k) fx (k) + Q (k) . (3) We define two operators δ and μ which satisfy:
Then, according to equations above, we get the predic- δf (x) = f x + h2 − f x − h2
tion of measurement and innovation covariance: μf (x) = 12 f x + h2 + f x − h2
∧ ∧
Z (k + 1|k) = h k + 1, X (k + 1|k) (4) where h is the length of interpolation. Expanding f (x)
with the second-order Stirling interpolation at x = x̄,
S(k + 1) = hx (k + 1|)P(k + 1|k)hX (k + 1) + R(k + 1). (5) we can obtain:
 f  (x̄)
Therefore, the optimal Kalman gain can be described as: f (x) ≈ f (x̄) + fDD (x̄)(x − x̄) + DD (x − x̄)2 . (12)
∧ ∧
X (k + 1|k + 1) = X (k + 1|k) hX (k + 1) S−1 (k + 1). (6) Then, we use the centered difference instead of the
derivative of Taylor-series expansion:
From the the derivation above, we can finally obtain
f (x̄+h)−f (x̄−h) δf (x)
the updated state equation and the updated covariance f  DD (X̄) = 2h = h
f (x̄+h)+f (x̄−h)−2f (x̄) μf (x)−f (x) (13)
equation: f  DD (X̄) = h2
= h2
∧ ∧
X(k + 1|k + 1) = X(k + 1|k) + K(k + 1) Plugging the Taylor series into (12), we obtain:

Z(k + 1) − h k + 1, X(k + 1|k) f  DD (x̄)
f (x̄)+f  DD (x̄)+ (x − x̄)2 = f (x̄)+f  (x̄)(x − x̄)
(7) f  (x̄)
+ (x − x̄)2

P(k + 1|k + 1) = [I − K(k + 1)hx (k + 1)] P(k + 1|k) f (3) (x̄) 2 f (5) (x̄) 2
+ h + h + . . . · (x − x̄)
× [I + K(k + 1)hx (k + 1)] − K(k + 1)R(k + 1)K (k + 1) 3! 5!

(8) f (4) (x̄) 2 f (6) (x̄) 2
+ h + h + . . . (x − x̄)2 .
where I is an identity matrix that has the same dimension 4! 6!
with the covariance matrix. (14)
Specific applications follow these steps:
• Interpolation expansion of multi-dimensional Stirling
• Nonlinear function processed by Taylor-series [13].
expansion (TSE) [13]: The n-order TSE We suppose x ∈ Rn , and y = f (x) is a function vector.
approximation of f (x, t) at x = x̂ is: By applying Stirling interpolation expansion we get:
  1 2
f (x, t) ≈ TSE x, t; n, x̂ . (9) y = f (x̄) + D̃x f + D̃ f (15)
2! x
For scalar f (x, t), there is:
        where D̃x is the differential operators that satisfies:
TSE x, t; n, x̂ = f x̂, t + f  x̂, t x̄ + 2!1 f  x̂, t x̄2

+ 3!1 f (3) x̂, t x̄3 + . . . + n!1 f (n) x̂, t x¯n D̃x f = h1 xp μp δp f (x̄)

where x̄ = x − x̂ and f  (x̂, t) =
∂f  D̃2x f = h12 x2p δp2 + xp xq · μp δp μq δq f (x̄)
∂x |x=x̂ , f (x̂, t) = p=1 p=1 q=1,q =p
∂2f ∂nf
| , . . . , f (n) (x̂, t)
∂x2 x=x̂
= ∂xn |x=x̂ . (16)
• Calculate the gains and updates using EKF equations:
where δp and μq are the pseudo-differential operator
EKF is a typical example of approximate nonlinear
and the average operator satisfying:
filtering [14]. By processing the nonlinear model  
basing on linear Taylor-series expansion, we can get a δp f (x̄) = f x̄ + h2 ep − f x̄ − h2 ep
first-order approximation as an expression of the    (17)
original state equation and measurement equation. μq f (x̄) = 12 f x̄ + h2 ep + f x̄ − h2 ep
Liu et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2015) 2015:18 Page 4 of 9

where ep is the pth unit vector. off to the real probability density, and the particle filter-
The above interpolation filtering algorithm has a ing would accordingly level off to the optimal Bayesian
great advantage compared with TSE. Different filtering [10].
expansion contains one-dimensional Stirling
interpolation expansion and multi-dimensional 3.2.4 Neural network filtering [11]
Stirling interpolation expansion. In the method of Consider the system model as:
Interpolation filtering, the calculation of the partial
derivative can be omitted. So it can be applied to any X(t) = f (X(t − 1)) + ξ(t − 1)
function cases, even for cases of nonlinear y(t) = H(t)X(t) + v(t)
discontinuities with singularities, and it is more
where X(t) is a n-dimensional state vector, f is a n-
accurate than the method of EKF [13].
dimensional nonlinear vector function, y(t) denotes the
3.2.3 Particle filtering m-dimensional detection vector, H is a matrix of size m ×
According to the posterior probability p(Xk |Yk ) of differ- n, ξ(t) is the n-dimensional dynamic noise sequence, and
ent observations YK , we obtained the optimal estimation v(t) is the m-dimensional measurement noise sequence.
under the minimum mean square error criterion as ξ(t) and v(t) are generally uncorrelated zero mean nor-
follows [15]: mal white noise sequence. That is, for all t and j, the noise
 statistical properties satisfy:
xk ∼ E xk |yk = xk · p xk |yk dxk . (18)
Eξi = 0, cov(ξi , ξj ) = Eξi ξjT = Qt δti
After sequential importance sampling (SIS) of the poste- Evi = 0, cov(vt , vi ) = Evt vTj = Rt δtj (22)
 i probability
 distribution, we obtain the particle swarm cov(ξt , vj ) = Eξt vTj = 0.
xk , wik , and the posterior probability density can be
approximated as: Where ξ(t) and v(t) are colored noise with nonzero
  N   mean.
p̂ x0:k |y1:k ≈ ωik δ x0:k − xi1:k . (19)
i=1 With the rapid development of artificial intelligence
And the state estimation can be expressed as: technology, researchers found that the neural network
N filter was suitable for issues of nonlinear. Its main fea-
x̂ = ωki xik . (20) tures are smart and well-adapted. And the drawback of
The basic procedures of the algorithm [15] are as this method is its poor universality, and the estimated
follows: accuracy is unsatisfactory.

• Initialization: Set k = 0 and generate particle swarm 3.2.5 UKF filtering

from the prior density function p(x0 ). The basic idea of UFK is unscented transformation (UT)
• Importance sampling: For the case when [12,16], and the procedure of the method can be summa-
k ∈ {1, 2, . . . , ∞} , get N samples from the conversion rized as follows.
prior density function p xk |xik−1 and calculate the 1. Construct the sigma points. In the first place, work
weight of each particle ωki = ωk−1 i p yk |xik for out the sampling points ξi and its corresponding
i = 1, 2, . . . , N, then do regularization for the weights weights Wi [10,17].
j ⎧
by the rule ω = ω i i ω . ⎨ ξ0 = X , i=0
k k k √
  ξi = X + ( (nx + κ)Px )i , i = 1, . . . , nx (23)
• Resampling: Setting Ñ = Ñωki , we derive ⎩ √
N ξi+nx = X − ( (nx + κ)Px )i , i = 1, . . . , nx
Nk = N − i=1 Ñi particles by sample importance
re-sampling (SIR) and the corresponding weights are ⎧
−1  i 
⎪ W0 = (nxκ+κ) , i=0
ωki = N k ωk N − Ñi . In this case, the total number ⎨
of particles N is invariant and ωi = ω˜i = 1 . Wi = [2(nxκ+κ)] , i = 1, . . . , nx (24)
k k N ⎪
⎩ Wi+n = κ
x [2(nx +κ)] , i = 1, . . . , nx
The basic idea of the particle filter is to represent the
state vector of interest as a set of random samples with where κ is a scale parameter
√ that can be
 any value
associated weights and then work out the state estima- satisfying (nx + κ)  = 0, (nx + κ)Px i is the ith line
tion values based on these samples and weights. When and the ith column of the root mean square (RMS)
the number of random samples is sufficient, the estimated matrix (nx + κ)Px and nx denotes the dimension of
probability density function of the particle would level the state vector.
Liu et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2015) 2015:18 Page 5 of 9

2. Give nonlinear transformation to the sigma points. In practical, the estimation of nonlinear and non-
Each of δ samples are transmitted by nonlinear Gaussian stochastic systems is more significant. An effec-
function and we obtain. tive way to solve this problem is nonparametric particle
filtering. Particle filtering can be applied to any state-
yi = g(ξi ), i = 0, . . . , 2nx . (25) transformation model and measuring model in any envi-
ronment, which gets rid of the constraint that random
3. Calculate the mean and variance of y. The estimated amounts must satisfy Gaussian distribution. However,
mean and covariance of y are as follows. there would exist particle degradation when do particle
Procedure of the algorithm [10]: filtering practically, which means that as the increase of
the number of samples, the weight of many particles may
• Calculate the δ sampling point χk|k
i ; get smaller, and the variance of the sample would increase
• Predict x̂k+1|k and Pk+1|k in use of χk|k
i according to over time. Based on the judgment in [20], the system is
UT; under the assumption of Gaussian noise, so we would not
• Update the observation value by the following use particle filtering algorithm here.
equations.  Although with a short history, neural network filter-

ing algorithm can be combined with the other filters like
Zk+1|k = hk+1 χk+1|k
EKF and generates new adaptive extended Kalman filters.
∧ x
z = i
Wi Zk+1|k However, we do not choose it for it is better used under
k+1|k i=0
  T similar systems.
2n ∧ ∧
Sk+1 = i
Wi Zk+1|k − xk+1|k Zk+1|k
i − xk+1|k + Rk From the procedure of UKF, we can see that the method
i=0 is faster than EKF for there is no need to calculate the
2n  ∧
Pxx,k+1 = Wi χk+1|k
i − xk+1|k χk+1|k
i − xk+1|k Jacobi matrix. And the mean and variance of the nonlin-
ear function can be estimated more accurately with UT
Kk+1 = Pxx,k+1 S−1 k+1 
∧ ∧ ∧ so get a higher accuracy. For any nonlinear functions, the
x = x + Kk+1 zk+1 − z posterior mean and covariance by UKF can be accurate to
k+1|k k+1|k k+1|k
Pk+1|k+1 = Pk+1|k − Kk+1 Sk+1 Kk+1
T .
(26) the second-order so that UKF can be used in any dynamic
model while EKF can only obtain a precision of first order.
UKF conducts recurrence and updates of the nonlin- Basing on the above analyses, we choose the method
ear model status and error covariance by nonlinear UT UKF which can provide more accurate data for further
method. It is not about the approximation of the nonlin- calculation. And it has a great significance for practical
ear model but the approximation of the state’s probability applications by applying UKF to [20] which is bound to lay
density function [18]. The similarity between UKF and better foundation for the future data fusion problem.
EKF is that the used parametric analytical form is both
based on the Gaussian assumption [19]. 4 Numerical results
Using the data in [20], after overall analyses, we can get
3.3 Comparison of different nonlinear filters the radar data map as Figure 2.
In [20], by using EKF, it is obvious that besides some When simulating the extended Kalman filtering algo-
improvements, we can see that the magnitude of the error rithm and the unscented Kalman filtering algorithm by
correction is small from the image after the radar data Matlab, we set the initial values as follows.
filtering and simulation. The error of linearization usu-
• Radar period: T = 2.
ally seriously affects the final filtering accuracy, sometimes
• Random errors of radar distance and the position:
even leads to filtering divergence.
In our work, we try to use UKF which is more accurate 200 and 0.3.
• Initial values of the state are:
than EKF, what is more, in the method of UKF, the approx-
imation of the maximum term of Taylor expression and
the calculation of the Jacobi matrix are avoided. However,
X0 = Z(1, 2), Z(1,2)−Z(1,1)
Ts , Z(2, 2), Z(2,2)−Z(2,1)
it should be added that the application is limited due to
the assumption of the Gaussian distribution of noises. ⎛ ⎞
  1 Ts 0 0
For the interpolation filter, we need more sampling ⎜0 1 0 0 ⎟ (27)
1 0 0 0
points in order to achieve ideal precision. In the method, H= ,F = ⎜ ⎝ 0 0 1 Ts ⎠
0 0 1 0
Taylor expansion should be used and approximation must 0 0 0 1
be done. Considering that the performance of applications
on digital data is worse than applications on image data,
in our study, we do not use interpolation filter. Initial covariance is as follows:
Liu et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2015) 2015:18 Page 6 of 9

Figure 2 Figure of overall radar data.

⎛ R(1,1) R(1,2) ⎞ When using the extended Kalman filtering algorithm,

R(1, 1) R(1, 2)
Ts Ts ⎛ ⎞ we select 16 sets of data, where x0 is the horizontal spatial
⎜ R(1,1) 2R(1,1) R(1,2) 2R(1,2) ⎟ 50 50 10 10
⎜ Ts ⎟ position of the plane and y0 is the vertical spatial position.
P =⎜ ⎟,Q=⎝ 50
Ts 2 Ts Ts 2 50 10 10 ⎠
⎜ R(1, 2) R(1,2) R(2,2) ⎟ 10 10 50 50 . After filtering data (x0 , y0 ) by EKF and UKF, we get the val-
⎝ Ts R(2, 2) Ts ⎠
R(1,2) 2R(1,2) R(2,2) 2R(2,2)
10 10 50 50 ues (x1 , y1 ) [21] and (x1  , y1  ) , which are shown in Table 1.
Ts Ts 2 Ts Ts 2
(x1 , y1 ) and (x1  , y1  ) represent measurements obtained by
(28) EKF algorithm and UKF algorithm, respectively.

Table 1 Radar measurements obtained by EKF algorithm and UKF algorithm

(x0, y0) (768550, 786690) (766260, 786700) (764390, 787190) (762280, 787080)
(x1 , y1 ) (768540, 786700) (766430, 786860) (764120, 787280) (761740, 787410)
(x1  , y1  ) (767784, 786694) (766716, 786699) (765136, 786995) (763243, 787088)
(x0, y0) (757850, 786890) (755880, 787360) (753780, 787530) (751550, 787370)
(x1 , y1 ) (757840, 787090) (755730, 787450) (753420, 787580) (751140, 787820)
(x1  , y1  ) (760133, 787052) (757436, 787221) (754930, 787394) (752499, 787453)
(x0, y0) (747210, 787300) (745100, 787400) (742990, 787490) (740740, 787240)
(x1 , y1 ) (747200, 787510) (745090, 787670) (742780, 787690) (740500, 787820)
(x1  , y1  ) (749442, 787473) (746636, 787513) (744005, 787565) (741462, 787537)
(x0, y0) (736750, 788000) (734630, 788040) (732380, 787720) (730470, 788030)
(x1 , y1 ) (736750, 788010) (734640, 788070) (732320, 788390) (730040, 789020)
(x1  , y1  ) (738559, 787701) (735821, 787837) (733182, 787875) (730688, 787968)
Liu et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2015) 2015:18 Page 7 of 9

Figure 3 Filter image of applying (a) EKF algorithm and (b) UKF algorithm. Sixteen sets of data are in use.

The tracks of (x1 , y1 ) after UKF and (x1  , y1  ) after EKF say, in the test cases, UKF algorithm is a more suitable
are shown in Figure 3a,b. method.
From the above images, we can clearly see that the In the following, we choose 20 sets of data, then smooth
track in the second figure by UKF is smoother espe- and track the path of aircraft using the Kalman filtering
cially around the points 8 and 9. Since actually the algorithm. We obtain the tracks of data as are shown in
flight path of an aircraft cannot be poignant as bro- Figure 4a by EKF and Figure 4b by UKF.
ken line form, the smooth curve in Figure 3b is much Compared with the curve in Figure 4a, the track by UKF
closer to the actual trajectory of the aircraft. That is to is much smoother. And the curve behind point 9 is almost

Figure 4 Filter image of applying (a) EKF algorithm and (b) UKF algorithm. Twenty sets of data are in use.
Liu et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2015) 2015:18 Page 8 of 9

Figure 5 Filter image of applying (a) EKF algorithm and (b) UKF algorithm. Eighty sets of data are in use.

in a smooth form. Although the curve by EKF algorithm the future and may have great significance for practical
is close to the original measurement data, according to applications.
the actual principles of flight, the aircraft should have
Competing interests
a smooth movement, which fully illustrates that there is The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
measurement error, and we should filter the data before
using it. Acknowledgements
In the next test case, we select 80 sets of data, then This work was supported by the National Science and Technology Major
smooth and track the path of aircraft using the Kalman Project of China under grant 2013ZX03001003-003 and the BUPT Research
filtering algorithm, and we obtain the track after EKF Innovation Project under grant 2013RC0104.
shown in Figure 5a and the track after UKF shown in Author details
Figure 5b. 1 College of Automation, Harbin Engineering University, No.145 Nantong

From Figure 5a, we can find that after unscented Kalman Street, Nangang District, 150110 Harbin, China. 2 Key Laboratory of Universal
Wireless Communication, Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Posts and
filtering, the curve is almost a smooth one. It states that Telecommunications, No.10 Xitucheng Road, Haidian District, 100876 Beijing,
filtering the set of measurements by UKF, the curve we China. 3 Faculty of Science, Harbin Engineering University, No.145 Nantong
obtain is much closer to the actual track. Street, Nangang District, 150110 Harbin, China.

Received: 7 November 2014 Accepted: 6 January 2015

5 Conclusions
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