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Shaira Gwen A.

Miguel BSIT 1-5


ACTIVITY 2 Reflection Essay (100 pts)

1. Recall what you have learned in Oral Communication class in SHS and write an
essay of 200-250 words.
English proficiency is essential in today's globalized world. Verbally sharing ideas and practices can

boost confidence and community. We used data, quotes, images, and explanatory text to practice

persuasion. We had to learn the hard way to be concise. There is always a more effective way to say

something. Do not leave anything out. Consider their point of view.

Speech is what oral communication is. Conversation entails information transfer as well as

conceptualization. Chats, speeches, and presentations are examples of oral communication. Open and

honest conversations foster trust and dependability. Effective oral communication in the workplace

necessitates openness, mutual understanding, and confidence. Oral communication boosts morale,

productivity, and collaboration.

As students, we developed the ability to express ourselves clearly and concisely in speech. We gained

confidence in using correct grammar and vocabulary by practicing in front of an audience. Due to this,

we overcame our fear of meeting new people and giving speeches in front of an audience. As a result of

formal education, oral communication is dwindling. Oral communication is simply the exchange of

words. Adults must be able to speak English fluently.

Almost immediately, verbal exchanges can be heard and understood. It is the best method for sending

sensitive information. Problems are solved by directly discussing them. Because of the situation's
transparency, we gain insight into how the larger community receives our words. Literacy, cognition, and

education are impossible without the ability to communicate orally. It acts as a link between various

linguistic elements.

In conclusion, gaining public speaking confidence and skill greatly benefits any vocation. Students thrive

in academics and social relationships when they are secure in their abilities. If we cannot express our

true feelings to our loved ones, we cannot expect them to understand us, and our relationships will never

thrive. It is critical to keep lines of communication open. It is necessary to distribute. The more we talk

about our feelings and thoughts, the less pain and stress we feel.

2. Based on your experience with online learning, what strategies have been effective
or ineffective?
But inefficient. Nothing is ideal. As students, we can customize and read peer posts. Distance and time

can restrict students from studying on-site. Students can learn anywhere with a computer and the

Internet. Teachers and students with limited mobility benefit from online participation. According to the

Ministry of Education, online students must be organized, self-motivated, and time-savvy.

3. What behaviors should be established in the class to promote a positive learning

experience for oneself and others?
Meet every student's needs. Create a list of beneficial behaviors with the class, such as cooperation,

civility, and sharing. The class should construct a code of conduct that encourages respect, justice, and

empathy. Teaching students suitable methods for classroom work is another way to create order.

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