LK 0.1 Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri - Modul 1

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LK 1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri – Modul 1


Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Exploring Public Notices
2. Exploring Posters and Banners
3. Exploring Graphic Organizers
4. Exploring Infographics
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Garis besar materi yang 1. Public Notice
dipelajari A. Introduction
1) Short Description.
2) Relevance
3) Learning guide
a. Pre activity
b. Main activity
c. Post activity
B. Main section
1) Learning outcomes
a. Attitude
b. Knowledge
c. Skill
2) Learning material and learning
a. Definition of notice.
b. Social function of public notice
c. Characteristics of notice text.
d. Generic structure of publice
e. Learning feature of public
- Using Imperative mood
(Imperative sentence).
- Using declarative reference
- Spoken/written language
f. Kinds of notice and their
- Commond
- Caution
- Information
- Prohibition
- Warning
3) Discussion forum
C. Closing
1) Summary
2) Reflection
3) Formative text
4) Reference
2. Poster and Banner
A. Introduction
1) Short description
2) Relevance
3) Learning guide
a. Pre activity
b. Main activity
c. Post activity
B. Main Section
1) Learning outcomes
a. Attitude
b. Knowledge
c. Skill
2) Learning material and Learning
a. Definition of poster and banner
b. Characteristics poster and
- Generic structure of poster
and banner
 Generic structure of
o Header area
o Title area
o Author’s photo and
o Main area
o Footer area
o Background
o Fonts
- Generic structure of banner
o Logo
o Value proposition
o Body copy
o Image
o Call to Action (CTA)
- Social/Language Function
of poster and banner
o Function of poster
o Function of banner
c. Language features of poster
and banner
- Language feature of poster
o Short text elements
o Phrases and active
o Serif font for text and
san-serif for title and
- Language feature of banner
o Use simple present
o Use simple phrase or
3) Discussion forum
C. Closing section
1) Summary
2) Reflection
3) Formative text
3. Graphic Organizers
A. Introduction
1) Short Description
2) Relevance
3) Learning guide
a. Pre activity
b. Main activity
c. Post activity
B. Main Section
1) Learning outcomes
a. Attitude
b. Knowledge
c. Skill
2) Learning Material Activities
a. Definition
b. Generice structure
- Title, heading, an/or table
 Specific location for
 Short description
c. Social language function
- There are 5 types of graphic
a) Description
b) Sequence
c) Compare and contrast
d) Cause and effect
e) Problem and solution
d. Language features
3) Discussion forum
C. Closing sSection
1) Summary
2) Reflection
3) Formative test
4. Infographics
A. Introduction
1) Short description
2) Relevance
3) Learning guide
a. Pre activity
b. Main activity
c. Post activity
B. Main Activity
1) Learning outcomes
a. Attitude
b. Knowledge
c. Skill
2) Learning materials and Learning
a. Definition of infographics
b. Characteristics of Infographics
- Clear goals
- Easy to Digest
- Compelling Narrative
- Unique concept
- Creative design
- Visual focus – Non text
c. Generic structure of infographic
- Headline / title
- Beginning / introduction
- Middle / Main infographic
- End / conclusion
- Sources and footnotes
d. Social/language function of
- Statistical Infographics
- Informational Infographics
- Timeline Infographics
- Process Infographics
- Geographic Infographics
- Comparison Infographics
- Hierarchical Infographics
e. Language features of
- Infromative
- Engaging
- Accessible
3) Discussion forum
C. Closing Section
- Summary
- Reflection
- Formative test
2 Daftar materi yang sulit 1. Graphic Organizers
dipahami di modul ini 2. Infographic

3 Daftar materi yang sering 1. Poster and Banner

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