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BACARRO Rating: _______

Course, Year, & Section: BSF-1 Date: 10-14-2022
Instructor : DARIO P. MORASTIL, Ph.D. Group No. _______

Lab 3
Knowing of Annelida

I Introduction
Any member of the phylumof invertebrate animals known as Annelida, also
known as segmented worms, or annelids, are defined by the presence of a body
cavity (or coelom), movable biristles (or setae), and a body divided into segments by
transverse rings, annulations, from which they derive their name. Leeches have
smaller coelem and setae lack a few specialized species, such as leeches. More than
9,000 species of annelids, a significant invertebrate phylum of the animal kingdom,
are found in the three classes: earthworms (Oligochaeta), leeches, and marine
worms (Polychaeta), which are classified into free moving and sedentary, or tube-
dwelling, forms (Hirundinea).
The Anelida have 3 classes Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, and Hirudenia.
Polychaeta has segments and is elongated , can be discovered in maritime
environments this worms are bilaterally symmetrical true coelomates both
metanephridia and protonephridia are used for their excretion and external factors
fertilize crop , their nuerogical system is well-developed and it has closed circulatory
system. Oligochaeta they are mostly fresh water and terrestrial organism , despite
being hermaphrodites they cross fertilize. Hirudinea is most frequently discovered in
fresh water , some are parasitic, marine and terrestrial, there are no tentacles,
parapodia, or setae and they are monoecious animals.
II Objectives
1. To familiarize the description and characteristics of Annelida.
2. Focus of familiarization is under Class Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, and
Hirudinea which is common in the locality.

III Procedures
1. Using the Study Materials plus your additional references, refer your
discussions to this lab activity.
2. Draw at least four organisms per page in each Class of Polychaeta,
Oligochaeta, and Hirudinea having a total of 12 Annelids in 3 pages short
bond papers.
3. If you wish to add more drawings and pages on this part, you are not
prevented to do so and additional points might accrue to your being
4. Drawing might either in pen or in pencil or in print downloaded from an
internet and must be arranged neatly with names or description per
drawing of organism.

IV Materials:
Laptop , cellphone and paper.

V Drawings










VI Discussion
An annelids length can range from less than one inch to more than six meters
(about 20 feet). When contracted, the width may be greater than 2.5 centimeters,
or nearly one inch. The biggest species are earthworms and freely moving
polychaetes. When contracted, leeches grow to a length of around 0.4 meters. A
head, or prostomium, which may have two or more eyes, a preoral segment with
appendages like antennae, tentacles, and palpi (fleshly sensory projections), a trunk
divided into distict segments, and a tail, or pygidium,which may have anal cirri or
plaques and a terminal anus, make up the body segment, each body segment often
includes two paired and parapodia, or fleshy, lateral outgrowths utilized for feeding,
moving, or breathing .The parapodia, which are typically present in freely moving
polychaetes, contain bundles of extendable setae and aciculae that serve as
supports .
Oligichaetes body is segmented evenly and exhibits noticeable segmental
lines. Typicall, the prostomium is a single lobe that hangs over the mouth and has
no appendages. The body is covered in a scattering of the minuscule eyes. At sexual
maturity, the body wall thickness into the clitellum, which has the shape of saddle.
At the posterior tipis the anus. The ventral surface of the body is where setae
typically emerge. Hirundinea or true leeches, are highly specialized clittellates,
separated from other annelid groups by the presence of an anterior circumoral
sucker and a posterior ventral sucker. The name polychaete, which literally translate
to “many bristles” refers tp thr variety of bristles that are present on the multiple
leg-like parapodia of polychaetes, also known as lug worms, clam worms, brisrtle
worms, fire worms, palolo worms, sea mice, and featherduster, among other names.

VII Generalization

My insight in doing this exercise is the annelida play an importantb role in

helping organic matter decompose and a source of food for many birds,
mammals, amd other invertebrates and also they help loosen up the soil
and aerate it as they burrow deep.
VIII References kingdom/phylum-annelida/

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