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"Nice night wouldn't you agree? Got a perfect view of the stars and everything," John sighed in content.

"Yeah, perfect view of the constellations and everything," his friend, Thomas said.

The two of them were lounging on the grass, staring up into starry night sky, the full moon standing
proudly in the sky. They could hear the bugs zooming by, but paid them little mind as some landed on
their bodies. Their bodies itched from the insects and grass across there, but still, they continued to
admire the night sky.

John looked over at his friend and saw him frowning in sadness. He held back a tired sigh, having a
feeling that he knew exactly, or rather who had come to his friend's mind.

"Are you still upset about what happened with Taylor?" John asked and Thomas frowned sadly as what
had happened earlier played out in his head.

"She didn't have to be so mean about it," Thomas muttered sadly.

What made it worse was that Taylor didn't seem to take him seriously at all. She listened with a half
interested look and a flat face. When he finished his confession she told him bluntly that she wasn't
interested in him.

Despite everything he had done to try and get over it, he was still sad about how the meeting with her
turned out. He contemplated how he would find someone he can love and that person would return his

They looked back up into the night sky and saw a bright white streak across the sky and then vanish.
Thomas gasped, while John's mouth dropped in awe.

"Hey, a shooting star!" Thomas said with an excited grin. "Hey, you know what they say when you see a
shooting star?"

"What do you mean?" John asked curiously.

"They say that when you see a shooting star you make a wish and that your wish will come true. I never
thought I would see one out here."

"I wish that we were adults that way we can do whatever we want," John said happily, thinking about
what he would be able to do as an adult. He would be able to drive a car, stay up as late as he wants,
and see any movie that he wanted to see. He wouldn't have to do any stupid homework or deal with any
annoying teachers. It would be so awesome.

He heard Thomas muttering something under his breath, but couldn't quite make it out. He asked, "Hey
what were you saying?"

"Nothing," Thomas answered, quickly looking away from him.

"It wasn't nothing. It was something. What were you whispering?" John asked again.
"Nothing," Thomas answered a little more forcefully this time. "Just drop it okay!"

John was about to open his mouth to ask again, but stopped when he heard Thomas's tone. He sounded
tired, annoyed, and even a little angry. John said, "Alright."

The two laid back down on the grass staring up into the starry sky, wondering what else they would see

"Oh, almost forgot!" Thomas said as he pulled out his phone.


"I almost forgot to log into Fate/Grand Order!" Thomas answered as he clicked on the icon and waited
for it to finish loading. "Hey, there's a Summoning campaign for Camelot if you want to try and

John pulled out his phone and logged into the game. He saw the banner that Thomas talked about, but
he didn't really feel like doing it. He had already gotten Lancelot, Gawain, and Tristan when it came
around the first time, and while Artoria Lancer was sexy he didn't feel any need to get the Five-Star
version of her when he already had the Alter version.

"I'll do a ten draw," John said as he went over to the normal story summon.

"Wanna countdown before we hit the button."


"Ready?" Thomas asked, and John nodded. "On three. One, two, three!"

The moment he said three the two boys clicked the ten draw button, hoping that the two of them would
get something good. It had been a little tradition of theirs' ever since they had started the game. From
time to time they would do a draw at the same time. It had led to them getting some of their best pulls,
like when the two of them had started out and they both got two four stars in John's case, and a five
star in Thomas's case. So when they were going for a Servant that the two of them really wanted, or
just deciding to do one for the heck of it they would do it, sure it has failed them a few times, but more
often than not it led them to getting something good.

Thomas's eyes widened a little as he saw gold line the orbs as the summoning circle glowed brighter
until the pillar of light appeared and he held his breath as he waited for the pillar to die down and reveal
what it was. His heart stopped when he saw that it was a golden Lancer card.

"You better not be teasing me like this," Thomas threatened his phone, his grip tightening. He had been
bamboozled quite a few times when he got a gold card, only for it to be someone else entirely. As the
card revealed who it was he gasped at the sight of a knight in gleaming silver armor with a lance in hand
with a helmet shaped after a lion on a white horse.
"Yes! I got Artoria Lancer!" Thomas cried happily. He was so happy that he couldn't help, but giggle in
joy a part of wanting to do a small victory dance.

"Nice," John said happily, as he saw a silver Lancer card flash. His eyes widened a little as the card
continued to spark until the electricity fully consumed it and turned into a golden card. He waited with
bated breath wondering which four or five-star Lancer he got. He had a few of them already, but if it
was one that he had gotten before then it would still be good for him.

The card dissipated and revealed a black knight in draconic armor on a mad horse with a grey lance in

"Yes," John remarked, happy about whom he had gotten. Now he could upgrade Artoria Lancer Alter's
Noble Phantasm.

"So you got something good?" Thomas asked.

"Yup, another Artoria Lancer Alter."

"Sweet!" Thomas cried. "You had her before right?"

The boys saw their phones flash for a moment, and then flickered as they were back on the home

"What the heck!" Thomas cried. "The game crashed! Please let me keep Artoria Lancer!"

Thomas prayed that everything was okay and that they didn't just lose everything, or that something
was wrong with their phones. John quickly logged back into the game as well to see if his data was fine.
It would suck for both of them if they had suddenly gotten a good haul only to lose it all because their
phone were stupid for a second. When the games were finished loading back they saw that everything
seemed normal. They checked the Servants that they had and saw their latest ones at the very bottom.

"Oh thank god," Thomas cried. "For a moment there I felt like I was going to have a heart attack."

"Same," John agreed. "I spent good money on this game. It would suck if I suddenly lost everything you

"Didn't you write down the transfer code for that in case you lost your phone or something?"

"Of course I did, but I'm worried about what if I can't find the code you know. I wrote down in one of my
books, but if something happens to that then what am I going to do?"

"John, it's time to come home!" his mother called.

The boys looked over the fence and saw John's mother looking over the fence at the two of them. She
was a fair-skinned woman in her early 30's with signs of age around her eyes, but they were still signs of
her beauty that she had in her youth. Her long black hair flowed down her back, ending about halfway
down her back with a nice dark blue hair clip.
"I'll be right there mom!" John answered. He stood up and turned to Thomas and said, "I'll see you

"See you," Thomas answered as he stood up.

John ran across the yard the yard to get back him. He saw his mother standing by the door, holding the
door open for him.

"Did you enjoy your time with him today?" She asked nicely.

"Yeah mom, me and Thomas had a blast today."

"He looked a little depressed earlier today? Everything okay?" His mother asked worryingly.

The two of them had been best friends for years, ever since he had moved into the neighborhood years
ago. Thomas's parents had dragged him over to meet their new neighbors. At first, things had been
awkward between them, both of them were shy and weren't quite sure what they should do. After
playing with each other's toys for a little bit. Ever since then they had been hanging out with each other
practically every day. In a way, Thomas was the brother that he never had before.

"Yeah he had some girl problems at school, so I thought it would help if we hanged out today. I think it
did, but his mind went back to her a few times."

"You are getting to be around that age so it's expected, but let me give you a little bit of advice. Don't be
afraid or jealous about not having a girlfriend or anything like that at the moment. Just take your time
and go from there."

"I'm not jealous or angry or anything like that," John replied.

"Oh you might be one day," his mother said, and John rolled his eyes.

He went over to the dinner table, and after a nice dinner with his family, he went back up to his room
and played some games on his Playstation for a little while, lost in the stories told by his video games.
After a while, his mom told him that it was time for bed. He changed into his pajamas and went to bed,
wondering what he and Thomas would tomorrow.

When John woke up the next morning he let out a loud yawn as he went to the bathroom. His mom had
always been particular about his teeth and making sure that he kept good care of them. If he didn't
clean his teeth before he went to bed or when he woke up in the morning then he would be in trouble.
He made his way to the bathroom and grabbed his toothbrush and began brushing his teeth. He blinked
when he noticed something off about his reflection.

"Huh," John said. In the mirror, he looked taller, and that alone was something that he would have been
happy about, but there was something off as well. His hair seemed a little brighter, it wasn't much, but
now he could see small traces of blonde hair starting to peek through his inky black mop of hair. His skin
seemed a little lighter, it wasn't much but it was certainly noticeable.
The smell of cooking food assaulted his nose and he went to the kitchen to see what was being made.
He saw his mother cooking breakfast, and saw that she was cooking sausage. Off to the side were a
batch of biscuits and a bowl of gravy.

"Morning mom," he said.

"Morning sweetie," she said. As she flipped the sausages over, intently staring at the food she made.

"Hey, mom do I look any different?" John asked.

"Yes, dear, looks like someone got taller," she said with a smile.

John blinked in surprise that out of all the things that caught her attention it was the fact that he was a
little taller. He said, "But what about my skin or hair? Doesn't that look any different?"

She looked him curiously up and down, and his heart shrank. "No, you look the same. Do you think that
something's wrong?"

"No," John answered. He looked down at the ground, a cold chill down his spine. How could his mother
not see that there was something clearly different about him?

He saw his father enter the room with the newspaper in hand and took a seat by the table. He opened
the newspaper and began reading. John quickly went over to his father, thinking that maybe he would
see that something was wrong with him.

"Dad, do I look any different?" John asked, hoping that he would see that something was wrong with
him. His dad lowered the paper and looked him over. John's frown grew as he realized that just like his
mother; he didn't see anything wrong either.

"No sport you look the same as always, might have grown a little taller, but that's it really," his dad

"That's enough boys," his mother said, as she brought the plate of sausage and biscuits over and then
the bowl of gravy. "The food is ready."

John sat down at the table and made his plate. They were quiet as they ate their food. The only thing
that John could think about was his changed appearance but knew that it would be futile to try and
convince his parents that something was wrong with him. If his parents couldn't see that something was
wrong with him then maybe Thomas and his parents could see that something was wrong.

When he was finished eating he placed his plate in the sink and went to his parents and said. "Mom is it
alright if I head over to Thomas's house for a while?"

"Okay be back before dinner!" His mother said.

"Thanks, mom," John said and he ran to the door. He opened the door and went over to Thomas's house
and knocked on the door and waited patiently for it to open. The door opened and he saw Thomas's
mother. She was dressed up in a plain white shirt and blue jeans. Her brown hair was done up in a bun,
her green eyes looked at him warmly with a matching smile.

"Morning John," she said. "You here to visit Thomas?"

"Yeah, my mom said it was okay for me to come over and stay here for a while, as long as it's okay with

"Of course, it's always good to see you!" She answered, and moved to the side to let him in. John walked
inside and stopped. He turned back to her and sighed.

"Hey, Mrs. Kroll, do I look any different to you?" John asked, hoping that she would be able to see how
different he looked.

"Looks like someone getting taller," she answered, and he held back a sigh of disappointment. It seemed
like he was the only one that could tell that something was wrong.

He made his way to Thomas's room and threw the door open; and saw Thomas, John's eyes widened in
shock at his friend's appearance. Just like him, Thomas was a little taller than he had been yesterday,
and the two of them were roughly the same size. His blonde hair seemed a little lighter. It had gone
from a dark straw-like color to a brighter gold color, almost as if the sun had came down and kissed it.

"You too," Thomas said quietly.

"Wait…You can tell something's wrong?" John asked, a faint smile coming to his face.

Thomas let out a breath of relief and said, "Yeah, I can see and for some reason, my parents don't

"Mine were the same way. They saw me and said that I looked a little taller, but that was it. They didn't
notice anything wrong with my hair or my skin. Did something happen to you, or did you find something

"No!" Thomas exclaimed as he threw his arms up into the air. "I just woke up and when I went to the
bathroom I saw that I looked different. What about you?"

"Same thing as me," John sighed in frustration. "So no luck there."

"What's happening to us?" Thomas whimpered fearfully.

"I don't know maybe we'll figure it out if we keep thinking about it."

The two sat down on John's bed and tried to think about what could have caused their changes. They sat
there for several minutes and thought on what they had done, or if something strange happened.

"I can't think of anything!" Thomas exclaimed and slammed his hands down on the bed in frustration.
John balled his hands in frustration as the same anger that flowed through his being but was kept under

"I remember sometimes that my mom said that if you think too hard about something then it won't
come to you," John said.

"So what do you mean then?" Thomas said, looking at his friend curiously.

"What my mom meant was that instead of focusing so hard on it just let it come to you."

"That sounds stupid," Thomas grumbled.

"Do you have any better ideas?" John snarked; glaring at his friend.

Thomas opened his mouth and then immediately closed it. He brought his hand up to his chin and tried
to think of what they could do to try and figure out what they could do. After a moment he sighed sadly
and said. "I got nothing."

"Alright then what do you want to do?"

"Maybe we could just…play a game," John suggested and looked at his friends PS4.

"Sure that sounds good," Thomas sighed, frustrated. He wanted to try and think of what could have
caused this, but the more he tried the angrier and frustrated that he got with their situation.

If he couldn't think of anything

"Do you have any idea what you want to play?" John asked as he looked over at Thomas's games. Just
like him, John loved video games as well and they both had similar tastes. If there were certain games
that they both wanted then one would buy it and then they would switch off between who got it and

"How about a fighting game?" Thomas said as he went to his cabinet and pulled out several video games
and laid them out on the table.

"I guess that sounds good," John answered as he picked up the other controller.

"You got a preference for something we play, or not. Because I'm thinking Street Fighter sounds good
right now. We could always do a RPG, or watch something on Netflix later."

"That sounds good, but right now I want to kick your butt at this."

"Yeah right, after a few matches you're going to be begging me to go easy on you," Thomas smirked as
they chose their characters and fought dueled each other with the same energy that kids had around
this age, especially when they wanted to win.

They resorted to all combos and used petty moves, just to gain a leg up against their opponent. They
cursed at each other for using those tactics in the first place, and when they were finished they made
vows of revenge, that in the next fight they would emerge the victor. They played the game for hours on
end, until they had enough of each other's little competition.

When they got bored of that, they decided to move on and watched some anime on Netflix. They looked
through the list of anime, looking for something that would catch their eye, and soon managed to find
an anime to pass the time.

"You know if we're going to be watching stuff then we should get some snacks and drinks ready,"
Thomas said. "Just ain't right if we're going to have a marathon and we're not even going to have some
stuff to snack on as we do."

"Yeah, we got some bottles of soda in the fridge and some chips in the pantry that we could have."

"Sounds good, you know what kind you got?"

"We got some Dr. Pepper, Coke, Mount Dew, and some Cream Soda. As for chips well we got some
barbecue and sour cream and onion was as well."

The two went downstairs to raid the fridge and pantry and stopped when they saw Thomas's parents.

His father had a hint of grey in his hair as if dust bunnies had settled on top of his head, while his mother
had blue specks in her's. Aside from that, they look pretty normal for the most part. They were still the
same height and had the same skin tone and everything, but even so, the fact it appeared at all
unnerved the two boys as they realized a very important factor.

Thomas turned to John and gasped when he saw his friend. "John your skin!"

John blinked and looked down at his arms. He ran out of the room and went straight to the bathroom.
The moment he entered the bathroom he saw his paler skin. All over him, his skin was lighter, almost as
if he had been doing his best to stay out of the of the sun as much as possible for days now. It wasn't too
much of a difference from his usually tanned skin, but it was certainly noticeable.

Thomas ran into the room and locked the door behind him. He slumped against the wall and slid down it
like a fly as he tightly gripped his hair. He hissed, "It isn't just affecting us; it's also affecting my parents!"

John was about to say something but stopped. He picked Thomas up and moved him to the side.

"Hey!" Thomas cried as John unlocked the door.

He quickly and quietly went back downstairs and snuck a peek at Thomas's parents, who were now in
the living room watching TV.

They hadn't changed at all since he had last seen them, but his eyes were still locked on the little specks
of hair that clashed with their original hair color. His throat was dry and he felt like

"Tom if whatever is changing is also changing your parents too then what if it's changing mine as well?"
John questioned fearfully.
That took the all of the frustration out of Thomas's sails as he realized what his friend meant.

"Oh my god," Thomas said. "John, did you see anything different about them before you came over

"No, but we didn't notice anything different about yours until now. Maybe it takes longer on us or

"What do you want to do?" Thomas asked. He had never been really good at planning stuff like this out.
John was always better at that sort of thing. He had always been a bit more gung-ho and hands-on
about everything.

"I'm going to head home for now," John answered heavily. "I'll talk to you later. Let me know if the
changes stop here for you or something and if your parents have changed at all."

"Don't worry I will," John sighed, his heart heavy.

He ran out of Thomas's house to his own. He stopped at the door, afraid to open it. He reached out and
grabbed the handle and tightly gripped it, but still couldn't bring himself to open the door just yet. He
was afraid to have his worst fears proven true. That his parents were in the same boat as him, Thomas,
and Thomas's parents.

He opened the door and slowly walked inside. He looked in the kitchen and didn't see his parent there.
He heard the TV and knew that they were in the living room. He stalked into the living room, a part of
him telling him to just continue on to his room, but he forced himself to continue on. He had to know
the truth.

He stopped at the doorway and looked inside to see his parents. He saw his parents and compared them
to how they looked yesterday and prayed that they were still the exact same. They looked the same for
the most part. They were just as tall, and their skin seemed the same. He looked at their hair and his
heart fell like a stone. Just like Thomas's father, his own father had some grey in his hair well. A few
specks here and there, but it was certainly noticeable in his dad's black hair. He looked over at his mom
and saw that there was something different about her as well. Her black hair now had a small streak of
red starting to seep into her bangs. Whatever was happening to him and Thomas was clearly changing
his parents as well.

John quietly went back up to his room and shut the door behind him. He crawled onto his bag and
wrapped himself up tightly in the covers, enjoying the warmth that they provided him. He sniffled as
tears started to form in his eyes, and he couldn't help but cry as the realization that his parents were in
the same boat as him, Thomas, and his parents. He wished that this wasn't happening, that it was
happening to someone else and their family.

He heard a knock at the door. He turned as he heard his mother say, "John are you in there?"
John sighed as he took several calming breaths. When he was calm he said, hoping that his voice was
even, "I'm here.

"Dinner's ready, hun you ready to eat?" His mother asked.

"Yeah sure, just give me a few minutes and then I'll be down," John answered.

"Okay," she said.

John heard his mother walk down the stairs and he let out a breath that he didn't even know that he
had in him.

He had completely forgotten about dinner with all of the freaky stuff that has happened today. He didn't
want to go down there to eat with his parents. That would only remind him of what was happening to
him, but if he didn't then his mother would drag him down or punish him for trying to get out of it. She
was a firm believer for having everyone at the table before they eat their food, even if their sick they
have to come down to the table to eat.

He crawled out of bed and walked down the stairs. He stopped halfway down and took a deep breath. A
thought came to him that made his heart rise a little in hope. Maybe they weren't in the same boat as
Thomas's parents. Maybe they could notice the changes and just didn't see them yet. It wasn't often
that one really paid that much attention to their hair or actually stood in front of a mirror. His father did
keep his hair short, and his mother did keep her's in a ponytail most of the time.

He continued downstairs and sat down at the table as his parents finished setting the table. He looked
them over again and saw a few more spots of different color that were in their hair, but none that they
would notice. It filled him with hope to see that. If they hadn't stopped by the bathroom or actually
looked at their reflection that that means that his hope might be true.

When his parents finished placing the food down at the table they sat down and grabbed their plates
and made their food. He looked over what was for dinner and saw that his mom had made tacos, with
the meat, cheese, avocados, lettuce, and tomatoes all in different bowls with soft and hard taco shells
off to the side on another plate. When they were finished making theirs, he did the same. When he was
finished making his plate he looked at his parents, his mouth dry was as an unwashed potato. He sighed
as he finally gathered the courage to do what he needed to do.

"Hey mom, dad did you two notice anything different about yourselves?" John asked, hoping that they

"As far as we know no," John's father said, looking at him curiously, while his mother blinked at the

"So you didn't cut your hair, or dye, or something like that?" John asked, hoping that they would, his
heart pounding like a rollercoaster.
His parents grabbed clumps of there and looked it over. When they were finished looking at the clump
they grabbed another clump and studied it as well. After a few moments, they looked at each other's
hair and then back at him.

"No dear, everything's still the same, haven't gotten a haircut or anything like that," his mother said,
making his hope blast off into the heart of a dying sun. "What brought that question on?"

"It's just that I and Thomas saw his parents and they looked different to us," John explained, desperately
clinging to the hope that his parents saw the same thing that they did.

"I saw his parents earlier today when they were working on the yard and they looked just like they
always did," his father shrugged. "You two might have thought you saw something when it was just a
trick of the light or something."

"Yeah I guess you're right," John agreed despondently. There wasn't any use trying to convince his
parents that something was wrong when they couldn't see it. It would be impossible to make them see
differently. It would be as if he was trying to deny a common fact of the universe to someone else and
replace it with his own logic.

His parents talked with each other about what they had done during the day, while he continued to
quietly and slowly eat his food. The food did little cheer him up or make anything better, the only thing
it did was alleviate his hunger, but with all that he learned it only served as a small, almost minuscule
break from what was happening. He savored the taste as the topic of his parents' conversation shifted
from one thing to the next, and bored him to no end.

"John are you alright?" his mother asked.

John blinked and saw that both of parents were staring at him. He took a sip of his water to buy him
some time to collect himself and said, "Yeah I'm fine,

"Are you sure? You haven't eaten much of your food?" His mother asked worryingly. She placed her
hand on his head to see if he had a fever but saw that he didn't.

He looked down at his plate and saw that she was right. He only had a few bites of his food

"Yeah I'm sure," John said and pushed his plate away. "May I be excused from the table?"

"I guess sure," his mother said.

"Thanks," John sighed. He scooted out of his seat and made his way up the stair.

"If you need anything just let me know!" His mother said.

"I will!"

He shut the door behind him and again jumped onto his bed and crawled into the covers. He balled his
hands into a fist and slammed his hand down on the bed repeatedly until he grew tired of it. This whole
damn thing was just one big mess that piled one scary problem right after another, almost as if they
were a factory and kept sending all of the defects to the same place.

The worst part of it was that they had no idea what was causing it and that their parents didn't see
anything wrong either. He went back up to his room and crashed face down on his bed and sighed,
frustrated by all the revelations and changes that he had learned today.

He turned himself over and stared up at the ceiling as if it had all the answered that he needed right
now. The questions that had formed from the start of the day came to him at full force. What was it that
made it so that his and Thomas's mind wasn't changing, but their parents' minds were? Was there
something about their bodies that made it so that they were safe from being changed mentally?

He had seen some movies that showed that there was something in the bodies in some of their bodies
that might not be in other people that made them safe from diseases and stuff like that, but if that was
the case then why were both of their parents affected if they got their…genes if he remembered right
from them. Could it have been something that they got from their grandparents?

He groaned as he picked up another pillow and slammed it over his face and screamed into it.

John picked up his phone and sent to his friend, ‘Thomas it's not just your parents, but mine too. My
dad's got the same grey color showing up in his air and mom's got some red in her's. Let me know what
yours look like in the morning."

"Will do," Thomas answered.

John placed his phone on the desk and crawled into his bed, feeling uneasy about what tomorrow would
bring. With that was going on he was worried about how much would he still look like himself

John yawned as he felt his body come to. His bed felt the same, and yet different at the same time. It
was as if his sense of touch was magnified several times. He leaned and studied his limbs. He had little in
the way of body hair before the change, he had little hair on his arms and legs, but now they were gone,
almost as if someone had snuck into his room during the night and shaved it off. He rubbed his arm and
his skin felt soft and smooth, just like his mother's. His chest was a little tender, but nothing that would
stop him from going about his day and all. He frowned in displeasure. Whatever was happening to him it
was obvious that it was obvious that it has gotten farther. He went to the bathroom to check his
reflection, and to see how much farther the changes had progressed while he slept.

John stared at his face. It was softer then it was yesterday, while he didn't look girly before, now it
would be somewhat hard to tell what his true gender was. There was still some of the small fat that he
had, but there wasn't as much as there was. His face was a little rounder as well and he wasn't sure, but
his eyes seemed a little larger as well. He noticed that his brown eyes seemed a little brighter. It wasn't
much, but there seemed to be a golden tint to them.
John sighed as he walked out of the bathroom. His stomach rumbled and he licked his lips as the smell
of hot food assaulted his nose. He went downstairs, wondering if his parents' changes had progressed as
well and his eyes widened in shock as he held back a gasp.

His parents' hair color had changed completely during the night. The grey bits that had appeared in his
father's hair seemed to have taken over his hair completely, and the faint auburn streaks that were in
hers had changed her hair into a dark red that looked like blood.

"Morning John," his father said, and John noticed that his father's brown eyes were now a light greenish
color, almost the same shade as limes.

"Sleep well, honey?" His mother questioned and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

John noticed that his mother's blue eyes were the same shade of red that matched her hair, reminding
him of rubies.

"Umm yeah, felt like I was sleeping on a cloud," John answered as he took his seat at the table. He
looked over his parents to see if there was anything else that was different about them and noticed that
their faces seemed a little younger. There were less wrinkles on their face and the crow's feet around
their eyes seemed less prominent.

His parents made small talk as he sat at the table. He still wasn't sure what to say and he was grateful
they seemed more focused on each other. He didn't want to keep telling his mother that everything was
fine when it really wasn't. There seemed to be something off about their behavior. There wasn't
anything per see, but usually, his parents were really good at telling when something was weighing
someone down.

Maybe he was just over thinking things and letting all of this stuff get to his head right now. The doorbell
rang and he jumped in his seat.

"I'll get it!" John answered and quickly left the table, hoping that his friend would have some good news.

He opened the door and saw his mouth dropped when he saw an androgynous blonde in front of him.
He couldn't tell from their features if they were a boy or not. The soft, but still somewhat male features
confused him, but the longer blonde hair that looked like spun gold told him who it was.

"Thomas?" John said.

"Yeah, it's me," Thomas frowned.

The two looked each other over and grimaced at one another's appearance. Just as the two of them had
thought their changes had progressed. They were both taller and looked more like girls than boys. There
was a slight flare to their hips that only added to their girlish looks.

"Come on in," John sighed, moving to the side, to let him. Thomas stomped into the house.

"Who is it, John?" His father called out.

"It's Thomas dad!" John answered and turned to Thomas and whispered, "C'mon let's go up to my room
and talk there."

The two quietly made their way up the stairs to John's room, Thomas breathed a little heavily as they
got closer to his room. When they entered the room, Thomas threw himself onto the bed and groaned.

"Had a rough morning?" John asked.

"More like a rough night. I couldn't sleep until it was 4 in the morning," Thomas answered.

"What about your parents did they look any more different?" John asked.

"My dad's hair was completely silver, while my mom's hair was blue! Freaking blue!" Thomas hissed.

John blinked. His mom had blue hair? He wondered why whatever was causing this would change
Thomas's mom's hair to blue of all colors? He had seen people with that hair color before, like this one
guy at school, but it was clearly dyed. He couldn't help but ask, "So does it look natural?"

Thomas turned his head and glared at him. John couldn't help but shiver. There was something about his
friend's look that reminded him of his mother's. Maybe it was the cold fury that came off of it, or
because he had never been glared at by his friend like that before, but he couldn't help but be afraid of

"Sorry," John squeaked. Thomas continued to glare at him for a few more minutes until it died down.

"You're forgiven just don't ask a question like that, when we're both going through this stupid thing,"
Thomas ordered.

"I promise I won't ask questions like that unless it comes up for some reason," John agreed and then
narrowed his eyes as he looked harder at Thomas's changed face.

"What is something wrong? Am I changing some more?" Thomas asked nervously as he reached and felt
his face, but much to his relief it didn't feel like anything had changed.

"Hold on I want to see something," John said. He grabbed Thomas's arm and felt his chest beat a little
faster. For some reason, his heart beat a little faster in his chest, but he played it off as just his idea
coming to him, and some hope coming to him in this bleak situation.

Thomas was pulled to the bathroom and John stopped and stood right next to him.

"Just look into the mirror and it will come to you," John said confidently.

Thomas gasped as he studied his reflection and compared it to Thomas's. They looked eerily similar to
each other, almost as if the two of them were cousins or even siblings. They had the same rise in their
cheekbones and the same overall shapes of the face. Their facial features were remarkably similar,
almost a match for match aside from their noses and eye shapes, they weren't the same just yet with
Thomas having the bigger nose, while John had bigger eyes, but if the transformations were to continue
then he wouldn't be too surprised if they looked the same. The only major differences that stood out to
them were that John's skin was lighter and his hair seemed a little paler.

"Now that we're next to each other like this you notice how similar we look to each other?" John asked,
making John blink and look at their reflection.

"Yeah," Thomas sighed and narrowed his eyes. "Is it just me or is there something familiar about our

John blinked and looked at his reflection again. After a moment he realized what his friend meant.
"Yeah, there's something about the colors and the way we look that just…reminds me of some people
we've seen."

"Now that you mention it your right," Thomas said as he scratched his chest. As he did he noticed that
his chest a little larger and puffier, his nipples a little more sensitive, but played it off as the new
sensitivity of his skin. If he paid a little more attention he would have noticed the slight rise of his chest
as it slowly began to grow.

"Thomas is something wrong with my chest?" John asked, hoping that he was just imaging things. "My
chest has been a little tender since I woke up and all."

Thomas looked him over. He looked the same as he did earlier. He looked at his friend's chest and said.
"It looks the same to me. Maybe the problem is underneath your shirt?"

John looked down at his shirt and gasped when he saw that his nipples looked larger.

"What's wrong?" Thomas asked.

John grimaced as he grabbed the bottom of his shirt and lifted it over his head, revealing what he had

Thomas blushed for some reason. He had seen his friend shirtless many times before when they went
out to the beach, or just when the heat had gotten to them, but now something had changed. For some
reason seeing his friend's bare chest excited him and filled him with a glee that he only had when he was
looking at naughty pictures of a girl from anime or women in revealing outfits. He violently stuffed those
feelings inside of him with the force of a jet engine being used to ram something into the world's largest
jar, but even so, he could feel a part of him liking what he was seeing. Even so, he could see clearly what
his friend had discovered. His nipples were bigger, not crazy or unnaturally sized, and perfectly suited his
new size, but even the fact that they had grown at all was worrisome enough.

"Well your nipples look a little larger, but aside from that your chest looks fine," Thomas answered.

"Yeah but how long do you think that's going to be the case, for all we know this is only a sign of what's
coming," John answered and patted his chest and noticed the slight puffiness to it.
Thomas stopped as he thought about it. Small things, especially in their current situation always led to
bigger things. The proof that he needed to know the truth of the matter he could find right in a mirror or
by looking at John or their parents.

"I guess you're right, still what are we going to do now? Do you want to try and hang out for a little
while to pass some time or what? Maybe we'll figure something out."

"I'm going to head home. I just…I just need some time to think about all of this you know?" John said as
he all but barged out of the room, feelings of sadness and regret filled his being that he was leaving his
friend, but he needed to be alone right.

"Are you sure that you don't want to hang out for a little longer," Thomas called out.

"I'm good," John answered as he continued to walk down the stairs.

John went back home and crawled into his room and flopped on his bed. He threw the covers over him.

He pulled out his phone and logged in. A mobile game might not be the best game to play to distract
himself, especially when he had a working game system and TV in the room that he could play with but
it was better than just lying about and doing nothing. Besides he needed to make sure that he kept up
his login streak after all. He wouldn't want to break that streak and end up having to work his butt off to
get some more free Quartz.

He did some of the daily quests earning Blazes and embers that he could use to level up his servants in
and also other materials to either ascend his Servants down the line or to level up their skills. After a
little while of playing and using some apples, he decided to call it a night and go to bed.

He tried for over an hour to fall asleep. His mind ran, wondering what he would look like tomorrow.
Would he look even more like a grown woman? What would Thomas look like?

The thought of his friend made John blush. Thomas was certainly pretty. He never had such thoughts
about his friend before in his life. Heck, he didn't have any thoughts about men before in his life either.
He had been attracted to women, especially when they were in pretty and sexy outfits like in TV shows
or video games.

It wasn't until much later that he finally managed to fall asleep, but even then his mind haunted him.
Not with wonders of what he would look like, but with fantasies of him and Thomas together in
situations that he never thought of before.

Thomas woke up to someone roughly shaking him awake and noticed some weights on his chest. He
groaned as he leaned up and saw his mother standing over him with a warm smile. He looked out his
window and saw that it was still dark outside. He wondered why his mother was waking him up this
early. He didn't have to be in school until ten and he didn't have to be up until eight thirty to eat and get
ready for everything.

"Mom, what's up? Why are you waking me up this early?" Thomas yawned and his mother giggled.
He looked over her features and saw that she looked even younger than she did yesterday. It wasn't just
that her face shape was different. Her face had lost some of the heart shape and started to take on a
more rectangular appearance, making her look almost boyish. He crawled out of bed and saw that he
now towered over his mother. He felt a wave of unease grow as he remembered his father. If his mom
had changed this much then it was likely that his father was roughly in the same spot as she was.

"Because you have to get ready for high school silly!" His mother said waving a finger in front of him,
just like he had seen plenty of animated mothers do

"High school?" Thomas muttered as he threw off the covers and hopped out of bed. As he did he
noticed a certain bounce to his chest. He looked down at his chest and saw that several lumps had
grown on his chest while he slept. They weren't too big, but there was certainly a rise to his chest.

"Oh my god," Thomas muttered quietly and brought his hand up to his chest. He shook his head. He
didn't have time to get lost in thought. He slowly went to the bathroom, completely unaware that he
had stopped breathing until he gasped when the warm water hit his body.

After an uncomfortable shower of him mainly trying to get used to the uncomfortable new sensations of
his body, especially with his enlarged chest and nipples, he went back to his room and sighed as he just
pulled out the first couple of clothes in his closet and put them on. He was surprised to see just how well
they adapted to his new form and how comfortable they were. Well at least whatever the hell was
causing the transformations were giving him clothes that perfectly fit his changing self and didn't chafe.
It was a small mercy all things considered, but a grateful one nonetheless. He would take every good
thing that he could get right now.

When he came downstairs he saw his mother sitting at the table reading a book. His mother turned to
him and frowned in displeasure for some reason. She hopped out of the chair and came over to him and
looked up at him. Her hands were on her hips and her cheeks were puffed out as she pouted at him.
Thomas couldn't help but stare, his mother was acting so weird this morning that he couldn't help but
wonder if he was still dreaming.

"You can't go to school without a bra!" His mother said.

"What?" Thomas said.

"Go up there and put on a bra young lady!" His mom ordered petulantly, almost childishly.

Thomas went back to his room, his mind reeling over what had just happened. There was a part of him
that felt wrong, that he should have been the one that should have been the one that told her what to
do for some inexplicable reason. He browsed through his closet and found a drawer that had numerous
bras inside. He pulled out a white bra and saw the tag that said it was a C-cup. He wondered how he
would put it on and suddenly his mind ached as if he was locked in a band room and all of the students
were playing as loudly and out of sync as possible.
When it passed he felt new information in his mind and he somehow knew how to perfectly put on the
bra. He did as he remembered and was able to easily slip it on as if he had done it for years. He was a
little unnerved by the sudden influx of memories, but compared to what has been happening to him in
the last couple of days this wasn't as bad as it would have been.

He felt sick and numb. He looked deeper into the closet and saw a few dresses in the back, along with
some more undeniable feminine shirt. The sight of them made him want to wretch. He slammed the
closet door shut and went back down downstairs and made himself a quick bowl of cereal to eat, trying
to distract himself.

His mother looked him over intently, humming to herself. She reached out and squeezed his chest,
making him gag on air and drop his spoon. After a moment she let go and nodded her head happily and
said, "Perfect you're wearing one!"

"Mom, what the heck was that for?" Thomas demanded.

"I needed to make sure that you were wearing a bra," she answered as if it was obvious.

"You could have just asked!"

"But you could have lied to me and lying is bad so I had to be sure," his mother answered and he
blinked. Her logic wasn't wrong, but it was almost childish.

His father came downstairs and Thomas noticed that he seemed smaller then he was yesterday. Before
his father had towered over him, but now he towered over his father. He studied his father's face and
while it did look younger like his mother's face, but there was also something about it that seemed
feminine. It was the shape of his eyes and his mouth that told him so.

"Go you don't want to be late!" His mother ordered.

"R-Right," Thomas said as he grabbed his bag and made his way to the door.

"Bye!" His father waved as he walked out the door and shut it behind him. "Have a good day!"

"You too," Thomas answered and shut the door behind him.

He made his way to the bus stop. He knew where he needed to go. He had seen the older kids and
where they would stand as they waited for their bus to arrive. When he arrived at the bus stop he saw a
pale shimmying girl with dull blonde hair and golden eyes and a nice bust.

"John?" Thomas questioned, hoping that it was his friend. The ‘girl' jumped and quickly turned to him.

"Thomas?" John said and quickly went over to him.

"We're turning into girls," Thomas said hollowly.

"I realized that today too," John answered. "And we also skipped several grades and are heading straight
to high school."

"Found out about that too."

"We're doomed if we can't even find out what caused the transformation."

An uncomfortable silence had overcome the two of them. The world was changing around them so fast
and on one hand it was horrifying for all that they knew to change so much with only the two of them
knowing that something was wrong. The only solace that they had was that they had each other in all of
this craziness. There was also the weird feelings of attraction that they had for each other. There was
just something about seeing the other in casual attire that made them look beautiful and cute to them.

A few more people came to the bus stop as they continued to wait, but none of them came over to
them and tried to start a conversation. That was fine to the two boys. They didn't need or wanted to talk
to anyone else at the moment.

The bus finally arrived opened its doors to them. As the other people loaded up onto the bus, John and
Thomas grabbed their bags and looked at each other. Both of them were nervous and didn't want to
hop on with all that was going on, but maybe if they were lucky they would find a hint.

"Let's just stick together as much as we can and go from there," Thomas said, taking John's hand and
squeezing it tightly.

John felt his heart swell as his nervousness died down a little. He was still frustrated about everything
and was nervous about his first day of college, but Thomas's presence made everything easier as
different feelings began to form in his heart.

"Ready?" John sighed.

"No, but we don't got a choice do we," Thomas answered.

They walked on the bus and were immediately met by the loud noises of all those inside. They could
hear all of the people's talk, getting mixed with each other's and the nervousness that they had grew.
They had never ridden a bus to school before the transformations, and as far as they knew their parents
weren't planning of them doing so any time soon.

They made their way to an open row and sat down next to each other, holding each other's hand tightly
as if the other was a lifeline. John leaned against the window and frowned at how loud everyone was.
He felt someone lean against him and turned to see that Thomas was leaning against him. He blushed as
he adored the soft golden locks of Thomas's hair tickling his face. He smiled and took comfort from his
friend's presence.

When they arrived at the school they could feel eyes on them. They looked around and saw that more
than a few young men were eyeing them.
"You feel like we're prize cows on display or something like that?" Thomas asked nervously.

"Yes, just ignore them," John said, trying to sound tough, but there was a waver in his tone.

Thomas looked over John's figure and found his mouth water a little. John's figure wasn't too
outrageous, but certainly more prominent than the girls around them. He had a nice set of breasts, and
he wondered how much bigger they would get. A nice plump butt as well that a part of him wanted to
reach out and grab it.

Thomas looked over his own body and realized that his figure was just as good as John's. He couldn't say
with absolute certainty who had the better one. For all, they knew they had the exact same bodies. It
certainly wasn't helping that more than a few boys were sending looks their ways that made the
transforming boys feel like they were slabs of meat being watched by hordes of dingoes waiting to grab
a bite. He would admit that the feelings that he had felt for his friend were growing, and as they did the
more perverse thoughts started to invade his mind. Things that he had no knowledge about until now.

When it was time for their first class they knew where they should go as new memories filled their
minds. They went throughout their day going through their classes with new knowledge that unnerved
them and fascinated them at the same time. They hated that they were still in school, but they were
happy that they at least had the knowledge to survive and not make themselves look like idiots.

After halfway through the day it was time for lunch. John went down to the cafeteria moving as fast as
he could walk so he could be one of the first to the line. From what his mind told him Thomas had the
next lunch.

After getting his lunch he sat down under a tree ate. He pulled out his phone and logged into his phone.
After all the new knowledge that had randomly been shoved into his head, and dealing with his
constantly shifting environment he needed a small break from all of this. He clicked on Fate/Grand
Order and waited patiently as the game loaded. He clicked on one of the trial quests and loaded his
team with Riders, like Saint Martha, and Francis Drake. He clicked on Altera and looked for the perfect
Lancer for the job, Artoria Lancer Alter.

He set Artoria Lancer Alter on his team and stared at her face. He held his finger down on her portrait
and frowned as a wave of eels went down his spine. He logged out of the game and went to the camera
of his phone and pressed the camera button, and pressed the selfie button.

He compared his face to Lancer Alter's and realized that his new face matched perfectly with her's. The
skin tone was an almost exact, the shade of his eyes was a little darker, but they wouldn't be like that for
long. His hair was the exact same shade. He lowered his arm, his body feeling heavy as he said quietly.
"Oh my god. I'm turning into Artoria Lancer Alter."

Suddenly a revelation came to him. The shooting star from a few nights ago and his wish that they were
adults and the way their phones suddenly went haywire. If he was turning into Artoria Lancer Alter then
that would mean that Thomas might be turning into Artoria Lancer. He quickly went to his messages and
typed. "Meet me in the library now."
He tapped his foot impatiently until he got a reply that said ok. He quickly packed his stuff up and made
his way to the library. During his lunch period, people were allowed to go to the library. He didn't have
too long.

"Hey, John what did you need to talk about?" Thomas asked.

"I figured out who I'm turning into, but I want to see if I'm right. Log into Fate/Grand Order and put
everything that you got into Artoria Lancer."

"What?" Thomas said, confused. "Okay, I guess. Just give me a second."

Thomas pulled out his phone and logged into it. He pulled her up for leveling and starting throwing his
embers to level her up. After the first level up, he frowned and said. "I don't have enough golden
embers to do it."

"Just throw everything that you can into her! I need to be sure!" John hissed, almost venomously. He
had to restrain himself from shouting. "Then just use some friend points or use some Quartz until you

"Okay just give me a second," Thomas answered as he did a few dozen pulls on his phone.

"Alright and done," Thomas answered as he moved to the Ascension section and ascended Artoria
Lancer. The screen flashed as it said Ascended and after a moment it showed her card. The card flashed
and after a moment it faded away and revealed her first ascension form. She still wore her armor but
had discarded the fur cape along her neck and lion themed helmet, revealing her face. Thomas's mouth
dropped as he compared their features. If Artoria Lancer was real then his new body would be a dead
ringer for what she would look like, minus the breasts.

"Recognize her I see," John remarked.

Thomas didn't answer and gulped as he looked down at his chest. He didn't have her titanic tits, but it
would only be a matter of time. John blushed as he realized what his friend was thinking and rubbed the
back of his head awkwardly. He would be getting those same set of tits in time as well and considering
what he had already he wasn't looking forward to them.

The thought of their own changes made Thomas realize something else as well and said. "Hey if we're
changing into the Artoria Lancers then why are our parents changing as well? It's not like we wished for
anything to happen to them as well?"

John blinked. That was true. They didn't wish for anything to happen to them as well. In fact, there was
no real way that his wish should have affected them at all, but then he remembered that Thomas had
said something as well. His eyes widened when he said. "What about with what you mumbled that
night. Maybe that's why our parents are changing."

"No way, what I said that night wouldn't affect our parents," Thomas said firmly.
"Why what did you say? Maybe it was just how it was phrased or something that's causing.

"I would rather not say," Thomas blushed as he shimmied in place. "But trust me what I said that night
wouldn't have any effect on our parents."

"Thomas," John pressed, glaring at his friend.

Thomas gulped and shivered from his friend's look. Those golden eyes looked like they were figuring out
how to best dissect him and figure out everything out all of his secrets.

"Look I promise on my video game collection that the wish I made was nothing related to our parents!"
Thomas pleaded. He got down on his knees and bowed in front of John, much to his surprise. "Just
…please don't push me on it."

John stared down at his bowing friend. There was a part of him that strongly said that he should push to
find out why his friend was so desperately trying to hide what he said that night, while a part of him paid
it little mind and said that it made no real difference. He thought on his wish. He said that they wished
that they were adults so that they could do whatever they want. There wasn't anything about it that
included his parents in his wish. It should have just been them affected then if he was going by his logic,
but then again the wish shouldn't have actually come true either. It was possible that the wish he made
was the cause for his parents changing as well, and if Thomas was being honest with him, and he hoped
he was or else there would be a reckoning later. Then his wish shouldn't have either.

"Alright I'll trust you for now, but if whatever you said actually starts to come into play you better spill it
or else, got it," John ordered.

"I got it," Thomas answered. "Like I said I swore on all of my video games so if I don't fess up when it
shows up then you can have them."

"As long as we're clear."

"I should head back to class now. I don't want to get in trouble with the teacher. I've been gone for quite
a bit and should head back or else he might send someone to look for me," Thomas said and moved to

"Does it even matter," John said, making Thomas stop in his tracks.

"What do you mean? I don't want to get in trouble. "

"Just a few days ago we were in middle school, and not only are we in high school now, but we're also
older as well. At this point does it really matter?" John repeated firmly. "For all, we know we won't even
be in high school tomorrow."

Thomas frowned in thought as he thought about what John said. He wasn't wrong when he said that
everything was changing so fast. It honestly never occurred to him before now that they might not even
be in high school tomorrow. If there really was a chance that they might not even be in high school
tomorrow then maybe they should consider other options. After a moment he said. "So no school

"No, why don't we go out and have some fun, or I don't know as long as life doesn't really throw
something else at us."

"Considering the fact that this is happening I'm willing to bet that there will be two or more bullets in
the chamber before this is done."

"Sounds about right," John answered. "See you later."

"See you," Thomas answered and left for class.

The rest of the day passed in a blur to the two boys. They didn't try to make it look like they were really
interested in the lessons that were taught and just made it so that they wouldn't get in trouble. When
school was over they hopped back onto the bus and sat down until they came to their stop. They didn't
say anything and held each other's hands, the rest of the world dying out as they took strength from
each other's being as they waited patiently to get back home.

When they arrived at their stop they got off and made their way back to their house. When they were
sure that no one was nearby John cleared his throat.

"So do you think that our parents had changed even more?" John asked.

"I'm not taking a sucker's bet," Thomas said.

"Hey if our parents are becoming kids you don't think that…," John started.

Thomas looked at his friend wondering where he was going with this exactly, and then realized what his
friend meant.

"No, I mean it can't be. We might be getting older and our parents might be getting younger now, but
that doesn't mean that…" Thomas trailed off.

"But if we're turning into female Servants then do you think it's possible that they are turning into
Servants as well?" John said.

Thomas rubbed his chin as he thought about what John had said. It would make sense if they were.
After all, they were turning into characters from Fate/Grand Order. If they were then it would be too far
of a stretch to say that their parents were as well. "I think that you might be right on that. Though that
does bring up the question now of who are they turning into."

"You said your mom had blue hair right?" John asked as he pulled out his phone and clicked on the app.
"I can't think of any Servants with blue hair on the top of my head, but that certainly does narrow the
list down."
"Yeah she did, and you said your mom had red hair and red eyes right?" Thomas asked as he pulled out
his phone.

"Yeah," John answered as the game finished loading up. He looked through his Servants to see if he can
find any Servants that had blue hair. He stopped when he saw the picture of a boy with short blue hair
and glasses. He clicked on him and saw that it was Hans Christian Anderson. He looked closer at the
picture of Hans and hummed. Hans did look like he fit the bill, and there weren't any other Servants that
he could think of with blue hair. Not to mention that he really did look like a kid. If it wasn't for the way
that he talked to people and his attitude then no one would be the wiser.

Thomas searched through his own Servants and stopped on a Three-Star Rider Servant with red hair and
red eyes. He clicked on the Servant and saw that it was Alexander, the younger version of Broskander.
He said, "Found out who your mother is most likely turning into. It's Alex."

"Same, your mom's turning into Hans," John answered.

"Okay now that we know who are mothers are turning into there's still the question of who our dads are
transforming into."

"That may be, but if we have figured out what's going on and who we and our moms are turning into
then our dads have to be turning into girls from Fate/Grand Order too.”

"And there are only three Servants that fit the bill with grey hair and are kids that I know of," Thomas

"Same. Which means they have to be turning into either Jack, Jeanne Alter Santa Lily, and Nursery
Rhyme," John agreed. "And we'll be able to tell who they are by their eye color. Nursery eyes are purple,
Lily's are gold, and Jack's are green."

They walked a little more down the street and noticed that Thomas's house was a different color now.
Now there were different cars parked in the driveway, a small flower bed, and more trees.

"What the hell?" Thomas said. He pulled out his wallet and saw that now there were various credit cards
and a license inside. He looked at the address and saw that it was actually for John's house. He held out
the ID for John to see, who saw the address and his age. Now it said he was twenty-three.

"Guess I was right when I said high school didn't matter," John chuckled.

"Yeah," Thomas agreed. The two walked over to John's house and stopped in front of the door.

"You ready to do this?"

"I don't know, but I know we'll get through it together," Thomas answered and grabbed his friend's hand

They opened the door and walked inside. They heard the TV on and went to investigate. When they
arrived they saw that it was set on a cartoon. They heard small feet running toward them both gripped
each other's hand tightly, mentally preparing themselves for their parents.
A small girl turned the corner dressed up in a nice black dress. She waved at the happy and exclaimed,
"Hello mamas!"

The two boys froze. They weren't sure what to expect, but out of all the things that could have been said
to them that was the last thing they expected.

"Hello," Thomas got out quietly. "Could you come here for a second dearie?"

His father rushed over and stopped in front of him.

"What is it?" His father asked, turning his head to the right cutely.

Thomas couldn't help but smile. Despite how freaky this whole situation was he had to admit that his
father was now absolutely adorable. And how weird that sentence was stood out to him the moment he
thought it. He looked at his father's eyes and saw that they were now a bright purple color.

"Nursery Rhyme," Thomas muttered.

"Huh, do you want to tell me a story?" The small child asked.

John looked around the room and saw another child with grey hair and knew that it had to be his father.
He kneeled down and said in a sweet loving tone, "Sweetie could you come here for a moment."

His father smiled and instantly rushed over. "What do you need mama?"

John stiffened at the mama bit but ignored it. He needed to know who his father was turning into. He
looked at his father's eyes and saw that they were now a bright green color, which confirmed that he
was turning into Jack.

The two older boys heard more people coming into the room and saw a pair of young boys. One of them
had blue hair, while the other one had red hair and red eyes. They felt strange. They should have been
afraid or disgusted about what had happened, but they found themselves strangely accretive of this
discovery. Maybe it was the knowledge or the idea that they had before that gave them some measure
of preparation or the fact that with everything that they have been through in the last couple of days
they were finally starting to just roll with the punches now. They didn't know for sure.

They passed the day doing their absolute best trying to keep the little munchkins happy. They played
games with them, told them stories, and had them watch TV. Thomas had babysat his little cousin a few
times when his parents were busy with grown-up stuff. He gave John tips and ideas of how to play with
the kids and keep them busy and from going too wild. They had so much fun that it wasn't until it was
dark out that they realized that it was already night. The children rubbed at their eyes trying to
desperately stay awake.

John and Thomas picked up the little ones and instinctively took them to their rooms and tucked the
little ones into bed. The kids tried to say that they weren't sleepy, but their tones and body language
said otherwise. After a few moments all of them were passed out on their beds.
The two older boys went to the master's bedroom. They entered the room and saw a large king size bed
with a vanity with numerous makeup application off to the side. There were some pictures of the new
them, but they didn't want to get closer to them and see what they contained. There was a large
bookcase that had several books and a TV on it.

"So do you want the bed or the couch?" John asked.

"We could just…share the bed," Thomas suggested with a dark blush. "It's certainly large enough for it
and it's only weird if we make it weird right? And it probably would beat sleeping on the couch."

"I guess you're right," John said with a faint blush, a part of him actually eager to sleep in the same bed
as his friend.

He crawled underneath the covers as Thomas did the same. They lied down next to each other. There
was a hint of awkwardness that always came when someone did something new for the first time, but it
was completely overwhelmed by how right it felt to the two boys. It was almost as if they were sleeping
with a favorite blanket or a stuffed toy that kept all of the nightmares away.

They closed their eyes and waited for sleep to overcome them, and it quickly did. Their minds were once
more filled with fantasies of the other. That was the best night of sleep the two of them had since the
transformations had started.

"Wake up! Wake up!" A small childish voice demanded.

He immediately noticed the extra weight on his chest and looked down. His breasts looked like they had
doubled in size. He heard a groan next to him and turned and saw a red head of hair waking up his
friend. He groaned as he leaned up and yawned.

"What is it? Do you need something?" Thomas asked. He looked at his phone and saw that it was seven
in the morning.

"We got to go to school!" His former father said. He turned to a girl with short grey hair and green eyes.
"Right Jack?

The moment he said Jack the tiredness that they felt completely evaporated. Their transformations had
to be over now, especially since they were being called by the names of their new personas.

"No we don't we can stay home," Jack said as she crawled onto the bed and snuggled between the two
adults. She patted the spot next to her. "Climb into bed Nancy. There's enough room."

"We can't!" Nursery Rhyme, or rather Nancy denied.

"You just want to go because of story time," Jack deadpanned.

Nancy blushed but didn't say anything. Clearly, that was the only reason why she wanted to go.

"I would like to stay home too," Alex said. "It would be fun! We could just play games and watch TV."
"Sorry kids but you can't," John said. "You have to go to school. You got to learn your numbers and make
more friends with other kids."

The children groaned in disappointment, aside from Nancy who quickly rushed out to pack the rest of
her stuff for school. The other children followed her outside. When they were out Thomas quickly
rushed to the door and shut it.

"So do you have any idea where we are supposed to take the little rugrats?" Thomas asked/

After he said that two felt a small migraine come over them as new information filled their head.

"Well that answer's that question," John sighed. "Let's get dressed and then we can drop the kids off.
When we get back we can talk more about this when we don't have to worry about them hearing
something they shouldn't."

"Alright," Thomas agreed.

The two of them went to the closet and pulled some random clothes to wear. As they were changing
Thomas noticed just how sexy he was. Large breasts, huge ass, and wide alluring hips. The only thing
that was left of who he was his small penis. He pulled out one of the bras for them to wear and saw the
tag of it that said it was for a G-cup. He blushed at how big those were and knew that John had the same
cup size. He had changed into a simple white t-shirt and blue jeans.

He turned and saw that John had slipped a nice peach colored sweater and a long black skirt. He blushed
at the sight of his friend's melons. He had heard about sweater puppies, but that jacket made him want
to run up to him and just put his face between those melons.

When they were finished changing they went downstairs and saw that the kids had already packed their

They made the kids some quick bowls of cereal to eat and when they were finished eating they hopped
into the car and quickly took them to their bus stop. They waited patiently in the car for their bus to
arrive and when it did the former adults kissed the transforming boys and said goodbye as they hopped

They watched the bus drive away until it was gone. John sighed. He wondered what the two of them
should do now that they didn't have to worry about the munchkins. The thought of the munchkins
leaving them made him sad, but he knew that they would be home later.

"Now it's just the two of us Artoria," John said and blinked when the name he said registered in his

"Altria why did you just call me Artoria?" Thomas or rather Artoria said. "You…you didn't mean to did

"Nope," Altria said, popping the P. "Let's just go home."

"Sure," Artoira sighed.

They hopped into the car and went back to the house. They made their way to the kitchen and sat down
at the table. Thomas rapped his fingers over the counter, while John's knee bounced up and down. Now
it was just the two of them.

"I need a drink," Altria sighed. He went over to the fridge and dug through to the back of the fridge,
looking for something to drink. His hand stopped when he saw a bottle in the fridge that said Cider. He
placed it on the counter and pulled out two glasses.

"Is that alcohol?" Artoria questioned, staring at the bottle.

"Yeah, considering everything that we've been through in the last few days this is probably the most
normal thing we could do."

"You don't even know if you will like it or not," Artoria countered.

"You're right, but I've seen enough shows to know that when something is sad or depressed about
something one thing they do is drink some booze. Let's see if it really helps or not, and besides, you
won't find out you like something until you try it," Altria shrugged. "Besides you can't say that you're a
little interested to see if you'll like it or not."

Artoria frowned. He would be lying if he said that he wasn't a little curious about what it tasted like, but
he always adhered to his parents' orders when they said that he wasn't allowed alcohol until he was old
enough. He never had felt the urge to drink, but considering what he been through a taste couldn’t hurt.
The two poured themselves some wine in some small glasses and stared at the contents. If they didn't
see it come out of the bottle they would have thought that they had poured some apple juice.

"Why would the new we even have this stuff?"

As if waiting for them to say something along those lines the two of them felt an onslaught of memories
hit the two of them like a burning oil tanker and told them that Altria had a successful practice as a
lawyer, which meant, that for the most part, Artoria would be the one to watch the kids. She was alright
with it. She was just happy to find out what they were going to do.

"So you're the breadwinner now, then," Artoria stated.

"That alright with you? If you want I'm willing to get a job."

"But then who would watch the kids when they don't have school?"

The two laughed as they sat down next to each other. It was strange they should be freaking out over
their new roles in life, but for some reason, they found the idea of being parents rather welcoming.

The two gasped as they felt a sudden pull on their crotches. They placed their glasses down on the
counter and reached down. They felt their penises and balls began to sink into their bodies. They
marveled as their dicks continued to shrink. This was the first time that they actually saw their body
change. They gasped again as they felt juices began to crawl down their legs and blushed.

The two felt a cold piece of metal form on their ring fingers and they raised them up and saw two simple
golden wedding bands. Their heads hurt as more memories began to pour into their heads again. The
two of them remembered so much, like how their feelings for one another came to be, just like before
their transformations they were childhood friends that had met each other in kindergarten.

As the years passed and they got into high school, they had been dealing with puberty and their
developing bodies. Even back then they were knockouts at their school and easily some of the most
sought girls, mostly because of their bodies, especially because of their breasts.

Over time Artoria noticed that she didn't really feel anything for the boys that came to her, and those
that she dated, no matter how smart, handsome, or athletic they really were. The more she thought
about the more she wondered if she really was gay. When she told Altria her assumptions and
wondered if she really if she really was Altria grabbed Artoria clothes and kissed her right on the lips,
much to her surprise. When the kiss was over Altria had asked her if she felt anything and she answered
yes. What she didn't know was that Altria had been wondering the same thing about herself.

After that event, the two of them had started going out with other girls and seeing if there was anyone,
but none of them had the same passion and connection as when they kissed each other. It was during
their senior year that they had finally confessed to each other about how they felt. It was awkward at
first. They had known each other for years so it was a sudden change that they weren't sure how to
interact with each other at first. They were afraid of going too far or doing too little.

Heck, there had been times where they had admittedly been close to breaking up with each other
because of how weird things were, but they pressed on, and eventually were able to interact with each
other without the awkwardness and simply acted normally with each other.

"We're married," Artoria finished when the new memories stopped coming.

"You remember our high school years? God, it feels weird to say," Altria remarked, getting a nod of
agreement from Artoria.

"Hey remember back when we were both…you know," Altria said as she rubbed the back of her head
awkwardly. "This may sound a little weird, to bring up after everything we've been through, but what
did you say back then? We know that I wished we were adults, and the star fulfilled that part of the
deal, but maybe what you said back then played a part."

Arotria looked down at the floor and sighed, "I did make a promise. I wished that I could find someone
who I can love from the bottom of my heart and who would love me just as much."

"That ain't a bad thing to wish for," Altria commented. She placed her glass down at the counter and
moved over to her friend. "That's something that I wanted too."
The two stared lovingly into each other's eyes and then slowly moved forward and kissed one another
on the lips. Arotria pulled Altria closer to her and nestled her chin on her new lover's shoulder.

They both knew that raising their children was going to be the hardest thing that they did, but they
would have each other, and that was all they needed. As long as they had each other they knew that
everything would turn out fine.

Artoria sighed as stirred the boiling pot of noodles, preparing dinner for her family. She had thought
about making some healthier dishes tonight but had decided that she wouldn't have that fight her
children tonight and would try to do so at a later date, possibly during the school week. So instead she
went with spaghetti and parmesan chicken.

She sighed tiredly as she wiped her brow. She might have had the memories of dealing with them, but
they still took a lot out of her at times with how they acted. It had only been a few weeks since the
transformation happened, but she and Altria were adjusting, probably quicker than they really should all
things considered.

Now she understood what her parents must have felt like when she was a little kid. She honestly felt
sorry for being a bit of a brat. Though she had little doubt that if they were still the same they would no
doubt feel sorry for her in this one. After all, she was the one now taking care of four kids who were
varying levels of rambunctious.

She looked out into the living room and couldn't help, but smile as she watched her children play with
each other. They might have made her want to get the weed whacker and bring it up against her face at
times, but when they were calm and relax she absolutely adored them.

Chris actually didn't cause too many problems for them thankfully. He was quiet, okay with sharing and
loved to just chill and relax on his bed or on a nice comfy chair with a drink nearby. Sure there were
times where he was just as much of a little kid as the rest of them, but so long as he had a good book,
preferably one involving fairy tales or the like then he would sit down calmly and read it.

Alexander was the complete opposite he didn't care about too much about stories; however, he would
always sit down calmly and listen to a myth or movie with a large smile, no doubt imagining that he was
the great warrior or hero or legend leading his people to victory against his enemies. He was a wild,
rambunctious little guy that wanted to see everything out there in the world.

Jack was without question parents' girl, but if you separated her from any of her siblings she would
throw a fit until she was with one of them or her parents again. It was something that they have been
trying to deal with for a while now with little success. She didn't want to go anywhere without one of
her parents or her sibling nearby.

Nancy was a sweet little thing. She absolutely loved to hear stories and followed Chris around
everywhere he went and brought Jack along with her. She was without question a girly girl. She loved
the frills, dresses, dolls. It was especially amusing when she made Alex play with her and the dolls. It was
obvious to the two parents that he wanted to do something else entirely, but for his sister, he was
willing to try and appease her. He did much better when Nancy wanted to do a tea party and would
pretend to be a great king from a faraway land meeting a noble lady. She and Altria made sure to record
when those were happening.

Chris was reading a story out loud, keeping the little hellions from going off and doing something that
they shouldn't.

Things were awkward for a little while, they had so many new memories flowing through them, new
relations and obligations that they had to get used to. Even though they technically had already been
dating and married for a long while in this world, but for the two of them, they were so unsure about
what they should do.

After going about their days and when the children were asleep they would talk about their day and
how much they had adjusted with their lives. When Altria first went to work and went about her day she
had to deal with the eyes of her coworkers taking her more than abundant figure in. She would at times
hide in the bathroom to compose herself and get a break from all of the looks before she went back to

When Artoria went out shopping she would have to deal with the wandering eyes, more then good
number of them were on her breasts. It made her bundle up a little more at first to try and hide them a
little, but with their size at best she made them look a tiny bit smaller, and at worst, and more often
than not she would actually accentuate them.

They weren't as bad as when she went out shopping with the kids, but there were still a few that didn't
care about that and still wanted to get with her. When she got away she would often pull her closest
child to her and hold them as she calmed herself down. They were a little too young to truly understand
what was going and whichever one of her little dumplings she was holding at the time would simply hug
her, thinking that she was just giving them a hug. It would make Artoria smile and calm down much
faster when they did.

One of the few good things that they had were their wedding rings. There had been a big difference
when they went out with them on and when they didn't. When they weren't wearing them, men and
some women would come up to them and start a conversation with them. When they were wearing the
rings, the many men and women that tried to hit on them died immensely.

Over time the two noticed how much easier it was for them to go about their days. Altria had gotten
used to the stares and looks as she went about her day. Artoria did as well, though not to the same
degree as her lover.

Now though the nervousness and uncertainty that they had died down. Now the fear that the two of
them had was gone and replaced with laughter and cheer as they talked about their days. They would
even joke about the number of people who were checking them out and what they were staring at.
They could confide in each other as much as they want about their day. The two of them knew without a
doubt that they didn't have to worry about the other one going off and running off with someone else.
After all, who in the world could understand their experience more than each other?

There were times where they talked about their old lives and wonder how things would be if they
weren't changed. The first thing that came to them would be that they wouldn't be together obviously.
Often that would stump them for a few minutes. The feelings that they had for each other now were
compelling, addictive, almost like a drug that they couldn't get enough of. Now, after all, they have gone
through and felt for one another made impossible for the two of them to imagine a life without each

Artoria sighed as the heat of the cooking food made her sweat a little, the aroma of the noodles hitting
her nose like a truck and making her mouth water a light in desire. It was hard to think that not too long
ago she had no idea of how to cook.

It made her glad that she had those memories of cooking and some instinct playing a role in all of this or
else their family would be surviving of takeout until she or Altria learned how to cook. It was such a huge
relief that they wouldn't have to, especially for the children's sake.

They heard the door open and Jack immediately ran off to the front door. When she arrived in the main
hallway she smiled as she saw her other mother walking through the door.

Altria was dressed in an immaculate tight white blouse that showed off the girth of her breasts, but not
too tight that it would give anyone a peek at her bra or what was underneath, along with a black skirt
that went down to her mid-thighs and brown pantyhose that hugged her legs, and black heels. In her
hand was a brown work bag with a golden buckle, and over her shoulder was a dark blue purse.

"Momma!" Jack cried as she charged at her mother.

Altria dropped her bags and braced herself as she held her arms out. Jack jumped into her mother's
arms, and Altria held her close.

"Ahh," Jack sighed as she snuggled into Altria's breasts, Jack enjoying the warmth of one of her mother's
body against her own. The young mother blushed a little as Jack's head kept brushing against her
nipples. Her body could still be messed with to get certain reactions out of her if someone applied a
sufficient amount of force after all, especially with how sensitive her body was. The last thing she
wanted to do was explain to her daughter or worst the rest of her children why parts of her body
seemed to be pointing out at things.

Altria walked over to the kitchen, rubbing Jack's back.

"Had a good day at work dear," Artoria asked and quickly pecked her love on the cheek.

"Not too bad. Just had a lot of paperwork to fill and some calls to make," Altria answered, shrugging her
shoulders. "Had to deal with a few wandering eyes and a few brush-ups as usual, but nothing major."
"Momma!" The rest of the children cried out and ran into the kitchen. They came over to her and
clawed at her legs, like a batch of young puppies, yipping at their newest curiosity.

"Hello everyone," Altria smiled warmly and ruffled each one of their heads. Nancy grumbled a little
because of it but quickly got over it. Alex laughed and patted her thigh, while Chris just smiled. She
turned to her wife and said, "I hope that they haven't caused you too much trouble?"

"I'm not sure," Artoria said playfully as she brought a hand up to her chin and thought over their
behavior. "They haven't broken anything or done something that they weren't supposed to, but they did
throw little hissy fits from time to time."

"No!" Nancy cried. "We were good! We didn't cause any trouble for momma!"

"Yeah, we were good!" Alex cried.

"Do you think that they deserve something sweet tonight?" Altria said, smiling at her lover and winked.

"I don't think it would if they have some ice cream now

"Yay!" the children cried happily and quickly ran off to the table set up.

Altira kneeled down and let go of Jack and said, "You should help you're your brothers and sisters.

"Okay, mama!" Jack cried and went to help her siblings, who had several of the plates and sets of
silverware. Alexander telling them what they should do to get it done as quickly as possible.

The two parents watched their children work happily at the table.

"We should enjoy this while we can. Who knows what they're going to be like as teenagers," Artoria

"Oh boy," Altria moaned, already dreading those years. It made her so glad that she was able to skip all
of that confusion.

"Speaking of enjoying, I got a new outfit in the mail today for us to enjoy tonight," Artoria whispered
huskily and smacked her lover's ass.

"Oh!" Altria squealed in surprise.

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