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1. Examine role of HRM in Small scale Industries.

The responsibilities of a human resource manager fall into three

major areas: staffing, employee compensation and benefits,
and defining/designing work. Essentially, the purpose of HRM is
to maximize the productivity of an organization by optimizing the
effectiveness of its employees.

2. Enumerate major functions of HRM.

 Recruitment and hiring. One of the most well-known functions of
human resource management is recruitment and hiring. ...
 Onboarding and ongoing training and development. ...
 Managing employee and employer relationships. ...
 Creating a rewarding company culture. ...
 Overseeing disciplinary action.

4. Describe how orientation helps a new employee to settle in chair.

In summary, new employee orientation is a program conducted by the HR

department to train and enlighten new employees about their roles and company
policies. Orientation is important, as it helps a new hire feel valued. It also reduces
employee turnover and provides an avenue for forming meaningful relationships.

5. Tabulate stages involved in Human Resource Planning.

 Analysis of Organisational Plans and Objectives: ...
 Analysis of Human Resource Planning Objectives: ...
 Forecasting for Human Resource Requirement: ...
 Assessment of Supply of Human Resources: ...
 Matching Demand and Supply:

7. Reproduce important factors which affect job design.

Broadly speaking the various factors that affect a job design can classified under
three heads. They are: Organizational Factors.
 Organizational Factors. ...
 Environmental Factors. ...
 Behavioural Factors.
8. Examine the differences between recruitment and selection.

Recruitment is the process of finding candidates for the vacant

position and encouraging them to apply for it. Selection means
choosing the best candidate from the pool of applicants and
offering them the job. Recruitment is a positive process aimed at
attracting more and more job seekers to apply.

1. Employee Appraisal Format

An appraisal form is a document that managers and human

resources staff use to evaluate the performance of employees.
The form often includes ratings and room for comments on
performance. On an appraisal form, managers keep track of
employees' achievements and contributions during a specific

2. Recruitment cycle time & cost of recruitment

A recent survey by the Society of Human Resource Management

(SHRM) found that the average cost per hire is just over $4,000.
This number is the average across all the companies SHRM
surveyed. However, several factors may affect each company's
individual average. A full cycle recruitment process involves six
main stages: preparing, sourcing, screening, selecting, hiring,
and onboarding.

3. Retention strategies.
 Onboarding and orientation. Every new hire should be set up for
success from the start. ...
 Mentorship programs. ...
 Employee compensation. ...
 Perks. ...
 Wellness offerings. ...
 Communication. ...
 Continuous feedback on performance. ...
 Training and development.
Illustrate stages involved in Compensation Package Survey.

The selection process typically begins with the preliminary

interview; next, candidates complete the application for
employment. They progress through a series of selection tests, the
employment interview, and reference and background checks.
1. Plan the survey. Determine the purpose of the survey. Determine the jobs to
include. Determine the markets to survey. Determine the firms to survey. ...
2. Conduct the survey. Collect information. Insure job comparability.
3. Tabulate, analyze, and present results.
Compensation management is the discipline for determining
employees' appropriate pay and benefits. A critical element in
talent management and employee retention, it uses financial and
nonmonetary benefits to attract recruits, reduce turnover,
spur performance and boost employee engagement.
It creates a base for happiness and satisfaction of the
workforce that limits the labor turnover and confers a stable
organization. It enhances the job evaluation process, which in
return helps in setting up more realistic and achievable standards.
Evaluate Kirkpatrick model of training effectiveness measurement.
The Kirkpatrick Model is an internationally recognized tool for
evaluating and analyzing the results of educational, training
and learning programs. It consists of four levels of evaluation:
Reaction, Learning, Behavior, and Results.
1. Level 1: Reaction. The first step is documenting your employees' reactions to
the training. ...
2. Level 2: Learning. Here you measure exactly what the employees learned (or
didn't learn) in the training. ...
3. Level 3: Behavior. ...
4. Level 4: Results.

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