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city, and had their adherents ejected from Zwickau and

Tuscaloosa; a penitentiary, established in 1839, at Wetumpka;

and peptones are white powders, readily soluble in water, with

B.P. Beatus Paulus, Beatus Petrus. .

court in that district (U.S. Rev. Stats. sec. sec. 587, 589 and

upon other persons; and the crown as patron paramount of all

a younger contemporary of Pheidias and noted for the delicacy

Records of South-Eastern Africa, 9 vols., 1898-1903; Lady

freemen taken as boundmen, and their lands and goods is taken

off during the decomposition of common salt into a strong

of the head and of the front end of the trunk began to be

pathetic pleading against separation by Abernethy, were cut

designs. He bore a great reputation for conviviality,

in the great High Place; though it is possible that a bank of

of the powers of the 3rd, 5th . . . (m-2)th degrees must

ADAMS, HENRY (1838-- ), American historian, son of Charles

hospitals, perfectly equipped, and officered by some of the

early compositions, into a series of groups of two or three

cases a limited number of projectiles may be placed close

Carthusians and Cistercians, the king (St Louis), and three

L. Cellarer's office. X. Tower.

Wiesbaden on the 31st of March 1885. The best of his popular

produced. Besides the products of the soil Allier exports

authorities. A signal instance of the audacity of the

but his feelings towards her were of a stronger kind and her

site lower down. It possesses some medieval buildings of

admiralty. In 1632 it appears to have been independent,

iron ore, and the population of the whole parish (which was only

American general Arnold to retreat. The destruction of his

rendered this method of priming unnecessary, as, in loading, a

are concerned only with the joint declaration respecting Egypt

wound, though he remained on the field and in command to the

caution. Of critical works, J. C. Ropes, The Story of

they began with History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac (1851);

of the land. In the deep valleys of the Takazze and Abai,

sunt regionum, Descriptio Insularum Aquilonis, &c., has

in a comparatively isolated form some of the simpler modes of

Aberdeen. The glacial deposits, especially in the belt

150 B.C. he was received by him with great honour in

acclamation when, no amendment being proposed, approval

accessible to the Jews of Christian Europe the treasures of

end of Tanganyika on the north, and the Kabompo tributary of

Amontons, who through disease was rendered almost completely

Coins relating to Britain (1844); Ancient Coins--Hispania,

suggestus, cubiculum or pulvinar. The senators, principal

Egerton--gave him yet more efficient help. The original

Elphinstone, Account of the Kingdom of Kabul (1809);

his opponents, and also a Latin translation of the Scottish

writer of the Letters of a Portuguese Nun, was the daughter

1845 experiment. At once observing the reduction of the

terraces up the mountain side, were destroyed, together with

upon in 1799, was again called to command under the duke of

from an enemy's fire. Huge earth parapets cover these

desert. They intermarried with the Nuba, and settled in small

and this belum plusquam civile--as Johnson calls it--was

things were expected of the Swedish war, but nothing came of

spelt Themisthokles. Such confusions show that even to Greek

a variety of crops, again, the mechanical operations of the

married his cousin Anne de la Tour d'Auvergne, but left no

and the ealdorman Wulfheard to drive out Baldred, king of

See Glaser, Rheinisches Museum, ii. (1843); Zink, Eos,

Martinique, the marquis de Bouille, had surprised the British

form the chief means of inland communication. Pop. (1901)

tampering with the letter of the traditional documents of the

and to produce an opacity suggestive of true marble, the

she could no longer dally with the subject, if she desired

as the Susquehanna, while Hooker was compelled to inactivity

of the Mzab country, annexed by France in 1882. This country

Paternulus ii.; Josephus, Antiq. Jud. xv. 10, xvi. 2;

balanced by the great cost of the Hargreaves plant, and by

of his blood. For some time afterwards the war was carried

Hagen, and who ``was called the minstrel (spilman) because

in 1575 between the justices of the King's Bench and the

of July 1886. The mineral Abichite was named after him.

m., exclusive of the dependent Saharan regions, which have

services were attached to the corresponding ministries in

has been declared by the High Court (Smith v. Wisden,

year unknown, perhaps 1076. Adam's Historia---known also

building of the railway reduced carriage rates to less than

from 61,237 tons in 1892 to 263,050 tons in 1893, and despite

them. The Bog of Allen has a general elevation of 250 ft.

Agglomerates also are usually full of volcanic bombs. These

Douglas, and widow of James, Viscount Hamilton, and thus

it. At Ecbatana the death of Hephaestion for a time plunged

Rome, where he married Domitia Decidiana, a Roman lady of

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