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Speaker 1 (00:03)

Hi, Emily. It's official. I'm a real teacher. I began my new job at Elm Lane Elementary School a
week ago and I've learned a lot since I started. The children children are great. They like me
because there haven't been a really young teacher here for a long time. It's Friday now and
school finished an hour ago at 315. I've been getting my lessons ready for next week. Since
then, I met some of the other teachers here. One of them has worked here for 40 years. Let's
talk soon. We haven't had a long talk for a month. Love, Hannah. John Drew woke up at 05:00
and got dressed quickly. He closed the front door behind him and got in his car to go to the
airport. When he got there, he parked the car, checked in, went through security and got on
the plane to Dallas. He sat by the window. It was getting light now and he could see Chicago
below him. He was getting hungry, but there was nothing to eat on the flight. In Dallas, he got
a taxi and went to the offices of RSE Corporation. His interview with John Bolini, the managing
director, was at one.

Speaker 1 (01:48)
He really wanted to get this job. However, when he gave his name, the young woman looked
concerned. Oh, Mr. Drew, I'm so sorry. Mr. Bellini got a call this morning. He had to leave for
Europe immediately. You didn't get our messages, did you?

Speaker 2 (02:15)
Well, here I am in New Orleans. It's really different from New York so far. Everything about my
new life is great. I love my job, and everyone there is very friendly.

Speaker 3 (02:31)
They often go out together after work.

Speaker 2 (02:34)
And they always invite me too.

Speaker 3 (02:37)
On Friday, some of us are going.

Speaker 2 (02:39)
To hear some jazz. I love the New Orleans accent too, but it's hard for me to understand.
Sometimes I have to ask people to spell things.

Speaker 3 (02:52)
At the moment, I'm sleeping on the.

Speaker 2 (02:55)
Floor of a friend's apartment. But I hope to get my own place soon.

Speaker 3 (03:00)
Anyway, I'll be back in New York.

Speaker 2 (03:02)
For a weekend next month. I hope to see you then. What's on TV tonight?
Speaker 1 (03:13)
There's a scifi movie on. It 800, but I can't remember the name of it.

Speaker 2 (03:20)
I think I'd like to watch it.

Speaker 1 (03:22)
Okay, but please don't watch and eat dinner at the same time.

Speaker 2 (03:27)
No, we can record the movie and watch it later.

Speaker 1 (03:31)
Well, I won't watch it tonight. I'm in the middle of a good book and I want to finish it. But if you
record it, I'll watch it sometime next week. OK? Sure.

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