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Chapter 1


SECTION 1. This Document shall be known as the Code of the Samar

State University.

SECTION 2. The Samar State University is a public, non-sectarian, non-

political institution of higher learning and subsidized by the government.

SECTION 3. The Samar State University shall primarily provide

advanced instruction and professional training in the arts, philosophy, social
sciences, agriculture and fishery, forestry, science and technology, engineering,
education, law and other related fields. It shall also undertake research and
extension services, and provide progressive leadership in its areas of

SECTION 4. The University shall offer undergraduate, graduate and

short- term technical courses within its areas of specialization and according to
its capabilities, as the Board of Regents may deem necessary to carry out its
objectives, particularly to meet the needs of the Province on Samar and the

SECTION 5. Pursuant to Section 16 of Republic Act No. 9313, an act

converting the Samar State Polytechnic College in the Province of Samar into a
State University, otherwise known as the Samar State University, the University
shall enjoy academic freedom and institutional autonomy.

SECTION 6. The powers and responsibilities of the Samar State

University shall be those set forth in its Charter, RA No. 9313 and those granted
to corporations in general under the Corporation Law, and such other powers as
may be further provided by law and the Board of Regents.

SECTION 7. The official colors of the Samar State University are blue and

SECTION 8. The seal of the Samar State University shall be circular in

form. Alongside the circle shall be the name of the University. It shall be all in
capital letters.

Chapter 2


SECTION 1. Governing Body. The governing body of the Samar State

University shall be the Board of Regents, hereinafter referred to as the Board.

SECTION 2. The Board of Regents shall be composed of:

(a) The Chairperson of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED),


(b) The President of the University, vice chairperson;

(c) The Chairperson of the Committee on Education, Arts and Culture of

the Senate, member;

(d) The Chairperson of the Committee on Higher and Technical

Education of the House of Representatives, member;

(e) The Regional Director of the National Economic and Development

Authority (NEDA), member;

(f) The Regional Director of the Department of Science and Technology

(DOST), member;

(g) The Regional Director of the Department of Agriculture (DA),


(h) The president of the federation of faculty associations of the

University, member;

(i) The president of the federation of student councils of the University,


(j) The president of the federation of alumni association of the

University, member; and

(k) Three (3) prominent citizens who have distinguished themselves in

their profession or fields of specialization of the University,

SECTION 3. Powers and Duties of the Board of Regents. The Board shall
have the following specific powers and duties in addition to its general powers

of administration and the exercise of all the powers granted to the board of
directors of a corporation under existing laws:

(a) Promulgate rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the
purposes and functions of the University;

(b) Receive and appropriate all sums as may be provided, for the support
of the University in the manner it may determine in its discretion, to
carry out the purposes and functions of the University;

(c) Import duty- free economic, technical and cultural books and/or
publications, upon certification by the CHED that such imported books
and/or publications are for economic, technical, vocational, scientific,
philosophical, historical or cultural purposes, in accordance with the
provisions of the Tariff and Customs Code, as amended;

(d) Receive in trust legacies, gifts and donations of real and personal
properties of all kinds and to administer and dispose of the same when
necessary for the benefit of the University, and subject to the
limitations, directions and instructions of the donor, if any.

(e) Fix the tuition fees and other necessary school charges, such as, but not
limited to, matriculation fees, graduation fees and laboratory fees, as
the Board may deem proper to impose, after due consultations with
the involved sectors.

(f) Adopt and implement a socialized scheme of tuition and school fees
for greater access to poor but deserving students;

(g) Authorize the construction or repair of its buildings, machinery,

equipment and other facilities, and the purchase and acquisition of real
property, including necessary supplies, materials and equipment;

(h) Appoint upon recommendation of the president of the University, vice

presidents, deans, directors and heads of campuses, faculty members,
and other officials and employees of the University;

(i) Fix and adjust salaries of faculty members and administrative officials
and employees subject to the provisions of the Revised Compensation
and Position Classification System and other pertinent budget and
compensation laws governing hours of service and such other duties
and conditions as it may be deem proper;

(j) Approve the curricula, institutional programs and rules of discipline

drawn by the Administrative and Academic Councils;

(k) Set policies on admission and graduation of students;

(l) Award honorary degrees upon persons in recognition of outstanding

contribution in the fields of education, public service, arts, science and
technology, agriculture or in any field of specialization within the
academic competence of the University; and to authorize the awarding
of certificates of completion of non-degree and nontraditional courses;

(m) Establish and absorbed non-chartered tertiary institutions within the

Province of Samar as branches and centers in coordination with the
CHED, and in consultation with the Department of Budget and
Management (DBM), and to offer therein programs or courses, to
promote and carry out equal access to educational opportunities
mandated by the Constitution;

(n) Establish research and extension centers of the University where such
will promote the development of the latter;

(o) Establish chairs in the University and to provide fellowships for

qualified faculty members and scholarship to deserving students;

(p) Delegate any of its powers and duties provided for hereinabove to the
president and/or other officials of the University as it may deem
appropriate, so as to expedite the administration of the affairs of the

(q) Authorize an external management audit of the institution, to be

financed by the CHED, subject to Commission on Audit rules and
regulations: and to institute reforms, including academic and
structural changes, on the basis of the audit results and

(r) Collaborate with other governing boards of the state colleges and
universities within the Province of Samar or the Region, under the
supervision of the CHED and in consultation with the DBM, the
restructuring of the University to become more efficient, relevant,
productive, and competitive;

(s) Enter into joint ventures with business and industry for the profitable
development and management of the economic assets of the

University, the proceeds of which shall be used for the development

and strengthening of the University;

(t) Develop consortia and other economic forms of linkages with local
government units, institutions and agencies, both public and private,
local and foreign, in the furtherance of the purpose and objectives of
the University;

(u) Develop academic arrangements for institution capability building

with appropriate institutions and agencies public and private, local
and foreign, and to appoint experts/ specialists as consultants, part
time or visiting, or exchange professors, scholars, or researchers, as the
case may be;

(v) Set up the adoption of modern and innovative modes of transmitting

knowledge such as the use of information technology, the dual system,
open learning or distance education, community laboratory, etc. for the
promotion of greater access to education;

(w) Establish policy guidelines and procedures for participated decision-

making and transparency within the University;

(x) Privatize, where most advantageous to the University, management of

nonacademic services such as health, food, building or grounds or
property maintenance and such other similar activities; and

(y) Extend the term of the President of the University beyond the age of
retirement but not later than the age of seventy (70), whose
performance has been unanimously rated by the Governing Board as
outstanding, after unanimous recommendation by the search

SECTION 4. Reports. On or before the fifteenth day of the second month

after the opening of the regular classes of each year, the Board shall file with the
Office of the President of the Philippines through the Chairperson of the CHED,
and to both Houses of Congress a detailed report on the progress conditions and
needs of the University.

SECTION 5. The Chairperson shall preside over all meetings of the Board.

SECTION 6. Notice of Meetings. The Secretary of the Board shall notify

the Regents of all meetings of the Board and shall send to each Regent a copy of
the agenda and of the minutes of the previous meeting at least four days before
the next Board Meeting. He shall keep all records and proceedings of the Board.

SECTION 7. Regular Meetings. The Board shall regularly convene at least

once every quarter. However, the chairperson of the Board may, upon three (3)
days prior written notice, call a special meeting whenever necessary.

Chapter 3



SECTION 1. Composition and the General Functions of the

Administrative Council. There shall be an Administrative Council of the
University consisting of the President of the University as Chairperson, Vice
Presidents, Deans, Directors, faculty with the rank of professors other officials of
equal ranks as members whose duty is to review and recommend to the Board of
Regents policies governing the management, administration and development
planning of the University for appropriate action by the Board (R.A. 9313, Sec.

SECTION 2. Composition of the Academic Council. There shall be an

Academic Council with the President of the University as Chairperson and all
members of the academic staff with the rank of not lower than assistant professor
as members.

SECTION 3. Powers of the Academic Councils. Subject to the review,

approval and confirmation of the Board of Regents, the University Council shall
have the following powers;

a. To review and recommend the curricular offerings

and rules of discipline of the University;

b. To fix the requirements for admission to any

college or school of the University;

c. To fix the requirements for graduation and the

granting of degrees;

d. To submit for confirmation to the Board of

Regents students and other qualified to be recipients of degrees;

e. To exercise disciplinary power over the students

through the President of the University; and

f. To formulate academic policies and rules and

regulations on discipline.

SECTION 4. Officers. The President of the University shall be the

presiding officer of the Academic Council. In his absence, the Vice President for
Academic Affairs shall preside and in the absence of both, the next ranking
officer shall preside.

SECTION 5. Council Secretary. The Secretary of the Councils shall be the

Board Secretary. It shall be his duty to issue the notice for meetings of the

Council, to keep the minutes of its proceedings, and to send to each member of
the Council a copy of such minutes, and agenda for every regular meeting at
least three (3) days before the meeting.

SECTION 6. Meetings. The Academic and Administrative Councils shall

meet at such times as the President may determine, provided that there be at
least one regular meeting each quarter; however, a special meeting may be called
by the President or upon the written request of at least one- fourth of the
members of the Council.

SECTION 7. Attendance. All Academic and Administrative Council

members shall be required to attend all its meetings. But any member may be
excused from attendance for justifiable reason.

SECTION 8. Quorum. A majority of the Academic and Administrative

Council shall be sufficient to do its regular business.

SECTION 9. Committees. The Academic and Administrative Council may

create such Committees, standing or special, as it may deem necessary and
convenient for the proper performance of its functions.

Chapter 4



SECTION 1. The officers of the University shall be the President, the Vice
Presidents, Deans of Colleges, the Director for Administrative Services, the
Director for Finance Services, the University Registrar, the University Secretary,
and such other officers per approved organizational structure of the University.

SECTION 2. The University President. The University shall be headed by

a President, who shall render full time service. He/She shall be appointed by the
Board, upon recommendation of a duly constituted search committee. He/She
shall have a term of four (4) years and shall be eligible for reappointment for
another term.

In case of vacancy in the office of the president by the reason of death,

compulsory retirement, resignation, removal for cause or incapacity of the
president to perform the functions of his/her office, the Board shall have the
authority to designate an officer-in-charge of the University pending the
appointment of a new president.

In case of vacancy in the office of the president as mentioned in the

immediately preceding paragraph, his/her successor or the officer-in-charge
shall hold office for the unexpired term only.

The powers and responsibilities of the President as chief executive of the

University are as follows:

1. To provide leadership for the University, to preserve and protect its

academic integrity and ensure the observance and implementation of
the policies laid down by the national government and/or the Board
of Regents;

2. To exercise general supervision and direction of all operations of the

University, and as such, all university personnel shall be responsible
to and under the direction of the President;

3. To determine and cause the preparation of the agenda of all meetings

of the Board of Regents and the University Council; provided,
however, that any member of the Board shall be entitled to have any
other matter included in its agenda; and provided, further, that the
University Council by majority vote in a meeting or upon the written
request of 1/10 of its membership may include any matter in either

4. To preside at commencement and public exercises of the University

and confer such degrees and honors granted by the Board of Regents.

To sign all university diplomas and certificates issued by the

University and attested by the Board Secretary;

5. To cancel, revoke or deny as the case may be any permission or

authorization given to any person to engage in activity within the
campus of the University that may incite rebellion, sedition,
vandalism or any activity that is detrimental to the interest and
welfare of the university in particular and to the society in general,
after due hearing. The president shall thereafter inform the Board of
Regents of his action;

6. To act as an intermediary between the University personnel and

students of the University on the one hand and Board of Regents on
the other hand;

7. To exercise general responsibility for the enforcement of discipline in

the University and for the maintenance of satisfactory academic
standards of all its departments, and to hold University personnel
responsible for the discharge of their duties and responsible fully and

8. To prepare for approval of the Board of Regents the annual budget of

the University;

9. To submit to the Board of Regents annual reports on the generation

of the University, and such other reports as the latter may require
under the Republic Act No. 9313;

10. To enter into contract and/or negotiate for the construction, repair
and acquisition of buildings, machineries and equipment and other
physical facilities and to acquire loans for the improvement thereon,
subject to confirmation by the Board of Regents.

11. To modify or disapprove any action or resolution of the University

personnel, if in his judgment larger interest of the University so
require. Should he exercise such power, the President shall
communicate his decision in writing to the body immediately
affected, stating the reasons for his action, and thereafter shall
accordingly inform the Board of Regents, which may take any action
it may deem appropriate in connection therewith.

12. To invite, from time to time, scholars of eminence and other persons
who have achieves distinction in some learned profession or career,
to deliver a lecture or a series thereof. For this purpose, he may

authorize honoraria for such services, to be taken from the

miscellaneous fund and the rates to be determined by him.

13. To have such other powers as are elsewhere provided in his Code by
the Charter of the University or as may be especially authorized by
the Board of Regents and such as are usually pertaining to the Office
of the President of the University. He may delegate in writing any of
his specific functions to any office.

14. To appoint officers, faculty members and other employees in the

University with salary grades 18 and below subject to the
confirmation of the Board of Regents, and to designate Deans,
Directors, Head of Departments/Offices or Officers-in-charge of the
units therein;

15. To exercise the following specific powers:

a. Acceptance of resignations of University personnel.

b. Approves or disapprove leave of absence and/or extension of

such leaves with or without pay.

c. Approves retirement of University personnel.

d. Approves special details of University Personnel.

e. Grants extension of fellowships or scholarships for a period not

beyond one academic year, for reasons he may deem
satisfactory, subject, however, to the availability of funds, and
the confirmation by the Board of Regents.

f. Renews appointments for not more than one year in the interest
of the service subject to the availability of funds, and the
confirmation by the Board of Regents.

g. Reassigns University personnel from one department or unit to

another within the University in the exigency of the service.

h. Appoints part-time faculty, lectures, senior lecturers,

professional lecturers, and special lecturers for a period of not
more than one term, e.g. one semester.

i. Grants or denies permission for University personnel to accept

training grants, fellowships, scholarships, assistantships or
invitations to conferences sponsored by outside agencies or

organizations without any financial obligations on the part of

the University.

j. Supervises and guides through the Dean of Students Affairs

over extra and co-curricular activities of students and issues
adequate guidance for the organization and operation of
student organizations and for the selection and qualifications of

k. Promulgates such rules which in his judgment are necessary for

the safekeeping and proper disbursement of funds or property
of all students organizations officially approved or recognized,
designating the persons whom he may authorize to examine
and audit the accounts pertaining to such funds or property. He
shall inform the Board of Regents of the action taken by him in
accordance with this section. Provided, however, that the Board
of Regents may take any action that it may deem appropriate in
connection therewith.

l. Changes the leave status of the faculty from that of teacher’s

leave to that of cumulative leave.

m. Approves and sign agreements with other institutions, local or

foreign, for joint academic, research and or training programs;
provided, that such agreements, do not involve any additional
and/or special budgetary outlay on the part of the University
and has been received by the legal counsel and concerned
officials of the University; provided further, that all such
agreements shall be submitted to the Board for confirmation.

16. To exercise such other powers and discharge such other

responsibilities as may be delegated to him by the Board of Regents.
Provided, that he should institute a system for the efficient discharge
of his administrative responsibilities (RA. 9313, Sec. 9).

SECTION 3. The Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Vice President
for Academic affairs shall be appointed by the Board of Regents upon the
recommendation of the President.

a. He shall be directly responsible to the President for carrying out the

educational policies and programs of the University and in
promoting and supervising curricular, instructional, and other
academic activities of the University.

b. He shall direct planning, implementation and evaluation of the

instructional programs/activities to insure effective training and
education of students for development. Under this general function
are the following duties and responsibilities:

1. Administer the overall execution of policies on instruction

formulated by higher authorities;

2. Approve the yearly program of work of the Deans, Directors,

Registrar and Librarian;

3. Coordinate the planning and preparation of the proposed

procurement plan of the different colleges and units in the
instructional program, and propose the same to the University
Budget Committee;

c. Coordinate with other institutions and/or related agencies to insure

inter-program/agency complementation and efficient maximization
of available resources through a functional management and
information system. Under this general function are the following
duties and responsibilities:

1. Represent academic program in the Administrative Council and

in the Office of the University President as the case maybe;

2. Promote harmonious interaction between and among the

faculty and staff of the program, through regular faculty
conference and Deans/Directors’ meetings;

3. Represent the academic program of the University as Vice

President for Academic Affairs. As such, he shall continuously
cause the promotion and the development of noteworthy
academic standards commensurate to those of a University via
regular consultations with outside
agencies/institutions/programs similar to his own; with the
college deans directors/principal on how best, under
circumstances, the academic program can be improved; with
the department chairman and faculty on how the academic
activities can be carried out in the best interest of students and
with the students, on how best their talents can be harnessed for

d. Perform such other related functions as the University President may


SECTION 4. The Vice President for Administrative Affairs. The Vice

President for Administrative Affairs shall be appointed by the Board of Regents
upon recommendation of the President. He shall be directly responsible for
administrative and financial operations.

He shall exercise the following functions:

(a) Assist the President in issuing orders, regulations and other
issuances, the promulgation of which is expressly vested by Law in
the University President relative to matters under the jurisdiction
of the Office of the Vice President for Administrative Affairs;

(b) Establish procedures and standards for operations of the University

pursuant to the approved program of the government;

(c) Promulgate and implement rules and regulations necessary to

carry-out University objectives, policies, functions, plans, programs
and projects;

(d) Promulgate administrative issuances necessary for the official

administration of the University offices and services under the
Office of the Vice President for Administrative Affairs and for
proper execution of the Law relative thereto;

(e) Exercise direct supervision and control; over administrative,

finance, physical plant, infra-structure, IGP and auxiliary
employees of the University; and

(f) Perform such other related functions as the University President

may direct.

SECTION 5. The Vice President for Planning and Extension. The Vice
President for Planning and Extension shall be appointed by the Board of Regents
upon recommendation of the President:

He/she shall exercise the following functions:

(a) Is directly responsible to the President for carrying out the
planning, R and E programs of the University and in promoting
planning, R and E activities of the Institution;

(b) Exercise general supervision and coordination of all programs,

projects and activities of the various units under his/her office;

(c) Recommends and implements policies and guidelines governing R

and E program of the University;

(d) Spearheads the planning of programs for R and E activities which

are geared towards the growth and development of the University,
in particular, and of the region, in general;

(e) Supervises the overall implementation of R and E program of the


(f) Coordinates, monitors and appraises the performance of the

various R and E units of the University including those of the
research centers/institutions established in the University/College
and other affiliate research agencies/institutions;

(g) Plans, promotes and carries out working relations and linkages
with appropriate government agencies, non-government
organizations, people’s organization and international

(h) Acts as Vice-Chairman of the University R and E Council; and

(i) Performs other related functions as may be directed by the


SECTION 6. The College Deans. Each College or School shall have a Dean
or Director who shall be designated by the University President.

The Deans or Directors of College shall:

(a) Assist the Vice President for Academic Affairs in the planning,
formulation and development of the college academic programs,
academic standards and other related matters;

(b) Exercise direct supervision over the different departments under

his college;

(c) Prepare correspondence, periodic and annual reports on academic


(d) Conduct college staff, general or unit faculty meetings;

(e) Review and recommend for approval requisition for the operation
and maintenance of all department of the college;

(f) Review the performance evaluation of the members of his college

submitted by the department heads;
(g) Review and recommend the curricular loads of the faculty and
approve the curricular loads of students, including academic
advisement, counseling and discipline;

(h) Update and upgrade present facilities to develop new approaches

to teaching technology and skill development;

(i) Coordinate with other units of the University for the advancement
of the academic programs of the University.

(j) Establish closer relationship with industry along faculty

development, curriculum enrichment, improvement of training
standards for both students and faculty;

(k) Perform such related functions as may be deemed necessary to

reasonably attain the academic goals of the University, or such
duties as may be directed by higher authorities.

SECTION 7. The Registrar. The Registrar is the keeper of the students’

academic records with full responsibility for the generation, storage and use of
these records. His functions include the following: record keeping, registration,
report and transcript reproduction in academic standards, and publication of
yearly course catalogue.

SECTION 8. The Director for Administrative Services.

The Director for Administrative Services shall:

(a) Exercise supervision over services relative to personnel
transactions, legal assistance, information, records, supplies,
custodial work, transportation, utility/maintenance services, and
administrative and support personnel.

(b) Recommend policies and guidelines on management of human and

physical resources and general housekeeping activities for
uniformity and standardization; and

(c) Conduct periodic evaluation of management operation, system and

work output in the University.

SECTION 9. The Director for Finance Services.


The Director for Finance Services shall:

(a) Recommend policies and guidelines on matters relative to financial

(b) Exercise supervision over services relating to accounting,

budgeting, collection and disbursement of funds; and

(c) Assist in fiscal planning for program, projects and activities.

SECTION 10. The Secretary of the University/Board of Regents. The

Secretary of the Board who also acts as Secretary of the University shall be
appointed by the President, to be confirmed by the Board. He shall take charge of
the records and communications of the University and of the Board.

SECTION 11. The Dean of Student Affairs. There shall be a Dean of

Student Affairs designated by the President of the University, who shall
coordinate the operation of units in charge of student personnel services, student
health, student organizations and publications, guidance and counseling,
placement, cultural and other extra-curricular activities subject to the general
supervision of, and under such regulations as maybe promulgated by the
President of the University.

Chapter 5


SECTION 1. The Human Resource Management Office (HRMO). The

HRMO shall:

(a) Develop and Administer a personnel program which shall include

selection and placement, classification, pay, career and employment
development, performance rating, employee relations and welfare

(b) Act on all matters concerning attendance, leave of absence,

appointment, promotion and other personnel transactions;

(c) Design, develop and administer training program in coordination

with other campuses; and

(d) Perform related tasks as may be assigned.

SECTION 2. The Accounting Office. The Accounting Office shall:

(a) Advise management on financial matters;

(b) Prepare and submit financial reports to management and other

government departments and agencies authorized to receive such

(c) Maintain basic and subsidiary accounting records and books of

accounts to reflect accurate and current financial information
required by existing auditing rules and regulations and by

(d) Certify to the availability of funds;

(e) Process requisitions, vouchers, payroll and reports of collections

and disbursements;

(f) Prepare billings to debtors of the institution; and

(g) Perform related tasks that may be assigned.

SECTION 3. The Budget and Management Office. The Budget and

Management Office shall:

(a) Develop and improve budgetary methods, procedures and


(b) Provide, subject to budgetary ceilings, fund estimates in support of

the University’s operations, plans and programs;

(c) Prepare annual work and financial plans;

(d) Allocate in coordination with the Planning Services, available funds

for programs on the basis of approves guidelines and priorities;

(e) Review financial reports to determine the efficiency and

effectiveness of the fiscal management;

(f) Provide financial information for management guidance and as

required by higher authorities;

(g) Monitor the use of government funds; and

(h) Perform related tasks that may be assigned.

SECTION 4. The Cashier’s Office. The Cashier’s Office shall:

(a) Advise management on status of collection and disbursements of


(b) Prepare and submit financial reports to management and other

government services;

(c) Coordinate with the servicing banks on the status of funds;

(d) Deposit all collections and income to the authorized depository


(e) Provide a good system of internal control to safeguard the funds;


(f) Perform related tasks that may be assigned.

SECTION 5. The Supply and Property Services. The Supply and Property
Services shall:

(a) Implement policies and system on the disposition of supplies,

materials and equipment requirements of all operating units for
effective service;

(b) Manage and maintain an inventory of physical assets of the


(c) Implement proper handling, storage and safekeeping of

equipment, supplies and materials to avoid damage/deterioration;

(d) Conduct the disposal of unserviceable property and other waste


(e) Acts as an custodian of all University property; and

(f) Perform related tasks as may be assigned.


SECTION 6. The Medical and Dental Services. The Medical and Dental
Services shall:

(a) Implement plans and programs of health related activities,

programs and projects;

(b) Develop a comprehensive health information system to support

planning and implementation of health programs;

(c) Provide medical and dental care and treatment to students and
employees; and

(d) Perform related tasks as may be assigned.

SECTION 7. The General Services. The General Services shall:

(a) Undertake repair and maintenance of all equipment, furniture,

buildings, facilities and grounds of the University;

(b) Keep office equipment and furniture clean and orderly;

(c) Maintain cleanliness of buildings, offices and surroundings areas; and

(d) Perform related tasks as may be assigned.

SECTION 8. The Auxiliary Service. The Auxiliary Service shall:

(a) Initiate review and develop proposals and guidelines in income-

generating projects consistent with the available resources of the
different campuses;

(b) Recommend integrated policies for the maintenance and repair of

the building utilities and grounds on the University campuses;

(c) Evaluate the effectiveness of various auxiliary services in meeting

the needs of the students and employees population of the
community; and

(d) Perform related tasks as may be assigned.

SECTION 9. The Planning Service. The Planning Service shall:


(a) Coordinate and integrate long range and annual plans and
programs emanating form all campuses;

(b) Provide technical services to the University in the areas or overall

policy formulation, strategic and operational planning,
management system and procedure and the evaluation and
monitoring of University programs, projects and internal

(c) Coordinate with the other government agencies involved in the

financial and economic planning and policy formulation; and

(d) Perform related tasks as may be assigned.

SECTION 10. The Publication’s Office. The Publication’s Office shall:

(a) Plan, manage all editorial and production activities for University
annual reports, brochures, mimeographs, books, manuals and/or
periodicals produced by the University personnel or from outside
as commercial work orders; and

(b) Perform related tasks as may be assigned.

SECTION 11. The Records Office. The Records Office shall:

(a) Implement University-wide records management and disposal


(b) Service the reproduction, utility and management and disposal


(c) Liaise the University to government and non-government agencies

and offices;

(d) Receive, release and distribute official communication for the

University; and

(e) Perform tasks as may be assigned.

SECTION 12. The Campus Security Force. The Campus Security Force

(a) Develop and coordinate a program on drugs, civil preparedness,

informing and educating the University community;

(b) Prepare integrated plans for the University security guards to

provide for efficient and effective service;

(c) Enforce rules and regulations, maintain peace and order, protect
University property;

(d) Coordinate with authorities concerned in investigating violation of

law and policies involving security; and

(e) Perform related tasks as may be assigned.

Chapter 6


SECTION 1. Composition. The academic staff of the University shall be

composed of the teaching staff and the non-teaching staff.

The members of the Teaching Staff shall be classified as regular and non-
regular members of the faculty as defined hereafter.

The regular members of the faculty shall include the following categories
who may serve full-time or part-time:
1. University Professors;
2. College Professors;
3. Professors;
4. Associate Professors;
5. Assistant Professors; and
6. Instructors

The non-regular members of the faculty shall include the following

categories who shall serve in accordance with the terms and conditions of their
1. Visiting Professors;
2. Exchange Professors;
3. Lectures; and
4. Others whose designations shall be determined at the time of their

The members of the academic non-teaching staff shall include the

following categories:

1. Research personnel, such as but not necessarily limited to research

aides, research assistants, research associates, research fellows and
related personnel;
2. Professional Extension Workers;
3. Guidance Councilors;
4. Librarians;
5. Registrar;
6. Technical specialist such as training specialists, information
specialists, labor education officers, and related technical positions;
7. Other academic non-teaching employees ranked under the foregoing
categories as necessary.

SECTION 2. Board of Sub-Classification. In accordance with existing laws

and regulations, the Board of Regents shall sub-classify a rank under the
foregoing categories as necessary.

SECTION 3. Qualification.

a. All appointments to the academic staff shall be made strictly on the basis
of merit and fitness.

b. Members of the academic staff shall be exempted from the requirements

of civil service eligibility as a requisite for appointment.

SECTION 4. Appointment of Administrative Staff.

(a) The existing Civil Service Law, as well as the regulations issues pursuant
thereto, including whatever measures the Board of Regents may adopt
within the context of these laws and rules, shall govern appointments of
the administrative staff.

(b) All administrative officers, clerk and other employees of the University
shall be appointed by the President of the University subject to the
confirmation of the Board of Regents.

(c) Workers and other helpers in the maintenance of ground and buildings of
the University on daily wage shall be hired by the President of the

SECTION 5. Other Provisions on Compensation.

(a) All administrative officers, clerks, and other employees of the University
shall be paid such salaries or wages fixed by the Board of Regents within
the limits prescribed by the existing laws and rules.

(b) Whenever a faculty member receiving additional compensation for

administration services rendered in addition to his teaching duties is
absent for more than thirty days, another faculty member duly appointed
to perform such administrative duties, over and above his regular
teaching load shall be entitled to honoraria and other benefits authorized
by the Board of Regents in accordance with existing laws.

(c) The promotion, transfer, detail, reassignment, reinstatement,

reemployment, lay off, reduction in force, separation or demotion and all
other personnel actions affecting administrative personnel shall be
governed by the rules and regulations promulgated by the Board of
Regents in accordance with Civil Service laws and rules.
(d) Disciplinary action against administrative personnel shall be governed by
the rules and regulations promulgated by the University Board of Regents
in accordance with Civil Service laws and rules.

(e) Appeals from the decisions of the proper authorities affecting

administrative staff shall likewise be in accordance with the rules and
regulations promulgated by the Board of Regents within the limits
prescribed by existing Civil Service laws and rules.

SECTION 6. Contractual Appointments.

a. The University may extend appointments to faculty members on a
contract basis for a fixed period or term.

b. Appointments to the faculty on contractual/part-time basis shall be

governed by the terms and conditions of the contract.

c. The requirements herein specified shall apply to promotions to

aforementioned ranks except that tenure already earned shall be

SECTION 7. Resignations.
a. No resignation by a personnel shall take effect sooner than sixty days after
the same shall have been filed, submitted in writing to the President
through channels, unless sooner approved by the President; Provided, no
resignation shall be accepted before the termination of any administrative
case pending investigation and/or clearance duly approved.

SECTION 8. Fellowship.
a. Full Fellowship. Fellowship for faculty development shall be created on
the basis of the greatest need of, and usefulness to the University.
Fellowships shall be granted by the Board of Regents upon the
recommendation of the President to the most able, promising and
deserving in the line of study selected.

b. Partial Fellowship. Members of the University personnel who have

obtained fellowships from other entities may be granted partial
fellowships under such term and conditions as may be determined by the
President of the University and approved by the Board of Regents.

c. A member of the faculty receiving any offer of financial aid from any
person or organization in the form of fellowship, graduate or research
assistantship, or other kinds of remunerative employment to be able to
pursue advanced or special studies abroad, must obtain the approval of
the President of the University and the Board of Regents.

d. Local Fellowship. The heads of units may recommend to the President of

the University promising personnel to enjoy local fellowship grant.

e. All candidates for fellowship shall undergo a thorough physical and

medical examination by the University health services or equivalent
government health agency.

f. Recipients of University fellowships shall sign a contract under terms and

conditions to be determined by the President of the University and subject
to approval of the Board of Regents.

SECTION 9. Exchange Professorship and Consortia.

a. Exchange arrangements and consortia may be made with institutions of
recognized standing, both local and foreign. The President of the

University upon approval by the Board of Regents may allow exchange

professorships with accredited institutions of higher learning for a period
of one year, renewable for another year. In addition to his salary, an
exchange professor assigned abroad or elsewhere may be given such
assistance as well as enable him to maintain the dignity of his position in
his place of assignment.

SECTION 10. Visiting Professorships.

a. The President of the University upon approval of the Board of Regents
shall appoint visiting professors who shall serve the University for some
special purpose for a period of one year renewable for another year. He
may also appoint visiting professors from the University to other
institutions of recognized standing by special arrangements and
conditions mutually acceptable to both institutions. The University shall
make adequate provision in its yearly budget to ensure the
implementation of the foregoing sections.

SECTION 11. Faculty Work Load.

a. Faculty work load shall consists of teaching (whether lecture or
laboratory), research, or a combination of teaching and any or several of
the following: research, creative writing, administration, student
consultation, extension work, or authorized graduate studies; and other
equivalent work deemed appropriate.

b. Full-time faculty members shall have a normal workload of 21(18) hours

per week.

Officials and other officers of the administration with faculty rank and
faculty members with institution wide administrative duties, such as Vice
President, Deans, Directors, Heads of Units, etc. shall teach 3 to 9 units per
c. Full-time faculty members shall arranged for at least 10 hours a week of
consultation with students; part-time faculty members and those on non-
regular basis shall allot a proportionate time for the same purpose.

d. Part-time members of the faculty shall carry a work load of not more than
six hours a week and shall be available for consultation with students at
least three hours a week.

e. Load Credits for Non-Teaching Activities. Non-teaching activities shall be

credited for purposes of faculty workload in accordance with the
guidelines for determining workload of faculty and for extra pay.

f. Overload Teaching. Officially approved work load in excess of the normal

work load shall be entitled to an honorarium subject to existing rules and
policies; Provided further, that the minimum teaching load required shall
have first been complied with; and provided finally, that in exceptional
cases the President of the University may grant exceptions to the
foregoing rules.

g. Thesis/Dissertation Advising. Faculty members duly assigned as Adviser

of students for thesis or dissertation may be entitled to honoraria in
accordance with University rules and regulations or accepted practices of
other graduate schools in the country.

h. Deans or equivalent heads of units shall submit to the President of the

University for the approval the names of faculty members for whom non-
teaching credit is allowed, as well as the names of those entitled to
honoraria for services beyond the normal workload requirements.

SECTION 12. Extension Services

a. Extension services by the various units of the University in support of its
primary functions of teaching and research shall include the conduct of
short term non-degree courses, refresher or review classes, seminars,
conferences, special trainings, or continuing education programs. These
activities may be initialized by the unit or undertaken at the request of
persons or agencies, whether foreign or domestic, public or private, for
conducting research, training, policy and other studies.

Such extension activities may be under the administration of the

University or any/several units or under any other arrangement feasible
under existing policies.

b. Periodic Reports. Heads of units shall make semi-annual reports to the

President of the University regarding extension services in the unit.

SECTION 13. Other Activities.

a. Coverage. Other activities of University personnel include limited practice

of profession, outside consultancy, special detail to government and other
agencies, and other activities or projects which are not considered integral
functions of the University.

b. Terms and Conditions. Prior authorization to engage in such activities

shall be secured from the President of the University upon endorsement
by the Dean/Director of office concerned. Permission to engage in outside
activities shall be for a period not exceeding one year, subject to yearly

renewals at the discretion of the President of the University upon

recommendation of the Dean/Director or head of office concerned.

Outside activities that are over and above the regular workload in
the University shall not exceed 12 hours a week.

SECTION 14. Faculty Directory. Members of the faculty shall fill out
every two years or oftener as the need arises, a prescribed form for the faculty
directory to be kept in the Human Resource Management Office, copy furnished
the Registrar.

SECTION 15. Physical Examination. There shall be at least one complete

annual free physical/medical examination of each member of the faculty,
officials and employees under the supervision of the appropriate unit of the

SECTION 16. Service Report.

a. Members of the faculty shall accomplish the daily time record which shall
be submitted to the Dean through channels.

b. Members of the academic non-teaching and administrative staff shall

serve forty hours a week and shall accomplish a daily time record to be
submitted likewise at the end of the month to the head of the unit.

SECTION 17. Leave Privileges.

a. General Provisions. Leaves shall be as follows:
1. Sabbatical leave 7. Terminal
2. Teacher’s leave Leave
3. Cumulative leave 8. Rehabilitation
4. Maternity leave Leave
5. Paternity Leave 9. Leave
Without Pay
6. Special Leave 10. Monetization of Leave Credits
b. Sabbatical Leave.
1. To enhance scholarly pursuits and revitalize their academic
competence, sabbatical leaves shall be granted to any qualified
permanent regular members of the faculty from the rank of
Assistant Professor not over 60 years of age who has been with
the University for seven years at least once every six years.

2. Sabbatical leaves shall not be longer than one year, with full
salary which may be commuted. In addition, if the sabbatical
leave is spent abroad, full transportation and other expenses

incidental to this leave privilege shall be provided by the


The University shall make adequate provision in its budget

to ensure the implementation of the foregoing section.

c. Teacher’s Leave.

1. Teacher’s leave shall be granted to full-time and part-time

members of the faculty who do not normally perform
administrative functions.

2. A teacher shall automatically be on vacation leave with pay

during the school vacation, unless he expressly opts to teach,
and his services are needed during the summer, in which case
he shall be entitled to an honorarium or service credits after
office hours, in addition to his vacation pay.

d. Cumulative Leave.

1. Cumulative leave shall be granted to regular members of the

faculty who regularly perform administrative functions and
full-time non-teaching personnel; Provided, that
“administrative function” as used in the preceding sentences
shall be construed to mean those functions that are necessary in
the management of the University or any of its units.

Faculty members who are engaged in such work as

research or other assignments which prevent them from taking
advantage of the teacher’s vacation leave, both conditions being
certified to by the appropriate dean or director, may enjoy
cumulative leave status instead of teacher’s leave. This privilege
may be granted only when the assignment is covered by an
appointment approved by the head of the University for one
academic year of fraction thereof.

2. After at least one year of continuous, faithful and satisfactory

service, the persons mentioned in the preceding section shall be
entitled to vacation and sick leave, both with pay and exclusive
of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays at the ratio of 15 days
vacation leave and 15 days sick leave for each calendar year of

3. Both vacation and sick leaves shall be cumulative and any part
thereof not taken within the calendar year in which it is earned
shall be carried over the succeeding years; and whenever any
officer, faculty member, or employee referred to herein
voluntarily resigns or is separated from the University through
no fault of his own, he shall be entitled to the commutation of
all accumulated vacation and/or sick leave to his credit;
Provided, that the President of the University may, in his
discretion authorize the commutation of the salary that would
be received during the period of the vacation and sick leaves of
any permanently appointed officer or employee; Provided,
further, that no person whose leave has been commuted
following his separation from the University before the
expiration of the leave commuted can be reinstated unless he
first refunds the money value of the unexpired portion of the
leave commuted.

4. Sick leave shall be granted only on account of illness on the part

of the person concerned or any member of his immediate
family; Provided, that member of the family shall be as defined
in the Civil Service laws and rules.

e. Maternity Leave.
1. Maternity leave shall be granted to women members of the
faculty, officers and employees as necessary, in addition to such
leaves to which they may be entitled as provided for by law.

2. Women employees shall be entitled to the privileges granted by

the Maternity Leave Law. In the case of women members of the
faculty, they shall be entitled to maternity leave of two months;
Provided, however, that such leave shall be paid subject to the
provisions of the Maternity Leave Law; Provide, further, that if
the health of the mother or the child requires it, as evidenced by
a medical certificate, such leave may be extended by the

f. Paternity Leave. All legally married officials and employees may avail of
seven (7) working days paternity leave with pay within sixty
(60) calendar days from the date his legal wife goes on
maternity leave.

g. Special Leave. Non-teaching personnel and faculty with administrative

function are entitled to a maximum of three (3) days only within
a calendar year for non-cumulative and non-commutable.

h. Terminal Leave. A personnel may also avail of the money value of the total
accumulated leave credits based on the highest salary rate
received prior to or upon retirement date/voluntary separation.

i. Rehabilitation Leave. A personnel may avail of this leave if the personnel

incurred wounds or injuries in the performance of duty.

j. Leave Without Pay and Unexplained Absence.

1. Leave of absence without pay, not to exceed one year shall be
granted for good cause, the application for leave to be filed well
in advance so that said leave will not interfere with the work of
the institution, Provided, that the personnel concerned has no
accumulated leave to his credit.

2. For unexplained/unauthorized absence of at least 30 days

beyond the expiration of the leave granted, any member of the
faculty, officer or employee of the University may after due notice
and investigation by the proper University authorities be
dropped from the service.

k. Military Service Leave.

1. Any University personnel who may be called in accordance with
the National Defense Act or any law for trainee instruction or for
regular active duty training, shall be paid his salary during his
absence for such purposes.

SECTION 18. Special Detail.

a. Upon the request of another agency or entity of the government and when
the resources of the University so permit, University personnel may be
authorized to go on special detail with the requesting agency, subject to
the following conditions:

1. No special detail shall be authorized for a period of more than one

year at a time.

2. Renewal shall be granted only in exceptional cases as determined by

the President of the University.

b. With respect to members of the faculty and non-academic personnel who

accept career positions in the government or government owned or
controlled corporations, a leave of absence or special detail of one year
shall be renewable only once, subject to civil service rules and regulations.

c. Persons granted special detail shall submit a complete and detailed report
of their work within 40 days after their return to duty.

SECTION 19. Study Privileges.

a. University personnel shall have the privilege of enrolling in the University
after office hours for not more than nine (9) units a semester, and shall be
exempted from tuition fee; Provided, that the courses in which they are
enrolled in shall redound to the benefit of their regular work in the
University subject to the approval by the President of the University or his
representative. In the case of non-teaching personnel, the courses shall be
taken after office hours.

b. Wife or husband and a maximum of four (4) legitimate children of

permanent full-time faculty members and of other full-time personnel,
including those on daily wage basis, who have served continuously for a
period of not less than two (2) years in the University shall be exempted
when studying in the University except in the BS Nursing Program from
the payment of tuition fee on initial enrollment, subject to renewal from
semester to semester if they pass at least twelve (12) units or three-fourths
of the total units enrolled whichever of the two alternative is more, in the
last semester attended.

c. Dependents of deceased permanent University personnel who are already

enjoying enrollment privileges prior to the death of the University
personnel are allowed to continue enjoying the same privileges until they
finish the course.

SECTION 20. Insurance and Retirement.

a. The University shall participate in the Government Service Insurance
System. However, the University may augment for its faculty and other
employees by means of an equitable schedule the renewals and benefits
available under the Government Service Insurance System.

b. In case of leave of absence of members of the faculty and other personnel

of the University without pay, the University shall pay the government
share in the life insurance premium corresponding to the first year of the
leave. Thereafter, the person concerned, except in meritorious cases, shall
pay both the personnel and government shares.

SECTION 21. Retirement Privileges of Academic Staff.

a. Subject to existing laws and funding requirements, there shall be an
automatic increase in salary for faculty members and academic non-
teaching University personnel who will retire at the compulsory
retirement age subject to the following conditions:

The automatic increase in salary shall be given at least a year prior to the
date of retirement as follows.

(1) One-step increase – for those who shall have rendered at least 15
years but less than 20 years of satisfactory service to the Government
and/or the Institution at the time of retirement.

(2) Two-step increase – for those who shall have rendered at least 20
years but less than 30 years of satisfactory service to the Government
and/or institution at the time of retirement; and

(3) Three-step increase – for those who have rendered at least 30 years of
satisfactory service.

b. Retired members of the academic staff shall enjoy University library

privileges and shall receive publications of the University which are
furnished to the faculty generally. They may also be entitled to such other
privileges which the University is in a position to grant in accordance with
law; they shall be invited to participate in major University programs and

c. A retired faculty member with the rank of Professor may be appointed

Professor Emeritus subject to the following conditions:
1. He must have rendered at least 20 years of active and faithful service
to the University; and

2. He must have achieved marked distinction as a productive scholar,

scientist, artist or educator or widely acknowledge as an effective
and dedicated teacher.

A special committee, appointed by the President of the University among

members of the faculty in active duty, shall be responsible for evaluating
nominations of retired professors for emeritus appointment. The Committee
shall submit its recommendation through the President to the Board of Regents
for approval.

SECTION 22. Award of Merit. A Recognition of Merit shall be presented

to members of the academic and non-academic staff for exemplary conduct,
loyalty, and exceptionally efficient and meritorious services to the University
upon their voluntary resignation or their retirement from the service after at least
15 years. The recognition shall be signed by the President and the Dean/Director
of the concerned unit and shall be issued on the date following the last day of
active service on an appropriate occasion. Appropriate service pin shall be

awarded to faculty and employee of the University in accordance with Civil

Service Code/Law (i.e. 15 years, bronze; 20 years, silver and 25 years, gold pin).
Faculty members who have rendered 30 years or more regardless of the
academic rank from the University shall be given a University 18 carat gold ring,
upon retirement from government service subject to existing rules and

SECTION 23. Housing. The University shall provide free housing for the
President and as far as practicable, convenient housing for its personnel,
administrative workers and students at minimal costs.

SECTION 24. Faculty/Employee Organization. An organization or

association of faculty and non-academic staff shall submit to the President for
approval a copy of its constitution and by-laws. In addition to the rights
provided for by law, the following shall be enjoyed by the school personnel
(Education Act of 1982):

(a) The right of the faculty/employee as the case may be to participate in

decision-making at all levels of the University shall be recognized
and ensured;

(b) The right to free expression of opinion and suggestions and effective
channels of communication with appropriate academic and
administrative bodies of the University;

(c) The right to be provided with free legal service by the appropriate
government office when charged in administrative, civil and/or
criminal authorities concerned for actions committed directly in the
lawful discharge of professional duties and/or defense of school

(d) The right to establish, join and maintain labor organizations and/or
professional and self-regulating organizations of their choice to
promote their welfare and defend their interests;

(e) The right to be free from involuntary contribution except those

imposed by their own organizations;

(f) The right to be free from compulsory assignments not related to their
appointments or employment contracts unless compensated
therefore, conformably to existing law;

(g) The right to intellectual property consistent with applicable laws;


(h) The teachers shall be deemed persons in authority when in the

discharge of lawful duties and responsibilities, and shall therefore, be
accorded due respect and protection; and
(i) The right to be accorded the opportunity to choose alternative career
lines either in school administration, in the classroom teaching or to
others for purposes of career advancement.

In addition to those provided for by law, all school personnel shall have
the following duties and obligations:

(a) Perform their duties to the school by discharging his responsibilities

in accordance with the philosophy, goals and objectives of the school;

(b) Be accountable for the efficient and effective attainment of specific

learning objectives in pursuance of national development goals
within the limits of available school resources;

(c) Render regular reports on performance of each student and to the

latter and latter’s parents or guardians with specific suggestions for
(d) Assume the responsibility to maintain and sustain their professional
growth and advancement and professionalism in behavior at all

(e) Refrain from making deduction in student’s scholastic rating for acts
that are not clearly manifestations of poor scholarship and academic
performance; and

(f) Participate as an agent of constructive social, economic, moral,

intellectual, cultural and political changes in their school and the
community within the context of national policies.

SECTION 25. General Restriction and other Regulations.

a. No member of the faculty, officer or employee of the University shall
publish or discuss publicly the proceedings of the Board of Regents or its
decisions not yet released for publication without the written permission
of the President of the University.

b. No member of the faculty, officer or employee of the University shall

publish or discuss publicly any information concerning a particular
College not yet released for publication, without the written permission
from its Dean or Director and the President of the University.

c. No member of the faculty, officer or employee shall discuss publicly

charges or complaints against any other member of the faculty, officer or
employee concerning his official duties or his private life or conduct. Any
such complaint or charge shall be addressed to the proper authorities of
the University for action before resorting to any other remedy available to
the complaining party.

d. No member of the faculty shall enter into deals with any student of the
University involving money, property, or other valuable considerations
which might influence the scholastic standing of the student.

e. No textbook whether printed or duplicated shall be required as basic

teaching material in any class unless approved by the proper committee
created by the President of the University.

f. Faculty members who are members of professional organizations may use

official time in attending meetings of such organizations, insofar as it is
consistent within their regular duties and if approved by the President of
the University.

g. Members of the faculty of the University shall be encourage to accept

invitations to speak at graduation exercises, workshops, conferences,
professional association meetings, and similar activities for professional
growth and community service, and the time spent in going to and
returning from the same shall be counted as official. Unless other
arrangements are made, transportation to and from the place shall be
provided by the University.

h. Members of the faculty may invite a resource person who is not officially
connected with the University to give a lecture or talk on any subject
before his class or any group of students with the permission of the
Dean/Vice President or the President of the University. The university
shall make adequate provision in its yearly budget to ensure the
implementation of the foregoing articles.

i. A faculty member may undertake research work under the auspices of an

organization outside of the University with the consent of the Dean or
Vice President and the President of the University, provided in the
publication of such research, the Institution shall be created, side by side
with the outside sponsoring organization.

Chapter 7


SECTION 1. Supervision of Building and Grounds.

a. The University grounds and buildings shall be under the immediate
supervision of a Director of Physical Plant or duly designated official
who shall be responsible for the supervision and control of the
personnel assigned to maintain buildings and grounds.

b. The duties of the aforementioned Director shall be those that are

provided in the job description and the rules and regulations of the

SECTION 2. Use of Buildings and Premises.

a. The Vice President for Academic Affairs shall allot classrooms in the
buildings of the University.

b. Except those specifically provided by law, the University

organizations of the University shall have priority in the use of a
building or other property belonging to the University. University or
school organizations are those whose members are drawn from the
students, alumni, employees or faculty of the University in
accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the
President of the University.

c. The use of buildings and premises by individual or by outside

organizations shall be in accordance with rules promulgated by the
President of the University in accordance with existing laws.

SECTION 3. Solicitation Within the Institution’s Buildings or Grounds.

a. No solicitation for funds, canvassing for the sale of merchandise,
subscription for securities, insurance, publications, sale of tickets,
and any other promotion or charity schemes shall be conducted in

the Institution’s buildings or grounds without the previous approval

of the President of the University or his duly authorized
representative in writing.

b. Streamers, placards or similar materials which are used to announce,

advertise, or publicize events, products, or the like shall not be
posted or placed in any of the buildings or grounds of the University
without the written permission of the President of the University or
his duly authorized representative.

SECTION 4. Responsibility for Movable Property.

a. Property officers shall be appointed for each unit to take custody and
responsibility of University movable properties (equipment,
supplies, etc.). If there is no employee for such accountability , it shall
be the person who has been issued such property who will be
responsible. Property Officers or other administrative officials having
properly bonded in the Fidelity Fund in accordance with existing

b. No property of the University shall be taken from or used without

prior written approval of the authorities concerned or his equivalent.

SECTION 5. Use and Operation of Government Motor Vehicles.

a. In general, all motor vehicles owned and operated by the University
shall be constituted into a motor pool under the direct supervision of
the head of the motor pool. Provided, that the Board may authorize
alternative mechanism to promote economic use of vehicles.

b. The use and operation of motor vehicles owned by the University

shall be in accordance with the rules and regulations of the
University and the pertinent provisions of existing laws, government
rules and regulations as well as COA Circulars on the matter.

c. All motor vehicles of the University should be marked “For Official

Use Only”.

SECTION 6. Administration of other Related Business Enterprise. The

operation of business enterprises related to academic objectives of the University
including land grants shall be administered in accordance with the rules
promulgated by the Board of Regents.

SECTION 7. Procurement and Requisition.


a. All procurements and requisition shall be made in accordance with

the provisions of existing laws, government rules and regulations,
and other implementing rules of the University within the context of
the COA rules.

b. All cases of negotiated purchases and transactions shall be governed

by pertinent laws.

c. All purchases of supplies, materials and equipments shall comply

with the requirements of the Commission on Audit.

SECTION 8. Bids for University Projects. All transactions of the

University are subject to public bidding and shall comply with the existing laws
and regulations on public biddings.

SECTION 9. Sales and Disposal of University Property. The sale or

disposal of equipment or any property of the University shall be in accordance
with existing laws, rules and regulations.

SECTION 10. University Budget.

a. The annual budget of the University shall be prepared in accordance
with budgetary policies of the government.

b. Pending the approval of the annual budget for the ensuing year, the
University shall operate form January 1 of the given year, using as
basis the budget of the previous calendar year. The initial collection
of the University from fees and other sources shall be available for
the purpose, subject to approval of budget authorities.

c. Income from tuition fees, other school charges, land grants, business
enterprises and other operating income as may be imposed and/or
regulated by Governing Board, shall constitute a special trust fund
for the use of the University; Provided, that such special trust fund
shall be deposited in any authorized government depository banks,
any and all interest that shall occur there from shall form part of the
same fund for the use of the University. The income generated by the
University may, at the discretion of the board, be disbursed for the
professional growth. (Ref. R.A. NO. 9313)

d. No transfer of funds shall be authorized except in emergency cases;

however, in these cases, the President of the University with the
approval of the Board of Regents may direct the transfer of funds
from one item to another not exceeding ten per centum of the
amount appropriated for such item, except appropriations intended

for personal services which need not be limited to 10% subject to the
succeeding provisions; Provided, that such shifting of funds may be
covered by the same calendar year; Provided further, that the
creation of new position or increase of salaries shall not be allowed to
be funded from budgetary savings except when specifically
authorized by law; Provided, furthermore, that whenever authorized
positions are transferred from one unit or program within the same
University, the corresponding amounts or items appropriated for
personal services under such item/s are also deemed transferred,
without, however, increasing total outlay for personal services of the
University concerned; and Provided, finally, that the President of the
University may distribute the lump sum appropriation for “Sundry
Expenses” to the different unit, institutes, and branches of the
administration to supplement deficiencies in their budget allotments.

e. No appropriation for labor shall be spent for other purposes;

Provided, that this rule shall not apply to services of students.

f. The President is authorized to order, in his discretion, the closing of

accounts of finished and dormant projects and to direct the reversion
of any balance remaining to the original funds from which they were
drawn or to the general unassigned funds of the University.

SECTION 11. Approval and Audit.

a. All accounts and expenses of the University shall be audited by the
Commission on Audit, and all disbursement shall be made in
accordance with prescribed rules and regulations.

b. All vouchers and warrants shall be submitted for approval to the

President of the University or his duly authorized representative.

SECTION 12. Traveling Expenses.

a. The incurrence of travel expenses for local travel shall be subject to
the provision of existing laws and rules/ regulations pertaining to
local travel.

b. The president of the University may, in his discretion, spend from its
appropriation for “Traveling Expenses of Personnel” such amount as
may be necessary for travel within the country for purposes of
research, extension community training, observation or study and
similar purposes.
c. Expenditures for foreign travel shall be governed by existing laws.

SECTION 13. Donation and Endowments. All donations to the University

shall be accepted by the President of the University in the name of the University
and properly recorded by the property custodian, in which case the donation
shall be submitted to the Board for approval.

SECTION 14. Investments.

a. Idle funds of the University may be invested in government
securities or in money market placements with government financial
institutions. In order to maintain cash liquidity, however, the
investment shall be on short-term basis only. The proceeds of
matured investments may, however, be rolled over for as long as the
funds are not yet needed without prejudicing the requirements of the
University for adequate school plant/instructional facilities. The
investment shall be authorized by the President according to the
limits prescribed by the Board of Regents. The interest earned on
these investments may be expended for such purpose as the Board
may authorize in its discretion consistent with public interest.

b. The Board of Regents shall formulate and implement its own budget
which is reflective and supportive of national objectives, strategies
and plans.

SECTION 15. University Publications.

a. There shall be a University Publication(s). The rates of subscription
to University publications shall be recommended by the President of
the University or other official designated by him, and approved by
the Board and the income that may be derived from them shall
accrue exclusively to their maintenance and support, subject to the
approval of the Budget authority.

b. All exchanges for University publications shall be turned over to

their respective libraries. In case of exchange for publications of the
University proper, they shall be turned over to the University library.

Chapter 8


SECTION 1. Calendar.
a. The academic calendar shall be within the calendar issued by the
Commission on Higher Education and the details thereof prepared
by the University.
b. Each semester shall consist of at least 18 weeks. Class work in the
summer session shall be equivalent to class work in one semester.

c. All class hours lost shall be made up for.

SECTION 2. Schedule of Classes.

a. Schedule of classes shall be prepared by the respective Deans of
Colleges in accordance with the academic calendar duly approved by
the President of the University upon recommendation of the Vice
President for Academic Affairs.

b. No class shall be scheduled before 7:00 o’clock in the morning.

SECTION 3. Class Size.

a. Unless otherwise authorized by the Vice President for Academic
Affairs, a laboratory class shall not exceed 30 students for vocational
and 40 for academic.
b. Under normal conditions, an academic class shall consist of at least
15 but not to exceed 50 students.
c. Deviations from the above standards shall be subject to the approval
of the duly constituted authorities of the University upon the
recommendation of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. When
necessary a college may limit its enrollment.

SECTION 4. Dismissal of Classes and Change of Schedule.

a. Classes in a College or Department shall not be dismissed/
suspended by the College Dean/Director without authority from the
President or his authorized representative except in cases of
fortuitous events, for which report shall be submitted to the
President of the University. Unless otherwise specified,
dismissal/suspension of classes shall not cover the work schedule of
the teaching and non-teaching work force of the University.

b. No faculty member shall conduct orientation or consultation courses

anywhere else other than the time and place to be stipulated or
authorized by the Dean for the purpose.

Chapter 9


SECTION 1. Entrance Requirements.

a. Entrance requirements shall be as prescribed by the faculty of the
University or unit offering the course subject to the approval of the
Academic Council and the Board of Regents.

b. Every applicant for admission shall met all entrance requirements

prescribed by the University or unit offering the course.

c. Every applicant for admission shall undergo a health examination.

No person shall be admitted to this University who is found by the
University Health Services to be suffering from a dangerous
communicable, contagious, or infectious disease or who is physically
unfit to take courses in any college of the University.

d. Every student shall, upon admission sign the following pledge: “In
consideration of my admission to the Samar State University,
Catbalogan, Samar and of the privileges of student in this institution,
I hereby promise and pledge to abide by and comply with all the
rules and regulations laid down by competent authorities in the
University and in the College in which I am enrolled.” Refusal to
take this pledge or violation of its terms shall be sufficient cause for
summary dismissal or denial of admission.

SECTION 2. Admission.
a. No student shall be denied admission to the University by reason of
race, age, sex ethnic considerations, or religious beliefs or political

b. Every applicant for admission to the undergraduate degree program

must meet the following requirements:
1. Must pass the admission test and interview.
2. High School Report Card/Form 138/Form 137.
3. Certificate of Good Moral Character;
4. Three ID picture (2x2).

c. A transferee may be admitted provided that the following minimum

conditions are complied with:
1. Must submit a certificate of honorable dismissal and certificate
of good moral character from the college/school last attended;

2. Must present at least a certified checklist of academic records of

previous college work for evaluation prior to registration;

3. Shall be on probationary basis until such time as the official

Transcript of Records from the school last attended is received;

4. Must validate the equivalent courses if they expect to receive

credit for the courses, except transferees from institutions that
are members of PASUC;

5. Must complete no less that 50% of the units for his course if he
desired to earn the degree in the school he is transferring to.

d. For graduate programs, the minimum requirements for regular

admission shall include:

1. Completed application form for admission;

2. Official Transcript of Records showing a GPA of at least 2.0 or

its equivalent.

3. Have a proficiency in the English language both oral and

written. A certification of English proficiency or acceptable Test
of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score for foreign
students in addition to their Alien Certificate of Registration

e. Other admission requirements in any of the College curricular may be

prescribed by the College whenever deemed urgently needed and

SECTION 3. School Fees. Matriculation, registration, tuition and other

school fees, and exceptions and deductions shall be fixed by the Board of
Regents. All fees charged by the University are subject to change upon approval
of the Board of Regents.

SECTION 4. Refund of Fees. The University shall determine the rules on

the refund of fees.

SECTION 5. Registration.
a. A student must be officially registered in order to receive credit for
course work. The official registration/enrollment form, which is a
record of classes for which the student has enrolled, is filed in the
office of the University Registrar.

b. No student shall be registered in any subject after the last day of late
registration in the calendar, but in no case later than one week after
the last day of late registration.

c. Registration made outside the regular registration period indicated

in the University calendar shall subject the student to fine for late
registration, the amount of which is to be determined by the
Institution’s academic regulations and procedures.

SECTION 6. Cross Registration.

a. No student shall be allowed to cross enroll in any other college
without the prior permission of his Dean and the registrar of the

b. No student enrolled in one institution shall be admitted to another

institution without a written permit from the University Registrar.
The permit shall state the total number of units in which the student
is registered and the subject/s that he is authorized to cross-register

c. The total number of units of credits for which a student may register
in two or more colleges or units in the University shall not exceed the
maximum academic load allowed for the semester.

d. Transfer credits shall be given to course/s taken by the student in an

accredited institution on recommendation of the Dean concerned,
subject to the approval by the appropriate official of the institution to
which credits are being transferred and in accordance with existing
rules and regulations of the institution governing the same.

SECTION 7. Classification of Students. Students are classified as


a. A full-time student is one who is registered for formal academic

credits and who carries the full load for a given semester under the
curriculum in which he is enrolled including the cases of graduating
students who may carry less than full load for the purpose of
completing the requirements of the curriculum.

b. A part-time student is one who is registered for formal academic

credits but who carries less than the full load for a given semester
under the curriculum in which he is enrolled.

c. A transfer –student is one who comes from another institution who is

registered after qualifying for admission in the University.

d. A working-student is one who is registered for formal academic

credits and who is employed on a full-time or part-time basis in or
outside the University.

e. A foreign-student is one who is registered for formal academic

credits and not a citizen of the Philippines.

SECTION 8. Academic Load.

a. One unit of credit shall be at least sixteen (18) full hours of
instruction per semester in the form of lecture discussion, seminar,
tutorial, or equivalent field/laboratory work or any combination of
these forms within a semester.

b. Students may not be permitted to carry a semestral load in excess of

the normal load prescribed. However, a graduating student with
very good academic record may be permitted to carry a heavier load
in his last year.

c. During the summer term, the normal load shall be nine (9) units but
in justifiable cases, the Dean may allow a higher load of not
exceeding twelve (12) units.

d. The Dean shall limit the academic load of students who are
employed whether full-time or part-time basis.

SECTION 9. Attendance. Students are expected to attended classes

regularly When absences of student reach 20% of the total number of hours
required for the course, he shall be dropped from the subject. Time lost by late
enrollment shall be considered as time of absences from the class.

Chapter 10

SECTION 1. Dropping of Subjects.

a. Dropping of subject shall be allowed one month after the first day of
regular classes.

b. After the prescribed period, a student may be allowed to drop a

course only by reason of illness, duly certified by a physician of the
University or any agency of the Department of Health and in case of
transfer of residence elsewhere locally or abroad.

SECTION 2. Changing of Section. Change in section shall be

allowed only for valid reason and subject to the approval of the College Dean
concerned upon recommendation of the instructor concerned.

SECTION 3. Transfer of Students. Transfer of students of a recognized

institution of learning to the University shall be allowed under certain
a. the weighted average grade of 2.5 or better for undergraduates and
1.75 for graduate students;

b. after the student has completed not more than 50 percent of the unit
requirements for the course; and

c. the transferee complies with requirements for admission to this

institution and the college of which he seeks transfer;

d. the institution reserves the right to accept or to refuse an applicant

for transfer, and/or to drop or dismiss those who make false
statements in their application for transfer.

SECTION 4. Substitution of Subjects. Every substitution of subjects must

be based on at least one of the following:
a. When a student is pursuing a curriculum that has been superseded
by a new one and the substitution tends to bring the old curriculum
in line with the new.

b. When the required subject is not offered during the semester the
student needs it.

c. Required subjects taken outside the institution can be credited

provided it has the same description as provided in the Institution.
Chapter 11



SECTION 1. Examination and Grades.


a. Examinations are integral components of instruction and shall be

administered by the instructor subject to University policies/rules
for the purpose of formative and/or summative evaluation of
students performance.

b. The academic performance of students shall be evaluated and graded

at the end of each term in accordance with the prescribed grading

c. The University shall have a uniform grading system using number

grades from “1” to “5” where “1” is the highest. Whereas the word
“INC.” indicates an incomplete grade.

d. The faculty has the sole authority to determine and give grades to the

e. Every faculty member shall submit his/her report of grades not later
than ten (10) working days after the last day of examination period at
the end of each term. In justifiable cases, deviation from this rule may
be authorized by the President of the University.

f. No faculty shall be required to submit grades in any one course more

than twice a semester or term.

g. No faculty member shall change any grade after the report of record
has been filed with the dean of the College or Registrar. In
exceptional cases, as where an error has been committed, the faculty
may request authority through official channels to make the
necessary changes. If the request is granted, a copy shall be
forwarded to the Office of the Registrar for correction of the records.
However, in no case shall grades be changed beyond one (1) year
after initial filing nor shall any change operate to the prejudice of the

h. No student of the University shall directly or indirectly influence

his/her professor/s to give him a certain grade or ask another person
to influence his/her professor/s in the final report of grades. Any
student violating this rule shall lose credit in the subject/s concerned.
i. The grade of “Inc.” is given if a student, whose class standing
throughout the semester is passing, but fails to take the final
examination or fails to complete other requirements for the course,
due to illness or other valid reasons. Removal of the deficiencies
must be done within the prescribed time by passing an examination

or meeting all the requirements for the course, after which the
student shall be given a final grade based on overall performance.

j. After all deficiencies shall have been complied with, the student
concerned shall be required to pay a reasonable amount as “removal

k. There shall be a regular period for completing grades of “Inc.” before

the start of each semester. Such a grade may no longer be improved
after the end of one school year after the submission of the grade.
Graduating student shall comply the “INC” grade on or before he
submission of application for graduation.

l. Any student who fails or received a grade of “Incomplete” shall not

be allowed to enroll in another subject to which the subject s/he
receives a grade of failure or incomplete is a requisite to the next
subject until s/he shall have passed in the requisite subject.

SECTION 2. Rules on Scholastic Standing.

a. Scholarship in college shall be classified into: (1) entrance
scholarship; (2) institution or full scholarship; (3) unit or partial
scholarship; (4) grants; and (5) grant-in-aid.
An entrance scholarship consisting of free tuition or, in units
where no tuition is charged, free laboratory fee shall be enjoyed for
one semester only by the following students upon admission to the

1. Graduates of recognized University/College who were

conferred with a degree with honors/Cum laude or better; and

2. Valedictorians and salutatorians from public/private high

schools and vocational schools equivalent to high schools,
provided, that said valedictorians and salutatorians come from
graduating classes with an enrolment of at least thirty
graduates, this fact to be certified by the head of the institution
concerned; Provided, further, that additional scholarships shall
be granted to other honor graduates coming from the same class
honor in order of their rank for every additional fifty graduates
or a major fraction thereof; Provided, finally, that valedictorians
and salutatorians in all high schools under the
university/college shall be extended the privileges of free
tuition regardless of the number of members of the graduating

3. Scholarships for Non-Graduating

a. Non-graduating students who are candidates for honors
shall be classified into two categories as indicated below on
the basis of their weighted average rating:
President’s Lister . . . .1.00 to 1.20
Dean’s Lister . . . . . .1.21 to 1.75

b. Determination of honor students as Dean’s List or

President’s List will be based on the same criteria in
determining honors for graduating students provided that
the basis is the weighted average of the final rating per

c. President’s listers will be awarded full tuition exemption

the succeeding semester. Dean’s listers will be awarded
half tuition exemption.

d. Full scholarship shall consist of free tuition which shall be

enjoyed by any graduate student enrolled in the graduate
school who obtains at the end of the semester an average
grade of at least 1.20 or better, but not having a grade
below 1.25.

4. Outstanding Graduating Students in shop or Major Courses.

a. There should only be one outstanding student for a class per
course, provided that the nominee must come from a
group or class of not less than a five (5) graduating
students in a shop or class or course. Provided, further,
that in cases where there are less than five (5) students in
the shop or course, the candidate shall be strongly
recommended by all the shop instructors concerned, of the

b. The candidate must have an overall weighted average rating

in shop of not lower than 1.75 (87.5%).

c. In the computation of the final weighted average of students

who are candidates for outstanding shop honors, all
credits shall be included.

d. He must have completed the curriculum within the

prescribed number of semesters and summers, provided
however, that for courses which do not include summers

as part of the school year, two summers are equivalent to

one semester.
e. Must have at least 75% credits earned immediately prior to

f. Must have no record of grave misconduct in the school where

s/he has applied for graduation.

5. In addition to the general average prescribed in the preceding

sections, a student should be eligible for the University
scholarship under certain conditions:

a. Must have taken during the previous semester not less

than fifteen (15) units of academic credit or the normal
academic load prescribed in the curriculum; Provided, that
in the case of a student enrolled in graduate schools or
colleges the normal load of not less than 9 units during the
regular semester, or not less than 6 units during the
summer sessions; Provided, further, that credit for
graduate courses shall be standardized at 3 units each.

b. Must have completed all requirements for the previous

semester and have no failing grades in all subjects in the
preceding semester.

c. Full or partial scholarship shall be valid only for one

semester, but shall be renewable for the succeeding
semester if the student meets the conditions prescribed.

SECTION 3. Rules on Students’ Scholastic Delinquency.

a. The Academic Council shall promulgate suitable and effective
provision governing delinquent students.

b. Any students who dropped from one College of the University shall
not be admitted to another College of the University unless in the
evaluation of competent authority, his/her natural aptitude or
interests may qualify him/her in another field of study in which case
s/he shall be allowed to enroll in the appropriate college or school of
the University.

SECTION 4. Permanent Disqualification.

a. Any student who at the end of the semester or term, fails in all of the
academic subjects in which he is officially enrolled for credit shall

permanently be barred from re-admission to any college of the


b. Any students who was dropped in accordance with Section 3(b) and
again fails so that it become necessary to drop him again, shall not be
eligible for re-admission to the institution.

c. Permanent disqualification does not apply on cases wherein the

recommendation of faculty concerned, certified that the grades of “5”
were due to the students unauthorized dropping of the subjects and
not to poor scholarship. However, if the unauthorized withdrawal
takes place after the mid-semester and the student’s class standing is
poor, his grade of “5” shall be counted against him. The Dean shall
deal with these cases on their individual merit; Provided, that in re-
admission of student concerned the action shall be on probation

d. A mark of “Incomplete” is not to be included in the computation,

unless it is replaced by a final grade, which case said grade shall be
included in the grades during the semester in which removal was

e. Required courses in which a student has failed shall take precedence

over other courses in his succeeding enrollment.

f. No re-admission of dismissed or disqualified student shall be

considered by the Dean without the favorable recommendation of
the Dean of Student Affairs. Cases in which the action of the Dean
conflicts with the recommendation of the Dean of Student Affairs
may be elevated to the Vice President for Academic Affairs or his
equivalent whose decision shall be final.

g. A student in good standing who desires to severe his/her

connections with the University shall present a written petition to
this effect, signed by his parent or guardian, presented to the
Registrar. If the petition is granted, the student shall be given
honorable dismissal. Without such petition and favorable action, no
record of honorable dismissal shall be made.

h. Honorable dismissal is voluntary withdrawal from the Institution

with the consent of the Registrar. The student indebtedness to the
University must be settled first before the statement of honorable
dismissal will be issued. This statement indicates that the student is
in good standing as far as character and conduct are concerned. If the

student has been dropped from the rolls on account of poor

scholarship, a statement to that effect shall be added to the honorable

i. A student who leaves the University by reason of expulsion due to

disciplinary action shall not be untitled to honorable dismissal.

SECTION 5. Graduation Requirements.

a. No student shall be recommended for graduation unless he has
satisfactorily completed all academic and other requirements
prescribed for graduation.

b. Candidates for graduation who began their studies under a curriculum

more than 10 years old shall be governed by the following rules:
1. Those who have completed all the requirements of the
curriculum but did not apply for graduation, nor were granted,
the corresponding degree or title, shall have their graduate
approved as of the date they would have originally graduated;

2. Those who have completed all but three subjects or less

required by the curriculum may follow any of the curriculum in
force from the time they first attended the Institution to the

c. During the first three (3) weeks after the opening of classes in each
semester, the college dean shall submit to the Registrar a list of
candidates for graduation at the next commencement exercises. The
Registrar, in consultation with the college dean concerned, in the case
of students majoring in their respective departments shall examine
the academic record of each candidate with a view to ascertaining
whether any candidate in such a list has any deficiency or whether
he has fulfilled all requirements which qualify him to be a candidate
for graduation; Provided, however, his name shall not be deleted
from the list of candidates for graduation, but footnote to that effect
shall not be given. Ten weeks before the end of a semester, the
Registrar shall publish a complete list of duly qualified candidates
for graduation.

d. All candidates for graduation shall have their deficiencies cleared

and their records completed not later than five (5) weeks before the
end of their last semester, except in those subjects both academic and

non-academic in which the students is enrolled during the last


e. No student shall be graduated from the Institution unless he has

completed at least one year of residence immediately prior to
Graduating students who absent themselves from the
commencement exercises shall obtain their diploma, or certificates,
and transcript of records from the Office of the Registrar provided
that they comply with the provision of the preceding section and
upon presentation of the receipt of payment of the graduation fee
and the student’s clearance.

SECTION 6. Graduation With Honors.

a. Students who completed their courses with the following range of
weighted averages, computed to the second decimal place, shall be
graduated with honors:
Summa Cum Laude . . . . . . 1.00 to 1.20
Magna Cum Laude . . . . . . 1.21 to 1.45
Cum Laude . . . . . . . . . 1.46 to 1.75

Provided, that the grades in all academic subjects, prescribed in the

curriculum shall be included in the computation of the weighted
average with no grade of 2.6 in any subject, and Provided, further,
that in case of students graduating with honors in courses the
prescribed length of which is less than four years, the English
equivalents, namely: “With Honors”, “With High Honors”, and
“With Highest Honors”, shall be used instead.

b. Students who are candidates for graduation with honors must have
completed in the University at least 75 percent of the total number of
academic units or hours required for graduation and must have been
in residence therein for at least two years immediately prior to

c. In the computation of the final weighted average of students who are

candidates for graduation with honors, only resident credits shall be
included; provided that in no case the students have a grade of 2.6 or
lower in their transferred credits.

d. Students who are candidates for graduation with honors must have
taken during each semester not less than eighteen units of credits, or
the normal load prescribed in the curriculum in cases where such
normal load is less than eighteen units, unless the taking of a lighter

load was due to justifiable causes such as for instances, for reasons of
health due to the fact that the candidate was a working students,
which reasons must as much as possible be certified to by the proper
authority at the time the underload was incurred.

SECTION 7. Commencement and Baccalaureate Exercises.

a. A committee created by the Academic Council shall be responsible
for the commencement and baccalaureate exercises and may call
upon the other offices for assistance in the carrying out of the plans.

b. Whenever possible, the commencement exercises for graduating

students of the Institution, excepting those who are to receive titles
and certificates below the bachelor’s degree shall be held on the same
day and on the dates fixed for graduation in the calendar.

c. The commencement exercise for the unit not included in the general
commencement exercises shall be held on such dates and in such
places as shall be fixed by the President of the University on the
recommendation of the College Deans.

d. Attendance at general commencement exercise shall be required.

Graduating students who choose not to participate in the general
commencement exercises shall inform their respective Deans or their
duly designated representative at least ten days before the
commencement exercises.

e. Graduating students who absent themselves from the

commencement exercises shall obtain their diploma, or certificates,
and transcript of records from the Office of the Registrar provided
that they comply with the provision of the preceding section and
upon presentation of the receipt of payment of the graduation fee
and the student’s clearance.

f.The names of students elected to honor societies and awarded

scholarships shall be included in the commencement program.
g. The diploma shall bear only one day which shall be the date of the
commencement exercises

SECTION 8. Academic Costumes. Candidates for graduation with degree

or titles which require no less than four years of collegiate instruction shall be
required to wear academic costumes during the baccalaureate service and
commencement exercises in accordance with the rules and regulations of the

Chapter 12


SECTION 1. Students.

a. Rights of Students. Subjects to the limitations prescribed by law

and the school policies and regulation, the rights of every student of
the University are.

1. Every student has the right to receive relevant quality education

in line with the national goals, educational objectives and
standards of the school.

2. Every student is entitled to guidance and counseling services to

enable him to know himself, to make decisions, and to select
from the alternatives in line with his potentialities.

3. Every student shall, in the exercise of the constitutional

guarantees of free speech and press, have the right to express
and pursue his opinions on any subject, provided that the
expression and the dissemination of such views, does not
disrupt the work and discipline of the school. Every student
shall have the right to receive a copy of every publication paid
by him.

4. Every student shall have the right to participate in the

formation and development of policies affecting the school in
relation to the locality/region and nation through
representation in the appropriate body/bodies of the school to
be determined by the governing boards.

5. Every student shall have the right to establish, join and

participate in organization and societies not contrary to law.

6. Every student shall have the right to receive reasonable

protection within the school premises.

7. Every student shall have the right to be informed of the rules

and regulation affecting him.

8. Every student shall have the right to participate in curricular

and co-curricular activities.

9. Every student is entitled to be respected as a person wit human

dignity, to full physical, social, moral and intellectual
development, to human and healthful conditions of learning.

No student shall be subject to exploitation, involuntary

servitude nor cruel or unusual punishment.

10. Students of institutions of higher learning shall enjoy academic


11. Every student shall have the right to redress of grievance

against any wrong or injuries committed against him and/or
other students by any member of the academic community in
accordance with the defined channels of authority therein.

12. No student shall be subject to disciplinary action without due


13. Every student shall have the right of access to his class and
other records for the purpose of determining his class standing
and the school shall maintain and preserve such records.

14. Every student officially admitted by a school has the right to

continue and pursue his course of study therein up to
graduation, except in cases of delinquency and violation of
disciplinary regulations.

15. Every student shall have the authority to be assisted by his

school through current and adequate information on work

16. Every student shall be entitled to expeditious issuances of

certificates, diplomas, transcript of records, grades and transfer

b. Duties and Responsibilities of Students. Every student, regardless

of the circumstances of his birth, sex, religion, social status and other
factors shall:

1. Strive to lead an upright, virtuous and useful life.

2. Love, respect and obey his parents, and cooperate with them to
keep the family harmonious and united.

3. Exert, his utmost to develop his potentialities for service,

particularly to undergo an education suited to his abilities, in
order that he may become an asset to himself and to society.

4. Respect customs and traditions of our people, and the duly

constituted authorities, the laws of our country and the
principles of democracy.

5. Participate actively in civic affairs and in the promotion of the

general welfare.

6. Help in the observance and the exercise of individual and social

rights, the strengthening of freedom everywhere, the fostering
of cooperation among nation in the pursuit of progress,
prosperity and world peace.

7. Respect and cooperate with teachers, fellow students and school

authorities in the maintenance of cleanliness, sanitation, and in
the attainment and preservation of order in school and in

8. Exercise his right as a responsibility with due regard for the

right of others.

SECTION 2. Curricular Consultation Service. The University shall

provide the consultation and guidance services to student in connection with
their program of studies.

SECTION 3. Residence Hall.

a. The University shall as much as possible maintain residence hall for
students and expect them to reside therein. Students not living in the
College residence hall shall reside in the approved list of homes or
dormitories in the Office of Dean of Student Affairs.

b. The residence hall shall be administered in accordance with the

following rules:

1. Each residence hall shall have a resident adviser who shall be

responsible for the maintenance of order and discipline of the
resident students and the improvement of their personal
behavior and academic work. The resident adviser shall have
one or more members of the studentry appointed by the
President of the University on recommendation of the Resident
Adviser. The Resident Adviser and his staff shall serve in
accordance with such rules and regulation as may be prescribed
by the President of the University. They shall be under the
supervision of the Dean of Student Affairs to whom breaches of
discipline and misconduct shall be reported.

2. Each Resident Hall shall have a house manager and such

assistants may be needed in the performance of his
housekeeping and custodial responsibilities. The financial
operation and administrative directions of the residence hall
shall be under the supervision of the Dean of Student Affairs to
whom all budgetary requests for administrative positions,
appointments, and other housekeeping matters shall be

3. The Dean of Student Affairs shall be responsible for the

assignment of students to the different residence halls and shall
see to it that only students with proper character certification
are admitted.

4. The Dean of Student Affairs shall exercise general supervision

over the work of the University Health and Medical Services
related to the health and welfare of the students.

SECTION 4. Financial Aids to Students.

a. Scholarship grants, assistantships, and other forms of financial aids
for students shall be awarded in accordance with the pertinent rules
and regulations.

b. To aid able, deserving and promising students to develop faculty

materials, on the recommendation of the Dean or heads of the
various units of the University and the Dean of Student Affairs who
shall examine student applicants as to their character and
scholarship, the President of the University may appoint students as
assistants, assign them to the various units, and grant them
compensation commensurate with the nature and scope of their
responsibilities. The working hours, academic load and
compensation of such student shall be in accordance with the rules of
the University.

c. Students who are indebted to the Student Loan Board or its

equivalent, their sureties and parents or guardians shall be notified
that such indebtedness must be paid in full before the final semestral

d. If a student fails to settle his account at the time herein provided, the
faculty members concerned shall allow him to take the examination
but shall withhold his grades until the account is fully settled. If the
account is not settled by the opening of the following semester, the
student shall not be allowed to register or to transfer. Graduating
students must settle their accounts before graduation; otherwise their
transcript of records shall be withheld.

SECTION 5. Student’s Fiduciary Fund. The President is responsible for

the fiscal soundness of student government. He may make audits of the finances
of student government, exercise control over expenditures of their funds when
and to the extent necessary to maintain financial solvency of the student
government, and where necessary, may take action to the end that any revenue-

producing facilities under control of student governments are operated in

accordance with sound business practices.

SECTION 6. Foreign Students. Whenever necessary, a foreign student’s

adviser under the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs shall be appointed whose
function shall be to look after the welfare of foreign students enrolled in the

Chapter 13


SECTION 1. The Student Council. There shall be a Student Council

with the following duties: (1) To develop school spirit among the ranks of
students and promote their general welfare; (2) To inform the President of the
University on student matters, affairs and activities; (3) The organize and direct
student activities of the nature described; (4) To adopt its own by-laws for its
own internal and general government; and (5) To exercise such powers and
perform such other duties in accordance with laws and regulations.

The composition of the Student Council, its officers, and the manner of
electing its members and officers shall be in accordance with the rules
promulgated by the Committee of Student Organization and Activities
composed of Deans or Heads of Units and a student representative to be
designated by the council. The President of the Student Council shall be an ex-
officer member of the Administration/Academic Council during his term and
shall seat as a member of the Board of Regents.

SECTION 2. Student Organization and Activities.

a. Students organizations and activities shall refer to any association,
class, fraternity, sorority, order or any form of organized groups
whose members are students of the University. Those of provincial,
sector and or regional in character or orientation are prohibited.

b. An institution wide student organization shall be one whose

members belong to two or more units; a unit student organization
shall be one whose members belong exclusively to one unit of the
institution and a class organization shall be composed of members of
a class in any College of the institution.

c. Refusal to submit to the jurisdiction of the University by a student

not enrolled at the time a charge against him is filed or pending
litigation shall prejudice his future enrollment in any unit of the

d. The Committee on Student Organization and Activities (CSOAS)

shall have its ex-officio Chairman, the Dean of Student Affairs. The
committee shall exercise direct control and supervision over the
institution wide student organization; Provided, however, that it
may delegate to the President of the University matters which are not
policy-making in nature.

e. Every institution-wide student organization shall have one or more

faculty adviser recommended by such organization and approved by
the Dean of Student Affairs. No student organization may hold any
meeting or undertake any activity for any purpose whatsoever,
except that of adopting a constitution, before its adviser or advisers
are appointed and have assumed office as such.

f. No institution wide student organization shall be allowed to function

without a constitution, which have been previously approved by the
Committee on Student Organization and Activities or its equivalent.

g. Appeals from the decision of the Committee may be made within 72

hours from the time the decision is make known to the head or acting
head of the organization. Appeals shall be submitted to the President
of the University whose decision shall be final.

SECTION 3. Athletics.

a. Every student duly registered in any of the units of the University

shall, upon payment of the athletic/sports development fee, be a
member of the institution’s athletic association.

b. There shall be a Sports Development Council who shall lay down the
athletic policies of the University and administer the financial
requirements of Athletic and similar co-curricular activities of the
University. The council shall be composed of the following:

1. The Vice President for Academic Affairs his equivalent;

2. The Dean of Student Affairs;
3. The Director, CASPED or his equivalent, ex-officio member and
4. One representative from the Alumni Association; and
5. One representative from the students to be designated by the
Supreme Student Council, who shall serve for one year.

The representative of the Alumni Association shall be appointed

by the President of the University upon recommendation by the
President of the Alumni Association for a term of two years.

SECTION 4. Convocations.
a. Convocations of the University shall be held under the auspices of its
different units or other organizations, upon approval of the President
of the University or his designate.

b. Any person may speak before student groups or organization of the

University, with permission of the President of the University or his
duly authorized representative.

SECTION 5. Students’ Participation in Co-Curricular Activities.

a. Students of the University are free to participate in co-curricular
activities and to express their views and sympathies on any public
question/issue subject to the following conditions:

1. Their participation shall excuse them from attending classes

fulfilling other requirements provided by the University; and

2. Their participation shall be their own personal responsibility.


Chapter 14


SECTION 1. General Provisions.

a. This norm of conduct and discipline envision to develop among the
students desirable personal attributes and to instill among them
deeper sense of responsibility in order to maximize their individual
as well as collective involvement in the urgent task of evolving a new
and better society.

b. The wearing of the prescribed college uniform is compulsory unless

the student has written explanation from the Dean of Student Affairs,
which must be shown on demand. Laboratory and shop uniforms
shall be worn only during laboratory and shop periods: and P.E.,
CWTS, uniforms on their scheduled days.

c. Every student must have a SSU ID card which must be carried and
displayed properly at all times while in the University premises.

d. Male students shall sport a haircut above the collar line. Wearing of
earring for the male is prohibited in the University campus.

e. The definition or specification of certain offenses or breaches of

discipline, in separate resolution of the Administrative Council
approved by the Board of Regents, shall not be constructed to
exclude other offenses or breaches against the rules of discipline
promulgated by the President of the University, Dean and Heads of
units and instructors in those cases not provided by said bodies.

f. For purposes of keeping order and promoting decorum in the

classes, an instructor is empowered to exclude a student for
ungentlemanly conduct from his class and immediately thereafter to
make a report of such action to the Head of the Department and
Dean of Student Affairs.

g. Any student who makes unnecessary noise in the University

premises shall be subject to disciplinary action according to the rules
and regulations of the University.

h. No smoking shall be allowed in classrooms, laboratories, libraries,

canteens, conference rooms, theaters, hallways, corridors, and such
other places on campus as may be declared non-smoking areas.

i. The University need not take any action on complaints regarding

ordinary debts of students to private parties. However, if the case
clearly involves the moral character of the student, the Dean of
Student Affairs or his representatives, may take disciplinary action. If
it is a case of indebtedness to the University the existing rules such as
withholding of grades or barring from the examination shall be
applied, without prejudice to the authorities taking further action as
the circumstances may warrant.

j. Whenever a student, either as an officer or as a member of an

organization, has been reported as, or has been suspected of, having
violated the rules and regulations concerning student extra-
curricular activities and organizations, the adviser of the
organization shall conduct an investigation of the case and render a
report to the Dean of Student Affairs. If the student is found guilty as
charged, the Dean of Student Affairs shall admonish, reprimand or
suspend him for a period of not more than one month and shall
report such action to the President. If a heavier penalty is necessary,

the Dean of Student Affairs shall make the corresponding

recommendation to the President of the University.

k. All cases of personal misconduct or breaches of discipline committed

by a student as an individual and not in connection with or by reason
of his membership in any college student organization or extra-
curricular activity shall fall under the jurisdiction of the department
head of the college or school concerned and shall be dealt with the
said official. After investigation, he may suspend the student for not
more than one month.

l. If the offense is serious enough to necessitate suspension, the officials

concerned shall be authorized to suspend the erring student, after
due process, for a number of days as follows:

1 – 15 days – Dean
16 – 30 days – Dean of Student Affairs
31 – up days – President

m. If the Dean or Director, after due investigation, finds for more than
one year or to have him expelled from the University, he shall so
recommend to the President for further investigation of the case and
final decision by the Board of Regents.

n. Any student who is made by a respondent in a disciplinary case

heard by the Board of Trustees shall have the right to be
accompanied by a counsel.
o. The President or the Dean or Director may suspend any student,
pending the investigation of his case, when there is a strong ground
to believe that he is guilty of serious misconduct affecting order and

p. A student who has committed any breach of discipline and who fails
to appear for an investigation after having been given 36 hours notice
to appear, shall be considered as in default and the investigating
body or official shall proceed with the investigation of the case and
decide it on the basis of the evidence available.

q. Disciplinary action may take the form of expulsion, suspension from

the University, exclusion from any class, reprimand, warning or
expression of apology. The gravity of the offense committed and the
circumstances attending its commission shall determine the nature of
the disciplinary action or penalty to be imposed.

r. The fact that the misconduct has been committed outside of the
University campus shall constitute no defense if it involves his status
as a student or affects the good name or reputation of the University.

SECTION 2. Rules and Regulation on Student Conduct and Discipline.

All bonafide students of the University shall be entitled to assistance, protection,
and privileges afforded by the University at all times in accordance with the
doctrine on “loco parentis” and therefore, they shall be expected to follow all
rules and regulations duly promulgated by the University.

d. The right of the University to impose disciplinary action against improper

student is derived from, and inherent in its obligation to:

1. Maintain and preserve the standards of the University;

2. Safeguard and protect its property;

3. Insure the health and safety of the students and personnel of the

4. Preserve peace, insure orderly procedure and maintain student morals;


5. Advocate character development for maintaining students of decency

and for providing a moral climate in the University.

a. Basis of Discipline. Student shall at all times observe the laws of he

land and the rules and regulations of the University.
No disciplinary proceeding shall be instituted except for
conduct prohibited by law or by the rules and regulations
promulgated by the duly constituted authorities of the University.

b. Types of Misconduct. A student shall be subject to disciplinary

action for committing any of the following acts:
1. Dishonesty, such as cheating during examination, or
plagiarism in connection with any academic work;

2. Forgery, alteration or misuse of University documents,

records or credentials; knowingly furnishing false information
to the University in connection with official documents filed
by him and making, publishing or circularizing false
information about the University, its officials, faculty
members and/or students;

3. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, administrative work,

disciplinary proceeding or other college activity;

4. Physical assault on or a threat to any person within the

premises of the University;

5. Uttering defamatory, slanderous and libelous

statements/remarks against any student, faculty member and
University official or any of his authorized representatives.

6. Theft of, or damage to, property of the University or of any

employee and/or co-students;

7. Unauthorized entry to or use of University facilities;

8. Vandalism, which is the willful destruction of any University

property and which includes, but is not limited to, such acts as
tearing off or defacing any library book, magazine or
periodical, writing or drawing on the walls and pieces of
furniture, breakage of glass window, showcases, cabinet
doors, electrical, mechanical or electronic devices or
contrivances, unauthorized removal of official notices and
posters from the bulletin board, and other similar offenses;

9. Hazing, which is an act that injures, degrades or to tends to

injure, degrade, or disgrace any fellow student or person
attending the University, whether it is a mere conspiracy or
actually engaging in this activity, and it includes, but is not
limited to initiations, admissions to fraternities, sororities and
other organizations;
10. Illegal use, possession or distribution of narcotics or
dangerous drugs and other prohibited drugs;

11. Unlawful possession or use of explosives or deadly weapons

and firecrackers;

12. Engaging in leud, indecent, obscene or immoral conduct while

within the University premises and during any University

13. Abusive behavior or discourtesy committed against any

student, faculty, members, University personnel or officials;

14. Drinking alcoholic beverages, or drunken behavior within the

University premises;

15. Engaging in any form of gambling within the premises of the


16. Smoking within the University premises.

17. Violation of any penal statute or of rules and regulations of

the CHED or of any valid order of a competent University

18. Any other misbehavior or misconduct, which may threatens

or endangers the health and/or safety or any person inside the
University premises, or which adversely affect the student’s
welfare as a members of the academic community.

19. Joining and inciting rallies, demonstration, and other forms of

group action which create disorder;

20. Posting, distributing, circulating leaflets and other printed

matters that tend to subvert the government and cause to the

21. Organizing and joining any fraternity, sorority, and other

student organizations which are not authorized;

22. Engaging in any form of extortion;

Carrying within the University premises any firearms, knife,
daggers or any other dangerous or deadly weapons.
23. Creating and/or participating within the University premises
in disorder, tumult, breach of peace, or other serious

24. Intentionally making a false statement of any material fact, or

practicing or attempting to practice any deception or fraud in
connection with his admission or registration in, or graduation
from the University;

25. Littering in any part of the Campus is strictly prohibited,

including spitting and throwing wrappers of all kinds and
other rubbish on the premises.

SECTION 3. Rules and Regulations Promulgated by Deans or Directors of

Units. Deans or Directors of various units may after due consideration with the
Faculty-Student Relations Committee, promulgate rules on conduct and
discipline or peculiar application to their respective units, subject to the written
approval of the President of the University if there be one and to the rules on
publication and date of effectivity, as herein provided.

SECTION 4. Committee on Student Discipline. There shall be a

Committee Discipline or its equivalent composed of a Chairman and two officers
or members of duly accredited personnel organization, a President of the Student
Council and the PPA as members, to be appointed for a period of two (2) years
by the University President upon recommendation of the Administrative
Council. In any disciplinary case before the Committee, a respondent may
request that two (2) students be appointed to sit without right to vote with the

SECTION 5. Jurisdiction. All complaints against students which are

punishable by dropping, suspension, or expulsion be investigated or proceeded
with in accordance with due process of law by the Committee on Student
Discipline, except the following cases which shall all under the jurisdiction of the
appropriate college/unit.

a. Violation of college or unit rules and regulations, by student of the


b. Misconduct committed by students of he college/unit within its

classrooms or premises in the course of an official activity; Provided
that department or divisions of the College, if there be any, shall
have original jurisdiction over all cases involving students of such

SECTION 6. Filling of Charge. A disciplinary proceeding shall be

instituted motu propio by the appropriate authority or upon the filing of a
written charge specifying the acts or commissions constituting the misconduct
and subscribed by the complainant, or upon submission of an official report of
any violation of existing rules and regulations. Upon the filing of said charge or
report with the Committee on Student Discipline of the office of the Dean, as the
case may be, an entry shall be made in an official entry book kept for the purpose
specifying the person or persons charged, the complainant(s), his witness, if any,
the date of filing, and the substance of the charge.

SECTION 7. Preliminary Inquiry. Upon receipt of the complaint or report,

which should be under oath, the Committee or the Dean of the College/ unit as
the case may be, shall determine whether complaint or report is sufficient to
warrant formal investigation. Notice to the respondent(s) is required but
presence of the respondent(s) during the preliminary investigation may be
waived. In cases where the complaint or report is found sufficient, formal
charge(s) shall be filed and served upon each respondents and his parents/

SECTION 8. Answer. Each respondent shall be required to answer in

writing in not less than 72 hours but not more than five days from receipt of the
charge(s). formal investigation shall be held on notice as provided below.

SECTION 9. Hearing. Hearing shall begin not later than one (1) week
after receipt of the respondent’s answer or after the expiration of the period
within which the respondent shall answer.
SECTION 10. Duration of Hearing. No hearing on any case shall last
beyond two (2) calendar months.

SECTION 11. Notice. All parties concerned shall be notified of the date
set for hearing at least two days before each hearing. Notice to counsel of records
or duly authorized representative of a party shall be considered sufficient notice
to such party for the purpose of this section.

SECTION 12. Failure to Appear at Hearing. In case either complainant or

respondent fails to appear at the place set for the initial hearing after due notice
and without sufficient justification, this fact shall be noted and the hearing shall
proceed ex-parte without prejudice to the party’s right to appearance in
subsequent hearings.

SECTION 13. Postponement. Application for postponement may be

granted for good cause for such period as the ends of Justice and the right to a
speedy hearing require; Provided, that not more than three postponements per
party to the litigation shall be allowed.

SECTION 14. Committee Report. The University/unit investigating

committee shall forward to the Dean concerned within fifteen (15) days after the
termination of the hearing the complete record of the case, with its report and
recommendation. The report signed by at least a majority of the members of the
Committee shall state the findings of facts, conclusions and recommendations
and the specific regulation on which the decision is based.

SECTION 15. Decision by the Dean of Student Affairs. The Dean shall,
within ten (10) days after receipt of the Committee Report, transmit the report
together with its decision to the President of the University.

SECTION 16. Decision by the Commission on Student Discipline. The

Tribunal shall decide each case within fifteen (15) days after final submission.
The decision shall be in writing and signed by at least a majority of its members.
It shall contain a brief statement of the findings of fact, conclusion(s) and
recommendation(s) and the specific regulation on which the decision is based.

SECTION 17. Finality of Decision. A decision of the Committee on

Student Discipline or a Dean, other than expulsion, permanent disqualification
from enrolment, or suspension for more than thirty (30) calendar days shall
become final and executory fifteen (15) days after receipt thereof unless a motion
for reconsideration of the same is filed, in which case the decision shall be final
fifteen (15) days after receipt of the denial of the motion for reconsideration.

SECTION 18. Appeal to the President. In all cases in which final

decision is not conferred on a Dean or the Committee on Student Discipline, the
respondent may file an appeal with the President of the University, if there be
any, within ten (10) days after receipt of the decision.

Action by the President of the University on recommendation coming

from the Dean or appeal from the decision of the Dean or the Committee on
Student Discipline shall be rendered within ten (10) days after the receipt of the
appeal. In all cases of expulsion, the President shall consult the Administrative
Council. Decisions of the President in cases specified in the next succeeding
section may be appealed to the Board of Regents, within ten (10) days after
respondent(s) receive a copy of such decision.

SECTION 19. Decision by the Board of Regents. The Board shall review
on appeal decision of the President of the University, when the penalty imposed
is expulsion, suspension for more than one (1) calendar year, or any other
penalty of equivalent severity and render final judgment thereof.

SECTION 20. Rights of Respondents. Every respondent shall enjoy the

following rights:

a. To be subjected to any disciplinary penalty only after the

requirements of due process shall have been fully complied with;

b. To be convicted only on the basis of substantial evidence(s), the

burden of proof being with the person filing charge;

c. To be convicted only in the basis of evidence introduced at the

proceedings or of which the respondent has been properly apprised
and given the opportunity to rebut the same;

d. To enjoy, pending final decision on the charges, all his rights and
privileges as a student, subject to the power of the Dean or to the
Committee on Student Discipline to order the preventive suspension
of the respondent for not more than fifteen (15) days where the
suspension is necessary to maintain the security of the University.

e. To confront or cross-examine witnesses presented against him; and

f. To defend himself personally or by counsel, or by representative of

his own choice. If the respondent desires but is unable to secure the
services of a counsel, ha shall manifest that fact at least two (2) days
before the date of hearing, and request the Committee on Student
Discipline or the Investigating Committee to designate a counsel for
him from among the members of the University.

SECTION 21. Effectivity of Decision. Decision(s) shall take effect as

provided in these rules; Provided, that final decisions of suspension of dismissal
rendered within thirty (30) days prior to any final examination, shall take effect
during the semester immediately subsequent to the semester/summer in which
such decision was rendered; Provided, further, that when the respondent is
graduating, in which case the penalty shall take effect immediately.

SECTION 22. Records. All proceedings before any Committee or Student

Committee on Discipline shall be taken down in writing. Original records
pertaining to student discipline shall be under the custody of the Dean of
Student Affairs. Such records are hereby declared confidential and no person
shall have access to the same for inspection or copying unless he is officially
involved therein, or unless he has a legal right which cannot be protected or
vindicated without access to or copying such records. Any official or employee of
the institution who shall violate the confidential nature of such records shall be
subject to disciplinary action.

SECTION 23. Sanctions. Disciplinary action may take the form of

expulsion/dismissal, suspension from the University, withholding of graduation
and other privileges, exclusion form any class, reprimand, warning, or
expression of apology by the student. The gravity of the offense committed and
the circumstances attending its commission shall determine the nature of the
disciplinary action or penalty to be imposed.

The three categories of disciplinary administrative sanctions which may

be imposed upon erring students, commensurate with the nature and gravity of
the violation of school rules and regulations committee are:
1. Dropping – A school may drop from its rolls during the school year or
term a students who is found after due investigation to have violated rules
and regulations of the school, the Department of Education, Culture and
Sports and the laws of the land. The student who is dropped should be
issued immediately his transfer credentials.

2. Suspension – A school may suspend an erring student during the school

year or term for a period not exceeding 20 percent of the prescribed school
year. Suspension, which will involve the loss of the entire year or term
shall not be effective unless approved by the Board of Regents.

3. Expulsion – The penalty of expulsion is an extreme form of administrative

sanction, which debars the student from all public and private schools. To
be valid and effective the penalty of expulsion requires the approval of the
Chairman of CHED or by the Board of Regents. Expulsion is usually
considered proper punishment for gross misconduct or dishonesty
and/or such offenses as hazing, carrying of deadly weapon, immorality,
drunkenness, vandalism, hooliganism, assaulting a teacher or any other
school authority or his agent or student, instigating, engaging in activities
resulting in damage to campus or school facilities, property or injury to
persons, preventing or threatening students or faculty members or school
authorities from discharging their duties or from attending classes or
entering the school premises, forging or tampering school records or
transfer form, or securing or using forged credentials.

Ordinarily, for first and other offenses that are not serious in nature a
suspension from school of not to exceed three days may be authorized by
the Dean of Student Affairs without the prior approval of the University
President. Where it is necessary for the preservation of school discipline, a
persistent offender against good order or one guilty of a serious offense
may, subject to the prior approval of the University President, be
suspended by the Dean of Student Affairs for not more than one school
year, indefinite suspension; and expulsion from school can be ordered
only by the Chairman of CHED after consideration of the full facts at the

4. Any disciplinary action taken against a student shall immediately be

reported to his parents or guardians.

5. Refusal to submit to the jurisdiction of the University by a student not

enrolled at the time a charge against him is filed or pending litigation shall
prejudice his future enrollment in any College/unit of the University.

SECTION 24. Summary Investigation by Dean. Notwithstanding, the

provisions of the foregoing sections, a Dean may proceed summarily against
students of his college for any of these acts:

a. Violation of rules and regulations issued by the Dean of the unit in

accordance with Section 3 of these rules; and
b. Misconduct committed in the presence of a faculty member or any
official of the University within the classrooms or premises of a
college/unit or in the course of an official function sponsored by the

The respondent shall be summoned to appear before the Dean

of the University, informed of the charge(s) against him and afforded
the opportunity to present his side.

Every decision rendered under this Section shall be in writing,

stating the facts of the case and the basis of the penalty imposed.
Such decisions shall be final and executory immediately after the
issuance of the order. The penalty of suspension, if imposed shall not
exceed fifteen (15) days.

SECTION 25. Definition. The following terms shall have the meaning set
forth below for purposes of these regulations:

a. “Students” include any person enrolled in any academic unit of the

University in a regular or part-time basis at the time of the
commission of the offense, regardless of whether or not he is enrolled
in any unit of the University at the time of filing of the charge or
during the pendency of the disciplinary proceeding against him;

b. “Laws of the Land” refer to general enactments in force in the

Philippines; and

c. “Official Report” includes any factual narration in writing, report

duly submitted to any proper authority in the institution by a faculty
member, any member of the institution security force, any officer of a
college or unit, and any officials in the administration.

Final Title


SECTION 1. Save as to matters specifically provided by law, any

provision in this code may be amended by any regular meeting of the
Board of Regents of the University upon the recommendation by the
Academic Council and/or the Administrative Council of the University.

SECTION 2. Any provision that may be amended in the regular meeting

of the Board of Regents must be approved by a simple majority of all the
members of the same Board.

SECTION 3. Affectivity. This code shall take effect immediately upon

approval by the Board of Regents.

Chapter 15


For Faculty Academic Staff

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 32, Book V of Administrative Code

of 1987 (Executive Order No. 292), s. 1979 as amended by CSC Memorandum
Circular No. 18, s. 1988 and CSC Memorandum Circular No. 40, s. 1998, CSC
Memorandum Circular No. 15, s. 1999, CSC Memorandum Circular No. 8, s.
1999, and CSC Memorandum Circular No. 03, s. 2001 this Merit Selection Plan
(MSP) for Faculty and Academic Staff of the University are hereby established.


In establishing the Merit Selection Plan, the institution adheres to the

merit, and fitness principles in the recruitment, appointment, promotion,
recognition, development and discipline of the Faculty and Academic Staff to
ensure fairness, justice and excellence in the attainment of its mission.

The objectives of this Merit Selection Plan are as follows:

j. To establish a sound procedure of recruitment and appointment;
k. To create and provide equal opportunities for career advancement;
l. To develop a highly educated and motivated professional staff;
m. To provide a guide for speedy, fair and just resolution of
complaints and grievances; and

n. To provide a framework for personnel discipline.


This Merit Selection Plan shall apply to all members of the faculty and
academic of the Institution. These are positions included in the Personal Services
Itemization and Plantilla of Personnel (PSIPOP) issued by the Department of
Budget and Management Pursuant to R. A. 6758 as adopted under Executive
Order 164 specifically the following:

Faculty Rank Salary Grade Level

Instructor I 12 2nd
Instructor II 13 2nd
Instructor III 14 2nd
Assistant Professor I 15 2nd
Assistant Professor II 16 2nd
Assistant Professor III 17 2nd
Assistant Professor IV 18 2nd
Associate Professor I 19 2nd
Associate Professor II 20 2nd
Associate Professor III 21 2nd
Associate Professor IV 22 2nd
Associate Professor V 23 2nd
Professor I 24 2nd
Professor II 25 2nd
Professor III 26 2nd
Professor IV 27 2nd
Professor V 28 2nd
Professor VI 29 2nd
College Professor 30 2nd
University Professor 31 2nd
College Administrator 32 2nd
Vocational School Department Head 33 2nd
Secondary School Principal II 34 2nd
Vocational Instruction Supervisor I 35 2nd
Master Teacher 36 2nd
Head Teacher 37 2nd
Teacher 38 2nd


As used in this Merit Selection Plan for Faculty and Academic Staff the
following terms shall mean:

1. Institution – refers to the Samar State University

2. Merit System – means a personnel system in which a comparative

merit or achievement governs the selection, utilization, training,
retention, employee welfare, incentive and award and discipline of
the faculty and academic staff in the Samar State University.

3. Promotion – the advancement to a higher faculty rank or sub-rank

with an increase in duties and responsibilities as authorized by law
and usually accompanied by an increase in salary.

4. Recruitment – the processing of searching for and attracting potential

applicants through announcements, assessments and other related
procedures to select the most competent and qualified applicant
for appointment to an appropriate positions in the faculty and
academic staff.

5. Closed Career Position – any position included in the faculty and/or

academic staff of the Samar State University.

6. Academic Staff – a group of employees in the institution either duly

appointed to a faculty rank or itemized position who are not
primarily engaged in teaching, researched or extension services but
perform functions directly supportive of teaching such as: Dean,
College Librarian, Guidance Specialist Registrar, etc.

7. Faculty – a group of employees of the institution appointed to a

faculty rank who are directly engaged in teaching, research, guidance
or extension services.

8. Faculty Rank – the classification of faculty into Professor, Associate

Professor, Assistant Professor and Instructors further classified into
sub-ranks ranging from I-VI, I-V, I-IV, I-III, respectively.

9. Insiders – the employees of the University interested in joining the

faculty and academic staff or members of the faculty and academic
staff who are aspiring for promotion.

10. Outsiders – the applicants who are not employed yet in the


A. Recruitment and Selection of Faculty and Academic Staff


The policies, rules and procedures to be observed in the recruitment and

selection on faculty and academic staff are as follows:

1. Policies
a. Recruitment shall be limited to those who possess at least a
Master’s degree or its equivalent.

b. Vacant positions marked for filling shall be published in

accordance with Republic Act 7041 (Publication Law). The
published vacant positions shall also be posted in at least three
(3) conspicuous places in the agency for at least ten (10)
calendar days. Other appropriate modes of publication shall
be considered.

Filling of vacant positions shall be made after ten (10)

calendar days from their publication; The publication of a
particular vacant position shall be valid until filed up but not
to extend beyond six (6) months reckoned from the date he
vacant position was published.

c. Entry to faculty and academic staff positions shall be at the

lowest sub-rank of the appropriate faculty rank.

d. Entry of those from private educational institutions with

faculty rank shall be allowed only at the lowest sub-rank of
the appropriate faculty rank.

e. Transferees from other state universities may be admitted at

their present faculty rank in the absence of qualified insiders
and subject to availability of an item in the University Plantilla
of Personnel or to an item of a lower position if there is a
salary savings to cover the difference between the available
position and that of the actual faculty rank.

f. Qualification standards for faculty and academic staff shall

be those as provided for under Civil Services Laws and Rules,
particularly those prescribed in CSC MC No. 40, s. 1998 and
CSC MS No. 15, s. 1999 or those that may be created by the
Institution as approved by the Civil Service Commission.

1. Qualification Standards for Faculty and Academic Staff

a. For Instructor I
1) Education requirements is preferably a holder of
Master’s Degree but of courses other than requiring bar

or board examination (RA 1080) Bachelor’s degree in

the area of specialization.

2) Experience and training is not required.

3) Except for teachers who are required to possess a

Master’s eligibility is needed for courses requiring the
passing of a Bar or Board Examination (RA 1080).

b. For Instructor II
1) Education requirements is preferably a holder of
Master’s degree but for courses other than teaching
requiring bar or board examination (RA 1080)
Bachelor’s degree in the area of specialization.

2) Experience and training is not required.

3) Except for teaching, eligibility is needed for courses

requiring the passing of a Bar or Board Examination
(RA 1080).

c. For Instructor III

1) A holder of Master’s degree but for courses other than
teaching requiring bar or Board Examination (RA 1080)
Bachelor’s degree in the area of specialization.
2) One (1) relevant experience.

3) Four (4) hours of relevant training.

4) Except for teachers eligibility is needed for courses

requiring the passing of a Bar or Board Examination
(RA 1080).

d. For Assistant Professor I

1) Education required is Master’s Degree in the area of
2) Two (2) yeas of relevant experience is required.
3) Eight (8) hours of relevant training is not required.
4) Eligibility is not required.

e. For Assistant Professor II

1) Education required is Master’s Degree in the are of
2) Two years of relevant experience is required.

3) Eight (8) hours of relevant training is needed.

4) Eligibility is not required.

f. For Assistant Professor III

1) Education requirement is Master’s Degree in the area of
2) Three (3) years of relevant experience is needed.
3) Sixteen (16) hours of relevant training is required.
4) Eligibility is not required.

g. For Assistant Professor IV

1) Education requirement is Master’s Degree in the area of
2) Three (3) years of relevant experience is needed.
3) Sixteen (16) hours of relevant training is required.
4) No eligibility is required.

h. For Associate Professor I

1) Education requirement is Master’s degree in the area of
2) Relevant experience requirement is three (3) years.
3) Sixteen (16) hours of relevant training is needed.
4) No eligibility is required.

i. For Associate Professor II & III

1) Education requirements are Master’s Degree in the area
of specialization.
2) Relevant experience requirements are three (3) years.
3) Sixteen (16) hours of relevant training is needed.
4) No eligibility is required.

j. For Associate Professor IV & V

1) Education requirements are Master’s Degree in the area
of specialization.
2) Experience requirements are four (4) years of relevant
3) Twenty-four hours relevant training is required.
4) No eligibility is required.

k. For Professor I
1) Appropriate Doctoral Degree.
2) Experience requirement is four (4) years relevant
3) Relevant training required is twenty-four (24) hours.

4) Eligibility is required.

l. For Professor II – up to College/University Professor

1) Educational required is Doctoral Degree,
2) Five (5) years of relevant experience.
3) Thirty-two (32) hours of relevant training.
4) No eligibility is required.

2.1 A permanent appointment shall be issued to a person who meets

the qualification standard established for the faculty rank or
academic staff position and who successfully completed the
probationary period.

2.2 The Probationary Period shall be for four (40) consecutive

semesters or shorter but not less than one (1) year. Those on
probationary status shall either be retained in the service within the
probationary or dropped from the service for unsatisfactory
conduct or want of capacity. This policy ensures that only those
who are fit to serve in the faculty and academic staff of the
institution shall be retained in the service.

2.3 Contractual appointment may be issued to a faculty member or

academic staff when the exigency of the service requires, subject to
existing policies.

2.4 The PASUC Common Criteria for Evaluation and the pertinent
guidelines, rules and procedures relative there to may be used by
the Institution to supplement established policies and guidelines on
recruitment and appointment.

2.5 The Institution President shall have the final discretion to

determine the most appropriate rank/sub-rank or position for a
particular faculty member candidate based on criteria established
by the Institution. However, in the exercise of such discretion, the
Institution President shall be guided by existing laws, rules and

3. Procedures
The Institution shall recruit, select, appoint in faculty in
accordance with the following procedures:

a) The Institution shall create a “University Promotion and

Selection Board” herein referred to as the Board. This body

shall assist the President in the selecting applicants of

candidates for appointment to any faculty rank position.

b) The members of the Board created in are the following:

1) The University President or his authorized
representatives is the Chairman.

2) The Vice President for Academic Affairs as member;

3) The University Administrative Officer I shall serve as

the Board Secretary. She shall keep records of the
proceedings of the Board and maintain all records or
documents and furnish copies of the same to the
HRMO, keeping them in readiness for inspection and
audit by the Civil Service Commission;

4) The President of the Faculty and Personnel Association

as member.

5) The University Human Resource Management Officer

as member;

6) The Head of the University/Department where the

vacancy exists;

7) The University Administrative Officer V where the

vacancy exists as member; and

8) The ranking Faculty or academic staff chosen by the

University President as member.

c. The Boards shall make its activities and decisions as

transparent as possible by publicizing the vacant positions
and the names of qualified candidates for appointments.

d. The Board shall formulate its guidelines for screening

candidates in accordance with existing civil service rules.

Advancement in rank or position in the faculty and academic staff shall
be by promotion. The following are the policies and procedures to be

1. Policies

a. The primary basis for promotion shall be the guidelines

prescribed under Rule VI, Book V of Executive Order 292, the
pertinent provisions of NCC No. 33, s. 1985, NCC No. 45, s.
1987, NCC No. 69, s. 1992 and NBC No. 461, s. 1998, subject
however to future amendments.

b. Upgrading/Reclassification of faculty ranks and of academic

staff positions shall be done once a year to conform with the
performance appraisal rating period.

c. A person shall be promoted to a higher position on the basis

of the extent to which he meets the specific requirements or
standards, provided his Performance Rating during the last
two (2) rating period are Very Satisfactory.

d. The comparative degree of competence and qualification of a

candidate for promotion shall be determined by the following

1) PERFORMANCE – this shall be based on the ratings

obtained during the last two rating periods under an
approved performance appraisal system.

In ranking employees having the same Very

Satisfactory Performance Ratings, the Overall Points
Score must be considered. Promotion of University and
personnel shall be subject to the provision of Section ©
above even if the faculty or academic personnel meets
required numbers of points in the NCC Common Criteria
Evaluation (CCE).


based on the educational attainment of the candidate for
promotion taking into consideration the educational
requirements in the Qualification Standard of the


shall be based on the person’s professional and cultural
activities such as published works, consultancy services,
research, teaching and awards or honors received and
completion of training course, scholarship, training
grants, etc. These shall also include occupational history,

work experience and accomplishments worthy of special



PERSONALITY TRAITS - this shall be based on the
physical fitness, attitude and traits of the person, which
have bearing on the position to be filled or rank to be

5) POTENTIAL – This shall take into account the person’s

capability not only to perform the duties of this present
position but also to assume the higher responsibilities of
the position to be filled.

d. In case where the competence and qualification of two or more

faculty and academic staff comparatively at par, preference
shall be given to the candidate in the department/unit where
the vacancy exists.

e. The mere filing of an administrative charge shall not constitute

a disqualification for promotion. When an employee is
administratively charged, the position to which he should have
been promoted shall not be filed until after the cases shall have
been finally decided. However, when the exigency of the service
require immediate filling of the position, then it shall be filled
by a temporary appointment to end as soon as the employee
legitimately entitled to it is exonerated. Should the employee be
exonerated, he shall be promoted.

2. Procedure for Promotion

a. The Human Resource Management Officer of the Institution,
upon approval of the President, shall announce all vacant
positions by posting in at least three (3) conspicuous places in
the agency for a period of ten (10) days in accordance with
CSC MC No. 27, s. 1991 (Rules Implementing Republic Act
No. 7041, Requiring the Regular Publication of Existing
Vacant Positions in Government Offices).

The HRMO may also issue a Memorandum to all the

faculty and academic staff informing them of all the vacancies
to insure that all interested and qualified employees can apply
for the vacant position/s.

b. The Heads of Units where the vacancy exists, guide by the

approved qualification standards of the vacant position/s
shall submit to the Human Resources Management Officer the
names of faculty and academic staff from their unit who are
competent and qualified for the promotion. From the list
submitted, the head of the Unit may indicate his choice to fill
the vacancy.

c. The Human Resources Management Officer, on the basis of

the system of Ranking Position and the Personal Qualification
Index, shall identify other faculty and academic staff within
the Institution who are deemed qualified and competent for

d. The Human Resources Management Officer into consideration

the qualification standards/job requirements of the vacant
positions shall make a preliminary evaluation of the
qualifications of all candidates and submit a promotional line-
up to the University Recruitment, Selection and Promotion

e. The Human Resources Management Officer shall notify all

applicants, qualifies next-in-ranks of the date of the interview
and testing in not lass than three (3) days before said
interview and testing.

f. The Board en banc shall evaluate the candidate’s credential or

documents submitted to it by the Human Resources
Management Officer and make its recommendations to the
President, accordingly informing the candidates of the results of
the evaluation through the HRMO.

3. Procedure of Upgrading of Faculty/Academic Staff thro the Common

Criteria for Evaluation (CCE) pursuant to NCC 33 as amended by
NCC No. 69.

a. The HRMO III shall advice all the concerned to update their
records on NCC documents in the Personnel Office at the Start
of the school year.

b. The rules and procedures in the Common Criteria for

Evaluation pertaining to position or
rank/upgrading/reclassification shall be considered.

c. The Board shall evaluate the credentials of the personnel

concerned. It may suggest the creation by the President of a
Committee that would assist in the evaluation of the

Upgrading/reclassification shall be done once a year,

provided his performance ratings are very satisfactory during
the last rating periods.

g. The Board shall officially transmit the evaluated documents to

the President.

h. All promotional appointments including upgrading/

reclassification of ranks/positions under NCC 33, NCC 69 and
future amendments, shall be announced through the
Institution by posting the result in three (3) conspicuous
places to enable the aggrieved parties to file protests within 15
days from the date of notice of the promotion/ upgrading/


The University shall adopt the New Performance Evaluation System
(AGENCYPES), which is approved by the Civil Service Commission and in
accordance with CSC Memorandum Circular No. 13, s. 1999.

The performance rating of faculty and academic staff shall be used as

basis for promotion or giving of reward.

The rating period shall be done from June to October and from November
to March of every year. However, if there is a need for a shorter or longer
period, the minimum appraisal period shall be at least ninety (90) days or
three (3) months while the maximum shall not be longer than one (1) calendar

The overall rating of employees for a given rating period consists of two
(2) parts: Parts I- Performance and Part II- Critical Factors.

Rating on Part I (Performance) – this is given a weight of 70% of the overall

rating of the faculty. This refers to the evaluation of actual
accomplishment versus the planned level of performance in terms of
quantity, quality and timeliness of work based on pre-set standards by
management or in the absence of such, the performance standards agreed
upon by both the supervisor and the rate duly confirmed by the PERC.

The University adopts a system to classify a job or work target or

output and assigns a corresponding percentage or weight on such targets
based on the nature, complexity, difficulty level and process involved.

For Instructor – the allocated percentage weight of Instruction is

90% and Production 10%, no Extension and Research work involved.

For Assistant Professor – the allocated percentage weight for

instruction is 80% and Production 20%, no Extension and Research work

For Associate Professor – the allocated percentage weight for

Instruction is 70%, Research is 15% and Production 15%, no Extension
work required.

For Professor – the allocated percentage weight for Instruction is

60%, Extension 10%, Research 10% and Production 20%.

Each of the above weight allocation may further be broken down to

smaller or bigger weight depending on the number, nature, complexity,
processes involved and difficulty of work targets/assignments given to
the employee provide that the total aggregate weight does not exceed
100%. The resulting equivalent point score is then multiplied by 70%,
which accounts for the overall weight of Part I.

Rating of Part II (Critical Factors) – this is given a weight of 30% of the

overall rating of the faculty. This reflects the behavioral dimensions that
affect the job performance of the faculty. For this purpose, factors like
human relations, courtesy, initiative, leadership, stress tolerance,
dedication to duty, punctuality and attendance, judgment/decision
making and the like may be used depending on the behavioral
requirements of the job.

Each faculty is rated on at least three (30) critical factors that affect
his job performance if applicable. Factors like courtesy, human relations
and communications skills may be used for those rendering frontline
services. Factors like leadership, initiative, stress tolerance,
judgment/decision making and other management skills may be used for
those performing supervisory and technical positions.

Punctuality and attendance is rated not separately but as combined

factors treated as one item of Part II. Fifty percent (50%) of the rating of
this factor is based on records such as DTR, bundy cards, pass slip and

leave applications, etc., and other 50% is based on actual attendance or

presence in the place of work as may be observed.

Other features and details of the performance appraisal system is

reflected in the approved AGENCYPES pursuant to CSC Memorandum
Circular No. 13, s. 1999.

No personnel, faculty and academic staff member shall be

considered for promotion without a record of two performance ratings of
at least Very Satisfactory immediately preceding the assessment of
candidates for advancement to higher ranks or positions.

Faculty and academic staff members who are on approved leave of

absence during the particular evaluation period may be promoted by
using the performance rating obtained before the granting of leave of


1. Policies
a. The institution shall develop and implement continuing
program of training and development for faculty and academic
staff members.

b. The Institution shall encourage its faculty and academic staff to

pursue relevant local and foreign assisted training /scholarship
grants attend seminars, conferences workshops or institutes and
related human resource development (HRD) courses.

c. Selection of participants to training program shall be based on

actual needs for specialization and enhancement of competence
taking into consideration organizational priorities.

d. Preference shall be given to candidates with permanent


a. The Institution shall create a “Faculty and Academic Staff
Training and Development Committee” to be composed of the
Vice President for Academic Affairs as Chairman , the
Department and/or Unit Heads as member and the Human
Resource Management Officer as Secretary. This committee
shall formulate its own rules for approval by the President and
the Board Of Trustees subject to established policies. Its main
function shall be that of selecting and recommending those who

should attend specific training programs conducted by the

Institution or by other government agencies, whether local or

b. Each department/unit head shall determine training needs of

their respective faculty and academic staff in accordance with
organizational priorities. He shall submit annually to the
President through the Faculty and Academic Staff Training and
Development Committee its HRD Plan embodying the kinds of
training programs and the names of those who are to undergo

c. The Committee through the Human Resource Management

Officer shall inform all faculty and academic staff concerned
about study grants and schedules of conferences or workshops
and invite qualified staff to avail of such programs.

d. The participant or recipient of a training grant/scholarship shall

submit a report on the prescribed forms on the training he has
completed and furnish the HRMO a copy of the training
certificate he received for entry in his personal file. The trainee
shall also be given the opportunity to share with his colleagues
what he has learned.


To sustain a high level of productivity and morale among the faculty
and academic staff, the Institution shall:

1. Take all proper steps toward the creation of an atmosphere conducive

to management and staff relations and improvement of their morale. It
shall make provisions for the health, housing, welfare, counseling,
recreation and related services.

2. Make arrangement for annual medical and dental services and take
proper action on the recommendations resulting from physical

3. Provide a system of informing the faculty and academic staff of their

rights and privileges as well as the rules governing their obligations
and conduct.

4. Facilitate the dissemination of information and the discussion of ideas

among the department heads and faculty members. It shall encourage

their participation in the development of policies, procedures, and

other matters affecting them and their work.

5. Encourage voluntary activities, whether athletic, social, recreational or

financial, provided these are conducive to faculty and academic staff
well being and consistent with the objectives of personnel welfare.

6. Encourage faculty and academic staff to form, join or assist employee

organizations of their choosing for the furtherance of their interests
subject however to existing laws, rules and regulations. They can also
form work councils and other forms of worker participation schemes.

The following procedure shall be followed for the settlement of complaints
and grievance arising out of the College Code Including matters relating to
terms and conditions of employment, and other personnel actions and policies:
Step 1. As much as practicable human relations shall be used in handling
grievances and/or complaints.

a. All disputes, complaints and grievance on matters arising from

the interpretation of the College Code, personnel actions and
policies shall be threshed out on the case-to-case basis according
to existing laws, rules and regulations relevant to thereto.

b. Any personnel of the College shall have right to present any

grievance against his peer, subordinate or superior in
accordance with the grievance procedure or machinery.

Step 2. Any personnel who has a grievance or claim shall submit this in the first
instance to his immediate superior either orally or in writing. The
superior shall answer the grievance or claim within a period of five
(5) days from the time said grievance/claim was submitted to him
by the personnel concerned.

Step 3. As much as possible, grievance should be settled within their respective

unit/division or department, viz:

a. Problems on matters arising/involving personnel association

shall be referred to the President of the Association.

b. Problems involving co-curricular activities shall be referred to

the Dean of Student Affairs;

c. Problems arising form teaching-related activities shall be

referred to the Department Head through channels;

d. Problems involving accounting and/or administrative

personnel shall be referred to the Unit Head and/or
Administrative Officer.

Step 4. The grievance or claim shall be brought by the employees personally

to the attention of the Department Head/Dean:

a. If the employee is dissatisfied with the answer of the immediate


b. If the matter is not within competence of the

superior/supervisor to deal with;
c. If it concerns a general issue of interpretation, application, or
compliance with the College Code.

Step 5. Should the matter not be settled to the satisfaction of the employee, this
may be appealed to the Vice President for Academic Affairs to be
decided within ten (10) working days if in the teaching group
and/or the Vice President for Administration if under the
Administrative or Support Services Group.

If a satisfactory solution to both parties is not reached by the

above procedure, the grievance or complainant shall be submitted
to the Grievance Board at the request of either parties.

However, no grievance or complaint shall be entertained by

the Grievance Board without a formal endorsement/clearance from
the Unit or Department head concerned.

In rendering out decision, the Grievance Board shall be

guided and shall apply existing laws, rules and regulations within
the context of fair play and due process.

Step 6. The decision of the Grievance Board shall be final and binding upon
parties; however, any aggrieved party has the right to appeal to the
Board of Trustees through the President of the college within five
(5) days upon receipt of the decision of the Grievance Board.

Step 7. Should the Grievance or complaint not be settled by the Board of

Trustees through the College President within fifteen (15) days

upon receipt of the decision, the aggrieved party may appeal to the
Merit System and Protection Board for resolution.

Step 8. The decision of the Merit System and Protection Board may still be
appealed within five (5) days upon receipt of the decision thereof.

Step 9. Should he grievance or complaint not be settled by the above

procedures, only then may either party proceed to such other
actions as may be allowed by law.

No College personnel covered by the System shall be suspended or

dismissed except for cause as provided by the law and after due process. The
provisions of the Civil Service Law and Rules on Administrative Discipline
shall apply in proceedings against personnel.


Except as otherwise in this Merit System, rights vested or acquired under

established Systems prior to the effectivity of this System shall be respected.

The President, the Board of Trustees, the Vice Presidents, the Deans, the
Heads of Departments/Units, the Administrative Officer, the Human Resource
Management Officer shall be responsible for the implementation and
maintenance of this Merit System.
The Human Resource Management Division shall be responsible for the
publication and dissemination of copies of this Merit Selection Plan and its
annexes to all College Personnel concerned after approval by the Civil Services
Commission. The said Division shall see to it that proposals for promotions are
in accordance with the provisions of the Merit Selection Plan.

This Merit Selection Plan and subsequent amendments thereto shall take
effect immediately after the approval by the Civil Service Commissions.

I HEREBY COMMIT to implement and abide by the provisions of this
Merit Selection Plan. It is understood that this MSP shall be the basis for
expeditious approval of appointments.
University President


CSC Regional Director



Chapter Page

1 General Provision 1

2 The Board of Regents 2

3 The University Council 7

4 Officers of the University 9

5 Functions of the Administrative Officers 18

6 Administrative and Academic Staff 23

7 Business and Financial Administration 38

8 Academic Calendar and Classes 43

9 Admission and Registration 45

10 Curriculum Changes 49

11 Examinations, Rules on Scholastic Standing 50

and Graduation

12 Students Affairs 59

13 Co-Curricular Activities 64

14 Conduct and Discipline 67

15 Merit Selection Plan 80

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