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Once upon a

a nice family lived in the countryside.

They Were mum, dad, two kids and their dog One day,
integrated by toby.

Parents were invited to a party, so

They decided to go and have fun.

Daniel and Kathy stayed at home that night. While

their parents were enjoying, kids were alone.

It was full moon and

It was very cold. Suddenly

Daniel heard strange noises outside.

He and her Little were very scared. However,


Daniel was very brave and

He decided to look at what was happening.

Daniel could see a strange creature.

It seemed like a strong black big dog, but,

the most strange was that


this dog had reddish eyes like fire.

Toby went out to face that strange dog,

He / it was struggling against that horrible dog, but

Daniel couldn´t see what was happening. So

he decided to take a stick and helped his Little When


He went out, Toby had dissapeared and

The horrible dog ran away in the middle of the night. Next day

Their parents came to the house, and

they could look a horrible tragedy.

Their kids and Toby had been killed.

There was blood everywhere.

That day was the saddest of their lives.

Peasants tell that full moons


A man in black wa and

two kids´souls and appear This is why

his dog´s soul

their souls are The end!

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