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Evaluation of a mathematical
model for estimating solvent
exposures in the workplace
In the context of risk management or occupational exposure assessment, the need often arises to estimate
occupational exposures to airborne chemicals. This has traditionally been accomplished by means of air
monitoring, however if sufficient information on chemical use plus the physical and environmental factors is
available, mathematical models can be used as a means of estimating exposures. Model evaluation, a series of
steps through which a model developer or user assesses a model’s performance for selected situations,1 is an
important means to understanding the uncertainty associated with a particular model’s outcome and to
refine the exposure assessment process. This work evaluated the performance of the near field–far field
(NF–FF) mathematical model over a range of conditions by comparing predictions made using the model with
measured airborne solvent concentrations obtained from two different process evaluations. The first process
(Process #1) evaluated the application of a penetrating solvent to an iron-body gate valve under three different
environmental test conditions. The second process (Process #2) was evaluated over a consecutive three-day
period during the use of a solvent parts washer for cleaning metal parts. Mean concentration estimates obtained
from the modeling process were within a multiplicative range of zero to 1.6 times the arithmetic mean of the
actual air sample results from both process evaluations. The general agreement between the predicted and
measured concentrations suggests that the construct presented herein sufficiently describes the environmental
conditions under which the study was performed. The data provided valuable insight on how the model can
predict room concentrations under a range of varied parameters.

By Marc J. Plisko, ment as the ‘‘determination or estima- For example, management wants to
John W. Spencer tion of the magnitude, frequency, know if engineering controls will be
duration, and route of exposure.’’1 necessary for controlling solvent vapor
The exposure assessment, like all ele- emissions following the installation of a
INTRODUCTION ments of the risk assessment process, degreasing tank that employs a mineral
needs to be focused on providing the spirits solvent. No air monitoring data is
Exposure assessment is a key element risk manager with relevant and appro- available; therefore the magnitude of
of the human health risk assessment priate information to make a decision likely solvent vapor concentrations is
process. EPA defines exposure assess- with regards to workplace exposure.2 unknown. Using parameters such as
Estimates of the magnitude of worker vapor generation rate, ventilation rate,
exposure are typically made using and air exchange rate, a mathematical
Marc J. Plisko is affiliated with Envir- actual air monitoring data, surrogate relationship between each parameter
onmental Profiles, Inc., 813 Frederick data, and more recently, mathematical can be developed and used to predict
Road, Baltimore, MD 21228, United models.3 If sufficient information the room air concentration of solvent
States (Tel.: 410 744 0700; fax: 410 regarding chemical use, as well as rele- vapors. Furthermore once the model is
744 2003; e-mail: mplisko@episervices. vant physical and environmental fac- developed, different input parameters
com). tors is available, then mathematical can be considered in order to predict
models can be reliably used as a means room air concentrations for varying
John W. Spencer is affiliated with Envir- of estimating exposures.4 Mathemati- environmental conditions.
onmental Profiles, Inc., 813 Frederick cal modeling may be useful in The accuracy of a mathematical
Road, Baltimore, MD 21228, United instances where operations associated model remains an important consid-
States. with certain exposures have been dis- eration even when sufficient input data
continued, historical air monitoring are available. Evaluation of a model’s
ASTM Designation D 5157-97 Stan- data are not sufficient or lacking performance over a range of input
dard Guide for Statistical Evaluation entirely, when prospectively assessing parameters is an important aspect in
of Indoor Air Quality Models, ASTM the need for exposure controls, or understanding the uncertainty and
Committee D-22.05, ASTM, 100 Barr when limited resources prevent the limitations associated with a particular
Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, industrial hygienist from monitoring model’s outcome, and to refine the
PA 19428. all operations at all times.5 exposure assessment process.

14 ß Division of Chemical Health and Safety of the American Chemical Society 1871-5532/$32.00
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jchas.2007.11.002
valve (Plate 1). Process #1 was per- means of a filtered exhaust device
The accuracy of a formed under three different environ- placed at one end of the room, and a
mathematical model mental test conditions (i.e., three curtained/flapped entryway with a sin-
monitoring periods), each involving a gle-stage airlock located at the opposite
remains an important different intensity of air velocity within end of the room. The design was similar
the test chamber. For statistical con- to the concept of the negative-pressure
consideration even siderations, six repetitive trials were enclosure used for decontamination of
when sufficient input performed per test condition. potentially hazardous environments.
Each trial was 60 minutes in dura- Air movement around and through
data are available. tion, and the solvent was applied to the the breathing zone and contaminant
valve consistently in order to obtain, source (conceptual near field) was
to the extent possible, a constant gen- established using a 40.64 cm diameter
The objective of this research was to eration rate of solvent vapors. One variable speed pedestal fan pointed
evaluate a mathematical model by hundred milliliters of reagent-grade upward at approximately 458 and away
comparing predictions made using cyclohexane were used for each trial. from the center of the room.
the model with measured airborne sol- The MSDS provided by the manufac- The selected air velocities included
vent concentrations obtained from two turer indicated a specific gravity of 3.3 m/min. for Test Condition #1,
different process evaluations. Different 0.77, resulting in 77,000 mg of solvent 23 m/min for Test Condition #2, and
conditions of ventilation were estab- used per trial. The center of the work- 61 m/min. for Test Condition #3.
lished during each process evaluation er’s breathing zone was approximately Smoke tubes were used to visually
in order to examine the model’s useful- 1 m from the contaminant source. observe the air movement around the
ness over a range of situations. The The work was performed on a bench room, including around the work-
physical conditions associated with in the center of a rectangular room bench surface and the contaminant
each process evaluation were carefully measuring approximately 6.33 m long, source, to verify the air was mixing
controlled in order to match, to the 5.33 m wide, and 3.35 m high, thus con- and was non-directional. Air velocity
extent possible, the parameter inputs taining a volume of approximately was measured using a TSI Incorpo-
for the model. 113 m3. This room size was selected rated Veloci-Check hot wire anem-
to represent, based on the authors’ pro- ometer. An established air exchange
fessional experience, a small garage, rate of 8.1 m3/min, equivalent to 4.3
METHODS workshop, or engineering space aboard room air changes per hour, nominally,
a ship. The room was constructed of was measured prior to the study fol-
Process #1 nominal 200  400 (5.08 cm  10.16 cm) lowing the method described by the
Cyclohexane, representing a penetrat- wood framing and 6-mil (0.0254 mm) American Society for Testing and
ing solvent, was squirted from a Nal- thick, fire resistive polyethylene sheet- Materials (ASTM) Method E741-00
gene laboratory wash bottle onto a ing, and was ventilated to facilitate air ‘‘Standard Test Method for Determin-
5.08 cm (300 ), Class 125 Iron-Body exchange with the surrounding envir- ing Air Change in a Single Zone by
Gate Valve during disassembly of the onment. Ventilation was established by Means of a Tracer Gas Dilution.’’
During each trial, a personal breath-
ing zone air sample was obtained to
measure the mean solvent concentra-
tion near the contaminant source and
two area air samples were collected to
measure the solvent concentration
away from the contaminant source
but within the room. While the loca-
tion of the personal air samples was
limited to the worker’s breathing zone,
the area air sample locations were
selected in a random manner. A grid
was laid out in three dimensions
within the room, with each grid being
equal to 1 m3. A computerized ran-
dom number generator was then used
to position two air sampling devices.
Grids were automatically disqualified
if they were occupied by either the
workbench, the location of the work-
er’s breathing zone, or other obstruc-
Plate 1. Cyclohexane being applied to gate valve during Process #1 trials. tions.

Journal of Chemical Health & Safety, May/June 2008 15

Two fixed position sampling devices
were located approximately 61 cm (20 )
above the edge of the basin (the con-
ceptual NF) while a defined sequence
of cleaning procedures was performed.
Two additional fixed-position air sam-
ples were placed approximately 2.1 m
(70 ) to the north and to the south of the
parts washer, with charcoal tubes sam-
plers at a height of approximately
1.5 m (50 ) above the floor.
The air samples were obtained over
two, 240-minute periods, resulting in
8-hours of monitoring each day. MSA
Escort Elf low-flow sampling pumps
were used for sample collection, and
were calibrated before and after each
trial using a BIOS Dry-Cal DC-Lite
primary gas flow calibrator. The air
Plate 2. The parts washer apparatus used during Study #2. Note air samplers samples were collected and analyzed
located at the top of the lid (NF zone) and on the tripod stand in the background (FF
in accordance with NIOSH Method
1500 (Hydrocarbons). An indepen-
dent, American Industrial Hygiene
The personal breathing zone air through an opening in the bottom sur- Association (AIHA) accredited labora-
samples and the area air samples were face of the basin and was returned to tory performed the air sample analysis.
obtained over the full 60-minute dura- the reservoir tank (Plate 2). In the past,
tion of each trial. MSA Escort Elf low- benzene was present in the cleaning
The predictive model
flow sampling pumps were used for solvent (generally at less than 0.1%
sample collection, and were calibrated weight by weight, w/w), either as a The NF–FF model was selected to pre-
before and after each trial using a constituent in the fresh solvent sup- dict the solvent vapor concentrations
BIOS Dry-Cal DC-Lite primary gas plied to the workplace or present in since it accounts for spatial variability
flow calibrator. The air samples were materials (for example, gasoline) in exposure intensity,4 thus represent-
collected and analyzed in accordance washed from the parts into the appa- ing the concept that exposure intensity
with NIOSH Method 1500 (Hydrocar- ratus.5 is proportional to a person’s distance
bons). An independent, American The parts washer basin was 86 cm from the vapor source.6 The NF–FF
Industrial Hygiene Association long and 56.5 cm wide (2.810  1.850 ), model, also known as a two-box
(AIHA) accredited laboratory per- and the 30-gallon reservoir tank held model, is analogous to a box-inside-
formed the air sample analysis. 14 gallons of a hydrotreated petroleum of-a-box. The inner box, or NF, is a
solvent. The solvent density was conceptual fixed space centered on the
Process # 2 reported to be in the range 0.77– contaminant source and also contains
A three-day study was conducted to 0.80 g/ml, and consisted of primarily the worker’s breathing zone. The outer
determine the benzene exposure of a naphthenes and paraffins with 10–14 box (FF) comprises the remainder of
worker using a parts washer with a carbons. The solvent was spiked with the room. The model is based on the
mineral spirits solvent initially con- benzene to attain an initial concentra- concept of a contaminant mass being
taining 0.01% benzene. Parts cleaning tion of 100 ppm benzene (w/w). Daily emitted over time into the NF where it
activities were performed during two bulk sampling of the parts washer sol- is then carried to the FF by means of air
30-minute sessions each day, one in vent revealed that the benzene was lost exchange between the NF and the FF.
the morning and one in the afternoon. from the solvent at an exponentially The exchange of air between the NF
The parts washing process involved decreasing rate. and FF is also considered a generation
using petroleum distillate solvents to The parts washer was located in the source for the NF, since air in the FF
remove oil, grease and dirt from small center of the rectangular room containing the contaminant source is
metal parts. In brief, a small tank described above under Process #1. being exchanged with the NF. The
served as a reservoir of liquid solvent. Local air movement was established contaminant is eventually removed
The solvent was pumped from the using a pedestal fan to achieve a velo- from the room by the airflow from
reservoir tank into a waist-high basin city of 20 feet per minute. A room air the FF to the outside.5 This construct
through a scrub brush appliance. The exchange rate of four air changes also presumes that the air in each zone
worker scrubbed the part with the per hour was established, with verifi- is well mixed, and that air exchange
brush while the liquid solvent flowed cation by means of ASTM Method occurs between each zone. The con-
onto the part. The solvent drained E741-00. cept of the model as explained above is

16 Journal of Chemical Health & Safety, May/June 2008

also described by the following mass compared to the room volume. There- the volumetric supply/exhaust rate of
balance equations for the NF and FF, fore for Processes #1 and #2 the FF the room air (Q) is also included in the
respectively7: volume equaled the room volume, calculation. The measured air
which in this case was 113 m3. exchange rate for Process #1 was 4.3
V NF dC NF ¼ G dt þ bC FF dt  bC NF dt
The interzonal airflow rate (b) was air changes per hour, resulting in a Q of
(1) estimated as the product of one-half 8.1 m3/min. The measured air
V FF dC FF ¼ bC NF dt  ½b þ QC FF dt
the available free surface area (FSA) of exchange rate for Process #2 was 4.0
(2) the NF and the random air speed (s, m/ air changes per hour, resulting in a Q of
where VNF and VFF = the NF and FF min) in the vicinity of the NF zone 7.54 m3/min.
volumes, respectively (m3), CNF and boundary, and is represented below The mass emission rate (G) for Pro-
CFF = the NF and FF concentrations, by Eq. (4).7,8 cess #1 was estimated based on 100 ml
respectively (mg/m3), G = constant of reagent-grade cyclohexane being
mass emission rate (mg/min), b = inter- b ¼ 12ðFSA sÞ (4) consistently applied to the valve dur-
zonal airflow rate (m3/min) between ing trial times of 60 minutes each.
the NF and FF, Q = room air supply In the case of Process #1, the base of Constant and steady application of
rate (m3/min), dt = an infinitesimal the hemispherical NF zone was situ- solvent over the duration of each trial
time interval (min). ated on the workbench, thus prohibit- prevented pooling of the solvent on
Bulk sample measurements taken of ing air exchange at this surface. As a the workbench. Situations involving
the parts washer solvent used in Pro- result, the base was not included in the pooling created by spills of solvents
cess #2 indicated the mass emission FSA calculation. The resulting FSA of are more aptly described by model
rate was not constant, but decreased the NF zone, based on (r) = 1 m, was constructs that incorporate an expo-
exponentially over time. Therefore the 6.28 m2. For Process #2, both the open nentially decreasing contaminant
constant mass emission rate (G) lid and basin of the parts washer emission rate.9 The emission rate
described above must be modified to restricted airflow, resulting in available decreases as the surface area available
reflect an exponentially decreasing loss airflow only through the front, two for mass transfer decreases and eva-
rate when modeling the conditions sides, and top of the NF. Based on poration cools the liquid.9 With a
described for Process #2. Exponential the given dimensions of the basin, reported specific gravity of 0.77, the
loss over time may be described as: the FSA of the NF in Process #2 was approximate quantity of cyclohexane
1.67 m2. applied was 77,000 mg. All of the sol-
Gt ¼ kL0 ekt (3) As described above in Methods, Pro- vent evaporated during the trial time,
cess #1, included three test conditions resulting in a generation rate (G) of
where Gt = mass emission rate at time
represent three different random air (77,000 mg)/(60 min-
(t) (mg/min), k = the solvent’s eva-
speed values. The selected air speeds utes) = 1,283.3 mg/min.
poration rate constant (min1),
included 3.3 m/min. for Test Condi- For Process #2, daily bulk sampling
L0 = the initial liquid solvent mass
tion #1, 23 m/min for Test Condition of the parts washer solvent revealed
#2, and 61 m/min. for Test Condition that the benzene was lost from the
#3. Values of air movement intensity solvent at an exponentially decreasing
Near field and far field parameters were selected to represent conditions rate. The initial benzene concentration
For Process #1, the NF was repre- of (1) an enclosed area or shop with was 100 ppm at t = 0, and had
sented by a hemisphere with radius little ventilation, (2) the same area or decreased to 90 ppm after 4 h. The
(r) = 1 m centered on the contaminant shop with open doors/windows and/ concentration had decreased to
source, and with its base on the work- or people walking in the vicinity, and 80 ppm at t = 24 h, and after 48 h the
bench. The size of the NF was such that (3) a well-ventilated or semi-outdoor concentration was 70 ppm. The first
it encompassed not only the contami- work environment. Combining each of order loss rate a (min1) of benzene
nant source, but the worker’s breath- the selected air speeds with the esti- from the solvent has been previously
ing zone as well. For Process #1 the NF mated FSA of the NF, b estimates were described by Nicas et al.,5 and can be
volume was 2.1 m3. The NF in Process 10.4 m3/min, 23 m3/min, and 61 m3/ estimated from the equation:
#2 was represented by a rectangular min for Test Conditions #1, #2, and
box situated above the parts washer #3, respectively. With a given NF MðtÞ ¼ M0  eðatÞ (5)
basin. The length and width of the volume of 2.1 m3, these values repre-
box were equal to the dimensions of sent approximately 1.5, 11.5, and 30.5 where M(t) is the mass remaining at
the basin, and the NF height was equal air changes per minute for each respec- time t (min) and M0 is the initial mass
to the distance of the air sample media tive test condition. Each of the three present at time t = 0. The estimate for a
above the lip of the basin. For Process preceding conditions was established during the study period as calculated
#2 the NF volume was 0.289 m3. based on the authors’ personal experi- using Eq. (5) was 4.38  104. The
The FF volume is the difference ence in performing workplace ventila- initial benzene mass was calculated
between the room volume and the tion studies. based on the product of the solvent’s
NF volume, however in these two Since Eq. (1) includes the CFF as a volume (14 gallons, or 5.2  104 ml),
cases the NF volume was negligible contributing source to the overall CNF, liquid density (770 mg/ml) and ben-

Journal of Chemical Health & Safety, May/June 2008 17

Table 1. The model input parameters for each process evaluation
Process #1 Process #2
Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
G (mg/min) 1,283 1,283 1,283 na na na
M0 (mg) 77,000 77,000 77,000 4107 3286 2875
a (min1) na na na 4.38  104 4.38  104 4.38  104
Q (m3/min) 8.1 8.1 8.1 7.5 7.5 7.5
b (m3/min) 10.4 23 61 5.1 5.1 5.1
NF vol. (m3) 2.1 2.1 2.1 0.29 0.29 0.29
FF vol. (m3) 113 113 113 113 113 113

zene content (1  104 w/w), or representing mean cyclohexane con- Process #2 – Day 1 are shown in Fig-
approximately 4,100 mg. centrations above the workbench ures 1 and 2, respectively. Statistical
and benzene concentrations above analysis of the air sample data, includ-
PREDICTED VERSUS MEASURED the parts washer basin, were numeri- ing calculations of the arithmetic
CONCENTRATIONS cally computed from the modeled con- mean, standard deviation, normal and
centration time series derived from lognormal distribution tests, and confi-
Each of the input parameters for the Eq. (1) and (2) for the NF and FF, dence interval evaluation was per-
model has now been described and is respectively. An example of the model formed using LogNorm2, Statistics for
summarized in Table 1 for each pro- output, showing the predictions for Exposure Assessment (In Tech Software
cess evaluation. The predictions, Process #1 – Test Condition #1, and Corp., Tulsa, OK), a PC-based statistical
analysis program written specifically for
the field of industrial hygiene.
Point concentration estimates
obtained from the modeling process
were within a multiplicative range of
zero to less than two-fold of the arith-
metic mean of the actual air sample
results obtained from Processes #1 and
#2. Table 2 compares the predicted
concentrations and the measured con-
centrations for both Process #1 and
Process #2. Graphic representations
of the NF predictions versus measured
Figure 1. Modeled NF (upper curve) and FF (lower curve) time series concentra- NF concentrations for both Processes
tions for Process #1 – Test Condition #1. The 480-minute TWA concentration is #1 and #2 are presented in Figures 3
243 mg/m3 for the NF and 121 mg/m3 for the FF. The measured 480-minute TWA and 4, respectively.
concentrations were 236 mg/m3 for the NF and 153 mg/m3 for the FF, respec-
tively. Results for Process #1
For Process #1 – Test Condition #1,
the predicted NF air concentration
was 243 mg/m3 and the mean mea-
sured NF air concentration, calculated
from six Test Condition #1 trials, was
235 mg/m3. The predicted FF air con-
centration was 121 mg/m3 and the
mean measured FF air concentration
was 153 mg/m3.
For Process #1 – Test Condition #2,
the predicted NF air concentration
was 139 mg/m3. The mean measured
NF air concentration, calculated from
Figure 2. The predicted NF (upper curve) and FF (lower curve) benzene concentra-
six Test Condition #2 trials, was
tions for Process #2 – Day 1. The 480-minute TWA concentration is 0.50 mg/m3 137 mg/m3. The predicted FF air con-
for the NF and 0.21 mg/m3 for the FF. The measured 480-minute TWA centration was 121 mg/m3, and the
concentrations were 0.50 mg/m3 for the NF and 0.29 mg/m3 for the FF, measured mean FF air concentration
respectively. was 153 ppm.

18 Journal of Chemical Health & Safety, May/June 2008

Table 2. Comparison of predicted vs. measured air concentrations for the NF and FF
Process #1 Process #2
Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
CP NF 243 139 127 0.50 0.40 0.35
CO NF 236 137 177 0.50 0.24 0.34
CP FF 121 121 120 0.21 0.16 0.15
CO FF 153 153 180 0.29 0.15 0.20
All concentrations are expressed in mg/m3. CP: predicted concentration in mg/m3; CO: measured concentration in mg/m3.

For Process #1 – Test Condition #3, concentration was 0.50 mg/m3. The DISCUSSION
the predicted NF air concentration measured NF air concentration was
was 127 mg/m3 and the mean mea- also 0.50 mg/m3. The predicted FF air These results raise two questions con-
sured air sample concentration was concentration was 0.21 mg/m3, and the cerning the findings. First, did the
177 mg/m3. The predicted FF air con- measured FF air concentration was model construct represent the condi-
centration was 120 mg/m3 and the 0.29 mg/m3. For Day 2, the predicted tions under study, and second, were
mean measured FF air concentration NF air concentration was 0.40 mg/m3 there limitations or presumptions
was 180 mg/m3. and the measured NF air concentration inherent in the construct that, if
was 0.24 mg/m3. The predicted FF air accounted for, may have contributed
concentration was 0.16 mg/m3, and the to closer agreement of predicted versus
RESULTS FOR PROCESS #2 measured FF air concentration was actual air concentrations?
0.15 mg/m3. For Day 3, the predicted The NF–FF model adequately
Since the initial mass (M0) of benzene NF air concentration was 0.35 mg/m3 accounted for and generally repre-
present in the parts washer solvent was and the measured air sample concen- sented the physical conditions estab-
different at the start of each day (t = 0), tration was 0.34 mg/m3. The predicted lished for each process evaluation.
NF air concentration predictions were FF air concentration was 0.15 mg/m3 Variables including VNF, VFF, and Q,
made for each day of the three-day and the mean measured FF air concen- were distinct, measurable parameters
study. For Day 1, the predicted NF air tration was 0.20 mg/m3. whose values did not change over the
duration of the study. Uncertainty in
the values of the remaining parameters
(G, a, and b) contributed the greatest
variability to both the modeling pre-
dictions and to process evaluation.
Solvent mass emission rates, i.e.,
evaporation rates, are not hard con-
stants determined by vapor pressure
alone. They are also influenced by
other factors including but not limited
to ambient temperature, atmospheric
pressure, air movement above the sol-
Figure 3. Comparison of predicted NF air concentrations to measured NF air
vent, the quantity of solvent, and
concentrations for Process #1.
the shape of its container. Therefore,
the applied values of G and/or a were
specific to this study and may not
necessarily be applicable in all model-
ing situations. Since the authors iden-
tified no published values of applicable
generation rates for cyclohexane or
benzene, G and a were estimated
based on real-time observations con-
ducted prior to and during the study.
Calculated loss rates for benzene,
based on daily bulk sampling of the
parts washer solvent, confirmed that
the benzene loss occurred at an expo-
Figure 4. Comparison of predicted NF air concentrations to measured NF air nential rate. The loss rate and asso-
concentrations for Process #2. ciated decay constant was not as

Journal of Chemical Health & Safety, May/June 2008 19

significant as seen in other studies,5 be viewed as the bias of the model. The exposure monitoring to characterize
which reported estimates for a of at CV of the output distribution measures and group workers having similar
least an order of magnitude greater the precision of the model, such that exposure profiles, or to make decisions
than was used here. Solvent type the smaller the CV (and the more nar- concerning the use of exposure con-
and/or temperature, usage rate, overall row the 95% ‘‘confidence’’ interval), trols. Modeling may be a useful alter-
solvent quantity, and test environment the more precise the estimate. native to air monitoring in some cases,
may account for the differences. Limitations, or factors contributing especially when no representative data
The interzonal air exchange rate b to disagreement between the predicted is available or when limited resources
was estimated based on the FSA of the and measured concentrations were preclude the monitoring of all tasks or
near field and the measured random considered. While the design of the situations. Additionally, modeling data
air speed (s) around the NF boundary. study conducted for Process #1 incor- can serve as a leading indicator of
Since the theory of the NF–FF model is porated a constant generation rate G, potential overexposure, whereas the
based on random air exchange the true rate of solvent generation dur- results of traditional air monitoring
between the NF and FF zones, the ing the work practice simulation trials are often not known until after the
attainment of non-directional air was most likely not entirely constant. exposure has occurred.
movement within the test chamber Small pools of liquid settling on the Mathematical models also allow us
was required. This was a challenging work bench, changes in the magnitude to examine the factors that influence
endeavor in which considerable time of air movement through the NF zone, the exposure itself. For example, how
was devoted to ensure that the air and imprecision in the constant appli- would solvent vapor concentrations
movement was behaving in a non-pre- cation of the solvent were contributing generated during a particular process
dictable manner, indicating that a factors serving to influence a less than be affected if we changed the rate of air
degree of randomness had been constant rate of vapor generation. In airflow around the worker, changed
attained. Measurements of the magni- addition, worker movement in the NF the room air exchange rate, or applied
tude of air movement revealed that air zone in Processes #1 and #2 induced the solvent in a more controlled fash-
movement was not constant, but chan- additional air mixing/movement not ion? Examining these factors enables
ging throughout the study process. The accounted for in the model construct. the risk assessor to select more appro-
uncertainty in determining the actual The effects of convective airflow priate input parameters or make
speed of random air movement was caused by the worker were also better-informed decisions for exposure
considered when estimating the value considered, and may have contributed control.
for the model input of b. additional uncertainty to the simula-
Uncertainty in modeling, whether in tion process.
industrial hygiene or otherwise, may be The relatively small size of the test Mathematical
quantified by means of stochastic ana- chamber enabled the authors to eval- models also allow us
lysis, an example of which is Monte uate the effect of changing the rate of
Carlo simulation. This concept is based air movement on the airborne concen- to examine the factors
on a repeated random sampling from trations in the NF zone, but also
the distribution of values for each of demonstrated confirmation of the
that influence the
the parameters in a generic equation to principle that where b is much greater exposure itself.
derive an estimate of the distribution of than Q, then CNF is approximately
exposures in a population.10 Under the equal to CFF, an indication that the
situations described herein, uncer- room is essentially well mixed. For Although there was general agree-
tainty in air concentration predictions Process #1 – Test Condition #1, where ment between the predicted and mea-
lay with the solvent generation rate (G) b < Q, the ratio of CNF:CFF was 1.5, sured results (within a multiplicative
and the random air movement (s) suggesting fairly well mixed room air, range of zero to 1.6), the model under-
around the NF boundary. Applying but still exhibiting a significant differ- estimated the mean measured concen-
Monte Carlo analysis, probability dis- ence in the measurements. Examina- tration in half of the situations
tributions are posed for each of the tion of the results from Process #1 – evaluated. This suggests that some of
model inputs to describe their varia- Test Condition #2 and Test Condition our input parameters may not have
bility over time, and a best estimate of #3, where b  Q, showed comparative been conservative enough to provide
the typical value is used as a distribu- NF to FF ratios of 1.1 and 1.0, respec- a worst-case concentration estimate,
tion parameter of central tendency. tively, indicating that air movement which is often desired in order to guard
The model final estimate reflects the around the room was sufficient to cre- against underestimation.2
probability distributions from which ate a well-mixed space. The general agreement between the
the model inputs were sampled; distri- predicted and measured concentra-
butions are assigned according to the tions suggests that this construct suffi-
professional judgment of the modelers. CONCLUSIONS ciently describes the emission and
The difference between the mean of dispersion around the valve and parts
the Monte Carlo output distribution Health and safety professionals have washer, and within the room. The data
and the true vapor concentration can traditionally relied on the results of provided valuable insight on how the

20 Journal of Chemical Health & Safety, May/June 2008

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Journal of Chemical Health & Safety, May/June 2008 21

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