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Parzhea L.

Perspective Dentristry 1

General Education Program

The General Education Program is founded on the recognition that students will live and work in
a changing, often unpredictable world. Given the variability of careers and employment, together
with the various unforeseen directions that personal development may take, General Education
is dedicated to students' need for both the necessary capacities for life-long learning and a
knowledge base that is transferable across academic disciplines and vocational contexts. Thus,
general education provides students with the opportunity to enhance their ability to think
critically, develop their communication and mathematical skills, stimulate their capacities for
creative, innovative thinking, and enrich their knowledge of the wider social, cultural, and natural
worlds in which they will have to live and work. General educational is very important to us
because with this we can know everything in life just like the history of all and we can learn how
to write and speak, read and most especially is that the we can develop all the skills in every
subjects with this case we can be able to learned all about subjects and what to do and
everything. And when you know about this you can also teach those people who don’t know
with this case we can expand the teachings the subjects and also some people can also

Basic Medical Course

Why do we need to study Basic Medical Courses? Oral care is actually the overall component of
ones general health. Our general health and well-being depend heavily in our dental and oral
health. Poor oral hygiene has been related to heart disease, cancer, and diabetes as well as
tooth cavities and gum disease.The importance of keeping our teeth and gums healthy is
lifetime. Early adoption of good oral hygiene practices, such brushing, flossing, and reducing
sugar intake, will make it simpler for you to prevent expensive dental surgeries and long-term
health problems.The oral cavity doesn't exist outsider of our body that's why we should be more
careful to our oral health.These are the parts of the tooth that have sustained long-term harm
and may even be hole-filled. cavities are relatively typical. They happen when food, acid, and
bacteria combine to form a plaque on your teeth. The enamel on our teeth begins to erode from
the acid on them, followed by the connective tissue or dentin underneath. This may eventually
result in irreparable harm. The building block of our self healthcare is according to our oral
health. We should be more informed that our dental health can assure that our body in general
is health and can resist in any kinds of diseases.What is the purpose of general Histologyand
Embryology as a course? The purpose of this course is to provide information about
morphology of human organs and development of human being. What is Histology and
Embryology? General Histology deals with the study of the cells and extracellular matrix of the
four types of tissues that compose the human organ system. While the general Embryology
includes the basic concept of Embryology development of the basic types of tissues. It is
important to study it in higher education, this two general lessons will help us to build our
knowledge especially knowing the parts of our bodies internal or external. The lessons about
the second one Embryology includes the knowledge on how can we develope different kinds of
tissues in our bodies. Thus this lessons will help to us to learn a lot of things about our body
organs. I literally don't know anything about General anatomy 1 and 2, but now I have known
that general anatomy forms is the basis for the practice of medicine. It means that anatomy
help students on higher education to be more knowledgeable about the basic forms of
medicines. This is very important to all dentist in a way that to they can used it in any aspects of
patient treatment. Anatomy is the scientific discipline that investigate our body structure. Next is
the biochemistry, from the root word bio means life. Offcourse this is the study of our lives, it
includes all living and non living things. It also talks about chemical process by which human
body derives and energy.The next one is the Pharmacology, this one talks about the medicine
inside of one pharmacy. Pharmacology is a study that deals with the mechanism, of drug action
on living tissue. This are drugs that talks about oral prevention and treatment diseases and yes
it involves prescription writing. You need to prescribe in your dentist to take those drugs yet the
pharmacy won't let you buy those drugs. The general Physiology with family planning this
course deal's with the integration of the differennt cells of and organs into functional human
body. There are many natural characteristics happening to our body, one of this is that we can
stop our body from desiring sexual intercourse. The dentistry will give a practical application.
This lesson will not stop our body mechanism but to control it the objectives of it is to help
students apply their knowledge about clinical context. The general phatology this is the study of
origins ,it emphasizes the phatologic process of the oral cavity. It means that oral cavities is also
can solve with the process of phatology. It's objectives is to integrate basixy mechanism in the
clinical diagnosis in a particular diseases. The microbiology principles of medicine, this one is to
serve as knowledge base in the control, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious
diseases with oral significance. Well it is more likely a phatology it is just microbiology has many
feature to be study. It gives emphasis to the disease found in oral cavity which is microflora in a
way of critical thinking and decision making. Lastly is the principle of medicines. It is the study of
internal medicines used in oral patients,with medical illness. As you can see the lesson in this
course was all about dental and oral studies. The lesson may have differences but all of this
talks about dental diseases and oral cavities. In this reflection I would love to say that I have
gained knowledges about preventing and stop having oral and dental diseases and illness. It
also helps myself to enhance my knowledge about my oral lifestyle, because I'm not always in
the dentist to go check up my teeth and things all about my oral safety. Before I I'm no longer
interested about this topic because I really don't have that oral health is the overall component
of general health. Well I realized that all nutrients that our body has is processes by oral
because we eat and we are required to eat to have strong and healthy lifestyle. Having a
healthy dental and oral health is more worth than finiding medicines to our other illness without
thinking where it come first. This lesson gives us many content that help us from being away
from oral cavities and dental diseases because havin a health oral health in general our body is
healthy too.For a number of reasons, oral care is crucial for patients' health and wellbeing.
Bacteria are often kept in check by the body's natural defenses and proper oral hygiene
practices like daily brushing and flossing. But without good dental hygiene, bacteria may build
up to the point where they cause oral infections including tooth decay and gum disease.The
mouth is essential for breathing, tasting, speaking, and nonverbally and verbally expressing
oneself. Saliva also has antibacterial properties and functions as a component of the body's
defense against infection

Elective, Institutional & Mandated Requirements

Elective courses it is a guide for students by doing interest subjects and be able to explore
possible fields of study. Institutional subjects including foreign languages it enables students to
learn more about languages and empowering students for holistic learning. Mandatory subjects
such as NSTP and PE it can gives students to learn more about physical health and mental
health and be able to contribute to the welfare and betterment of life.

Basic Dental Courses

Dental courses are a four-year graduate degree program designed to prepare students for
becoming a Registered Dentist in the Philippines. It aims to develop skills and technical
principles of different dental procedures as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of
oral diseases. It includes many areas such as orthodontics, which I believed it is a study or a
branch of dentistry that treats malocclusion, a condition in which the teeth are not correctly
positioned when the mouth is closed. When we say periodontics , it is a study that specialize or
focusing exclusively in the inflammatory disease that destroys the gums and other supporting
structures around the teeth. Oral Surgery 1 and 2 on the other hand pertains to a branch of
dentistry that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of oral conditions requiring surgical
intervention or it simply said that it is a branch of surgery that deals with conditions of the jaws
and mouth structures requiring surgery. Basic Dental Implantation , from the word implantation
means to implant a missing tooth. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots used to support a
restoration for a missing tooth or teeth, helping to stop or prevent jaw bone loss. Oral pathology
has taught us about the nature and causes of disease. Pediatric Dentistry it is caring the teeth
and gums of children. it involves the treatment of teeth and gums from childhood to
adolescence. forensic dentistry involves handling, examination and evaluation of dental
evidence in criminal justice cases. Forensic dentists are involved in assisting investigative
agencies to identify recovered human remains in addition to the identification of whole or
fragmented bodies. Interdisciplinary approach to patient management is an approach to
healthcare that integrates multiple disciplines through collaboration. Interprofessional approach
to patient management, In its simplest form, interprofessional collaboration is the practice of
approaching patient care from a team-based perspective. Current trends in dentistry means
being able to used modern devices or technology that can be used in caring the teeth such as
laser technology, invisible orthodontic appliances and such. lastly we have management of
patient with special needs so it is a study of basic protocol which means you treat patients with
speacial oral health care needs.
Basic Dental Courses [Pre Clinical]

Pre clinical courses are courses that wish to take medical school programme. It is the first two
(or three) years of a four- or five- (or six-) year medical school programme, which includes pre-
or non-clinical courses: anatomy, biochemistry, microbiology, physiology, molecular biology,
embryology, statistics, and others. This gives opportunity to students to practices theories so
that they could be able to used them later on when they going to have entered Clinical cources
such as school of medicines. One of this courses is Dentistry, Dentistry, also known as dental
medicine and oral medicine, is the branch of medicine focused on the teeth, gums, and mouth.
It consists of the study, diagnosis, prevention, management, and treatment of diseases,
disorders, and conditions of the mouth, most commonly focused on dentition as well as the oral
mucosa. Operative dentistry on the other hand, it refers to the procedures that most patients
consider the most common task of dentists restoring teeth. Prosthodontics is the study that
deals with the replacement of missing teeth and related mouth or jaw structures by bridges,
dentures or prostheses. Roentology is the branch of medical science that deals with the use of x
rays , radioactive substances and other forms of radiant energy in diagnosis and treatment of
diseases. Anesthesiology , it is a course that deals with drugs or agents that prevent or relieve
pain during surgery or other procedure. Orthodontics 1, is a dentistry course that studies or
addresses the diagnosis, prevention, management, and correction of mal-positioned teeth and
jaws, and misaligned bite patterns. It may also address the modification of facial growth, known
as dentofacial orthopedics. Abnormal alignment of the teeth and jaws is very common.
Endodontocs is a course or study in dentistry that deals with the dental pulp and tissues
surrounding the roots of a tooth. “Endo” is the Greek word for “inside” and “odont” is Greek for
“tooth.” Endodontic treatment, or root canal treatment, treats the soft pulp tissue inside the
tooth. Periodontics 1, is a course or study that deals with with the structures surrounding and
supporting the teeth and lastly we have Oral Diagnosis and Treatment Planning , it is the
practice of determining all problems inside and outside of the mouth by using scientific
knowledge to determine the relationship between them, and thereby helping to make the right
decisions regarding treatment based on the findings in hand.

Dental Course [Clinical]

Dental courses are a four-year graduate degree program designed to prepare students for
becoming a Registered Dentist in the Philippines. It aims to develop skills and technical
principles of different dental procedures as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of
oral diseases. It includes many areas such as orthodontics, which I believed it is a study or a
branch of dentistry that treats malocclusion, a condition in which the teeth are not correctly
positioned when the mouth is closed. When we say periodontics , it is a study that specialize or
focusing exclusively in the inflammatory disease that destroys the gums and other supporting
structures around the teeth. Oral Surgery 1 and 2 on the other hand pertains to a branch of
dentistry that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of oral conditions requiring surgical
intervention or it simply said that it is a branch of surgery that deals with conditions of the jaws
and mouth structures requiring surgery. Basic Dental Implantation , from the word implantation
means to implant a missing tooth. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots used to support a
restoration for a missing tooth or teeth, helping to stop or prevent jaw bone loss. Oral pathology
has taught us about the nature and causes of disease. Pediatric Dentistry it is caring the teeth
and gums of children. it involves the treatment of teeth and gums from childhood to
adolescence. forensic dentistry involves handling, examination and evaluation of dental
evidence in criminal justice cases. Forensic dentists are involved in assisting investigative
agencies to identify recovered human remains in addition to the identification of whole or
fragmented bodies. Interdisciplinary approach to patient management is an approach to
healthcare that integrates multiple disciplines through collaboration Interprofessional approach
to patient management, In its simplest form, interprofessional collaboration is the practice of
approaching patient care from a team-based perspective. Current trends in dentistry means
being able to used modern devices or technology that can be used in caring the teeth such as
laser technology, invisible orthodontic appliances and such. lastly we have management of
patient with special needs so it is a study of basic protocol which means you treat patients with
speacial oral health care needs.

Dental Public Health Dentistry and other courses

Dentistry is a profession associated with the treating of oral diseases and the active help
dentists provide in preventing them. When students select dentistry as their course of profession
they tend to think that they will only be having classes strictly on the oral cavity; however, they
tend to neglect that there are multiple subjects and courses that dentistry encompasses. Like
the courses of biostatistics and epidemiology, undergraduate research, practice management
with entrepreneurship, jurisprudence and ethics, and andragogy. These are the unexpected
subjects that students take, which comes along with the intended dental courses: Dental public
health, nutrition in dentistry, and dental informatics. It does not seem like it but statistics are very
apparent in dentistry. The application of statistical techniques are needed when going into deep
research about the correlation between oral health and the general health of an individual.
Statistics is also important especially to epidemiology: the study of oral diseases. These studies
can help us understand how an oral disease is frequently found in a population especially where
and when these diseases occur. When going through this course an individual will need to
understand statistical terms in order to identify, collect, and interpret the data that has been
gathered or presented. Undergraduate research is another course required. It has research
1&2 which will be taken on the 1st & 2nd semesters respectively. The first course teaches us the
different types of methods used in research. It also includes effective modes of research to
make sure that the process goes along efficiently. The second course prepares us for the writing
of a technical paper about scientific results. Helping us translate the dense information into
more understandable material in the form of a presentation or a discussion in a forum. Overall,
both courses act as one to assist in the publication of newfound dental discoveries. There are
many opportunities for research training, to name a few, we have opportunities in the Philippine
dental association and South-east asia research competition. Practice Management with
Entrepreneurship is a course that comes hand in hand with managing your own dental clinic. It
makes sense that we are required to take this class because our dental clinics are a form of
entrepreneurship as well. Everything from the social aspect, cultural conditions, community
environment to economic reasons; our decision for starting up a practice is dependent on these
factors. And once we have set up our own clinics, there comes a standard when managing our
clinics. Along with those standards come in laws and ethics. This is where our class on
Jurisprudence and ethics become essential. The entirety of our dental practice will revolve
around these activities of decision making and judging of what is right and wrong. And in
knowing what is right and wrong we have the duty to explain our actions to our patients. To do
so we need Andragogy as a course. Andragogy is the study of concepts and the principles
when we learn and the process we undergo when teaching and educating adults. This is exactly
what we need when educating our patients in order to help them continue living life comfortably
whilst preventing further diseases from arising and hindering their day to day lives.Now going
into the main dental courses we have Dental Public Health. We have this course for 3 whole
semesters which should speak volumes on how important it is. It concerns itself with concepts
and principles needed in the prevention of oral diseases. But alongside that are the methods we
use for community dentistry and administering health services. Most of our understanding of
communal care and preventive dentistry and primary care is learned here which is still school
based. But in the third semester we get to have field experience and all the methods and
practices and principles we learned will be put into use. By this time we should also inform our
community about Dental Nutrition. This is the course that is most important when taking care of
the tooth’s health during the developmental stages. This is apparent in the formation and
maturation of our teeth. Dental nutrition influences the development of our teeth, in terms of our
tooth’s structure, the accumulation of dental plaque, and the general health of the oral cavity.
While Dental Public Health deals with on hand community service, Dental Informatics deals with
mainly computers. This is most prominent in dental research. The programs of computers are so
specific to Health information that there is a specialization to this disciplinary field. Dental
Informatics seeks to improve health care through technology. And this is where research, and
information gathering, and knowledge sharing skills become most valuable. IIt may seem like
some courses are unnecessary at first, but when you look into them more closely they are all
valuable to our growth as dentists in the future. And when you step back and look at the general
picture, each course is linked with each other to help further our education and strengthen our
understanding of dentistry as a whole.

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