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Conversation 4B
Task 01
Student´s PPT
Getting to know each other
o What important aspects of people’s lives do
the photos show?

o Are any of these aspects important to you?

Why (not)?

o What other things are important to you at

the moment?

o Have your priorities changed over the last 5

years? In what ways?
Decide if the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE for you.
Then talk about them for a full minute

o I grew up in a tightly-knit family.

o There´s always been a strong bond between me and my sibling(s).

o Nowadays, in Peru, the extended family is less common.

o My parents had high expectations of me so I was always very

conscientious at school as I didn´t want to let them down.

o I´m the black sheep of the family and I think a bit of confrontation is
healthy in any family.
Sharing Ideas
o In your opinion, what makes a good…
• sibling?
• friend?
• parent?
• neighbour?
• boyfriend/girlfriend?
• teacher?
Complete the following with your own ideas.

• Most of my friends have a preference for……….

• One of the people I get on best is ……………
• It’s about time I ……………………….
• I think …………………. is detrimental to people´s health.
• I can say I’m knowledgeable about …………………..
• I tend not to like people who are …………….
Friendship in the digital age

• For today’s teens, friendships can start digitally: 57% of teens have met
a new friend online.
• Social media and online gameplay are not the most common venues for
meeting friends.
• Boys are more likely than girls to make online friends.
• Face to face communication is a key component of day-to-day friend
• With so much game-playing with other people, video gameplay,
particularly over online networks, is an important activity through which
boys form and maintain friendships with others.

• Source:_________________________
Discussion point

o Are modern lifestyles affecting relationships? If so, in

which way?

o Are people nowadays communicating with each other

more or less effectively than in the past? Why do you
think so?

o Do you think technology has a positive or negative

effect on relationships? Mention some examples.
What is the meaning of the following
Do you know what culture
clash is?
If someone from the other side of the world came to
your country, what would you advise him/her so as to
avoid culture clashes?

You should never…

Video: Has migration gone too far?
Source: The Economist
Video: Has migration gone too far?
Source: The Economist

Watch the video and decide if these statements are
true or false.

a) Migration has always existed.

b) *List 3 reasons.
c) Migration is now regarded in a more positive way.
d) Migration benefits the economy.
Video: Has migration gone too far?
Source: The Economist

How do you feel about it?
What are its advantages and disadvantages?

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