A Comparison Study Using A Mathematical Model and Actual Exposure Monitoring For Estimating Solvent Exposures During The Disassembly of Metal Parts

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A Comparison Study Using a Mathematical Model and

Actual Exposure Monitoring for Estimating Solvent
Exposures During the Disassembly of Metal Parts
a a
John W. Spencer & Marc J. Plisko
Environmental Profiles, Inc. , Baltimore , Maryland
Published online: 31 Oct 2007.

To cite this article: John W. Spencer & Marc J. Plisko (2007) A Comparison Study Using a Mathematical Model and Actual
Exposure Monitoring for Estimating Solvent Exposures During the Disassembly of Metal Parts, Journal of Occupational and
Environmental Hygiene, 4:4, 253-259, DOI: 10.1080/15459620701205253

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15459620701205253


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Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 4: 253–259
ISSN: 1545-9624 print / 1545-9632 online
Copyright c 2007 JOEH, LLC
DOI: 10.1080/15459620701205253

A Comparison Study Using a Mathematical Model and

Actual Exposure Monitoring for Estimating Solvent
Exposures During the Disassembly of Metal Parts
John W. Spencer and Marc J. Plisko
Environmental Profiles, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland

The objective of this research was to compare the airborne workplace exposures have been measured. However, more
solvent concentrations measured during the disassembly of recently, mathematical modeling has gained acceptance in the
solvent-coated metal parts with concentrations predicted by a industrial hygiene community. Mathematical modeling may
mathematical model. The study involved three test simulations
where cyclohexane, used as a penetrating solvent, was squirted be more useful than traditional air monitoring in instances
Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 15:22 05 January 2015

onto a gate valve while the valve was subsequently disas- where operations associated with certain exposures have been
sembled. Three test simulations were performed to evaluate discontinued, historical air monitoring data are not sufficient
the effect of varying the speed of random air movement in or lacking entirely, when prospectively assessing the need
the work area. For statistical considerations, six replicate for exposure controls, or when limited resources prevent
solvent application trials were conducted for each simulation.
Area and personal air samples were collected during the the industrial hygienist from monitoring all operations at all
trials performed under each test simulation. Cyclohexane was times.
applied to the valve at a consistent rate to obtain, to the greatest Mathematical models have been successfully used in varied
extent possible, a constant generation rate of solvent vapors. disciplines, including environmental science, engineering, and
The Near Field-Far Field (NF-FF) model, applied using a public health for a wide range of applications, which includes
constant solvent generation rate, was selected to predict the
solvent vapor concentrations, and Monte Carlo analysis was risk assessments, product failure analysis, and community
used to quantify uncertainty in the input parameters of the noise exposure assessments. Regulatory agencies have long
model. Solvent concentration predictions obtained from the relied on a wide variety of models for decision-making
modeling process were within a multiplicative factor of 0.1 to purposes. Models are used to assess the fate of pollutants in a
1.5 of the arithmetic mean of the actual air sample results for all variety of media, their impacts on human and ecological health,
three NF and FF conditions in each simulation. Application of
the NF-FF model under the conditions described suggests there and the costs and benefits of abatement/remediation activities.
is a reasonable degree of reliability in forecasting airborne The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
contaminant levels in the workplace environment. Given the (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)
limited resources faced today by many industrial hygienists, have used different noise models in their planning and design
exposure modeling can serve as a valuable tool for generating activities, whereas the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
the information needed to make informed decisions about
employee exposure. (EPA) has relied on models to support its decisions and
Keywords exposure assessment, mathematical modeling, solvent The EPA currently uses a wide range of models to make
exposure estimation informed, science-based decisions that are important for hu-
man and ecological health and include atmospheric and indoor
air models, chemical equilibrium models, economic models,
Address correspondence to: John W. Spencer, Environmental exposure models, leaching and runoff models, multimedia
Profiles, Inc., 813 Frederick Road, Baltimore, MD 21228; e-mail: models, risk assessment models, ground water and surface
jspencer@episervices.com. water models, and toxicokinetic models.(4) With this increased
focus and reliance on modeling, the EPA has established
the Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling to provide
INTRODUCTION the exposure assessment community with predictive exposure
assessment techniques for aquatic, terrestrial, and multimedia

T he science of industrial hygiene involves the assessment

and management of occupational exposures. Tradition-
ally, air monitoring has been the primary means by which
In the context of industrial hygiene and retrospective
epidemiology, as well as legal matters, the need often arises

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene April 2007 253

to estimate occupational exposures to airborne chemicals the model would be known with greater certainty. Greater
associated with certain job tasks. If sufficient information certainty in the true values of model input parameters will
on chemical use and physical and environmental factors lead to more precise (narrower) distributions of the predic-
are available, then mathematical models can be used as a tive outcomes when using stochastic probability analysis.
means of estimating exposures.(5) However, the accuracy of The work practice trials were repetitively performed, thus
a model is an important consideration even when sufficient generating sufficient data to facilitate a robust statistical
input data are available. Verification of a model’s accuracy analysis.(8)
is an important step to reduce the uncertainty associated
with a particular model’s outcome and to refine the exposure
assessment process. METHODS
This work was performed as the direct result of an earlier The Predictive Model
modeling study performed by the authors.(6) In that study, the The NF-FF model with a constant generation rate was
Near Field-Far Field (NF-FF) model, also known as the two- selected to predict the solvent vapor concentrations under
zone model, was used to estimate the benzene exposure of three different physical conditions and was selected because
a mechanic using a benzene-containing penetrating solvent. it accounts for spatial variability in exposure intensity.(5) This
Monte Carlo simulation was used in conjunction with the representation is based on the concept that the closer a person
model to predict an output distribution rather than a fixed is to a source of generation, the greater the exposure, and vice
theoretical point estimate. versa.(9) The NF-FF model, also known as a two-box model,
Three trials were performed where three batches of penetrat- is analogous to a box-inside-of-a-box. The inner box, or NF, is
ing solvent were spiked with 1%, 7%, and 30% concentrations a conceptual fixed space centered on the contaminant source
by weight of benzene for use in a work practice simulation. and also contains the worker’s breathing zone. The outer box
Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 15:22 05 January 2015

Two-hour work practice simulation trials were conducted with (FF) comprises the remainder of the room. The model is based
each solvent preparation, which involved using the solvent to on the concept of a contaminant mass being emitted over time
loosen rusted nuts and bolts from pipe flanges. Air samples into the NF where it is then carried to the FF by means of
were collected from the worker’s breathing zone and the results air exchange between the NF and the FF. The exchange of air
were compared with the estimates generated by the model. The between the NF and FF is also considered a generation source
model was found to underestimate the solvent air concentration for the NF, since air in the FF containing the contaminant
at lower generation rates and overestimate the concentration at source is being exchanged with the NF. The contaminant is
higher generation rates. Based on this data, the study concluded eventually removed from the room by the airflow from the FF
that additional work simulation trials and air sampling data to the outside.(7) This construct also presumes that the air in
were needed to better determine the accuracy of the predicted each zone is well mixed and that air exchange occurs between
model outcome. each zone. The concept of the model as explained above is also
The authors also recently collaborated on an effort that described by the following mass balance equations for the NF
demonstrated the utility of using the NF-FF model for es- and FF, respectively:(5)
timating benzene exposure at a parts washer.(7) This model
presumed an exponentially decreasing benzene emission rate,
since the benzene evaporated from the parts washer solvent VNF · dCNF = G · dt + β · CFF · dt − β · CNF · dt (1)
as a function of time, and used Monte Carlo analysis to VFF · dCFF = β · CNF · dt − [β + Q] · CFF · dt (2)
assign distributions for respective model inputs. The general
concordance between the measured and predicted benzene where
concentrations were within a multiplicative range of 1/2 to
2 and suggested that the model was adequate for making VNF and VFF = the NF and FF volumes, respectively (m3 )
retrospective exposure estimates using a similar apparatus. CNF and CFF = the NF and FF concentrations, respectively
The model predictions and work practice trials reported (mg/m3 )
herein were conceived to further the work previously per- G = constant mass emission rate (mg/min)
formed by the authors. The objective of this research was to β = interzonal airflow rate (m3 /min) between the NF and FF
evaluate the accuracy and usefulness of a mathematical model Q = room air supply rate (m3 /min)
by comparing airborne solvent concentrations measured during dt = an infinitesimal time interval (min)
three controlled simulated parts disassembly processes with
concentrations predicted by the mathematical model. This was The NF zone was represented by a hemisphere with radius
achieved by comparing measured air concentrations generated (r) = 1 m centered on the contaminant source and with its base
under well-controlled environmental conditions with modeled on the workbench. The basis for the size of the NF zone was
concentrations that used the same environmental parameters that the NF encompassed not only the contaminant source but
that were recorded during the controlled work simulation. also the worker’s breathing zone. For each simulation VNF was
The physical conditions associated with the work practice 2.1 m3 . VFF consisted of the remainder of the room, less the
trials were carefully controlled such that input parameters for VNF , which in this case was 111 m3 .

254 Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene April 2007

The interzonal airflow rate (β) was estimated as the product as the surface area available for mass transfer decreases and
of one-half the available free surface area (FSA) of the NF and evaporation cools the liquid.(12) With a reported specific gravity
the random air speed (s) m/min in the vicinity of the NF zone of 0.77, the approximate quantity of cyclohexane applied was
boundary, and is represented below by Eq. 3.(10,11) 77,000 mg. Owing to a vapor pressure of 78 mmHg at 20◦ C, it
was determined that all of the solvent would evaporate during
β= (FSA · s) (3) the trial time, resulting in a generation rate (G) of (77,000 mg)/
2 (60 minutes) = 1283.3 mg/min.
In this situation, the base of the hemispherical NF zone was Each input parameter for the model has now been described.
situated on the workbench, thus prohibiting air exchange at Concentration predictions representing the mean cyclohex-
this surface. As a result, the base was not included in the FSA ane concentration above the workbench and at the worker’s
calculation. The resulting FSA of the NF zone, based on (r) = breathing zone (NF) and the remainder of the room (FF)
1 m, was 6.28 m2 . were calculated for each simulation. The predictions were
Three simulations were performed where all variables were numerically computed from the modeled concentration time
held constant except for β, which was varied by changing series derived from Eqs. 1 and 2 for the NF and FF, respectively.
the intensity of random air movement (s) for each simulation. An example of the model output using Simulation 1 data is
This construct was intended to evaluate the effect of changing shown in Figure 1.
a single parameter on the output of the model such that the
predictions could be compared with the actual air monitoring Monte Carlo Simulation
results obtained from the work practice simulation. Addition- Uncertainty in modeling, whether in industrial hygiene or
ally, conditions where β was greater than Q were also evaluated otherwise, may be quantified by means of stochastic analysis,
to demonstrate the principle that when β is much greater than an example of which is Monte Carlo simulation. This concept
Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 15:22 05 January 2015

Q, the CNF is approximately equal to CFF , an indication that is based on a repeated random sampling from the distribution of
the room is essentially well mixed.(5) values for each of the parameters in a generic equation to derive
Values of air movement intensity were selected to repre- an estimate of the distribution of exposures in a population.(13)
sent conditions of (a) an enclosed area or shop with little An algorithm of the NF-FF model was run using Microsoft
ventilation (3.3 m/min), (b) the same area or shop with open Excel in conjunction with Crystal Ball 2000 (Decisioneering,
doors/windows and/or people walking in the vicinity (23 Inc., Denver, Colo.) to perform the Monte Carlo simulation.
m/min), and (c) a well-ventilated or semi-outdoor work envi- Predictions were made based on a range of possible parameter
ronment (60.8 m/min). Each of the three preceding conditions value to analyze the effect of varying the inputs on the outputs
were established based on the authors’ personal experience in of the modeled system.
performing workplace ventilation studies. Whereas workplace For the situation described herein, uncertainty in air con-
conditions are diverse and vary considerably even within the centration predictions lay with the solvent generation rate (G)
same industry, the authors considered the parameters included and the random air movement (s) around the NF boundary.
in this research to be representative of the work environments Based on evaporation trials performed prior to the actual
described above. simulations, G was assigned a normal distribution with a mean
For Simulation 1, (β) was 1/2 × (6.28 m2 ) × (3.3 m/min) = of 1283.3 mg/min and a standard deviation of 60.3 mg/min.
10.34 m3 /min. With a given VNF of 2.1 m3 , (β) for Simulation 1 The range of evaporation measurements, based on six trials,
represented approximately 4.9 air changes per minute in the NF was 1103 mg/min to 1463 mg/min. The evaporation rate and
zone. For Simulation 2, (β) was 1/2 × (6.28 m2 ) × (22.8 m/min) thus (G) was determined by applying cyclohexane to the valve
= 71.6 m3 /min, representing approximately 34.1 air changes
per minute in the NF zone. For Simulation 3, (β) was 1/2 ×
(6.28 m2 ) × (60.8 m/min) = 190.9 m3 /min, and represented
approximately 90.9 air changes per minute in the NF zone.
Because Eq. 1 includes the CFF as a contributing source to
the overall CNF , the volumetric supply/exhaust rate of the room
air (Q) is also included in the calculation. The authors selected
an overall rate of 4.3 air changes per hour, resulting in a Q of
8.1 m3 /min.
Generation rate (G) was estimated based on 100 mL of
reagent-grade cyclohexane being consistently applied to the
valve during trial times of 60 min each. Constant and steady
application of solvent over the duration of each trial prevented
pooling of the solvent on the workbench. Situations involving
pooling created by spills of solvents are more aptly described
FIGURE 1. Modeled NF and FF time series concentrations for
by model constructs that incorporate an exponentially decreas- Simulation 1
ing contaminant emission rate.(12) The emission rate decreases

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene April 2007 255

being used for the simulation at a rate of 5 mL/min. under Each trial lasted 60 min and was of sufficient duration to ensure
the study conditions. The rate of application was selected that all of the solvent was used and evaporated during the trial.
to prevent pooling of the liquid as it was applied. Repeated The solvent was applied to the valve consistently to obtain,
evaporation trials were conducted and the average observed to the extent possible, a constant generation rate of solvent
time was selected as the model generation rate. vapors. One hundred mL of reagent-grade cyclohexane were
For the NF, the greatest uncertainty was due to the random used for each solvent application trial. The material safety
air movement (s). Air velocity measurements of the fan con- data sheet (MSDS) provided by the manufacturer indicated
ducted prior to the simulations were used to define distributions a specific gravity of 0.77 at 20◦ C, resulting in 77,000 mg of
of air velocity for each given simulation. Each simulation was solvent used per trial. The center of the worker’s breathing
found to approximate a normal distribution of measured air zone was approximately 1 m from the contaminant source.
velocity. For Simulation 1, (s) was 3.2 m/min with a standard The work was conducted on a bench in the center of
deviation of 2.2. The range, based on 79 measurements, was 0 a rectangular room measuring approximately 6.33 m long,
to 8.8 m/min. For Simulation 2, (s) was assigned a mean of 22.8 5.33 m wide, and 3.35 m high, thus containing a volume of
m/min with a standard deviation of 5.5. The range, based on 170 approximately 113 m3 . A schematic of the room is shown in
measurements, was 8.5 to 38 m/min. Simulation 3 was assigned Figure 3. This room size was selected to represent, based on the
a mean (s) of 60.8 m/min with a standard deviation of 5.3. The authors’ professional experience, a small garage, workshop, or
range, based on 49 measurements, was 51.7 to 73 m/min. The engineering space aboard a ship. The room was constructed of
observed ranges and corresponding coefficient of variations nominal 2 in. × 4 in. (5.08 cm × 10.16 cm) wood framing
(CVs) for each simulation reflected the performance results of and 6-mL (0.0254 mm) thick, fire-resistive polyethylene
fan speed measurements, indicating greater variability at lower sheeting and was ventilated to facilitate air exchange with
fan settings than at the higher fan speed settings. the surrounding environment. Ventilation was established by
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The Monte Carlo simulation predicted the 60-min mean air means of a filtered exhaust device placed at the south side of
concentrations and frequency distributions on the means for the room and a curtained/flapped entryway with a single-stage
each selected value of β. An example of the model output airlock located at the north end of the room. The design was
provided by Crystal Ball for the NF prediction in Simulation similar to the concept of the negative-pressure enclosure used
1 is shown in Figure 2.
Job Task Simulation
The study involved three test simulations, with each sim-
ulation consisting of six trials. Cyclohexane, representing a
penetrating solvent, was squirted from a Nalgene laboratory
wash bottle onto a 5.08 cm, Class 125 Iron Body Gate Valve
during disassembly of the valve. The wash bottle was selected
to simulate the use of a squirt can as opposed to a spray
bottle, which would have resulted in a mist application. Three
simulations were selected to evaluate the effect of varying
a single parameter (air movement [s]) during each of the
simulations, as well as for comparison with the predictions
using the NF-FF construct previously described.
For statistical considerations, six replicate solvent appli-
cation trials were conducted for each of the three simulations.

FIGURE 2. Distribution of NF concentration predictions for Sim- FIGURE 3. Schematic showing the general layout of the testing
ulation 1 area used for the job task simulation

256 Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene April 2007

for decontamination of potentially hazardous environments. conditions. Statistical analysis of the air sample data, including
Air movement around and through the breathing zone and con- calculations of the mean, standard deviation, normal and
taminant source (conceptual near field) was established using a lognormal distribution tests, and confidence interval evaluation
40.64 cm diameter variable speed pedestal fan pointed upward was performed using LogNorm2, Statistics for Exposure
at approximately 45◦ and away from the center of the room. Assessment (In Tech Software Corp., Tulsa, Okla.), a PC-based
Three values of air movement intensity were selected to statistical analysis program written specifically for the field of
represent the modeled conditions and included 3.3 m/min for industrial hygiene.
Simulation 1, 23 m/min for Simulation 2, and 60.8 m/min For Simulation 1, the predicted NF air concentration
for Simulation 3. Smoke tubes were used to visually observe was 243 mg/m3 . The mean measured NF air concentration,
the air movement around the room, including around the calculated from six Simulation 1 trials, was 235 mg/m3 . The
workbench surface and the contaminant source, to verify that predicted FF air concentration was 121 mg/m3 , and the mean
it was nondirectional, since the model construct is based on measured FF air concentration was 153 mg/m3 .
random air movement between the NF and FF zones. Air For Simulation 2, the predicted NF air concentration
velocity was measured using a TSI Incorporated Veloci-Check was 139 mg/m3 . The mean measured NF air concentration,
hot wire anemometer (TSI Inc., St. Paul, Minn.). Accounting calculated from six Simulation 2 trials, was 137 mg/m3 .
for the nondirectional nature of the air movement, the probe of The predicted FF air concentration was 121 mg/m3 , and the
the anemometer was held at right angles in three dimensions measured mean FF air concentration was 153 ppm.
to determine the average air velocity at a given location in For Simulation 3, the predicted NF air concentration was
the room. An established air exchange rate of 8.1 m3 /min, 127 mg/m3 and the mean measured air sample concentration
equivalent to 4.3 room air changes per hour, nominally, was was 177 mg/m3 . The predicted FF air concentration was
measured prior to the study following a method described by 120 mg/m3 and the mean measured FF air concentration was
Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 15:22 05 January 2015

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Method 180 mg/m3 .
E741-00 “Standard Test Method for Determining Air Change Monte Carlo simulation was performed over the course of
in a Single Zone by Means of a Tracer Gas Dilution.” 105 iterations and included the previously described solvent
During each trial, a personal breathing zone air sample was generation rate and airflow distributions. The mean of the
obtained to measure the mean solvent concentration near the output distribution for Simulation 1, NF, was 245 mg/m3 ,
contaminant source, and two area air samples were collected to and 95% of the distribution fell between 185 mg/m3 and
measure the solvent concentration away from the contaminant 328 mg/m3 . For Simulation 1, FF, the mean of the output
source but within the room. Whereas the location of the distribution was 121 mg/m3 and 95% of the distribution fell
personal air samples was limited to the worker’s breathing between 98 mg/m3 and 143 mg/m3 .
zone, the area air sample (conceptual FF) locations were For Simulation 2, NF, the mean of the output distribution
selected in a random manner. A grid was laid out in three was 139 mg/m3 and 95% of the distribution fell between 116
dimensions within the room, with each grid being equal to and 176 mg/m3 . For the FF prediction, the mean of the output
1 m3 . A computerized random number generator was then used distribution was 121 mg/m3 , and 95% of the distribution fell
to position two air sampling devices. Grids were automatically between 101 mg/m3 and 154 mg/m3 .
disqualified if they were occupied by either the workbench, the Finally, for Simulation 3, the mean of the output distribution
location of the worker’s breathing zone, or other obstructions. for the NF concentration prediction was 127 mg/m3 with 95%
The personal breathing zone air samples and the area of the distribution falling between 106 mg/m3 and 152 mg/m3 .
air samples were obtained over the full 60-min duration For the FF prediction, the mean was 121 mg/m3 and the central
of each trial. MSA Escort Elf low-flow sampling pumps 95% of the output data fell between 101 mg/m3 and 144 mg/m3 .
(MSA, Pittsburgh, Pa.) were used for sample collection, and Statistical analysis of the data suggested that the replicate
were calibrated before and after each trial using a BIOS measurements from the work practice trials were approxi-
Dry-Cal DC-Lite primary gas flow calibrator (BIOS Int., mately normally distributed. Based on a t-distribution with 5
Butler, N.J.). The air samples were collected and analyzed in degrees of freedom, the predicted range of NF concentrations
accordance with NIOSH Method 1500 (Hydrocarbons). The fell within the 95% confidence interval (CI) of the mean of
sample analysis was performed by an independent, American the actual measurements in Simulation 1 and Simulation 2.
Industrial Hygiene Association-accredited laboratory. Looking at the t-test results for the FF data, the predicted range
of FF concentrations fell within the 95% confidence interval
RESULTS of the mean of the actual measurements in Simulation 1 and
Simulation 2 as well. For Simulation 3, the model predictions

P oint concentration estimates obtained from the modeling

process were within a multiplicative range of 0.1 to 1.5 of
the arithmetic mean of the actual air sample results for all three
underestimated the measured concentrations for both the NF
and FF condition.
Figures 4 and 5 compare the predicted concentrations with
NF and FF conditions. Furthermore, the model predictions the measured concentrations for the NF and FF, respectively.
underestimated the observed mean air sample concentrations Error bars represent the 95% CI on the mean of the predicted
in the NF for Simulation 3 and in all simulations for the FF and measured concentrations.

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene April 2007 257

The interzonal air exchange rate β was estimated based
on the FSA of the near field and the random air speed (s)
around the NF boundary. Because the theory of the NF-FF
model is based on random air exchange between the NF
and FF zones, the attainment of nondirectional air movement
within the test chamber was required. This was a challenging
endeavor in which considerable time was devoted to ensure that
the air movement was behaving in a nonpredictable manner,
indicating that a degree of randomness had been attained.
Measurements of the magnitude of air movement revealed that
FIGURE 4. Comparison of predicted NF air concentrations to air movement was not constant but changing throughout the
measured NF air concentrations study process. This variability was considered as a component
of the estimated value for the model input of β.
Limitations, or factors contributing to disagreement be-
tween the predicted and measured concentrations, were con-
sidered. Whereas the design of the study incorporated a
T he comparison of predicted air concentrations to average
measured concentrations showed agreement to within a
multiplicative factor of 1.5. Furthermore, two of six predictions
constant generation rate G, the true rate of solvent generation
during the work practice simulation trials was most likely
were within the 95% confidence interval of their respective not entirely constant. Small pools of liquid settling on the
observed results. These results raise two questions concerning workbench, changes in the magnitude of air movement through
the findings. First, did the model construct represent the the NF zone, and imprecision in the constant application
Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 15:22 05 January 2015

conditions under study and, second, were there limitations of the solvent were contributing factors serving to influence
or presumptions inherent in the construct that, if accounted a less than constant rate of vapor generation. In addition,
for, may have contributed to closer agreement of predicted vs. worker movement in the NF zone induced additional air mix-
actual air concentrations? ing/movement not accounted for in the model construct. The
The NF-FF constant generation rate model adequately effects of convective airflow caused by the worker were also
accounted for the physical conditions established for the work considered and may have contributed additional uncertainty to
practice simulation. Variables including VNF , VFF , and Q, were the simulation process.
distinct, fixed quantities whose values did not change over The relatively small size of the test chamber enabled the
the duration of the study. Uncertainty in the values of actual authors to evaluate how the effect of changing the rate of
parameters such as G and β contributed the greatest variability air movement would effect the airborne concentrations in
to both the modeling predictions and to the actual work practice the NF zone, but it also demonstrated confirmation of the
simulation trials. principle that where β is much greater than Q, then CNF is
Solvent generation rates are not hard constants and are approximately equal to CFF , an indication that the room is
influenced by a variety of factors including but not limited essentially well mixed. For Simulation 1, where β < Q, the
to ambient temperature, atmospheric pressure, air movement ratio of CNF :CFF was 1.5, suggesting fairly well-mixed room air
above the solvent, the quantity of solvent, and the shape of its but still exhibiting a significant difference in the measurements.
container. Therefore, the values of G used in this study will not Similar examination of the results from Simulations 2 and 3,
necessarily be applicable in all modeling situations. Because where β  Q, showed ratios of 0.9 and 1.0, respectively,
the authors identified no published values of generation rates indicating that air movement around the room was sufficient
for cyclohexane, G was estimated based on observations to create a well-mixed space.
conducted prior to the study. The general agreement between the predicted and measured
cyclohexane concentrations suggests that this construct suf-
ficiently describes the cyclohexane emission and dispersion
around the valve and within the room. Although this evalu-
ation did not constitute a validation of this model, the data
provided valuable insight on how the model can predict room
concentrations under a range of specified parameters.


FIGURE 5. Comparison of predicted FF air concentrations to

R isk analysis is a fundamental principle by which the
assessment and management of occupational exposures is
performed. The findings presented herein can be used by the in-
measured FF air concentrations
dustrial hygienist to better define the strengths and weaknesses

258 Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene April 2007

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Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene April 2007 259

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