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Saul’s Conversion Story (ACTS 9:1-22)

1. What was the person doing when he/she encountered Jesus?

 Saul is on a journey to Damascus where he suddenly saw a light from heaven flashed around him.

2. What did Jesus do that changed that person’s ways of thinking?

 Jesus punished Saul by making him blind. Jesus told Saul to go to Damascus and to wait for his
further instructions. Saul had difficulty in going to Damascus because he had lost his visions. For
three days Saul didn’t eat and drink. In the next days, God told one of his servant “Ananias” to
help Saul but Ananias didn’t like this Idea. God then said “Don’t argue. Go! I have picked him as
my personal representative to non-Jews and kings and Jews. And now I’m about to show him
what he’s in for – the suffering that goes on with this job” – Acts 9:15-16.

Ananias went to Saul and put his hand on him, Saul’s vision was restored and he was filled with
the Holy Spirit. Soon after that Saul got baptized then later Saul began preaching Jesus and also
influences other Jewish people to follow God.

3. What is your reflection on this story?

 Saul is a Jewish person who didn’t believe Jesus as a rescuer at first. He hated and
punishes those people who believed that Jesus is resurrected from the dead and those that
follow and admire him. I learned that from what Jesus did to Saul is to teach him a
lifetime lesson, that there is a great consequences from his actions of hate towards the
people that admires Jesus. I also learned that God can help people change into a new, to
be a better version of themselves, even to the most sinful ones and use them to change the

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