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Is represented as the capability to access, analyze, and invent media – media and information
2. It has been called the information age- information literacy
3. It is the understanding to access, analyze, evaluate, create, reflect, and act using all forms of
communication- media literacy
4. It is the skill of a person, working independently and with others, to responsibility, appropriately
and effectively uses technology access, manage, integrate, create and communicate
information- technology literacy
5. It is a set of skills requiring people to recognize when information is needed and have the ability
to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information- information literacy
6. The 20th century was a spectator to the birth of the most well known device in the history of
mankind- TV
7. Which is not belong to pre historic era- dry plates
8. One of the most earliest schemes of writing, identified by its wedge shaped marks on clay tablet
with stylus- cuneiform script
9. All were include in industrial era except- radio
10. Not included in the information era- film
11. One-way distribution of information through a media channel- allocution
12. Information literate required skills but not- change main idea
13. Example of media coverage- online videos
14. Netflix is an example of- media coverage
15. It conveys meaning through signs and symbols- media language
16. Diegetic/non diegetic sound- aural language
17. Captions allow the publication to present a story- written language
18. The meaning received by the audience is seen through how the actor uses their body- non-
verbal language
19. System od signs, which create meaning to communicate ideas and impressions for an audience,
producers, and other stakeholders- codes
20. Extraction of meaningful information from images- image analysis
21. Defines the position from which the image was created- framing
22. Distance between the nearest and farthest area from the camera which is in focus- depth of
23. Wide angle lenses make the scene appear deeper than usual- lens type
24. Speed at which the film responds to light- film stock
25. Anything that goes into a shot, including sets, props, actors, costumes, camera movements, and
performances- mise-en-scene
26. Literal description of what is physically seen or heard- denotation
27. Study of signs and symbols, discusses the literal and potential meanings- semiotics
28. MOOC means- free distance learning program
29. Waterproof, smart wristband that makes the user’s arm its own screen- cicret bracelet
30. Headset with a built in screen displaying a ‘virtual reality’- oculus rift
31. Android powered pair of glasses designed to make the user’s field of vision its own screen-
google glass
32. Gesture based control technology that lets you do any movement and can connect to any smart
device to connect to it- fin ring
33. Movie having stereoscopic effect- 3d film

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