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This course provides training in different movement patterns and

core engagement in conjunction with the principles of healthy eating and
physically active life.
Fitness Assessment Test is a series of test that helps students to determine
physical fitness level and aids in developing the personalized program. The result
can identify the strengths and weaknesses in relation to physical fitness
and help setting attainable fitness goals. It consists of different types of tests and
exercises used to determine your overall health and physical fitness level. These
tests typically assess your strength, endurance, and flexibility. Fitness assessments
can also help you, or your personal trainer, figure out an appropriate fitness routine
and goals. A fitness assessment evaluates your overall health and fitness through a
series of fitness tests. It’s typically conducted by a fitness professional. The test
helps gain an insight into a person’s level of fitness, endurance, body composition
and general health.

Physical fitness is one of the core preconditions of health. We cannot imagine

a person to be healthy without being physically fit. Physical fitness, therefore needs
to be appreciated in full measure. The common perception of physical fitness is the
absence of ailment. If individual is not suffering from any perceptible disease, then
he is considered physically fit. Is it true? Another significant issue is whether there is
a universal condition of physical fitness which is uniformly applicable to all. It is not
so. Physical fitness of young people is different from that of the aged. The physical
fitness of a sports person is different from that of the persons working in army factory
or a layman. In fact, physical fitness means different things to different people. In this
lesson, let us discuss various aspects of physical fitness.

In earlier classes, physical fitness has been defined as the capacity of

a person to carry out the daily activities without undue fatigue. Physical fitness is
considered as a measure of the body’s ability to function efficiently and effectively
during work and leisure activities. In order to remain physically fit and healthy, we
need to engage ourselves in physical activities and take measures for physically fit.
Physical fitness is an important area of discussion as the number of children’s
becoming obese. The normal physical activities, which were done in earlier times
both at home and outside as part of day-to-day routine have reduced due to
development of science and technology. The work that was done manually is now
being carried out by machines. The use of automated equipment such as automatic
machines, remotes, mobiles and changes in lifestyles affect health and physical
fitness. It has become a matter of deep thinking for all of us. Now a day we find
increased marketing of packaged food and diet for physical fitness. Many such
health products now are advertised on TV and radio, and in newspapers, booklets
and magazine. It is important for all of us to understand that physical fitness cannot
be achieved without doing physical exercise regularly. We should not resort to any
shortcut that is frequently advertised in the media these days to achieve fitness or
maintain balance in life style. Moreover, these products may have side effects in our
daily life.


These are the following types of fitness assessment tests:

3-MINUTE STEP TEST- is a simple test designed to assess your cardiovascular

endurance. The purpose of this test is to predict a person’s aerobic fitness using a
simple test with minimal equipment.
SIT AND REACH FLEXIBILITY TEST - is a common measure of flexibility, and
specifically measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles. This
test is important as because tightness in this area is implicated in lumbar lordosis,
forward pelvic tilt and lower back pain. This test was first described by Wells and
Dillon (1952) and is now widely used as a general test of flexibility.

SIT UP TEST – it measures the strength and endurance of the abdominals and hip-
flexor muscles. Abdominal muscle strength and endurance is important for core
stability and back support.

PUSH UP TEST – it used to assess the strength and endurance of the upper body
muscle groups or also called the press-up test measures upper body strength and
endurance. There are many variations of the push-up test, with differences in the
placement of the hands, how far to dip, the duration of the test and the method of
counting the number of completed push-ups.

STANDING LONG JUMP TEST - also called the Broad Jump, is a common and
easy to administer test to measure the explosive power of the legs.

BODY MASS INDEX COMPUTATION or Body mass index (BMI) - is a measure of

body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. It is a
measure of body composition. BMI is calculated by taking a person's weight and
dividing by their height squared. BMI is calculated from body mass (M) and height
(H). BMI = M / (H x H), where M = body mass in kilograms and H = height in meters.


Fitness is an important indicator of one’s physical and mental functioning. In

particular, good Health-related Physical Fitness including cardiorespiratory
endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, as well as body composition
is related to lower rates of cardiovascular diseases, better sleep quality, mood, and
quality of life. Participating schools of the Project are recommended to conduct
fitness tests for students on a regular basis. This will enable teachers and
researchers to understand students’ performances in various aspects of physical
It can also help students understand how healthy they are and learn to set
goals to improve their health-related fitness. Being physically active can improve
your brain health, help manage weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones
and muscles, and improve your ability to do everyday activities. Adults who sit less
and do any amount of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity gain some health
It is very important because your level of fitness affects your health and
overall quality of life. We often hear that we need to exercise regularly and take care
of our bodies. However, it is necessary to distinguish some commonly interchanged
terms: fitness, physical activity, and exercise.

Fitness refers to a set of attributes that people have. In contrast with physical
activity and exercise, fitness is more about the state of the body. Research defines
physical fitness as the ability to vigorously carry out daily tasks without fatigue and
with ample energy to both enjoy leisurely activities and deal with unforeseen

The importance of fitness to everyday living lies in the myriad of benefits for
those who achieve and maintain good physical fitness. Some of the major benefits of
physical fitness include the ability to perform tasks without becoming tired or
sustaining an injury, increased energy levels throughout the day, lower risk for
cardiovascular diseases and heart problems, the prevention or slowing down of
balance, bone, and muscle deterioration in later stages of life, and the improvement
of self-esteem, mood, and mental health.

Methods of attaining physical fitness also vary from person to person. While
many individuals rely on traditional exercise, other types of activities related to labor-
intensive jobs, household work, and daily tasks can also contribute to one’s physical
This means that it is possible for people who don’t have much free time to
become physically fit without hitting the gym or going on runs that last for hours.
Low-impact exercises such as walking up and down the stairs and to the store,
gardening, walking the dog, and cleaning the house can also help improve one’s
health. These activities can complement weekend workouts or short exercise
sessions throughout the week and a healthy diet.


Physical Fitness. (2016, Oct 25). Retrieved from


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