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Background. This article reviews the

effect of endodontic procedural
errors, such as underfilling, A D A
overfilling, root perfora-
✷ ✷
tions and separated 

instruments, on the out-
Do procedural errors

come of endodontic



therapy. U
cause endodontic Types of Studies
Reviewed. Filling the root

canal more than 2 millimeters from the

treatment failure? radiographic apex (underfilling) or beyond
the radiographic apex (overfilling), perfora-
tions of the root canal system and instru-
LOUIS M. LIN, B.D.S., D.M.D., Ph.D.; PAUL A. ment separation are possible complications
of endodontic therapy. Although these pro-
cedural errors may have different causes,
they all may affect the outcome of
ndodontic periradicular pathosis is the sequela treatment.

E of pulpal infection in the root canal system. Results. Endodontic procedural errors
The classic study by Kakehashi and are not the direct cause of treatment
colleagues1 showed that periapical inflamma- failure; rather, the presence of pathogens in
tion developed in conventional laboratory rats the incompletely treated or untreated root
but not in germ-free rats with surgically exposed pulps. canal system is the primary cause of peri-
In conventional laboratory rats, oral microorganisms radicular pathosis. Procedural errors typi-
entered the pulpal cavity and caused inflammation and cally are due to several factors. Among
necrosis, as well as subsequent peri- them is a lack of understanding of the root
radicular tissue destruction. In germ- canal anatomy, the principles of mechanical
The primary instrumentation and tissue wound healing.
free rats, even when the canals were
cause of packed with sterile food debris, neither Clinical Implications. Procedural
periradicular pulpal necrosis nor periradicular inflam- errors impede endodontic therapy, thus
increasing the risk of treatment failure,
pathosis is mation developed.
In a clinical study, Sundqvist2 showed especially in teeth with necrotic pulps and
periradicular lesions. However, procedural
infection in the that bacteria could be cultured from the errors often are preventable.
canals of traumatized necrotic teeth
root canal Key Words. Endodontic procedural
with intact crowns if periapical lesions
system. were present, but could not be cultured errors; bacteria; treatment outcomes.
However, from necrotic teeth if periradicular
procedural lesions were absent. Many studies have
errors impede shown that factors such as pulpal and
endodontic periradicular status, underfilling, over-
filling, root perforations, separated failure. However, procedural errors by
instruments and ledge formation affect themselves do not jeopardize the out-
the prognosis for endodontic therapy. come of treatment unless a concomitant
However, only two factors—root canal infection at the infection is present. A procedural acci-
time of root filling and a preoperative periradicular dent often impedes therapy or makes it
lesion—have been shown clearly to have a direct impact impossible for therapy to be completed
on the outcome of endodontic therapy.3-8 (for instance, by preventing thorough
Clinicians generally believe that endodontic pro- mechanical débridement or a bacteria-
cedural errors, such as underfilling, overfilling, sepa- tight seal of the root canal system). An
rated instruments, root perforations and ledge forma- increased risk of failure exists when a
tion, are the direct cause of endodontic treatment procedural accident occurs during treat-

JADA, Vol. 136, February 2005 187

Copyright ©2005 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

ment of infected teeth.9 The purpose of this From about 1930 to the early 1960s, clinicians
article is to review critically the effect of pro- assumed that apical percolation and subsequent
cedural errors on the outcome of endodontic diffusion stasis of tissue fluid or blood compo-
therapy. nents in the unfilled canal space could cause per-
sistent periradicular inflammation.17 The so-
UNDERFILLING OR INCOMPLETE FILLING called “hollow tube” concept has been
disproved.18,19 Studies involving polyethylene tube
Underfilling or incomplete filling of the root implants in animals demonstrated clearly that
canals (more than 2 millimeters short of the blood components or tissue fluid stagnating inside
radiographic apex) often occurs as the result of the lumen of the tubes did not induce persistent
incomplete instrumentation or ledge formation of inflammation in the tissue at the open ends of the
the root canal during mechanical instrumenta- tubes.18,19 In contrast, if the polyethylene tubes
tion. Incomplete instrumentation commonly is contained bacteria from the test animal’s oral
caused by inaccurate measurement of the cavity, moderate-to-intense inflammation was
working length or inadequate irrigation and reca- observed at the open ends of the tubes.20
pitulation of canal patency and working length Davis and colleagues21 demonstrated that when
during instrumentation, thus leading to the accu- the canals of vital teeth in dogs were instru-
mulation of dentin filings and canal blockage. mented with a no. 80 file to within 1 mm of the
Ledge formation can be caused by the following: radiographic apex and underfilled by 3 mm, some
dinadequate straight-line access to the apical underfilled canal spaces became filled with viable
portion of the canal; connective tissue that was continuous with the
dinadequate irrigation, lubrication or both; periodontium one year after endodontic therapy.
dexcessive enlargement of a curved canal with Similarly, Benatti and colleagues22 reported that
large files; when the canals of vital teeth in dogs were instru-
dpacking of debris in the apical portion of the mented 2 mm beyond the apical foramen with
canal; nos. 40, 60 or 80 files and underfilled 1 to 3 mm
dskipping of sequential file sizes.10,11 short of the apex, the unfilled canal spaces exhib-
Consequently, the clinician does not remove ited ingrowth of periodontal connective tissue 120
the infected necrotic tissue remaining in the days after endodontic therapy.
apical portion of the root canal because of incom- de Souza Filho and colleagues23 demonstrated
plete instrumentation or ledge formation. In teeth that when the canals of teeth in dogs with peri-
with necrotic pulp and a periradicular lesion, bac- radicular lesions were instrumented 2 mm
teria colonize not only within the apical few mil- beyond the apical foramen with a no. 60 file and
limeters of the canal, but also at the apical underfilled by 2 to 3 mm, healing and ingrowth of
foramen. A key aspect of endodontic treatment is connective tissue into the root canal occurred in
the elimination of bacteria from the root canal 67.8 percent of the animals 90 days after
system.12-14 Unless this is done, persistent bacte- endodontic treatment. This occurred because
rial infection in the root canal may initiate or per- intracanal bacteria were eliminated. The authors
petuate periradicular inflammation after believed that cases in which periradicular healing
endodontic therapy.12,13,15 did not occur were due to persistent root canal
Many studies have shown a poorer prognosis infection resulting from incomplete removal of
for teeth with underfillings (68 percent success bacteria during instrumentation.
rate), especially those with necrotic pulp and a Hørsted and Nygaard-Östby24 treated patients
periradicular lesion, compared with teeth with with vital teeth that were scheduled for extrac-
flush-fillings (94 percent success rate) and over- tion. They found that when pulps were extirpated
fillings (76 percent success rate).3,4,6 Chugal and to the apical foramen and the canals were
colleagues16 reported that a 1-mm loss in working enlarged up to 2 to 4 mm coronally to the radio-
length increased the chance of treatment failure graphic apex, the canal spaces between the root
by 14 percent in teeth with apical periodontitis. canal fillings and the apical foramen were occu-
However, if the unfilled canal does not contain pied by connective tissue six to 10 months after
irritants, such as bacteria or contaminated endodontic therapy. Several clinical studies also
necrotic tissue, underfilling by itself would not have shown that if the root canals were com-
cause periradicular inflammation. pletely débrided of necrotic tissue and micro-

188 JADA, Vol. 136, February 2005

Copyright ©2005 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

organisms, the diseased periradicular tissues

were capable of healing even without root canal
fillings, provided that the coronal seal could pre-
vent entry of oral microorganisms into the
canal.25-28 These studies illustrate that root canal
infection—not unfilled canal space—is the cause
of periradicular inflammation.1
Studies also have shown that the quality of the
root canal seal influences the prognosis for
endodontic therapy. Adequate seals (that is, com-
plete root canal obturation) have been associated
with a higher success rate than have defective
seals.3,4,6 Sjögren and colleagues6 reported that
adequate root canal seals resulted in higher suc-
cess rates (67 percent) than did inadequate seals
(31 percent) in re-treatment cases. They con- Figure 1. Teeth nos. 30 and 31 underwent endodontic
cluded that bacterial infection in the root canal or therapy approximately three years before this radiograph
in the periradicular tissues might be the cause of was obtained. The mesiobuccal and mesiolingual canals
of tooth no. 31 were ledged and underfilled. The mesial
endodontic treatment failure in underfilled or canals of tooth no. 30 also were underfilled. Both teeth
inadequately sealed teeth. were asymptomatic and had no periradicular lesion.
Chugal and colleagues reported that in teeth
with a diseased periapex in which the filling den-
sity of the root canal was fair (that is, only a few torily after proper endodontic therapy.6,32,33 The
voids) or poor (many voids), 20 percent more response of the periradicular tissues to root canal
treatment failures occurred than when the filling filling materials depends on the complex interac-
density was better (no voids). Underfilling per se tion between the properties of materials (that is,
does not have a direct effect on the outcome of cytotoxicity, antigeneity and quantity) and the
endodontic therapy; rather, it is the host’s immune defenses (innate and
remaining infected necrotic tissue adapted). Root canal sealers are
in the inadequately instrumented Underfilling per cytotoxic and irritating to the peri-
and incompletely filled canal that se does not have radicular tissues.34-36 Gutta-percha
causes continuing irritation to the may act as a foreign body or hapten,
a direct effect on
periradicular tissues (Figure 1). but it is more biocompatible with
the outcome of the periradicular tissues than are
OVERFILLING OF ROOT endodontic therapy. root canal cements.37-40
However, Sjögren and col-
Overfilling of root canals (more leagues41 demonstrated that small
than 2 mm beyond the radiographic apex) often particles of gutta-percha implanted subcuta-
occurs as a result of inflammatory apical root neously in guinea pigs induced intense tissue
resorption, an incompletely formed root apex or reaction, characterized by the presence of
instrumentation through the apical foramen macrophages and giant cells. Other animal ex-
resulting from inaccurate measurement of the periments also showed that excess root filling
working length. In such cases, creating an apical materials extruded into the periradicular tissues
stop becomes more difficult, thus leading to over- were capable of inducing periradicular inflamma-
filling. Numerous clinical studies have shown tion or necrosis of the periodontal ligament.35,42
that overfillings have a negative effect on the It is reasonable to assume that if materials
prognosis for endodontic therapy.3,4,6 These accepted for use in endodontic therapy and
studies indicate that filling materials might act extruded accidentally into the periradicular tis-
as a foreign body, causing irritation of the peri- sues were responsible for treatment failures,
radicular tissues.29-31 almost all teeth overfilled with similar materials
Nevertheless, not all overfilled teeth are would experience failure. However, clinical find-
doomed to treatment failure, because approxi- ings do not appear to completely support the his-
mately 76 percent of overfilled teeth heal satisfac- tologic findings in animal experiments of peri-

JADA, Vol. 136, February 2005 189

Copyright ©2005 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

slight overfilling (< 2 mm beyond the radio-

graphic apex) appeared to have no influence on
the treatment outcome, even in teeth with apical
periodontitis. Lin and colleagues47 reported that
although the apical extent of root canal fillings
had no correlation with endodontic treatment
failure, intraradicular infection was a critical
Overinstrumentation frequently precedes over-
filling, which inevitably poses the risk of forcing
infected root canal contents into the periradicular
tissues, thereby impairing the healing pro-
cess.23,46,48 Endodontic treatment failures asso-
ciated with overfilled teeth usually are caused by
concomitant intraradicular infection, extraradic-
ular infection, or both.9,13
Noiri and colleagues49 used the scanning elec-
tron microscope to examine extruded gutta-
percha cones retrieved from teeth that had under-
gone failed endodontic treatment. They
demonstrated that biofilms had formed and
attached to the extruded gutta-percha cones.
Therefore, they believed that biofilms were the
cause of persistent periradicular inflammation.
Figure 2. Tooth no. 10 underwent endodontic therapy Biofilm is an accumulation of microorganisms
more than 10 years before this radiograph was obtained. embedded in a self-produced extracellular
The canal was overfilled with silver point. The tooth was
asymptomatic and had no periradicular lesion. polysaccharide matrix, adherent to a solid organic
or inorganic surface.50,51 Biofilms constitute a pro-
radicular inflammation in all overfilled teeth; tected mode of bacterial growth that enables
approximately 76 percent of overfilled teeth heal organisms to survive in a hostile environment.
satisfactorily without clinical signs and/or symp- Bacteria embedded within biofilms are resistant
toms after proper endodontic therapy.3,4,6,32 to both acquired immunological and nonspecific
Clinically successful endodontic treatment does antimicrobial defenses, as well as to antimicrobial
not necessarily imply histologic periapical therapy.52
healing.43-45 Extruded root canal filling materials Phagocytes are unable to effectively engulf bac-
may cause localized periradicular inflammation teria growing within a complex polysaccharide
and a delay in periradicular healing that may not matrix adhering to a solid surface. Consequently,
result in treatment failure, as would be mani- biofilms are remarkably resistant to phagocytes.53
fested by clinical symptoms or signs or by radio- Overfilling per se is not as irritating to the peri-
graphic evidence of periradicular destruction.43-45 radicular tissues as are intraradicular micro-
In an endodontic re-treatment study, Bergen- organisms (Figure 2). Nonetheless, overfilling is
holtz and colleagues46 reported that root filling not encouraged, because the filling material may
material was not the immediate cause of unsuc- cause foreign-body giant cell reaction31 or may act
cessful treatment; rather, treatment failures were as a foreign body that supports the formation of
caused by a persistent root canal infection or by biofilms.51
reinfection in the apical area resulting from
overinstrumentation. Halse and Molven33 demon- SEPARATED INSTRUMENTS
strated that apical overfilling per se had little Instrument separation or breakage usually is
influence on the healing results of endodontic caused by improper use or overuse of the instru-
therapy, regardless of the preoperative periradic- ments, as well as by excessive force applied to the
ular status. They concluded that treatment fail- instruments in curved or calcified canals during
ures were related closely to infection. instrumentation. A limited number of studies per-
Sjögren and colleagues6 also demonstrated that tain to the influence of instrument separation on

190 JADA, Vol. 136, February 2005

Copyright ©2005 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

the outcome of endodontic therapy. Crump and

Natkin54 analyzed 53 endodontically treated teeth
with separated instruments in the canals. They
found no statistically significant difference in
failure rates between root-filled teeth that had or
had not experienced instrument separation. How-
ever, Frostell55 and Strindberg3 showed that root-
filled teeth in which instruments had separated
experienced failed endodontic treatment 14 per-
cent more frequently than did those in which
instruments had not separated.
Seltzer and colleagues56 reported that peri-
apical repair could occur in endodontically treated
teeth with separated instruments if vital pulps Figure 3. Tooth no. 31 underwent endodontic therapy
approximately two years before this radiograph was
were present in the teeth before therapy. In con- obtained. An instrument was separated in the canal of
trast, instrument separation in root-filled teeth the mesial root. The tooth was asymptomatic and had no
periradicular lesion.
with necrotic pulps resulted in a less favorable
prognosis.3,4,56-58 If a separated instrument can be
bypassed and incorporated into the root canal
filling, the prognosis for endodontic therapy is
Torabinejad and Lemon11 suggested that the
prognosis is best when separation of a large
instrument occurs in the later stages of canal
instrumentation close to the working length. The
prognosis is poor for teeth with undébrided canals
in which a small instrument is separated short of
the apex or beyond the apical foramen early in
instrumentation, because the prognosis depends
on the extent of undébrided infected canal space
apical to the separated instrument. Figure 4. Endodontic therapy was performed on tooth
no. 30 approximately three years before this radiograph
Strindberg3 cautioned that instruments sepa- was obtained. The mesiobuccal canal was perforated
rated in the root canals should be considered a close to the furcation area and was repaired immediately
serious problem, because the practitioner does not with mineral trioxide aggregate. The tooth was
asymptomatic and had no osteolytic lesion at the perfora-
know whether an infection was present apical to tion site.
the separated instrument at the time of the acci-
dent. Accordingly, instrument separation is not the third of small curved canals, which has been
direct cause of endodontic therapy failure; rather, described as a danger zone.62 Perforations also
the separated instrument impedes the mechanical can be caused by an inability to maintain canal
instrumentation of the infected root canal apical to curvature because of ledge formation.
the instrument, and that is the primary cause of The prognosis for endodontically treated teeth
treatment failure (Figure 3). with root perforations depends on several factors,
such as the time that has elapsed before the den-
ROOT PERFORATIONS tist repairs the defect, the location of the perfora-
Root canal walls may become perforated as a tion (its proximity to the gingival sulcus), the ad-
result of iatrogenic causes, resorptive processes or equacy of the perforation seal and the size of the
caries. Iatrogenic perforations often are due to a perforation.61 All of these factors are related
lack of attention to the details of the internal closely to bacterial infection.63-65 Root perforations
anatomy of the root canal system and a failure to often prevent negotiation through the canal, as
consider anatomical variations.61 Strip perfora- well as treatment of the original root canal apical
tions (that is, perforation of canal walls resulting to the perforations. Although dentists may treat a
from excessive removal of canal dentin) may root perforation as a lateral canal in vital teeth
result from excessive enlargement of the coronal with irreversible pulpitis, the often-neglected bac-

JADA, Vol. 136, February 2005 191

Copyright ©2005 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

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