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BACARRO Rating: _______

Course, Year, & Section: BSF-1 Date: 10-14-2022
Instructor : DARIO P. MORASTIL, Ph.D. Group No. _______

Lab 4
Knowing of Phylum Arthropoda

I Introduction
All arthoropds have specialized appendages a bilateral symmetry , jointed
appendages, segmented bodies, and an exoskeleton. By contrasing the number og
body regions, legs, and antennae in the various arthropod classes, we may
distinguish between them. Arthropoda is the largest phylum they could be parasitic,
aquatic, or even terrestrial, they chitinous exoskeletons and jointed appendages.
This phylum has a number of sizeable clasess, including the class insect, which
accounts for a sizable part of all animal species in the world, they are capable of
surviving in any environment. The characteristics of arthropods are the body is
segmented, triploblastic, and bilaterally symmetric , Organ system level organization
can be seen in them , The head, thorax, and abdomen make up the body , Their
bodies have jointed appendages that aid in movement , Blood is present in the
coelomic cavity , Their circulatory system is open , Compound eyes are present on
the head , Chitin is used to make the exoskeleton , Arthropods that live on land
expel waste.

The five major classes under Phylum Arthropoda are Crustacea, Myriapoda,
Hexapoda, Chelicerata, and Tribitomorpha. The Crustacea is they are aquatic,
terrestrial, or parasitic the head is fused with the thoraxregion known as the
cephalothorax. Respiration occurs through gill or general body surface. Myriapoda
these are mostly terrestrial the body is elongated with numerous segments , the
head is provided with attenae, two pairs of jaw, and a pair of simple eyes.
Hexapoda they are mostly terrestrial the body is differentiated into head,thorax,
and abdomen head bears a pre- segmental acron. Chelicerata they are mostly
found on land, the body is differentiated into cephalothorax and abdomen antennae
are absent. Tribitomorpha these are primitive arthropods and are extinct they
were found in abudance during the Paleozoic era , the body was devided into three
lobes-one median and two lateral lobes.

II Objectives
1. To familiarize the description and characteristics of Phylum Arthropoda.
2. Focus of familiarization of the 5 classes under Phylum Arthropoda which
are common in the environs.

III Procedures
1. Using the Study Materials plus your additional references, refer your
discussions to this lab activity.

2. Draw at least four organisms per page in each of the five Classes in short
bond papers.
3. If you wish to add more drawings and pages on this part, you are not
prevented to do so and additional points will be given to you as being
4. Drawing might either in pen or in pencil or in print downloaded from an
internet and must be arranged neatly with names or description per
drawing of organism.

IV Materials:
Laptop, cellphone and paper.

V Drawings














VI Discussion

A sizable number of animal species with connected appendages and an

exoskeleton. They can be discovered in a variety of habitats. Arthropods can be
divided into three main categories. Two of these three categories are the
chelicerates and the mandibuates The presence of chelicerae is what distinguishes
chelicerates is what distingues chelicerates from the other organism, Mandibles on
the other hand are a defining charactreristic of mandibulates. Mouth parts include
chelicereae and mandibles. The examples of Mandibulate mouthparts include
grasshopers, cockroaches, and the ground beetles, And the examples of Chelicerate
are Arachnid, sea spider, spider, scorpions and tick.
The two classes of Myriapods are any invertebrate belonging to the
subphylum Myriapoda this subphylum contains 4 classes with the two most well
known beibg Chilopoda (centipeds) and Diplopoda (millipedes). Chilopoda clas
centipeds can be distinguished from millipeds by the fact that they only have one set
of legs on each segment of their trunk. Using their initial pair of legs, which have
been converted into claws with connected venom glands, they are primarily
nocturnal predators. The tail end of many centipeds found in the southwestern
united states includes a pair of larger, sensitive hind legs that do not aid in
propulsion but that resemble the centipeds real head. Potential predators are
probably tricked into attacking the wrong end of the centipedeby doing this. The
phylum Diplopoda centipedes kinder, more distant cousins are ,millipedes . They are
mostly detritivores and lack the modified prehensor front legs and venom glands.The
further difference between millipedes and centipedes is the presence of two pairs of
legs on each segment (though each segment is technically two segments fused
together during the embryonic development stage). Millipedes are more cyclindrical
than centipedes and have legs that reach straight down in a vertical direction,
making them more difficult to view drom the sides.

VII Generalization

I’ve learned this activity that arthoropoda have 5 classes and I’ve seen a
lot of examples so that now I know what is the phylum arthropoda and
doing research I know lot of learnings about the arthropoda but the
pictures are scary to see .

VIII References


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