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The history of my name “ZAIL JEFF” is passed to me from my parent.

My first name “Zail” is took

from my father, originally it is derived from a biblical name of one of the eight people who helped
build Noah’s ark. My second name “Jeff” is just a cut/shorten version of “Jennifer” which is my
mother’s name.

It amazes me when I learned that mathematics is key to the objects that we use today. I learned that

Mathematics is needed to improve the day to day objects. I believe with the help of math we can develop more
objects that can help us in the future. It amazes me when I learned that mathematics is a key to the objects that
we use today.

Yes, I find it interesting for the reason that most that we have come up into this modern world is because with the
help of mathematics (1). Another reason is that everything around us can be describe by math, whether it’s the
motion, structure, or any other things that is relevant for mathematics reasoning (2).

I find math interesting but also puzzling based on its level or situation.

He gave away his entire fortune and kept just enough not to become a burden on the Brothers when it
came to his priestly responsibilities. Now, they would all be fully dependent on God alone. For a
person of De La Salle’s background and position as a priest to accept these laymen as his equals and
colleagues as his brothers. In De La Salle’s eyes, he could not and would not compromise when it
came to the discerned will of God.

Lasallian spirituality is, therefore, like all spiritual movements in that it is based on a profound
interiority, a relationship of trust and confidence in a loving God who, in De La Salle’s words,
“wishes everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (No.193.1). 



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