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Reading and Writing

Everyone loves pizza.

According to my research, there are 90.34% like pizza while there is 5.66% dislike pizza. When it
comes to healthy eating, we all know to avoid fast food to get the results we want but most people
don’t know that pizza is also considered fast food. Health experts say that pizza should be avoided to
eat, as it is usually made of unhealthy refined carbs and full of fatty toppings.

Here’s the reason why others don’t eat pizza. First, a slice can have a lot of calories. According to
Cosmopolitan a large slice of pepperoni pizza can contain at least 310 calories that’s not entirely awful if
you’re only eating once slice, but most people always eat at least two slices per sitting. Second, the crust
is made with refined carbohydrates. It can be said that cabs are really good for the body, but when they
are whole grains they have not been bleached and their nutrients have been removed. Pizza dough is
usually made with fine flour, which increases your risk for belly fat. Third, there is a high probability that
the pizza has preservatives. Pizza chains can use preservatives in their dough and sauce to extend their
shelf line and maintain the desired texture and color of their brand. And last but not least, eating too
much pizza can lead to a life-threatening illness. We all wish we could eat pizza with every meal, but
excessive pizza consumption can lead to diseases like heart disease and high blood pressure due to its
high fat and sodium content. For me, pizza is an alternative food and becomes counterproductive but I
can say that eating a lot of pizza can affect your health, so if possible just eat pizza right and balanced.

In conclusion to this statement that everyone likes pizza, I can would say is faulty because there
are many reasons that pizza is not good to eat because it is not healthy food.

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