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“Writing and reading”

Date: March 1, 2022

Name: Iuskani Arroyo Gordillo

1. Write an essay of what you have learned during this second period. It must
include an introduction, 2 body paragraphs and a conclusion. (5 points)

We worked and saw a lot in this partial, we talked about the functions, content, and purpose of
newspapers, magazines, podcasts and radio.

It was a pleasure for me to work on these issues since it is something I am seeing in my career and
it is very linked, and what better way to see it in another language since these tasks are very
different outside the country. Also, how well I learned about the behind the scenes, how to work,
how to produce, how to address the camera, etc.

In this partial I have learned a lot about the parts of the newspapers, how the titles and writing
should be like the magazine, if we are going to talk about an article that is extensive and as
descriptive as possible. Like the podcasts, it was a project that I liked a lot since everyone
expressed their opinion and the radio is something more formal since we have to limit ourselves in

In each project a different vocabulary is used, one more formal than another and in all the note
has to be understandable and extensive
2. Read the following text (teacher will display) and answer the questions. (5

1. What does Cecilia not have?

A house she loves

A wonderful husband

A pet

A great job

2. When does her wonderful adventure begin?

When her dog wins a competition

When she marries her boyfriend, Carl

When she goes on vacation to Hollywood

When she buys the house in a pretty town

3. What happens to Perky in Hollywood?

He isn't very successful

He becomes a star

He's too nervous to work

He makes two movies and retires

4. What is Carl's reaction to Cecilia living in Hollywood?

He doesn't know she went

He's angry

He doesn't care

He's supportive

5. Why does Cecilia stay in Hollywood?

She wants to become an actress

She is too busy making movies

She hates Carl

She has no money

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