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Course: EdDLM-102 Human Inquiry, Foundation, and Development
Professor: Teresita T. Tumapon,PhD
Date: June 18,2022

TOPIC: Human Inquiry and Fixed Belief

Family extends beyond bloodlines, surnames, and obligations. People in our lives who
commit to unconditionally loving and supporting us. It is not a passive birthright, but rather a
choice, a practice of kindness that allows us to thrive as individuals and as a society. I've felt the
love of people other than my family. I've been leaving on my own since graduation. I spent five
years abroad with people who were not even related to me. I saw how much they cared for and
loved me. Now I'm in Misamis Oriental, with no relatives, friends, or family. I've seen people who
truly care about and value me as a person; I call them family. Blood is more viscous than water. I
know the old saying, but blood is not always thicker than water. This old saying has taught me that
it is not always true. Family is more than just blood relatives or people with the same surname.
Family are people who enter and remain in your life. People who take time out of their days to be
there for you when you need them are considered family. People who care about you and love you
unconditionally are your family. Supportive of my life choices. Helpful with finances and
encouraging me to pursue higher education. Those who receive support from family members may
experience a greater sense of self-worth, and this increased self-esteem may serve as a
psychological resource, encouraging optimism, positive affect, and improved mental health. My
family has been and continues to be helpful to each of us. If you receive assistance from family
members, I believe you should repay it by assisting another of your siblings. They have formed the
foundation of who I have become in life. My mother drove me around as a college student looking
for scholarships and encouraging me to continue my education. Since my father's death, I've been
the breadwinner for my family, and after each of us graduates from college, she/he has helped me
financially to meet the needs of our growing family.
Education is a life-long process in which individuals acquire skills and competencies in
formal and non-formal learning settings not only in school, but also before and after school, and
throughout their lives. self-directed education centered on personal development Community
members should work together to educate one another. When senior high was first implemented, I
saw how collaboration could truly affect the education of community learners. I was one of the
teachers assigned to teach the first senior high students' academic track, and TVL was available at
the school. I saw how difficult the situation was the first time I taught. We don't have a structure or
a typical classroom. Our classroom is in an open covered court where we are divided into five
strands using plywood as a divider. When we discuss, you will be heard in the next classroom,
which is funny, but I was so sad that I couldn't provide the best classroom environment for my
students, but in collaboration with the LGU, parents, DepEd family, and private institutions in the
community, we were able to have the two-story building after 8 months of waiting. We had a
difficult time, but with the help of the parents, we were able to plan activities that resulted in very
beneficial learning for our students. The local government has assisted us in ensuring that we have
equipment that we can use. The DepEd has been our foundation in delivering education to our

students. Community promotes growth, which leads to exploration, which leads to inspiration, and
inspiration leads to growth That's why building a sense of community in schools is crucial that
process alone is the root of all academic, personal and social momentum. Being alone on your own
little island will not help you to be educated. Educational experiences that are active, social,
contextual, engaging, and student-owned lead to deeper learning.
As a teacher I do believe that am responsible for shaping a child's future, making him/her
a better human being. A teacher imparts knowledge, good values, tradition, modern-day
challenges and ways to resolve them within students. Teachers can ‘make’ or ‘break’ their
students’ lives. Teachers who are actively involved in a joint achievement of something new, may
be mentioned as 'agents of change' when they accomplish a desired effect or change at school.
When I first teach, I wasn’t sure that this profession is for me I doubted myself I wasn’t my dream to
be a teacher I was just given an opportunity to be one, but later in my life seen how fulfilling being a
teacher it really made me realized and believed that I can do more things that will be more
valuable. I have seen how I influenced my students view of life. Every graduation students would
come up and would always say thank you I didn’t first know why but one of my students send me a
gift coming from Dubai and that gift has letter of appreciation that she expresses how I made her
life meaningful that the first time we meet her life was at lost and I did not gave up on her even she
the most problematic student in the class that I was always calling her and making her sign
agreement not to do something and visiting her grandparents’ house to check on her. She felt love
and that was her encouragement that she was love unconditionally with her flaws. Now she
working abroad becoming whatever she wants. Indeed, we the teachers are the shapers of
shaping the child’s future and we can be an agent of change. This is because how teaching
happens, just as much as what teachers know, has a profound effect on learning outcomes.
Successful strategies for including all pupils, for encouraging and listening to them, and finding
ways for them to contribute, mean no one is left behind, and more students realize their potential.
I do believe that Government services provide a visible link between governments and
their citizens. Public services carry and disseminate national values and contribute to the bonding
of the state and its citizens. If your services are poor, it will automatically tarnish the services you
provide. On the negative side, I believe that the "Palakasan System" has remained the most
notorious, corrupt, and filthy system in the Philippines for decades and centuries. Those who know
someone will be the first to arrive and will be accommodated. There is a line for vaccination
distribution, but you can still see people who they know will be the first. Waiting for my turn in the
vaccination line, but the local government and wealthy individuals come first. It is common
knowledge, but no one could ever bring it down, tear it down, or put off this kind of system because
the people who practice this infamous system have gone too far to give up their fame and wealth.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, palakasan culture in the Philippines. The Government's Social
Affirmation Program (SAP). During the pandemic, eligible families on the SAP list were able to
claim funds during a number of disbursement rounds. However, getting on the list and receiving aid
has proven difficult. The SAP has had not only technical but also social issues. Local governments
even put in the list people who own businesses and can afford them. I saw it and was so taken
aback that I couldn't say anything. I despise it, but I can't do anything about it. Now in the present,
People in the government are afraid to do such things because of President Duterte's
administration, but the palakasan system culture remains, although not as strong as during the

previous administration. I hope that this system will be phased out so that we can have a more
equitable distribution of government services.
B. Do you have a fixed belief of your beliefs? State how you had a belief fixation. Was there
any instance that you doubted the truth of this belief? How did this affect you?

Yes, I do have fixed beliefs, as an educator, it is my experience and observation that I

develop this belief that I am an agent of change and that I can shape the child’s future
where I could provide the power of education to today's youth, thereby giving them the
possibility for a better future. Simplifying the complex, and making abstract concepts
accessible to students.

As an educator and a Catholic believer, I did have doubts about the truth of my beliefs.
Sometimes we lose sight of our true calling. I once forgot that I am an educator who has the
ability to shape the lives of my students both abroad and in the Philippines. When I moved
to Misamis Oriental, I noticed a difference in the education system and the services. As a
public-school teacher assigned to the outskirts, I questioned my belief that education is a
lifelong process and that all students have equal opportunities. I've seen my students
struggle in the mornings when they wake up at dawn to walk a kilometer to school; if it rains,
they will walk barefoot because they will be walking in a muddy area; they don't have shoes;
they have slippers; they don't have umbrellas; they use banana leaves or large plastic to
cover their bodies; and some of them don't have uniforms; they wear old white t-shirts.
Three-quarters of my class is unfamiliar with internet connections or electrical lights. They
only have the sun and a kerosene lamp. The majority of them struggle with reading. I was
teaching science to students in grades 7- 10, and I don't know how I could have taught
without science equipment. It had an impact on me because it made me realize that if no
one could help my students, who would, so as an educator of change, we implemented
certain innovations for students in our school.
Together with my colleagues, we asked private institutions for donations under the
umbrella sa batá giving umbrella to students, adapt a child where you will support one or
two students in need of school supplies and other assistance. As a science educator, I
create new materials for my students, making our classroom more interactive, explaining my
lesson in Bisaya first to help them understand the concept, especially for grade 7 students
who have poor English comprehension, and creating remedial classes for struggling
students. It was a difficult road, but it was worthwhile because 20 of them are now
graduating from various universities and colleges. I was recently visited by a former student
who thanked me for giving him the opportunity to change his life.
I recently realized that by believing that you can, we can make a difference, and that
we must work for the betterment of our society. Great teachers recognize the critical role
they play in their students' lives and collaborate with them on the learning journey.

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