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Department of Education

12 National Capital Region


1st Semester
Module 1: Dance & Fitness

Writer : Leah S. Bulay-og

Cover Illustrator: Hanns Arianne M. Gasoc

City of Good Character

What I Need to Know
Health Optimizing Physical Education 3 is a course that incorporates health
concepts and skills with physical education concepts and skills. The main
purpose of this course is to develop and enhance healthy behaviors that
influence lifestyle choices and student health and fitness through dance
This Module was designed & written to help you understand the concept of
Dance and how regular participation can help improve one’s fitness.
The lesson is arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course.
The module is divided into two lessons namely:
● Lesson 1 – Nature and Characteristics of Dance, Benefits Gain from
Dancing and Barriers to Dance Activity Involvement
● Lesson 2 - Health Related Fitness Components & Diet
MELC 1 – Assesses health related fitness (HRF status, barriers to physical
activity assessment participation to one’s diet.
MELC 3 – Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPA” s) for at
least 60 minutes most days of the week in variety of settings in-and-out-of-

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Recall the concept and benefits of dance as a physical activity in
achieving fitness
2. Identify the Health-Related Fitness components used/enhanced in
the Dance.
3. Enumerates factors that influence one’s physical activity
4. Practices healthy eating habits before and after physical activity

5. Create and promote activities for achieving healthy lifestyle through

social media

City of Good Character

What I Know

Directions: Write your answer on a separate sheet

1. It is a product of exploration and improvisation of movements as children
learn to move the parts of their body and to use them as instruments of
2. Is the highest form of dance. It is the end-product of exploration and
improvisation of movements as the dancer or the choreographer expresses
his feelings or emotions, ideas, and interpretations.
3. The word “Dance” comes from an Old German word Danson Which means
4. It is an element of dance that refers to how fast or slow movement is, and
how it unfolds rhythmically.
5. It is a kind of dance that communicates the customs, beliefs, rituals, and
occupations of the people of a region or country.
6. It is also called Force that involves the flow of motion- how movements
are animated by kinetic energy in distinctive ways.
7. An element of dance that encompasses the overall design of movement-
where it takes place in the space, as well as its size and shape.
8.It is one of the benefits of dancing that connects us with the community
& meeting new people.
9. “Movement and dance are extremely expressive, which can allow you to
escape and let loose,” what benefits of dancing is being referred to?
10. Cha-cha-cha, Jive and Rumba are examples of what kind of dance?

City of Good Character

What’s In

Direction: Answer the following questions and statements shown below.

Recall the health-enhancing benefits that you get from participating in
fitness, sporting activities.

Do you think you can get health – enhancing benefits if you dance? Why?

City of Good Character

What’s New

How do you describe the movement of the following dances shown above?
How can dancing be health -enhancing?

City of Good Character

What is It

COVID 19 changed how people live. Most of the establishments are closed
to prevent the spread of the virus that killed thousands of people. In this
NEW NORMAL situation, people cannot access the different sports clubs,
gyms, and other fitness centers. But how can you continue your active
lifestyle if you are working from home or studying from home?
Here is one alternative option to stay in shape in this NEW NORMAL

DANCE: Characteristics and Its Benefits
Regular physical activity is considered one of the most important factors for
maintaining good health and increasing life expectancy. Dancing is an
activity that involves coordinating movements with music. (Styliani
Douka,2012). Music plays an important role in dance and it helps to
improve physical performance. It is easier to start moving, walking, dancing
or to dealing with any kind of exercise if we choose our favorite music.
Dance is an activity that provides the involvement of various senses and
connects movement to music with self-expression and applies different
aspects of personality (Kaufmann, 2011). Music plays a vital role in dance
and it helps to boost physical performance. it is easier visiting start moving,
walking, dancing or to handle any quite exercise if some people choose their
favorite music

City of Good Character

The word “Dance” comes from an Old German word Danson Which means
“to stretch”.
Dance is defined…

● as an art form that generally refers to movement of the body, usually

rhythmic and music, used as a form of expression, social interaction or
presented in a spiritual or performance setting.

● as an art that uses non- verbal movement in an ordinary way to

create a form, order, or statement
● as movement that transcends function and becomes

● Dance has elements that includes movement that make it special

and unique. To have an expressive and meaningful dance, the artist
(or choreographer) must make decisions about the look, flow and
timing of the movements. There are five elements that can help a
dancer to discover expressive and unique movements.

City of Good Character


Body Parts of the Body- Head, eyes, torso, shoulders, fingers, legs, feet, etc.
Whole Body- Design and use of the entire body
body Initiation- Core, Distal, Mid-limb, Body Parts
awareness, Patterns- Upper/lower body, homologous, contralateral, midline, etc.
locomotor and Body Shapes- Symmetrical/Asymmetrical, Rounded, Twisted, Angular
non- Arabesque
locomotor Body Systems- Muscles, Bones, Organs, Breath, Balance, Reflexes
movements Inner Self- Senses, Perceptions, Emotions, Thoughts, Intention,
Axial (in place)
Action Open - - - - - - - - - - - - Close
Locomotor Rise - - - - - - - - - Sink or Fall
and Non- Stretch - - - - - - - - - - - Bend
Locomotor Twist - - - - - - - - - - - - -Turn
movements Laban Effort Actions - Press Flick, Wring Dab, Slash Glide, Punch Float
Traveling (locomotor)- Crawl, creep, roll. scoot, walk. run, leap, jump, gallop. slide. Hop,
skip, do-si-do, chainé turns
.... and many more! This is just a starting list of movements. Many techniques have
specific names for similar actions. “Sauté” is a ballet term for “jump.”
Space Place- In Place - - - - - - - Traveling
Size - Small - - - - - - - - - - - -Large
encompasses Level - High - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Low
the overall Direction- Forward - - - - - - Backward, Upward - - - - - - Downward
design of Sideward - - - - - Diagonally, Liner - - - - - - - - - Rotating
movement- Pathway- Traveling, traced in air, curved, straight, angular, zigzag, etc.
where it takes Plane - Sagittal (Wheel), Vertical (Door), Horizontal (Table)
place in the Focus- Inward - - - - - - - - Outward, Direct - - - - - - - - - Indirect
space, as well Relationships - In Front - - - Behind/Beside
as its size and Over - - - - - - - - - - - Under
shape. Alone - - - - - - - - Connected
Near - - - - - - - - - - - - - Far
Individual & group proximity to object
Duration- Brief - - - - - - - - - - - - Long
Time Speed- Fast - - - - - - - - - - - - - Slow
includes how Beat - Steady - - - - - - - - - Uneven
fast or slows Tempo - Quick - - - - - - - - - - - - Slow
of the Accent
movement Single - - - - - - - - - Multiple
On Beat - - - - - Syncopated
Predictable- -Unpredictable
Rhythmic Pattern
Patterned - - - - - - - - - -Free Metric 2/4, 6/8, etc Polyrhythms, Cross-rhythm, Tala,
Breath, waves, word cues,event cues,felt time

Timing Relationships- Before, After, Unison, Sooner Than, Faster Than

Energy Attack- Sharpen- - - - - - - - - - Smooth, Sudden - - - - - - -Sustained
Tension- Tight - - - - - - - - - - - Loose
(also called Force- Strong - - - - - - - - - - Gentle
Force) Weight- Heavy - - - - - - - - - - - Light, Strength: push, horizontal, impacted Lightness:
involves the resist the down, initiate up, Resiliency: rebound, even up and down
flow of Flow- Bound (Controlled) - - -Free
motion- how Energy Qualities- Vigorous, languid, furious, melting, droopy, wild, lightly, jerkily,
movements sneakily, timidly, proudly, sharp, smooth, sudden,
are animated sustained etc.
by kinetic
energy in

City of Good Character


1. Creative 2. Folk/ Ethnic 3. Social and

Rhythms dance Ballroom Dance
Are sometimes Is a cultural art form
called fundamental handed down from
generation to The setting of the
rhythms or natural social and ballroom
dances. A creative generations? It
communicates the dance is a social
rhythm is a product customs, beliefs, gathering with the
of exploration and rituals, and more formal
improvisation of occupations of the atmosphere than the
movements as people of a region or simple and informal
children learn to country. Folk parties in which the
move the parts of dancing belongs to recreational dances
their body and to the people. It are the usual forms.
use them as emanates from them. Social and ballroom
instruments of Ethnic tribes have dancing are
expression. their specific tribal generally held in the
5. Creative Dance art forms originated evenings. The
and danced by the participants are
Is the highest form people of the tribe.
of dance. It is the usually in formal
Examples of folk attire.
end-product of
dances are the rural
exploration and and country dances, 4. Recreational
improvisation of jotas, mazurkas, Dance
movements as the pandanggos, among
dancer or the others with foreign
choreographer Includes dance
influence. mixers, square
expresses his
Examples of ethnic dance round and
feelings or emotions, dances are the
ideas, and couple dances. Many
dances of the of these dances have
interpretations. This mountain peoples of
is a dance with a simple patterns and
the Cordilleras, combinations of
definite form, a dances of the ethnic
beginning and an walking steps, polka
groups in the step and the waltz
ending. The Cagayan Valley
principles of art Region and the
step. The setting is
form are all ethnic dances in the usually informal
observed in the gatherings and
Mindanao Regions.
composition of the parties, reunions etc.

City of Good Character

There are many forms of dance from creative to recreational dance. Dance
has been a part of our culture, rituals, and celebrations. Today, most
dancing is about recreation and self-expression, although it can also be
done as a competitive activity. Dancing is an enjoyable way to be more
physically active and stay fit. Here are the other benefits of dance:

Benefits of Dance

What could be some Barriers for Participating in Dance?

With technological advances and conveniences, people’s lives have in some

ways become increasingly easier, further as less active. additionally, people
have many personal reasons or explanations for being inactive and not
participating in physical activity, especially dance. The foremost common
reasons adults don't adopt more physically active lifestyles are:

City of Good Character

Barriers to Physical Activity
Personal Barriers Environmental barriers Other barriers include
• insufficient time to Other environmental • Cost
exercise factors include our • Facilities
• inconvenience of social environment, • illness or injury
exercise such as support from • Skill
• lack of self- family and friends, and • safety
motivation community spirit. considerations
• non-enjoyment of • uneasiness with
exercise OTHERS: change
• boredom with • unsuitable
exercise • Pandemic programs
• lack of confidence Situation
in their ability to be
physically active
(low self-efficacy)
• fear of being
injured or having
been injured
• lack of self-
management skills,
such as the ability
to set personal
goals, monitor
• lack of
support, or
from family and
“Barriers to Physical Activity.” 2013. Physiopedia.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention makes
suggestions for overcoming physical activity barriers:
1. Lack of time Identify available time slots.
• Monitor your daily activities for one week. Identify at least three
30-minute time slots you could use for physical activity.
• Add physical activity to your daily routine. For example, walk or
ride your bike to work or shopping, organize school activities
around physical activity, walk the dog, exercise while you watch
TV, park farther away from your destination, etc.

City of Good Character

2. Social influence.
• Explain your interest in physical activity to friends and family. Ask
them to support your efforts.
• Invite friends and family members to exercise with you.
• Plan social activities involving exercise. Develop new friendships
with physically active people.
3. Lack of energy.
• Schedule physical activity for times in the day or week when you
feel energetic.
• Convince yourself that if you give it a chance, physical activity will
increase your energy level; then, try it.
4. Lack of motivation.
• Plan ahead. Make physical activity a regular part of your daily or
weekly schedule and write it on your calendar.
• Invite a friend to exercise with you on a regular basis and write it
on both your calendars. Join an exercise group or class.
5. Fear of injury
• Learn how to warm up and cool down to prevent injury.
• Learn how to exercise appropriately considering your age, fitness
level, skill level, and health status.
• Choose activities involving minimum risk.
6. Lack of skill
• Select activities requiring no new skills, such as walking,
climbing stairs, or jogging.
7. Lack of resources
• Select activities that require minimal facilities or equipment, such
as walking, jogging, jumping rope, or calisthenics.
• Identify inexpensive, convenient resources available in your
community (community education programs, park and recreation
programs, worksite programs, etc.).
8. Weather conditions
Develop a set of regular activities that are always available
regardless of whether (indoor cycling, aerobic dance, indoor
swimming, calisthenics, stair climbing, rope skipping, mall
9.Family obligations
• Trade babysitting time with a friend, neighbor, or family member
who also has small children.
• Exercise with the kids-go for a walk together, play tag or other
running games, get an aerobic dance or exercise tape for kids
(there are several on the market) and exercise together. You can
spend time together and still get your exercise.
• Jump rope, do calisthenics, ride a stationary bicycle, or use other
home gymnasium equipment while the kids are busy playing or
• Try to exercise when the kids are not around (e.g., during school
hours or their nap time)

City of Good Character

What’s More

How do I choose a type of Dance?

When choosing a type of Dance, ask yourself questions such as:

Questions YES NO
1. Do I want to dance to improve my fitness?
2. Am I trying to improve my flexibility and coordination?
3. Do I prefer fast dancing or slow dancing?
4. Do I want to dance with a partner, or on my own?
5. Do I want to join a group, or have private lessons?
6. Will I enjoy competitions, or do I want to dance just for

If all your answer is YES, indeed your very much willing to participate in
dance even by yourself and gain benefits out of it!

If your answer is NO, just give it a try you will find out that it is exciting
rather than sitting.

Getting Started with Dancing

In dancing it is possible to do it with a group or with your family, partner or

even by your own. You can enjoy it at dance schools, social venues,
community halls but as of now you can do that in your home or in your
surroundings nearby your house.
Dancing can be performed for competition and socialization. It can be a
great recreational and for sporting choice because anyone of different age
can take part. No matter what the weather is, dancing can be done indoors.

The outfit you need for dancing will depend on the style of dancing you
choose. But for now, light, and comfortable clothes and rubber shoes can
be wearing so that you can move freely. To get started, simply choose a a
type of dance that you enjoy or would like to try.

City of Good Character

What I Have Learned

Direction: Please answer the following questions based on the lesson about
the concept of Dance.

1. What are the health benefits of participating in dance activities?


2. How can you overcome the barriers to participation?


3. What are the things to prepare before engaging in dance activities?


What I Can Do



1. Make a jingle with choreography

promoting “Dance for Fitness”. (if
possible, let the whole family
participate in the activity)

2. The content of the jingle are the ff:

- benefits of dance

- classification of dance

- how to overcome barriers in participating dance

Note: Teacher should provide rubrics for jingle making and for the
choreography and let the student choose his/her own way how are they
going to present it. (video presentation, recording or ppt. presentation?

City of Good Character

Theme A B C D
Jingle stays on topic Jingle stays on topic. Jingle stays on topic Jingle doesn't stay on
throughout. Topic is Topic is positive and some of the time. Topic topic. Topic is not
positive and appropriate for school is occasionally positive shown in a positive way
appropriate for school advertising. Competent and appropriate for or is not always
advertising. Clever lyrics to advertise topic. school advertising. Fine appropriate. Group has
lyrics. lyrics written with difficulty and needs
some teacher support. much support to write
Melody A B C D
Melody is simple and Melody is simple and Melody is fair, but not Melody requires much
very "catchy". Rhythm "catchy". Rhythm and "catchy". Could be improvement, is not
and melody range melody range improved rhythmically appealing, or is "stolen"
appropriate and appropriate and or melodically. Lacks from another source.
appealing. Is original. appealing. originality.
Demonstrates some



5 4 3 2

Student's performance Most of the the student's Student's performance Student's performance
indicates confidence, performance indicates indicates some confidence, indicates little
energy and expression confidence, energy and energy and expression. confidence, energy and
throughout the entire expression. Some of the steps and some expression.
performance. The steps and patterns patterns they chose are The steps and patterns
The steps and patterns they chose are mostly generally accurate. they chose are very
they chose are very accurate. basic.

Creativity 5 4 3 2

Creative implementation Somewhat creative Uninspiring implementation Poor implementation of

of dance steps. implementation of dance of dance steps. dance steps.
Demonstrates excellent steps. Demonstrates good Demonstrates weak Demonstrates poor
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
elements of dance. elements of dance. elements of dance. elements of dance.
Very interesting and Somewhat interesting but A bit boring and audience Dance was not very
kept the audience's does not always keep the shows little interest. interesting and lacked
attention. audience engaged. the audience's

Participation 5 4 3 2

The students showed a The students showed The students showed some There was a lack of
great deal of enthusiasm most of the enthusiasm. enthusiasm
enthusiasm. time.

City of Good Character


1. What are the three elements of dance?

a. Time
b. Space
c. Energy
d. All of the Above
2. Which one is an Example of TIME element?
a. High & Low
b. Sharp & Fluid
c. Slow & Fast
d. none of the above
3. Which is an example of Energy as an element?
a. Slow & Fast
b. Sharp & Fluid
c. High & Low
d. none of the above
4. What are examples of Space?
a. High & Low
b. Slow & Fast
c. Sharp & Fluid
d. none of the above
5. Alanna is practicing a Contemporary dance that uses her arms, head,
and torso. This is an example of what element of dance.
a. Energy
b. Space
c. Motion
d. Body
6. It is an art form that generally refers to the rhythmical movement of the
body, used as a form of expression, social interaction or presented in a
spiritual or performance setting.
a. Body
b. Energy
c. Dance
d. Movements
7. Leah likes dancing so much, but during the pandemic she started to
work from home, from 7 pm to 7 am. Which of the following barriers in
participating is she experiencing?
a. time
b. energy
c. motivation
d. none of the above

City of Good Character

8. Roberto loves to Zumba every day because he wants to maintain his
body figure and makes his heart healthy. Which HRF component is he
benefiting from?
a. flexibility
b. cardiorespiratory endurance
c. muscular strength
d. all of the above
9. Which of the following statements is a suggestion to overcome fear of
Injury as physical activity barrier:
a. Learn how to exercise appropriately considering your age, fitness
level, skill level, and health status
b. Select activities that require minimal facilities or equipment, such
as walking, jogging, jumping rope, or calisthenics.
c. Schedule physical activity for times in the day or week when you
feel energetic.
d. Monitor your daily activities for one week. Identify at least three
30-minute time slots you could use for physical activity
10. Ballet, jazz, and modern or contemporary dance, cheer dancing, hip-
hop are example of:
a. creative rhythm
b. creative dance
c. ballroom dance
d. ethnic dance

City of Good Character

Additional Activities

Write an essay entitle “A Dance steps A Day, Makes a Doctor Away “

No Needs Adequate High Quality Exemplary
Answer Improvement



4 pts Did not Paragraphs Paragraphs are not Paragraphs are Paragraphs are
answer are partial or comprehensive or accurate and comprehensive, accurate
question. incomplete. completely stated. Key complete. Key and complete. Key ideas
Key points points are addressed, points are stated are clearly stated,
are not but not well supported. and supported. explained, and well
clear. Student does not Student cites most supported. Student
Prompt not completely cite all page page numbers and completely cites all page
adequately numbers / all evidence most evidence from numbers and all evidence
addressed. from text. the text from the text.
Student does
not cite page
and evidence
from text.
4 pts Did not Organization Inadequate organization Organization is Well-organized,
answer and or development. mostly clear and coherently developed,
question. structure Structure of the easy to follow. and easy to follow.
detract from paragraphs are not easy
the writing. to follow.

City of Good Character

What’s In

1. What are the health benefits that can gain from dancing?
2. How will you overcome the different barriers in participating to different
dance activities?
3. Which of the different types of dance you think is good for you? Why?
4. How will you manage your time? Motivate yourself? To engage in simple
dance activity.

City of Good Character

What’s New

Dancing helps keep you physically fit and healthy. Dance is good for your
heart, lungs, and bones. It is a fun way to stay active while increasing your
strength, stamina, and flexibility. In addition, dancing encourages good
posture, body awareness and control that, even as you age, can and will
benefit you. Like the dance in the picture below. Analyze the picture and
answer the questions below.

Picture Analysis
● What components of physical fitness
is used in this kind of dance?
● What type of dance is this?

What is It

LESSON 2: Health-Related Fitness components and

Dance is a form of art and it is also a part of physical education. When
a student participates in dance, both subjects are addressed. Physical
Education plays an important role in attaining fitness. The term fitness is
generally used and often unclearly defined. People think that health and
fitness is the same, yet there is a definite distinction between the two
concepts. Health is a person's state of being it is typically viewed as the
presence or absence of disease. Fitness, however, is the capacity to do
physical activity or to perform physical work. There are three important
components of fitness that is essential in dancing. It is the combination of
strength, flexibility and endurance that leads to the achievements of fitness

City of Good Character

Muscular Strength and Endurance Development through Dance
Dancing can develop strength through isotonic drills. In
this isotonic contraction the muscle shortens, and joint
movement occurs. Push-ups, leg lifts, and plies are
examples of isotonic exercises. The resistance used is
your own body weight. Muscular strength makes speed
and force, making for more powerful movement.
Muscular strength gives support to the joints for the
dancer as not to compromise alignment and to increase
position stability. Muscular endurance is when less force
is sustained over an extended period of your time like in
gallops, skips, pliés, and swings. Dancers often confuse endurance with
strength, so it is sometimes useful to consider endurance as continuous and
strength as maximal
Flexibility Development
In dance, it is really needing a massive amount
of flexibility. Before the dancing activity it is
very important to warm-up the muscles
accompanied by lengthy routine of stretching
or flexibility -enhancing, exercises. The most
important part of the body to receive a full
stretching routine is our Hip-joint. Hip-joint
flexibility helps the dance in attaining high leg
lifts. The ankles also need flexibility for high
jumps and smooth landings. The shoulder joints and back also needs
flexibility so that body can accomplish different positions. And since
flexibility is so important while dancing, every dance class must give
emphasis on exercise to achieve it.
“FITNESS AND TRAINING CONCEPTS Benefits of Physical Fitness.” n.d.

Cardiovascular Endurance One of the most

important components in health-related
fitness is Cardiovascular endurance,
particularly if you are engaging to a vigorous
physical activity. In dancing it is very
important for you to have cardiovascular
endurance exercise to enhance your stamina that can help to improve your
performance, can also increases oxygen supply to the muscles , and boost
the immune system and reduces the risk of injury.
“FITNESS AND TRAINING CONCEPTS Benefits of Physical Fitness.” n.d.

City of Good Character

Accomplishing total fitness can be achieved if we engage in physical activity
like dancing and having a healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition is an essential
part of a healthy lifestyle. A Combination of physical activity like dance, your
diet or healthy eating can help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight,
reduce your risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer and
promote your overall health.
Whether you are an athlete or just an active person, you need to eat
nutritious and balanced your diet to fuel their body. Good nutrition in any
physically active people has basic ground rules and following this rule and
getting into it will help active people to feel great!
What diet is best for active people?
In all active people need a diet that gives sufficient energy in the form of
carbohydrates and fats as well as important proteins, vitamins, and
minerals. The base of the diet starts from carbohydrates in the form of
starches and sugars. Fluids, like water, is also very important to the winning
What should a person take before, during, and after physical activity?
It is very much important to focus on eating a nutritious, balanced diet
every day. This will give more energy to grow and exercise. Here are some
guidelines about eating before, during, and after the physical activity.

• Take some high carbohydrates food like bananas, sweet potatoes or

fruit juices.( proper timing of this meal is very important at least 1-4
hours before the physical activity)
• Drink an enough amount of fluid before exercise just to keep your
muscles hydrated.
● Sweat and effort drain the body fluids essential for optimum
performance and lead to dehydration. It is very much needed you
drink plenty of cool water, at least a half cup of water every 20 minutes
during the physical activity. Adding a little amount of fruit juice or
powdered drink mix flavors is also encouraged as fluid intake.
● There is no need to worry about replacing carbohydrates unless the
exercise lasts over 90 minutes and is hard and continuous. When this
happens, drinking a sports drink or other beverage with some sugar
in it to fuel the muscles being used.

City of Good Character

● No matter the intensity of the exercise, it is important to drink plenty
of water and eat a nutritious, balanced meal that has lots of
carbohydrate rich foods such as grains, pastas, potatoes, vegetables
and fruits.

What’s More
Non-Locomotor and Locomotor Movements
Non-locomotor Movement (NLM) - movements are also sometimes called
axial movements. They are movements of certain body parts, or even the
whole body, without causing the body to travel include stretching, bending,
pulling, pushing, swaying, twisting, log rolling and balancing.
Locomotor Movement (LM) refers to body movements that are done from
one place to another(.) It includes walking, running, jumping, hopping,
skipping, sliding, galloping, and leaping (.)
During your lower years, this movements were already discussed and
demonstrated by your teachers. Let us see if you still recall:

Let’s do the LOCO-MOTION!

PART I – Recall and execute the Non-Locomotor Skills (16 counts. /skill) or
if you have internet connection you can visit YouTube for your reference:

How many movements did you recall? What health-related fitness

component s used in the Non-Locomotor movements?
PART II- Recall and execute the Locomotor Skills or if you have internet
connection you can visit YouTube for your reference.

How many movements did you recall? What health-related fitness

component is used in the Locomotor movements?
PART III- Select and execute at least five Non-Locomotor movements and
combined it with five Locomotor movements with the accompaniment of
lively music like HULLAHOP.

City of Good Character

Format: Non-Locomotor Movement NLM (Command) + Locomotor
Movement (LM) (Command)
Or Locomotor Movement LM (Command) + Non-Locomotor
Movement NLM (Command)
(LM) walk (C) Forward + (NLM) Stretch (C) arms sideward
● After making good combination try to practice it with music using 8
counts for LM and 8 counts for NLM or 18 counts if it is combination
of the two movements.
● Choose your own music that will suit to your own movements and
make your own style of dancing.
● Before you execute your own steps/movements see to it that you will
follow the guidelines to take Before, During and After your dance

What I Have Learned

After the dance activity (Part -III) answer the following questions.
1. What are the HRF components used in your dance activity?
2. What did you take before, during and after the dance activity?
3. How does it feel after the activity?
4. Are you going to share this activity to your family? What are some safety
precautions you must include before, during and after the activity?

City of Good Character

What I Can Do


For Family’s Dance Off Challenge
● Each of family member will create their own steps based on the Locomotor
and Non-Locomotor movements and choose their own music for at least 1
● Combine all the video presentation done by your family members and edit
it by a simple video editor app in your cellphone and send it to your
For Facebook Dance Off Challenge
● Post your own NLM and LM Combination steps with music for at least 1
minute and tagged at least five classmates or any Grade 12 students and
the tagged classmates will do the same thing.
● After the whole class performed the activity the class or group leader will
make a video presentation of the whole performance to be posted in a
group page for documentation purposes.

Performance Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Needs Improvement (1)

Performance indicates Most of the the Performance indicates Performance indicates

confidence, energy and performance indicates some confidence, little confidence, energy
expression throughout confidence, energy and energy and expression. and some expression.
the entire performance. expression. Dancing is There are moments The steps and patterns
The team is energetic okay, perhaps not as when no one seems to they chose are very
and involved the entire together as it could know what they should basic.
length of the song. have been. be doing.

Creativity Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Needs Improvement (1)

Performs with a Typically performs with Sometimes performs Rarely demonstrates

distinction and style. distinction and style, with distinction and expression and style.
though there may be style. Just goes through the
lapses. motions.
Participation Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Needs Improvement (1)

The students worked The students worked The students worked The students didn't
very effectively as a reasonably well weakly as a team. work as a team at all.
team. together as a team. The students showed There was a lack of
The students showed The students showed some enthusiasm. enthusiasm.
lots of enthusiasm. enthusiasm most of the

City of Good Character


Direction: Write down what health –related fitness component is being

described. Please use a separate answer sheet.
1. It is a person's state of being it is typically viewed as the presence or
absence of disease.
2. This subject plays an important role in attaining fitness.
3. It is an activity that provides the involvement of various senses and
connects movement to music with self-expression and applies
different aspects of personality
4. It is one's ability to execute daily activities with optimal performance,
endurance, and strength with the management of disease, fatigue,
and stress and reduced sedentary behavior.
5. This term refers to the ability of the body to make speed and force for
more powerful movement in dancing.
6. It is the range of motion in a joint or group of joints or the ability to
move joints effectively through a complete range of motion. It is very
important before engaging in powerful movement in dancing so that
body can accomplish different positions.
7. It is the most important part of the body to receive a full stretching
routine before engaging in physical activity.
8. This HRF component must be developed o enhance your stamina to
improve your performance. It also increases oxygen supply to the
muscles, boost the immune system and reduces the risk of injury.
9. Physical activity must be accompanied by this in order to maintain
normal weight reduce your risk of chronic diseases like heart disease
and cancer and promote your overall health.
10. It is the most important fluid to be taken by our body to keep
us hydrated.

City of Good Character

Additional Activities

1. Make your own fitness dance routine using hip hop moves and
steps. Later try, to analyze which HRF components were
utilized/developed in your dance.

2. Video and record your fitness dance routine. Edit by using

application below and insert text which part of your dance moves
develop your flexibility, muscular strength and endurance and
cardiorespiratory endurance.

Adobe Premiere Club

City of Good Character



8 Benefits of Dance

“Barriers to Physical Activity.” 2013. Physiopedia. 2013.

Dance as a form of exercise
Dancing as a Workout
By Jodi Helmer
Dancer Fitness: Knowledge, Assessment, and Resources
Dance - health benefits
Fitness For The Dancer
by Debbie Byrd
Holy Name University
Identifying barriers to physical activity

City of Good Character

Why is dancing considered to be a good cardio workout?
Why teach dance?
“The Elements of Dance.” 2018. The Elements of Dance. 2018.
The position of dance in physical education
Traditional Dance Improves the Physical Fitness and Well-Being of the


Javier, Nichole. 2018. “Locomotor and Non-Locomotor Dance.” YouTube

Video. YouTube.

City of Good Character
Development Team of the Module


Illustrator: Roxanne R. Tamayo
Layout Artist: Roxanne R. Tamayo (JDPNHS)
Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Jovita Consortia Mani


Ivy Coney A. Gamatero


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

Email Address:

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989

City of Good Character

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