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Two lies that you still thinking.

1- The dinosaurs were totally extinguished by a meteor impact.

2- Cristobal Colon was who discovered “The Americas”

these examples I’m sure that you have listened it at least one time, it could have been at
school, or an adult told you before, anyway, the important It’s that probably you thought that
these facts were true, however, all these are FAKE.

The first one, the dinosaurs were totally killed by the meteor. Here we have two lies, the first
one is: Not all the dinosaurs were killed by the IMPACT of the meteor and its effect in the
environment, the major part was killed yes, nevertheless, one part of they survived, in other
words… The dinosaurs didn’t extinguish. How is this possible? Owing to the meteor and its
effects in planet, the dinosaurs with a big body and that they couldn't fly they were
extinguished, but the little dinosaurs that could fly to search better places where hiding it, that
it had feathers to protect its body, could survive the harsh environment and evolve in the
animals that exist in nowadays, the birds. Therefore, each time that you see the sky and seeing
birds, you’re looking the sons of the dinosaurs.

The second one: Cristobal Colon was who discovered America. America, or how was called by
1.400, “New World” it has always taught us that was Cristobal who discovered it, when as a
matter fact, before he arrived in American lands not only other people (native American) lives
in these lands, moreover it is knew that before the Spanish, the Nordic, the Vikings had
explored America, a land that they knew it as “Vinland” (that it literally means: Lands of wine).
They (in theory) arrived to our lands almost five hundred years before than Cristobal, they
were commanded by Icelander “Leif Erikson” in the year one thousand, and in spite of not all
the historian are agree with this idea, a fact is that in the specific place that it is thought that
was “Vinland” it was found archeological remains that are too similar compared with the
Vikings settlements of Iceland and Greenland.

And as these, there are moreover examples about things that we learnt while we were in the
school or that another people tell us that also are false, such as: the Avila Mountain is a
volcano. Consequently, to finish my presentation, I want to ask you: Do you know other “facts”
that the regular people thinks is true but it is really no?

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