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Section 1.2 Function Review II: Function Catalog S.


Goal: To remind ourselves of some of the core types of functions that we will be using: linear
functions, power functions, polynomials, rational functions, exponentials, logarithms, and the
trigonometric functions. We will also cover expectations for what you need to know about these
functions (broadly speaking).

Constant Functions

Constant functions are, well, constant. They never change values. So, every constant function
looks like:

f (x) =

for some r ∈ R. Constant functions always

evaluate to the same value, are neither increas-
ing nor decreasing, their domains are always R
and their ranges consist of a single value.

For the function f (x) = r, the domain is Dom (f ) = .

Linear Functions

The simplest type of function that is not completely trivial is the linear functions. Linear functions
have the form

f (x) = mx + b

Technically speaking, constant functions all qualify as linear functions, but it’s nice to have the
distinction. When we say linear function, we are including the constant functions too.

The domain of any linear function is:

and for any non-constant linear
function, the range is also . The
graph of a linear function is a
with slope and y-intercept

Math 180 1 of 9 Version 0.1

Section 1.2 Function Review II: Function Catalog S. Childress

The slope m can be found using any two points on the graph of f (x) = mx + b. Suppose that
(x1 , f (x1 )) and (x2 , f (x2 )) are two points on the graph. Then:


For a linear function that measures a physical phenomenon the slope gives the average
of the dependant variable relative to the independant vari-


A polynomial function is a function of the form:


p(x) = an xn + an−1 xn−1 + · · · + a1 x + a0 = ak x k

Where ai are real numbers (called the ) and n is a whole number

(called the ).

Linear functions and constant functions are also polynomial functions. All nonzero constant
functions have degree 0 as a polynomial, except for z(x) = 0, this function has a degree that
is . Polynomial functions have a wide variety of behaviors, so we
understand them by considering specific instances.

Let’s give a quick sketch of each of the following basic polynomial functions:

p(x) = x q(x) = x2 r(x) = x3

u(x) = xEVEN v(x) = xODD

Math 180 2 of 9 Version 0.1

Section 1.2 Function Review II: Function Catalog S. Childress

Polynomial Properties

End Behavior

If a polynomial function p(x) = ak xk is a polynomial function of degree n, then for x very
large (positive or negative), the graph of p(x) behaves just like the graph of y = a n xn . This is
called the end behavior of p.

So, for instance, for very large x, the graph of:

• f (x) = 2x3 − 7x2 + 2x + 5 looks like the graph of

• g(x) = −x4 + x2 + 4 looks like the graph of

That’s nice that we can tell what’s happening for large values, but what’s going on for reasonably
sized values? For that, we turn to:

Zero behavior

Suppose that a polynomial function p(x) has p(r) = 0 and factors as p(x) = (x − r) n q(x), where
q(x) is also a polynomial function, but q(x) has no factors of x − r. Very close to the value r,
the graph of p(x) looks and behaves just like the simple polynomial function q(r)(x − r)n .

• Near x = 2, p(x) = 3(x − 2)3 (x + 1) behaves just like

• Near x = −1, q(x) = x(x + 1)2 behaves just like .

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Section 1.2 Function Review II: Function Catalog S. Childress

The above two results can be paired up with the y-intercept to give the following method for
graphing polynomial functions that are factored:

Graphing Polynomial functions that are factored

Suppose that p(x) is a factored polynomial. To graph it:

• Determine the end behavior (you have to find the leading term of p(x))

• Determine the local behavior (This is easy, it’s already factored)

• Find the y-intercept.

Fit the above information together in the only way possible to construct the graph.

1. Sketch a graph of p(x) = x(x − 1)2

2. Sketch a graph of q(x) = −2(2x − 1)2 (x + 1)2

Math 180 4 of 9 Version 0.1

Section 1.2 Function Review II: Function Catalog S. Childress

What if the polynomial is not factored?

Then you must factor it. Going over the factoring process would take us way too out of the way
to cover right now, so we simply point out (for anyone who has forgotten) that there are three
tools that we use together to factor:

• The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra says that an n-th degree polynomial should
have exactly n zeros (some possibly repeated, some non-real in conjugate pairs). This tells
us how many zeros to expect.

• The Rational Root Theorem gives us that any rational zero of P (x) = an xn +an−1 xn−1 +
· · · + a1 x + a0 having the form p/q must requires p is a factor of a0 and q is a factor of
an . This narrows down the choices for zeros that we can actually locate on the real line.

• Synthetic Division: This allows us to efficiently divide out the factors of the zeros that
we find from the above allowing us to factor the polynomial.

It is strongly encouraged that you review this process, as it is also extremely useful in solving

Extreme Caution:

Though quadratic polynomials are not mentioned here (mainly because there is simply too much
to say), it is expected that you are fully comfortable factoring, graphing, completing-the-square
for, and finding the vertex of any quadratic function you might be handed.

Math 180 5 of 9 Version 0.1

Section 1.2 Function Review II: Function Catalog S. Childress

Power Functions

The power functions are: f (x) = xa where a is any real number. When a is a natural number,
f is just a simple polynomial
√ function. Things get interesting when a is a fraction like 1/3 or an
irrational number like 3, or when a < 0. We point out just two examples that will show up
very frequently in this class:

√ √
f (x) = x1/2 = x g(x) = x1/3 = 3

u(x) = x1/EVEN u(x) = x1/ODD

Rational Functions
P (x)
Rational Functions are functions of the form f (x) = where P (x) and Q(x) are polynomials.
Some important facts:

• f (x) has a vertical asymptote anywhere Q(x) has a zero and P (x) doesn’t, or P (x) has a
zero of lesser degree than Q(x).

• f (x) has a hole whenever P (x) and Q(x) share a zero, but the degree of the zero for P (x)
is higher than for Q(x).

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Section 1.2 Function Review II: Function Catalog S. Childress

• If the degree of P (x) is equal to, or lesser than Q(x) then f (x) has a horizontal asymptote.
If the degree of P (x) is less than Q(x), then f (x) has a horizontal asymptote of y = 0. If
the degree of P (x) is exactly equal to that of Q(x), and

P (x) an x n + · · · + a 1 x + a 0
f (x) = =
Q(x) bn x n + · · · + b 1 x + b 0
then f (x) has a horizontal asymptote given by:

• If the degree of P (x) is exactly one more than the degree of Q(x) then f (x) has an oblique
asymptote determined by long dividing P (x)/Q(x) and keeping only the quotient (and
discarding the remainder term).

Just like for polynomials, the rational functions have End Behavior too. The end behavior for a
rational function is just its horizontal or oblique asymptotes. The unshared zeros of P (x) give
the local behavior along with the vertical asymptotes. To understand the asymptote behavior we
note that there are basic functions on the next page to guide us...

Basic Rational Functions

f (x) = 1/x g(x) = 1/x2

u(x) = 1/xODD v(x) = 1/xEVEN

Math 180 7 of 9 Version 0.1

Section 1.2 Function Review II: Function Catalog S. Childress

We have the following:

Local Behavior for Rational Functions

Suppose that f (x) = P (x)/Q(x) is a rational function with a vertical asymptote at x = r.

Suppose further that when all of the common factors of x − r are removed from P (x)/Q(x)

P (x) p(x)
f (x) = =
Q(x) q(x)(x − r)n
where p(r), q(r) �= 0. Then near the vertical asymptote x = r, the graph of f (x) = P (x)/Q(x)
looks and behaves exactly like the graph of

p(r) 1
y= ·
q(r) (x − r)n

3. Graph f (x) = .
x2 − 1

Math 180 8 of 9 Version 0.1

Section 1.2 Function Review II: Function Catalog S. Childress

x2 (x − 1)(x + 2)
4. Graph g(x) =
(x − 1)(x + 2)3

Trigonometric Functions

There is no possible way that we have time to cover the Trigonometric functions here. It is
expected that you are comfortable with all six basic trigonometric functions, their graphs, the
graphs of their inverse functions, and the basic set of identities covered in a Trigonometry and in
a Precalculus course.

You should review the following:

• All six graphs – including how to identify the period, phase shift, and (where appropriate)
the amplitude.
• The values of all six functions on the typical angles on a unit circle – IN RADIANS.
• Identities
– Pythagorean Identities
– Odd/Even Identities
– Sum/Difference Formulas
– Double/Half-Angle Identities
• Solving Trigonometric Equations

Exponential/Logarithmic Functions

We will be covering these in detail in upcomming sections.

Math 180 9 of 9 Version 0.1

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