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Grad Minds Executive Meeting #2

Online via Zoom

October 24, 2022

Felix, Jessica , Serrina, Hania, Riddhita, Yunfan, Curtis, Jie, Ayushi, Aqsa, Elizabeth

Lavanya, Brittny, Dana, Daisy, Sophia, Yinyi


Actionables for next meeting

● Send headshot/short blurb for website to Curtis (if you wish) - by October 31st
● Sign-up for one of four meeting note taking slots this semester (point 7 in the meeting
● Events team to determine what event(s) to run and who will be coordinating
○ Felix to send details of past pottery type event
● Policy team to determine what projects to focus on and who will be working on what
○ Curtis to send GWN details
● Communications team to arrange another meeting time


Item Notes

1. Meeting comes to order Time: 5:00pm

a. Adoption of agenda
b. Minutes from last meeting

2. Introductions -
a. Roundtable
b. Slides

3. Event updates
a. Social Trivia night, paint night
b. Workshop
Poll for who wants to help with what on Discord.
Felix to send details of past event

4. Policy/advocacy updates Engagement, Indigenous health, Insurance, Mental Health

Reports - centralized and mobilized, coordinate with different
mental health committee, resilience story social media with
students and staff (we can start the #shareyourstory campaign
up again), Grad minds offered workshop (e.g.”Advocating for
Mental Health in your Department”)
Curtis will send GWN details

5. Marketing/communication No members present - to arrange another meeting


6. Treasury updates Pay for it then send to Elizabeth with credit card statement
a. Process for (private information blocked), and invoice/receipt. Discuss with
reimbursement Elizabeth if issues.

7. Any other business

● Send headshot/short blurb for Do by October 31st
website to Curtis (if you wish)
● Will have team event sometime Details will be circulated
in 2022
● Fall meeting note takers November 7th:
November 21st: Jessica A.
December 5th:
December 19th:
● Breakout rooms with team

Adjournment Time: 5:55pm

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