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Hi, my name is Alisson .

Today I will talk about my country Ecuador. I will focus on tourist places, traditional
foods and finally on traditions.

The most popular tourist places for me are: the Galapagos Islands, since they are
internationally known for their turtles. You will wonder what is special about these
animals, well they are special because they are the largest that exist in the world and
live more than 150 years

The second place is the capital of Ecuador called Quito, it is touristic because half of
the world is located there, since the country is located on the equator, which is why it
divides the planet into two hemispheres: north and south

(el segundo lugar es la capital de Ecuador llamada quito, es turístico porque ahí se
encuentra la mitad del mundo,ya que el país está ubicado sobre la línea ecuatorial por ello
divide el planeta en dos hemisferios : norte y sur )

The third place that I have chosen is the highest volcano and mountain in the country,
tourists are shocked to see it and to see that people live in the mountains and live
with the volcano every day and even see loose llamas on the mountain, also this
mountain is bigger than everest from the ground level

el tercer lugar que he elegido es el volcan y montaña más alta del país, los turistas se
quedan impactados al verlo y al ver que la gente vive en la montaña y convive dia a dia con
el volcan e incluso ven llamas sueltas por la montaña, además esta montaña es más grande
que el everest desde el nivel de la tierra.

As for the traditional food, I have divided it into two parts; on the one hand you will
observe the typical breakfasts such as the huma which is a dough of corn with
cheese or the bolon which is made up of fried plantain with meat and cheese, finally
there are the llapingachos which is based on a dough of potato and cheese

En cuanto a la comida tradicional, lo he distribuido en dos partes; por una parte observareis
los desayunos tipicos como por ejemplo la huma que es una masa de maiz con queso o el
bolon que esta compuesto por platano frito con carne y queso, por último estan los
llapingachos que se basa en una masa de patata y queso

On the other hand, you will see the traditional dishes for lunch; In the first place is the
Ceviche, then there is the hornado, it has pork meat accompanied by potato with
TOSTADO and salad, in third place is the guatita whose main ingredients are keys and

(por otra parte veréis los tradicionales platos para la comida; en primer lugar esta el ceviche,
luego esta el hornado, lleva carne de cerdo acompañado de patata con TOST y ensalada ,
en tercer lugar esta la guatita que sus ingredientes principales son cayos y mani )
finally I will talk about the traditions, there is a specific date that is September 26
which is commemorated by an oath to the flag, all graduating students and the army
must honor the flag, however only the best students can carry the flag on

(finalmente hablaré de las tradiciones, hay una fecha especifica que es el 26 de septiembre
la cual se conmemora mediante un juramento la bandera, todos los estudianteas que se
graduan y el ejercito debe honrar la bandera, sin embargo solo los mejores estudiantes
podran llevar la bandera encima)

The second tradition is celebrated on Halloween, since it is customary to eat guauas

along with a glass of colada morada. The buses are representative figures of
deceased people and the colada morada is a drink made with fruits.

la segunda tradición se celebra en halloween, ya que es una costumbre comer guauas junto
con un vaso de colada morada. Los guaguas son figuras representativas de personas
fallecidas y la colada morada es una bebida realizada con frutas

To finish, it is traditionally in the new year to make various figures called "old year"
representing the course of the previous year, in order to burn them, in addition, the
men dress as widows to collect money that will be used in the cremation of the doll.

para acabar es tradicionalmente en año nuevo hacer diversas figuras llamadas "año viejo"
representando el transcurso del año anterior, con el fin de quemarlos, ademas los hombres
se visten de viudas para recolectar dinero que se usara en la incineración del muñeco

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